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Balık Protein Tozunun Ekmek Üretiminde Kullanımı

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2, 18 - 26, 01.12.2019


Ekmek, tarih boyunca insanın temel gıdalarından biri olmuştur. Besleyicilik yönü zengin olmayan ekmeğin farklı bileşenler kullanılarak zenginleştirilme çalışmaları son yıllarda hız kazanmıştır. Balık işleme endüstrisinde üretim yan ürünü olarak veya ekonomik değeri düşük türlerden elde edilebilecek Balık Proteini Tozu BPT ’nun ekmeğe belli konsantrasyonlarda katılarak daha zengin ekmek üretimi amaçlanmıştır. Ekmeğin içeriğindeki esansiyel amino asit miktarı ve protein değerliliğinin balık proteini tozu katkısıyla arttırıldığı birçok çalışmada tespit edilmiştir


  • Adeleke, R.O., Odedeji, J.O., 2010. Acceptability studies on bread fortified with tilapia fish flour. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 9, 531–534. Anonim, 2016.
  • Erişim Tarihi: 21.09.2019
  • Anonim, 2018. 0-55-129 Erişim tarihi:25.03.2019
  • Arason, S., 2006. Utilization of fish by products in Iceland. UNU-FTP, 2006-2007. Iceland.
  • Bastos, S.C., Tavares T., Pimenta, M.E.S.G., Leal, R., Fabricio, L.F., Pimenta, C.J., Nunes, C.A., Pinheiro, A.C.M., 2014. Fish filleting residues for enrichment of wheat bread: chemical and sensory characteristics. Journal of Food Science and Technology; 51(9): 2240–2245.
  • Bordignon A.C., Souza B.E., Bohnenberger L., Hilbig C.C., Feiden A., Boscolo W.R., 2010. Preparation of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) croquettes from MSM and ‘V’ cut fillet trim, and their physical, chemical, microbiological and sensory evaluation. Animal Sciences, vol. 32, no. 1, p. 109
  • Carvalho, G.G.P, Pires, A.J.V., Veloso, C.M., Silva, F.F., Carvalho, B.M.A., 2006. Fish filleting residues silage in tilapia fingerlings diets. R Bras Zootec 35:126–130
  • Centenaro, G.S., Feddern, V., Bonow, E.T and Mellado, M.S. 2007. Bread enrichment with fish protein. Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos 27 (3): 663-668.
  • Cercel, F., Marian Burluc, R. & Alexe, P., 2016. Nutritional Effects of Added Fish Proteins in Wheat Flour Bread. Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia. 10. 244-249.
  • Coda, R., Varis, J., Verni, M., Rizzello, C.G. and Katina, K., 2017. Improvement of the protein quality of wheat bread through faba bean sourdough addition. LWT- Food Science Technology, 82, 296–302.
  • Conto L.C., Oliveira R.S.P., Martin, L.G.P., Chang, Y.K., Steel, C.J., 2012. Effects of the addition of microencapsulated omega-3 and rosemary extract on the technological and sensory quality of white pan bread. LWT Food Science Technology 45:103–109
  • Coultate, T., 2016. Food- the chemistry of its components (6th ed., pp. 303-304). Cambridge: Royal Society of Chemistry
  • FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization), 2018. The state of world fisheries and aquaculture. Rome
  • Geirsdottir, M., 2005. Protein isolation from herring. Nordic innovation center, project no:00075, pp 102–103
  • Hultin, H.O., Kristinsson, H.G., Lanier T.C., Park J.W., 2005. Process for recovery of functional proteins by pH shifts. In: Park, J.W. editor, Surimi and Surimi Sea Food, Boca Raton: Taylor and Francis Group. P.107-139.
  • Keiko, I., Keitato, S., Kanae, M. and Tomoya, O., 2011. Effects of Rice Properties on Bread Made from Cooked Rice and Wheat Flour Blend. Food Science and Technology Research, 17, 121–128.
  • Kristinsson, H.G., Rasco, B.A., 2000. Fish protein hydrolysates: Production, biochemical and functional properties. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 40, 43-81.
  • Martins ZE, Pinho O, Ferreira I., 2017. Food industry by-products used as functional ingredients of bakery products. Trends in Food Science and Technology; 67: 106–128.
  • Menezes, B., Coelho, M., Meza, S., Salas-Mellado, M., Souza, M., 2015. Macroalgal biomass as an additional ingredient of bread, International Food Research Journal. 22. (2): 819-824. Meral, R., Ceylan, Z., & Kose, S., (2019). Limitation of microbial spoilage of rainbow trout fillets using characterized thyme oil antibacterial nanoemulsions. Journal of Food Safety. Vol 39, n:4,
  • Olgunoğlu 2012. Dikenli Yılan Balığı (Mastacembelus Mastacembelus, Bank&Solender 1794)’nın Sıcak Tütsüleme Sonrası Aminoasit ve Organoleptik Kalitesi. Harran Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi,15(4):23-30
  • Olgunoglu, M.P., Olgunoglu, İ.A., Göçer M., 2014.Seasonal Variation in Major Minerals (Ca, P, K, Mg) and Proximate Composition in Flesh of Mesopotamian Catfish (Silurus triostegus Heckel, 1843) from Turkey. Annual Research & Review in Biology.4(16): 2628-2633.
  • Olgunoglu 2017. Review on Omega-3 (n-3) Fatty Acids in Fish and Seafood.Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare 7(12): 37-45.
  • Owusu-Amoako, M., 2001. Nutritional status and humoral immune response in Ghanaian children. Comparing the effects of supplementing a traditional rice diet with fish powder and fish powder plus. Nucleotides from Fish-DNA. Institute of Nutrition, Directorate of Fisheries, University of Bergen, Bergen, p 77
  • Özçelik, B., 2007. “Fonksiyonel Gıdalar ve Sağlık: Yeni Ürün Tasarımları”, ( lar/Fonksiyonel-gidalar-ve-saglik.pdf)
  • Park J.W., Yongsawatdigul J., Lin T.M., 2005. Surimi: Manufacturing and evaluation. In: Park JW editor. Surimi and surimi sea food, Boca Raton: Taylor and Francis Group. P.33-106.
  • Pires, C., Costa, S., Batista, A.P., Nunes, M.C., Raymundo, A., Batista, I., 2012. Properties of protein powder prepared from Cape hake byproducts. Journal Food Engineering 108:268– 275
  • Ramírez, M, Amate L, Gil A., 2001. Absorption and distribution of dietary fatty acids from different sources. Early Human Development. 65:95–101
  • Reilly C., 1996. Too much of a good thing? The problem of trace element fortification of foods. Trends in Food Science and Technology 7:139–142
  • Sen, D.P., 2005. Advances in fish processing technology. Allied Publishers, New Delhi, pp 488–498
  • Shaviklo, G.R., 2015. Development of fish protein powder as an ingredient for food applications: a review. Journal of Food Science Technology. 52(2):648–661
  • Shaviklo, G.R., Kargari, A., Zanganeh, P., 2013. Interactions and effects of the seasoning mixture containing fish protein powder/omega-3 fish oil on children’s liking and stability of extruded corn snacks using a mixture design approach. Journal of Food Process Preservation. 38(3):1097-1105
  • Shaviklo, G.R., Thorkelsson G, Sigurgisladottir S, Rafipour F., 2011. Quality and storage stability of extruded puffed corn-fish snacks during 6-month storage at ambient temperature. Journal of Science Food Agricalture 5:886–893
  • Shaviklo, G.R., Thorkelsson G., Kristinsson, H.G., Arason. S., Sveinsdottir, K., 2010. The influence of additives and drying methods on quality attributes of fish protein powder made from saithe (Pollachius virens). Journal of Science Food Agricalture 90:2133–2143
  • Sidwell, V.D., Hammerle, O.A., 1970. Changes in physical and sensory characteristics of doughs and of bread containing various amounts of fish protein concentrate and lysine. Cereal Chemistry, 47, 739-745.
  • Sidwell, V.D., Stillings, B.R., Knobl, G.M., 1971. A premix of FPC and wheat flour can be made and transported. Commer. Fish. Reo. 33, 32.
  • Thorkelsson, G., Sigurgisladottir, S., Geirsdottir, M., Johansson, R., Guerad, F., Chabeaud, A., Bourseau, P., Vandanjon, L., Jaouen, P., Chaplain-Derouiniot, M., Fouchereau-Peron, M., Martinez-Alvarez, O., Le Gal, Y., Ravallec-Ple, R., Picot, L., Berge, J.P., Delannoy, C., Jakobsen, G., Johansson, I., Batista, I., Pires, C., 2008. Mild processing techniques and development of functional marine protein and peptide ingredients. In: Bİrresen T (ed) Improving seafood products for the consumer. Woodhead Publishing Ltd, Cambridge, pp 363–386
  • Thorkelsson, G., Slizyte, R., Gildberg, A., Kristinsson, H.G., 2009. Fish proteins and peptides. Processing methods, quality and functionality. In: Luten JB (ed) Marine functional foods. Wageningen University Press, Wageningen, pp 115–133
  • Turfani, V., Narducci, V., Durazzo, A., Galli, V. and Carcea, M., 2017. Technological, nutritional and functional properties of wheat bread enriched with lentil or carob flours. LWT- Food Science and Technology, 78, 361–366
  • Vakily, J.M., Seto, K., Pauly, D., 2012. Fisheries centre research reports. Fisheries Centre, University of British Columbia, Canada 4:96–99
  • Venugopal, V., 2006. Seafood processing adding value through quick freezing, retortable packaging, and cook-chilling. Taylor & Francis Group, CRC, Boca Raton, pp 425–447
  • Windsor, M.L., 2001. Fish Protein Concentrate. Torry Research Station, No:39.
  • Yılmaz, E., Tekinay, A.A, Çevik, N., 2006. Deniz ürünleri kaynaklı fonksiyonel gıda maddeleri. Ege Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Dergisi, 23(1/1):523-527.
  • Zhou, Q.C., Tan, BP., Mai, KS., Liu, YJ. 2004. Apparent digestibility of selected feed ingredients for juvenile cobia (Rachycentron canadum). Aquaculture, 241, 441–451.


Yıl 2019, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2, 18 - 26, 01.12.2019


Bread has been one of the basic foods of man throughout history. Enrichment of bread, which is not rich in nutritional aspects by using different components, has gained momentum in recent years. It is aimed to produce richer bread by adding certain concentrations of fish protein powder FPP , which can be obtained as a by-product from fish processing industry, or from economically low species. It has been found in many studies that the amount of essential amino acids in the bread content and protein valency are increased by the addition of fish protein powder


  • Adeleke, R.O., Odedeji, J.O., 2010. Acceptability studies on bread fortified with tilapia fish flour. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 9, 531–534. Anonim, 2016.
  • Erişim Tarihi: 21.09.2019
  • Anonim, 2018. 0-55-129 Erişim tarihi:25.03.2019
  • Arason, S., 2006. Utilization of fish by products in Iceland. UNU-FTP, 2006-2007. Iceland.
  • Bastos, S.C., Tavares T., Pimenta, M.E.S.G., Leal, R., Fabricio, L.F., Pimenta, C.J., Nunes, C.A., Pinheiro, A.C.M., 2014. Fish filleting residues for enrichment of wheat bread: chemical and sensory characteristics. Journal of Food Science and Technology; 51(9): 2240–2245.
  • Bordignon A.C., Souza B.E., Bohnenberger L., Hilbig C.C., Feiden A., Boscolo W.R., 2010. Preparation of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) croquettes from MSM and ‘V’ cut fillet trim, and their physical, chemical, microbiological and sensory evaluation. Animal Sciences, vol. 32, no. 1, p. 109
  • Carvalho, G.G.P, Pires, A.J.V., Veloso, C.M., Silva, F.F., Carvalho, B.M.A., 2006. Fish filleting residues silage in tilapia fingerlings diets. R Bras Zootec 35:126–130
  • Centenaro, G.S., Feddern, V., Bonow, E.T and Mellado, M.S. 2007. Bread enrichment with fish protein. Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos 27 (3): 663-668.
  • Cercel, F., Marian Burluc, R. & Alexe, P., 2016. Nutritional Effects of Added Fish Proteins in Wheat Flour Bread. Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia. 10. 244-249.
  • Coda, R., Varis, J., Verni, M., Rizzello, C.G. and Katina, K., 2017. Improvement of the protein quality of wheat bread through faba bean sourdough addition. LWT- Food Science Technology, 82, 296–302.
  • Conto L.C., Oliveira R.S.P., Martin, L.G.P., Chang, Y.K., Steel, C.J., 2012. Effects of the addition of microencapsulated omega-3 and rosemary extract on the technological and sensory quality of white pan bread. LWT Food Science Technology 45:103–109
  • Coultate, T., 2016. Food- the chemistry of its components (6th ed., pp. 303-304). Cambridge: Royal Society of Chemistry
  • FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization), 2018. The state of world fisheries and aquaculture. Rome
  • Geirsdottir, M., 2005. Protein isolation from herring. Nordic innovation center, project no:00075, pp 102–103
  • Hultin, H.O., Kristinsson, H.G., Lanier T.C., Park J.W., 2005. Process for recovery of functional proteins by pH shifts. In: Park, J.W. editor, Surimi and Surimi Sea Food, Boca Raton: Taylor and Francis Group. P.107-139.
  • Keiko, I., Keitato, S., Kanae, M. and Tomoya, O., 2011. Effects of Rice Properties on Bread Made from Cooked Rice and Wheat Flour Blend. Food Science and Technology Research, 17, 121–128.
  • Kristinsson, H.G., Rasco, B.A., 2000. Fish protein hydrolysates: Production, biochemical and functional properties. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 40, 43-81.
  • Martins ZE, Pinho O, Ferreira I., 2017. Food industry by-products used as functional ingredients of bakery products. Trends in Food Science and Technology; 67: 106–128.
  • Menezes, B., Coelho, M., Meza, S., Salas-Mellado, M., Souza, M., 2015. Macroalgal biomass as an additional ingredient of bread, International Food Research Journal. 22. (2): 819-824. Meral, R., Ceylan, Z., & Kose, S., (2019). Limitation of microbial spoilage of rainbow trout fillets using characterized thyme oil antibacterial nanoemulsions. Journal of Food Safety. Vol 39, n:4,
  • Olgunoğlu 2012. Dikenli Yılan Balığı (Mastacembelus Mastacembelus, Bank&Solender 1794)’nın Sıcak Tütsüleme Sonrası Aminoasit ve Organoleptik Kalitesi. Harran Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi,15(4):23-30
  • Olgunoglu, M.P., Olgunoglu, İ.A., Göçer M., 2014.Seasonal Variation in Major Minerals (Ca, P, K, Mg) and Proximate Composition in Flesh of Mesopotamian Catfish (Silurus triostegus Heckel, 1843) from Turkey. Annual Research & Review in Biology.4(16): 2628-2633.
  • Olgunoglu 2017. Review on Omega-3 (n-3) Fatty Acids in Fish and Seafood.Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare 7(12): 37-45.
  • Owusu-Amoako, M., 2001. Nutritional status and humoral immune response in Ghanaian children. Comparing the effects of supplementing a traditional rice diet with fish powder and fish powder plus. Nucleotides from Fish-DNA. Institute of Nutrition, Directorate of Fisheries, University of Bergen, Bergen, p 77
  • Özçelik, B., 2007. “Fonksiyonel Gıdalar ve Sağlık: Yeni Ürün Tasarımları”, ( lar/Fonksiyonel-gidalar-ve-saglik.pdf)
  • Park J.W., Yongsawatdigul J., Lin T.M., 2005. Surimi: Manufacturing and evaluation. In: Park JW editor. Surimi and surimi sea food, Boca Raton: Taylor and Francis Group. P.33-106.
  • Pires, C., Costa, S., Batista, A.P., Nunes, M.C., Raymundo, A., Batista, I., 2012. Properties of protein powder prepared from Cape hake byproducts. Journal Food Engineering 108:268– 275
  • Ramírez, M, Amate L, Gil A., 2001. Absorption and distribution of dietary fatty acids from different sources. Early Human Development. 65:95–101
  • Reilly C., 1996. Too much of a good thing? The problem of trace element fortification of foods. Trends in Food Science and Technology 7:139–142
  • Sen, D.P., 2005. Advances in fish processing technology. Allied Publishers, New Delhi, pp 488–498
  • Shaviklo, G.R., 2015. Development of fish protein powder as an ingredient for food applications: a review. Journal of Food Science Technology. 52(2):648–661
  • Shaviklo, G.R., Kargari, A., Zanganeh, P., 2013. Interactions and effects of the seasoning mixture containing fish protein powder/omega-3 fish oil on children’s liking and stability of extruded corn snacks using a mixture design approach. Journal of Food Process Preservation. 38(3):1097-1105
  • Shaviklo, G.R., Thorkelsson G, Sigurgisladottir S, Rafipour F., 2011. Quality and storage stability of extruded puffed corn-fish snacks during 6-month storage at ambient temperature. Journal of Science Food Agricalture 5:886–893
  • Shaviklo, G.R., Thorkelsson G., Kristinsson, H.G., Arason. S., Sveinsdottir, K., 2010. The influence of additives and drying methods on quality attributes of fish protein powder made from saithe (Pollachius virens). Journal of Science Food Agricalture 90:2133–2143
  • Sidwell, V.D., Hammerle, O.A., 1970. Changes in physical and sensory characteristics of doughs and of bread containing various amounts of fish protein concentrate and lysine. Cereal Chemistry, 47, 739-745.
  • Sidwell, V.D., Stillings, B.R., Knobl, G.M., 1971. A premix of FPC and wheat flour can be made and transported. Commer. Fish. Reo. 33, 32.
  • Thorkelsson, G., Sigurgisladottir, S., Geirsdottir, M., Johansson, R., Guerad, F., Chabeaud, A., Bourseau, P., Vandanjon, L., Jaouen, P., Chaplain-Derouiniot, M., Fouchereau-Peron, M., Martinez-Alvarez, O., Le Gal, Y., Ravallec-Ple, R., Picot, L., Berge, J.P., Delannoy, C., Jakobsen, G., Johansson, I., Batista, I., Pires, C., 2008. Mild processing techniques and development of functional marine protein and peptide ingredients. In: Bİrresen T (ed) Improving seafood products for the consumer. Woodhead Publishing Ltd, Cambridge, pp 363–386
  • Thorkelsson, G., Slizyte, R., Gildberg, A., Kristinsson, H.G., 2009. Fish proteins and peptides. Processing methods, quality and functionality. In: Luten JB (ed) Marine functional foods. Wageningen University Press, Wageningen, pp 115–133
  • Turfani, V., Narducci, V., Durazzo, A., Galli, V. and Carcea, M., 2017. Technological, nutritional and functional properties of wheat bread enriched with lentil or carob flours. LWT- Food Science and Technology, 78, 361–366
  • Vakily, J.M., Seto, K., Pauly, D., 2012. Fisheries centre research reports. Fisheries Centre, University of British Columbia, Canada 4:96–99
  • Venugopal, V., 2006. Seafood processing adding value through quick freezing, retortable packaging, and cook-chilling. Taylor & Francis Group, CRC, Boca Raton, pp 425–447
  • Windsor, M.L., 2001. Fish Protein Concentrate. Torry Research Station, No:39.
  • Yılmaz, E., Tekinay, A.A, Çevik, N., 2006. Deniz ürünleri kaynaklı fonksiyonel gıda maddeleri. Ege Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Dergisi, 23(1/1):523-527.
  • Zhou, Q.C., Tan, BP., Mai, KS., Liu, YJ. 2004. Apparent digestibility of selected feed ingredients for juvenile cobia (Rachycentron canadum). Aquaculture, 241, 441–451.
Toplam 43 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Research Article

Mahir Serdar Yılmaz

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Yılmaz, M. S. (2019). Balık Protein Tozunun Ekmek Üretiminde Kullanımı. ADYUTAYAM Dergisi, 7(2), 18-26.