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Yıl 2012, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 2, 19 - 24, 01.06.2012


Dünyanın birçok ülkesinde küçük taç oluşturan, erken meyveye yatan, kritik iklim koşullarında kiraz yetiştiriciliğine olanak veren ve değişik hastalık zararlılara dayanıklı anaç elde etmek için yoğun çalışmalar yapılmaktadır. Bu derleme ile de günümüzde bulunan farklı kiraz anaçlarının toprak ve sıcaklık koşullarına karşı gösterdikleri reaksiyonları, hastalık ve zararlılara karşı gösterdikleri hassasiyet, farklı anaç*çeşit kombinasyonlarının etkileşimleri konuları ele alınarak, bu konular ile ilgili yapılan çalışmalara yer verilmiştir.


  • Albertini, A. and F.R. DeSalvador. 1991. Ciligio L' ýnformatore agrario, XLVII (36) Supplemento
  • Portinnesti Frutticoli: 13–18. Andoni Elorriaga, D., Eduardo Gratacos, J. Concha. 2004.
  • Evaluation of seven rootstocks for cherry (P. avium) variety Lapins. Revista Fruticola 25(3): 89-97. Balkhoven, J. 2006. Gisela rootstocks show suitability.
  • Fruitteelt (Den Haag) 96 (37) : 8-9. Betra´n, J.A., J. Val, L. Montan˜e´s Milla´n, L. Montan˜e´s, E. Monge, M. A. Moreno. 1997. Influence of rootstock on the mineral concentrations of flowers and leaves from sweet cherry. Acta Hort. 448:163–167.
  • Breton, S., C. Jeandet, G. Mesnil, M. Trillot, J. Vidaud, M.P. SONUÇ Viard, M. A. Fourel. 1972. Le cerisier monographies de l'ýnvuflec. Institut National de Vulgarisation Pour les
  • Buman, G. 1977. Clonal selection in Prunus Mahaleb
  • Rootstocks. Acta Hort. 75:139-148. Charlot, G., M. Edin, F. Floc'hlay, P. Soing, C. Boland. 2005.
  • Tabel1 Edabriz: A dwarf rootstock for intensive cherry orchards. Acta Hort. 667:217–221. Cordeiro, V. and A. Santos. 2007. Sweet cherry growth and early bearing on different rootstocks. Acta Hort. :325-328.
  • Bunun yanýnda bodur kiraz anaçlarýnýn yüksek Çelik, M. ve M. Sakin. 1991. Ülkemizde meyve fidaný verimli olmasý her zaman için olasý deðildir. Bu anaçlar verimli bir çeþitle aþýlý olduklarý zaman verimliliklerinin artmasý söz konusu olacaktýr.
  • Yetiþtiriciler bahçe kurum aþamasýnda her zaman anaç çeþit kombinasyonunun ekolojik ve kültürel uygulamalar ile fonksiyonlarýný dikkatli bir þekilde göz önünde bulundurmalýdýrlar. üretiminin bugünkü durumu. Türkiye I.Fidancýlýk Sempozyumu. Ankara. s:167-180. De haas, P.G. and W. Hildebrandt. 1967. Die unterlagen des kern-und steinobstes. Grundlagen und Fortschritte im
  • Garten-und Weinbau. Heft 116:118-135. Druart, P. 1996. Performance of the GM rootstocks in high density sweet cherry orchards. Acta Hort. 410:217-226.
  • Edin, M. 1989. Table Edabriz, porte-greffe nanisant du
  • Üreticinin yeteneði ve tecrübesi de doðru anaç cerisier. Infos Paris 55:41-45. seçiminde etkili olup bu yöndeki becerilerini geliþtirmek zorundadýrlar. Yetiþtiricilikte iyi bir bahçe yönetim tekniði ile ürün yükünü azaltmak ve meyve boyutunu artýrmak mümkündür. Edin, M., C. Chamet, V. Delaunay. 1998. Cherry trees rootstock performance and orchard system.
  • Arboriculture-Fruitiere, 521:45-51. Espada, J. L., J. Romero, J. Segura. 2005. Results of a study of cherry varieties and rootstock. ITEA 101(4) : 373- tecrübesi yanýnda anaca aþýlý olan kültür çeþidine, budama sistemine ve bahçe kurulacak olan yere baðlýdýr.
  • Facteau, T.J., N.E. Chesnut, K. E. Rowe. 1996. Tree fruit size and yield of 'bing' sweet cherry as influenced by rootstock replant area and training system. Sci. Hortic. :13–26.
  • Her anacýn bölgeden bölgeye adaptasyonu farklý olmaktadýr. Kiraz üretiminde yetiþtiricilik yapýlacak olan bölgeye uygun anaç üzerine aþýlý olan fidanlar ile Giorgio, V., M. Bacaro, A. Standardi. 1992. Un triennio di osservazioni sulladiscenenza di 48 biotipi pugliesi di
  • Prunus mahaleb L. Informatore Agrario, XL VIII 18, 124. Westrich, P. 1989. Die wildbienen baden-württembergs. Ulmer, Stuttgart
  • Giorgio, V. and A. Standardi 1993. Growth and production
  • Perry, R.L. 1987. Cherry rootstocks. In: Rom, R.C. and R.F. of two sweet cherry cultivars grafted on 60 ecotypes of
  • Prunus mahaleb. Acta. Hort. 410:471-476. Carlson. (Eds.), Rootstocks for Fruit Crops. JohnWiley and Sons, New York,217–264. Gonda, I., K. Kiraly, I.J. Holb. 2007. Examination of growth
  • Pflugshaupt K., J. Kollmann, M. Fischer, B.A. Roy. 2002. of cherry cultivars adapted to intensive production. Acta Hort.732:429-434.
  • Pollen quantity and quality affect fruit abortion in small populations of a rare fleshy-fruited shrub. Basic Appl. Ecol. 3: 319–327. Guitián, J. 1993. Why Prunus mahaleb (Rosaceae) produces more flowers than fruits. American J. Bot. :1305–1309.
  • Radulic, M., F. Strikic, Z. Cmelik, I. Miljkovic. 2004. The influence of Saint Lucie cherry 64 rootstock on the growth and yield of cherry in the agroecological environment of middle dalmatia. Pomologia Croatica (1/4):3-9 P.
  • Herrera C. M. and P. Jordano 1981. Prunus mahaleb and birds: the high-efficiency seed dispersal system of a temperate fruiting tree. Ecol. Monogr. 51: 203–218.
  • Iezzoni, A., H. Schmid, A. Albertini. 1991. Cherries
  • Ruisa, S. and E. Rubauskis. 2004. Preliminary results of testing new sweet cherry rootstocks. Acta Hort. :541–546.
  • (Prunus) in: Genetic resources of temperate fruits and nuts. Acta Hort. 290:111-176. Santos, A.S.A., R.S.S. Riberio, J.L. Lousada, Pereira, A.M. Growth Performance of sweet cherry cultivars on five rootstock. Acta Hort. Sci.No:732. Jime´nez, S., A. Garý´n, E.S. Alba´s, J.A. Betra´n, Y. Gogorcena, M.A. Moreno. 2004a. Effect of several rootstocks on the fruit quality of 'Sunburst' sweet cherry. Acta Hort. 658:353–358.
  • Sebok, I. 1968. Selection of mahaleb cherry seed trees. SzO´ lO´ -es gyU¨mO¨ esermesztes, Budapest, 4:133-143.
  • Seavert, C. F. and L. E. Long. 2007. Financial and economic
  • Jime´nez, S., A. Garý´n, J.A. Betra´n, Y. Gogorcena, and comparison between establishing a standard and high density sweet cherry orchard in Oregon, USA. Acta Horticulturae 732:501–504. nutritional prognosis of sweet cherry tree, ýnfluence of different rootstocks. J. Plant Nutr. 27(4):701–712. Jimenez, S., J. Pinochet, Y. Gogorcena, J.A. Bertan, M.A. Simon, G., K. Hrotko, L. Magyar. 2004. Fruit quality of sweet cherry cultivars grafted on four different rootstock. Acta Horticulturae 658 (1):365-370.
  • Moreno. 2007. Influence of different vigour cherry rootstocks on leaves and shoots mineral composition.
  • Scientia Horticulturae 112:73-79. Simon, G., K. Hrotko, L. Magyar. 2007. Growth, yield and tree condition of a fifteen year-old semi intensive sweet chery orchard. Acta Horticulturae 732: 341-344.
  • Sitarek, M., Z.S. Grzyb, B. Omiecinska. 2005. Performance
  • Deferred consequences of gender variation for fecundity and seed size. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 50:65–84. Jordano, P. 1994. Spatial and temporal variation in the avian- of sweet cherry trees on gisela (r) 5 rootstock. Acta Horticulturae 667(2):389-391. frugivore assemblage of Prunus mahaleb: Patterns and Consequences. Oikos 71:479–491.
  • Trefois, R. 1985. Dwarfing rootstocks for sweet cherries. Acta Hort. 169: 147-155.
  • Jordano P. and E.W. Schupp. 2000. Seed disperser
  • Vercammen, J., G. Daele Van, T. Vanrykel. 2006. Use of effectiveness: The quantity component and patterns of seed rain for Prunus mahaleb. Ecol. Monogr. :591–615.
  • Gisela 5 for sweet cherries. Sodininkyste ir Darzininkyste 25 (3) : 218-223. Lanauskas, J., D. Kviklys, N. Uselis. 2007. Evaluation of Sorumlu Yazar Deniz EROÐUL
  • Moghadam, E. G. and A. Khalighi.2007. Relationship between vigor of Iranian Prunus mahaleb L. selected dwarf rootstock and some morphological charecters.
  • Scientia Horticulturae 111:209-212. Geliþ Tarihi Kabul Tarihi : 30.11.2012
  • Moore, J.N. and Janick, J. 1983. Methods in fruit breeding.Purdue University Pres, West Lafayette, IN.
  • Moreno, M.A., L. Montan˜e´s, M.C. Tabuenca, R. Cambra. The performance of Adara as a cherry rootstock. Sci. Hortic. 65:58–91. Moreno, M.A., R. Adrada, J. Aparicio, J.A. Betra´n. 2001.
  • Performance of 'Sunburst' sweet cherry grafted on different rootstocks. J. Hortic. Sci. Biotech. 76 (2):167–173. Neilsen, G. and F. Kappel. 1996. 'Bing' Sweet cherry leaf nutrition is affected by rootstock. Hortscience (7):1169–1172.
  • Rivers, T. 1870. The miniature fruit garden, 6th edn. Longmans, London.
  • Webster, A.D. and H. Schmit. 1996. Rootstocks for sweet and sour cherries. cherries crop phsiology, production and uses 127-166 p. CAB international, Wallingford, UK.

The Use of Rootstocks in Cherry Growing

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 2, 19 - 24, 01.06.2012


Most studies have been conducted in order to obtain a small crown forming, early fruit lying on the critical
climatic conditions and different disease, pest-resistant, rootstocks for cherry cultivation in many countries of the
world. This review presents the reaction of different cherry rootstocks to the soil and temperature conditions, their
sensitivity to diseases and pests, interactions between different type of rootstock and variety combinations.


  • Albertini, A. and F.R. DeSalvador. 1991. Ciligio L' ýnformatore agrario, XLVII (36) Supplemento
  • Portinnesti Frutticoli: 13–18. Andoni Elorriaga, D., Eduardo Gratacos, J. Concha. 2004.
  • Evaluation of seven rootstocks for cherry (P. avium) variety Lapins. Revista Fruticola 25(3): 89-97. Balkhoven, J. 2006. Gisela rootstocks show suitability.
  • Fruitteelt (Den Haag) 96 (37) : 8-9. Betra´n, J.A., J. Val, L. Montan˜e´s Milla´n, L. Montan˜e´s, E. Monge, M. A. Moreno. 1997. Influence of rootstock on the mineral concentrations of flowers and leaves from sweet cherry. Acta Hort. 448:163–167.
  • Breton, S., C. Jeandet, G. Mesnil, M. Trillot, J. Vidaud, M.P. SONUÇ Viard, M. A. Fourel. 1972. Le cerisier monographies de l'ýnvuflec. Institut National de Vulgarisation Pour les
  • Buman, G. 1977. Clonal selection in Prunus Mahaleb
  • Rootstocks. Acta Hort. 75:139-148. Charlot, G., M. Edin, F. Floc'hlay, P. Soing, C. Boland. 2005.
  • Tabel1 Edabriz: A dwarf rootstock for intensive cherry orchards. Acta Hort. 667:217–221. Cordeiro, V. and A. Santos. 2007. Sweet cherry growth and early bearing on different rootstocks. Acta Hort. :325-328.
  • Bunun yanýnda bodur kiraz anaçlarýnýn yüksek Çelik, M. ve M. Sakin. 1991. Ülkemizde meyve fidaný verimli olmasý her zaman için olasý deðildir. Bu anaçlar verimli bir çeþitle aþýlý olduklarý zaman verimliliklerinin artmasý söz konusu olacaktýr.
  • Yetiþtiriciler bahçe kurum aþamasýnda her zaman anaç çeþit kombinasyonunun ekolojik ve kültürel uygulamalar ile fonksiyonlarýný dikkatli bir þekilde göz önünde bulundurmalýdýrlar. üretiminin bugünkü durumu. Türkiye I.Fidancýlýk Sempozyumu. Ankara. s:167-180. De haas, P.G. and W. Hildebrandt. 1967. Die unterlagen des kern-und steinobstes. Grundlagen und Fortschritte im
  • Garten-und Weinbau. Heft 116:118-135. Druart, P. 1996. Performance of the GM rootstocks in high density sweet cherry orchards. Acta Hort. 410:217-226.
  • Edin, M. 1989. Table Edabriz, porte-greffe nanisant du
  • Üreticinin yeteneði ve tecrübesi de doðru anaç cerisier. Infos Paris 55:41-45. seçiminde etkili olup bu yöndeki becerilerini geliþtirmek zorundadýrlar. Yetiþtiricilikte iyi bir bahçe yönetim tekniði ile ürün yükünü azaltmak ve meyve boyutunu artýrmak mümkündür. Edin, M., C. Chamet, V. Delaunay. 1998. Cherry trees rootstock performance and orchard system.
  • Arboriculture-Fruitiere, 521:45-51. Espada, J. L., J. Romero, J. Segura. 2005. Results of a study of cherry varieties and rootstock. ITEA 101(4) : 373- tecrübesi yanýnda anaca aþýlý olan kültür çeþidine, budama sistemine ve bahçe kurulacak olan yere baðlýdýr.
  • Facteau, T.J., N.E. Chesnut, K. E. Rowe. 1996. Tree fruit size and yield of 'bing' sweet cherry as influenced by rootstock replant area and training system. Sci. Hortic. :13–26.
  • Her anacýn bölgeden bölgeye adaptasyonu farklý olmaktadýr. Kiraz üretiminde yetiþtiricilik yapýlacak olan bölgeye uygun anaç üzerine aþýlý olan fidanlar ile Giorgio, V., M. Bacaro, A. Standardi. 1992. Un triennio di osservazioni sulladiscenenza di 48 biotipi pugliesi di
  • Prunus mahaleb L. Informatore Agrario, XL VIII 18, 124. Westrich, P. 1989. Die wildbienen baden-württembergs. Ulmer, Stuttgart
  • Giorgio, V. and A. Standardi 1993. Growth and production
  • Perry, R.L. 1987. Cherry rootstocks. In: Rom, R.C. and R.F. of two sweet cherry cultivars grafted on 60 ecotypes of
  • Prunus mahaleb. Acta. Hort. 410:471-476. Carlson. (Eds.), Rootstocks for Fruit Crops. JohnWiley and Sons, New York,217–264. Gonda, I., K. Kiraly, I.J. Holb. 2007. Examination of growth
  • Pflugshaupt K., J. Kollmann, M. Fischer, B.A. Roy. 2002. of cherry cultivars adapted to intensive production. Acta Hort.732:429-434.
  • Pollen quantity and quality affect fruit abortion in small populations of a rare fleshy-fruited shrub. Basic Appl. Ecol. 3: 319–327. Guitián, J. 1993. Why Prunus mahaleb (Rosaceae) produces more flowers than fruits. American J. Bot. :1305–1309.
  • Radulic, M., F. Strikic, Z. Cmelik, I. Miljkovic. 2004. The influence of Saint Lucie cherry 64 rootstock on the growth and yield of cherry in the agroecological environment of middle dalmatia. Pomologia Croatica (1/4):3-9 P.
  • Herrera C. M. and P. Jordano 1981. Prunus mahaleb and birds: the high-efficiency seed dispersal system of a temperate fruiting tree. Ecol. Monogr. 51: 203–218.
  • Iezzoni, A., H. Schmid, A. Albertini. 1991. Cherries
  • Ruisa, S. and E. Rubauskis. 2004. Preliminary results of testing new sweet cherry rootstocks. Acta Hort. :541–546.
  • (Prunus) in: Genetic resources of temperate fruits and nuts. Acta Hort. 290:111-176. Santos, A.S.A., R.S.S. Riberio, J.L. Lousada, Pereira, A.M. Growth Performance of sweet cherry cultivars on five rootstock. Acta Hort. Sci.No:732. Jime´nez, S., A. Garý´n, E.S. Alba´s, J.A. Betra´n, Y. Gogorcena, M.A. Moreno. 2004a. Effect of several rootstocks on the fruit quality of 'Sunburst' sweet cherry. Acta Hort. 658:353–358.
  • Sebok, I. 1968. Selection of mahaleb cherry seed trees. SzO´ lO´ -es gyU¨mO¨ esermesztes, Budapest, 4:133-143.
  • Seavert, C. F. and L. E. Long. 2007. Financial and economic
  • Jime´nez, S., A. Garý´n, J.A. Betra´n, Y. Gogorcena, and comparison between establishing a standard and high density sweet cherry orchard in Oregon, USA. Acta Horticulturae 732:501–504. nutritional prognosis of sweet cherry tree, ýnfluence of different rootstocks. J. Plant Nutr. 27(4):701–712. Jimenez, S., J. Pinochet, Y. Gogorcena, J.A. Bertan, M.A. Simon, G., K. Hrotko, L. Magyar. 2004. Fruit quality of sweet cherry cultivars grafted on four different rootstock. Acta Horticulturae 658 (1):365-370.
  • Moreno. 2007. Influence of different vigour cherry rootstocks on leaves and shoots mineral composition.
  • Scientia Horticulturae 112:73-79. Simon, G., K. Hrotko, L. Magyar. 2007. Growth, yield and tree condition of a fifteen year-old semi intensive sweet chery orchard. Acta Horticulturae 732: 341-344.
  • Sitarek, M., Z.S. Grzyb, B. Omiecinska. 2005. Performance
  • Deferred consequences of gender variation for fecundity and seed size. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 50:65–84. Jordano, P. 1994. Spatial and temporal variation in the avian- of sweet cherry trees on gisela (r) 5 rootstock. Acta Horticulturae 667(2):389-391. frugivore assemblage of Prunus mahaleb: Patterns and Consequences. Oikos 71:479–491.
  • Trefois, R. 1985. Dwarfing rootstocks for sweet cherries. Acta Hort. 169: 147-155.
  • Jordano P. and E.W. Schupp. 2000. Seed disperser
  • Vercammen, J., G. Daele Van, T. Vanrykel. 2006. Use of effectiveness: The quantity component and patterns of seed rain for Prunus mahaleb. Ecol. Monogr. :591–615.
  • Gisela 5 for sweet cherries. Sodininkyste ir Darzininkyste 25 (3) : 218-223. Lanauskas, J., D. Kviklys, N. Uselis. 2007. Evaluation of Sorumlu Yazar Deniz EROÐUL
  • Moghadam, E. G. and A. Khalighi.2007. Relationship between vigor of Iranian Prunus mahaleb L. selected dwarf rootstock and some morphological charecters.
  • Scientia Horticulturae 111:209-212. Geliþ Tarihi Kabul Tarihi : 30.11.2012
  • Moore, J.N. and Janick, J. 1983. Methods in fruit breeding.Purdue University Pres, West Lafayette, IN.
  • Moreno, M.A., L. Montan˜e´s, M.C. Tabuenca, R. Cambra. The performance of Adara as a cherry rootstock. Sci. Hortic. 65:58–91. Moreno, M.A., R. Adrada, J. Aparicio, J.A. Betra´n. 2001.
  • Performance of 'Sunburst' sweet cherry grafted on different rootstocks. J. Hortic. Sci. Biotech. 76 (2):167–173. Neilsen, G. and F. Kappel. 1996. 'Bing' Sweet cherry leaf nutrition is affected by rootstock. Hortscience (7):1169–1172.
  • Rivers, T. 1870. The miniature fruit garden, 6th edn. Longmans, London.
  • Webster, A.D. and H. Schmit. 1996. Rootstocks for sweet and sour cherries. cherries crop phsiology, production and uses 127-166 p. CAB international, Wallingford, UK.
Toplam 45 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA99VB93UK
Bölüm Düzeltme

Deniz Eroğul Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2012
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012 Cilt: 9 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Eroğul, D. (2012). KİRAZ YETİŞTİRİCİLİĞİNDE ANAÇLARIN KULLANIMI. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 9(2), 19-24.
Chicago Eroğul, Deniz. “KİRAZ YETİŞTİRİCİLİĞİNDE ANAÇLARIN KULLANIMI”. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 9, sy. 2 (Aralık 2012): 19-24.
EndNote Eroğul D (01 Aralık 2012) KİRAZ YETİŞTİRİCİLİĞİNDE ANAÇLARIN KULLANIMI. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 9 2 19–24.
ISNAD Eroğul, Deniz. “KİRAZ YETİŞTİRİCİLİĞİNDE ANAÇLARIN KULLANIMI”. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 9/2 (Aralık 2012), 19-24.
MLA Eroğul, Deniz. “KİRAZ YETİŞTİRİCİLİĞİNDE ANAÇLARIN KULLANIMI”. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 9, sy. 2, 2012, ss. 19-24.