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Evaluation of Patients with Spontaneous Spinal Epidural Abscess

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1, 62 - 68, 16.04.2023


Purpose: Spontaneous spinal epidural abscess (SSEA) is a rare condition. It generally affects diabetics, immunosuppressed patients, intravenous drug users, and patients with recurrent skin infections or abscesses. If untreated, mortality and morbidity rates are considerably high. The most appropriate treatment is controversial. The classical triad of SSEA consists of pain, fever, and neurological deficits. In our clinical practice, we observed that people with no underlying predisposing factors could also have SSEA, and these patients can apply to the hospital with symptoms such as weight loss, loss of appetite, and general condition disorder as well, apart from the classical triad. The aim of our study is to determine the symptoms other than the classical triad and to contribute to the early diagnosis

Materials and Methods: The files of the patients who applied to our tertiary neurosurgery outpatient clinic between January 2015 and December 2018 were scanned, and patients with SSEA were determined. Demographic data of patients, presence of any additional disease, complaints at hospital admission, the time between the onset of the symptoms and diagnosis, magnetic resonance imaging findings, laboratory test results, and prognoses were noted.

Results: SSEA was seen in 6 (34/100000) of the patients who applied to our outpatient clinic. The mean age was 54.67±17.06 years. 66.6% (n=4) of them were male. Patients most frequently applied with pain (66.6%), weight loss (50%), and general condition disorder (50%) symptoms. Mortality developed in 33% of the patients, while 66% of the patients recovered completely.

Conclusion: The absence of the classical triad in patients with SSEA delayed diagnosis and treatment of patients. If untreated, the disease can be fatal. Early diagnosis and treatment will reduce mortality and morbidity rates.


  • 1. Spernovasilis N, Demetriou S, Bachlitzanaki M, et al. Characteristics and predictors of outcome of spontaneous spinal epidural abscesses treated conservatively: A retrospective cohort study in a referral center. Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2017;156:11-17.
  • 2. McDonald AM, Rollins JL. Spontaneous spinal epidural abscess presenting in a previously healthy young adult man. Case Rep Med. 2013;2013:1-3.
  • 3. Sales JG, Tabrizi A, Elmi A, Soleimanpour J, Gavidel E. Adolescence spinal epidural abscess with neurological symptoms: case report, a lesson to be re-learnt. Med J Islam Repub Iran. 2013;27(1):38-41.
  • 4. Aycan A, Aktas OY, Guzey FK, ve ark. Rapidly Progressive Spontaneous Spinal Epidural Abscess. Case Rep Infect Dis. 2016;2016:1-4.
  • 5. Oktenoglu T, Sasani M, Cetin B, ve ark. Spontaneous pyogenic spinal epidural abscess. Turk Neurosurg. 2011;21(1):74-82.
  • 6. González-López JJ, Górgolas M, Muñiz J, et al. Spontaneous epidural abscess: analysis of 15 cases with emphasis on diagnostic and prognostic factors. Eur J Intern Med. 2009;20(5):514-517.
  • 7. Ptaszynski AE, Hooten WM, Huntoon MA. The incidence of spontaneous epidural abscess in Olmsted County from 1990 through 2000: a rare cause of spinal pain. Pain Med. 2007;8(4):338-343.
  • 8. Kumar A, Kumar V, Dhatt SS, Lal H, Bahadur R. Spontaneous spinal epidural abscess in a normoglycemic diabetic patient - Keep it as a differential. J Clin Orthop Trauma. 2017;8(2):178-180.
  • 9. Purkayastha S. Spontaneous Extensive Spinal Epidural Abscess without Any Identifiable Risk Factor. A Case Report. Neuroradiol J. 2008;21(3):371-373.
  • 10. Parkins MD, Gregson DB. Community-acquired Serratia marcescens spinal epidural abscess in a patient without risk factors: Case report and review. Can J Infect Dis Med Microbiol. 2008;19(3):250-252.
  • 11. Quast MB, Carr CM, Hooten WM. Multilevel lumbar spine infection due to poor dentition in an immunocompetent adult: a case report. J Med Case Rep. 2017;11:328-331.
  • 12. Kim MC, Jung HT. Pediatric lumbar epidural abscess combined with cauda equina syndrome: case report. Asian Spine J. 2011;5(2):133-137.
  • 13. Kiymaz N, Demir O. Spontaneous cervical paraspinal and epidural giant abscess in a child-case report. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo). 2005;45(10):540-542.
  • 14. Güler İ, Kılıç H, Atalay MA, Perçin D, Erçal BD. In-vitro susceptibility-resistant Staphylococcus aureus strains to antibiotics. Dicle Med J. 2011;38(4):466-470.
  • 15. Adogwa O, Karikari IO, Carr KR, et al. Spontaneous spinal epidural abscess in patients 50 years of age and older: a 15-year institutional perspective and review of the literature: clinical article. J Neurosurg Spine. 2014;20(3):344-349.
  • 16. Karikari IO, Powers CJ, Reynolds RM, Mehta AI, Isaacs RE. Management of a spontaneous spinal epidural abscess: a single-center 10-year experience. Neurosurgery. 2009;65(5):919-923.
  • 17. Rea GL, McGregor JM, Miller CA, Miner ME. Surgical treatment of the spontaneous spinal epidural abscess. Surg Neurol. 1992;37(4):274-279.
  • 18. Alton TB, Patel AR, Bransford RJ, Lee MJ, Bellabarba CB, Chapman JR. Spinal epidural abscesses: risk factors, medical versus surgical management, a retrospective review of 128 cases. Spine J. 2014;14(2):326-330.
  • 19. Verner EF, Musher DM. Spinal epidural abscess. Med Clin North Am. 1985;69(2):375-384.
  • 20. Ergun T, Lakadamyali H, Gokay E. A posterior epidural mass causing paraparesis in a 20-year-old healthy individual. Int J Emerg Med. 2009;2(3):195-198.
  • 21. Dickson JM, Warren DJ, Chapman AL, Anoop U, Hayat H, Bhattacharya D. Spontaneous abscess of the lumbar spine presenting as subacute back pain. BMJ Case Rep. 2010;16:1-6.
  • 22. Connealy BD, Lovgren TR, Tomich PG, Smith CV, Berg TG. Spontaneous methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus epidural abscess in pregnancy. Obstet Gynecol. 2010;116(2):498-501.
  • 23. Elanti P, Morris S. Spontaneous spinal epidural abscess. Ir. Med. J. 2011;104(9):281-282.
  • 24. Sales JG, Tabrizi A, Elmi A, Soleimanpour J, Gavidel E. Adolescence spinal epidural abscess with neurological symptoms: case report, a lesson to be relearnt. Med J Islam Repub Iran. 2013;27(1):38-41.
  • 25. Verma R, Chaudhari TS, Lachuriya G. Spontaneous extensive spinal epidural abscess presenting as acute quadriparesis. BMJ Case Rep. 2014;4:1-2.
  • 26. Webb A, Cawcutt K, Lioudmila V. Karnat. Air in the Spinal C–An Unusual Presentation of Spontaneous Spinal Epidural Abscess. J. Neurol Disord. 2014;2(6): 1000i102.
  • 27. Vergori A, Cerase A, Migliorini L, et al. Pediatric spinal epidural abscess in an immunocompetent host without risk factors: Case report and review of the literature. ID Cases. 2015;2(4):109-115.
  • 28. Mackenzie AR, Laing RBS, Smith CC, Kaa GFr, Smith FW. Spinal epidural abscess: the importance of early diagnosis and treatment. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 1998;65(2):209-212.

Spontan Spinal Epidural Apse Saptanan Hastaların Değerlendirilmesi

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1, 62 - 68, 16.04.2023


Amaç: Spontan spinal epidural apse (SSEA) nadir görülen bir durumdur. Genellikte diyabetik, immünsupresif hastalarda ve intravenöz (İV) madde bağımlılığı olanlarda, tekrarlayan cilt enfeksiyonu ve apsesi olanlarda görülür. Tedavi edilmediği taktirde mortalite ve morbiditesi oldukça yüksektir. En uygun tedavi şekli tartışmalıdır. Klasik triadı ağrı, ateş ve kuvvet kaybıdır. Klinik pratikte altta yatan hiçbir predispozan faktörü olmayan kişilerde de SSEA olabildiğini ve bu hastaların klasik triadı dışında kilo kaybı, iştahsızlık, genel durum bozukluğu gibi semptomlarla da hastaneye başvurabildiğini gördük. Çalışmamızda amaç klasik triad dışındaki başvuru semptomlarını belirlemek ve erken tanıya katkı sağlayabilmektir.

Araçlar ve Yöntem: Üçüncü basamak beyin ve sinir cerrahisi polikliniğine Ocak 2015 ve Aralık 2018 tarihleri arasında başvuran hastaların dosyaları retrospektif olarak tarandı. SSEA’si olan hastalar bulundu. Hastaların yaş, cinsiyet gibi demografik verileri; herhangi bir ek hastalığının olup olmadığı, hastaneye başvuru şikayetleri, şikayetlerin başlamasıyla tanı konması arasında geçen süre, manyetik rezonans görüntüleme bulguları, laboratuvar test sonuçları ve prognozları not edildi.

Bulgular: Polikliniğimize başvuran hastaların 6’sında(34/100000) SSEA görüldü. Yaş ortalaması 54.67±17.06 idi. %66.6’sı (n=4) erkekti. Hastaların en sık ağrı (%66.6), kilo kaybı (%50), genel durum bozukluğu (%50) semptomlarıyla başvurduğu görüldü. Hastaların %33’ünde mortalite gelişirken %66’sı tamamen iyileşti.

Sonuç: SSEA tanısı konulan hastalarda klasik triadın olmaması hastalarda tanı ve tedaviyi geciktirmiştir. Tedavi edilmeyen hastalarda hastalık ölümcül olabilir. Erken tanı ve tedavisi mortalite ve morbidite oranlarını azaltacaktır.


  • 1. Spernovasilis N, Demetriou S, Bachlitzanaki M, et al. Characteristics and predictors of outcome of spontaneous spinal epidural abscesses treated conservatively: A retrospective cohort study in a referral center. Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2017;156:11-17.
  • 2. McDonald AM, Rollins JL. Spontaneous spinal epidural abscess presenting in a previously healthy young adult man. Case Rep Med. 2013;2013:1-3.
  • 3. Sales JG, Tabrizi A, Elmi A, Soleimanpour J, Gavidel E. Adolescence spinal epidural abscess with neurological symptoms: case report, a lesson to be re-learnt. Med J Islam Repub Iran. 2013;27(1):38-41.
  • 4. Aycan A, Aktas OY, Guzey FK, ve ark. Rapidly Progressive Spontaneous Spinal Epidural Abscess. Case Rep Infect Dis. 2016;2016:1-4.
  • 5. Oktenoglu T, Sasani M, Cetin B, ve ark. Spontaneous pyogenic spinal epidural abscess. Turk Neurosurg. 2011;21(1):74-82.
  • 6. González-López JJ, Górgolas M, Muñiz J, et al. Spontaneous epidural abscess: analysis of 15 cases with emphasis on diagnostic and prognostic factors. Eur J Intern Med. 2009;20(5):514-517.
  • 7. Ptaszynski AE, Hooten WM, Huntoon MA. The incidence of spontaneous epidural abscess in Olmsted County from 1990 through 2000: a rare cause of spinal pain. Pain Med. 2007;8(4):338-343.
  • 8. Kumar A, Kumar V, Dhatt SS, Lal H, Bahadur R. Spontaneous spinal epidural abscess in a normoglycemic diabetic patient - Keep it as a differential. J Clin Orthop Trauma. 2017;8(2):178-180.
  • 9. Purkayastha S. Spontaneous Extensive Spinal Epidural Abscess without Any Identifiable Risk Factor. A Case Report. Neuroradiol J. 2008;21(3):371-373.
  • 10. Parkins MD, Gregson DB. Community-acquired Serratia marcescens spinal epidural abscess in a patient without risk factors: Case report and review. Can J Infect Dis Med Microbiol. 2008;19(3):250-252.
  • 11. Quast MB, Carr CM, Hooten WM. Multilevel lumbar spine infection due to poor dentition in an immunocompetent adult: a case report. J Med Case Rep. 2017;11:328-331.
  • 12. Kim MC, Jung HT. Pediatric lumbar epidural abscess combined with cauda equina syndrome: case report. Asian Spine J. 2011;5(2):133-137.
  • 13. Kiymaz N, Demir O. Spontaneous cervical paraspinal and epidural giant abscess in a child-case report. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo). 2005;45(10):540-542.
  • 14. Güler İ, Kılıç H, Atalay MA, Perçin D, Erçal BD. In-vitro susceptibility-resistant Staphylococcus aureus strains to antibiotics. Dicle Med J. 2011;38(4):466-470.
  • 15. Adogwa O, Karikari IO, Carr KR, et al. Spontaneous spinal epidural abscess in patients 50 years of age and older: a 15-year institutional perspective and review of the literature: clinical article. J Neurosurg Spine. 2014;20(3):344-349.
  • 16. Karikari IO, Powers CJ, Reynolds RM, Mehta AI, Isaacs RE. Management of a spontaneous spinal epidural abscess: a single-center 10-year experience. Neurosurgery. 2009;65(5):919-923.
  • 17. Rea GL, McGregor JM, Miller CA, Miner ME. Surgical treatment of the spontaneous spinal epidural abscess. Surg Neurol. 1992;37(4):274-279.
  • 18. Alton TB, Patel AR, Bransford RJ, Lee MJ, Bellabarba CB, Chapman JR. Spinal epidural abscesses: risk factors, medical versus surgical management, a retrospective review of 128 cases. Spine J. 2014;14(2):326-330.
  • 19. Verner EF, Musher DM. Spinal epidural abscess. Med Clin North Am. 1985;69(2):375-384.
  • 20. Ergun T, Lakadamyali H, Gokay E. A posterior epidural mass causing paraparesis in a 20-year-old healthy individual. Int J Emerg Med. 2009;2(3):195-198.
  • 21. Dickson JM, Warren DJ, Chapman AL, Anoop U, Hayat H, Bhattacharya D. Spontaneous abscess of the lumbar spine presenting as subacute back pain. BMJ Case Rep. 2010;16:1-6.
  • 22. Connealy BD, Lovgren TR, Tomich PG, Smith CV, Berg TG. Spontaneous methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus epidural abscess in pregnancy. Obstet Gynecol. 2010;116(2):498-501.
  • 23. Elanti P, Morris S. Spontaneous spinal epidural abscess. Ir. Med. J. 2011;104(9):281-282.
  • 24. Sales JG, Tabrizi A, Elmi A, Soleimanpour J, Gavidel E. Adolescence spinal epidural abscess with neurological symptoms: case report, a lesson to be relearnt. Med J Islam Repub Iran. 2013;27(1):38-41.
  • 25. Verma R, Chaudhari TS, Lachuriya G. Spontaneous extensive spinal epidural abscess presenting as acute quadriparesis. BMJ Case Rep. 2014;4:1-2.
  • 26. Webb A, Cawcutt K, Lioudmila V. Karnat. Air in the Spinal C–An Unusual Presentation of Spontaneous Spinal Epidural Abscess. J. Neurol Disord. 2014;2(6): 1000i102.
  • 27. Vergori A, Cerase A, Migliorini L, et al. Pediatric spinal epidural abscess in an immunocompetent host without risk factors: Case report and review of the literature. ID Cases. 2015;2(4):109-115.
  • 28. Mackenzie AR, Laing RBS, Smith CC, Kaa GFr, Smith FW. Spinal epidural abscess: the importance of early diagnosis and treatment. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 1998;65(2):209-212.
Toplam 28 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Klinik Tıp Bilimleri
Bölüm Bilimsel Araştırma Makaleleri

Elif Akpınar 0000-0001-5705-2870

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 14 Mart 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 16 Nisan 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Akpınar, E. (2023). Spontan Spinal Epidural Apse Saptanan Hastaların Değerlendirilmesi. Ahi Evran Medical Journal, 7(1), 62-68.
AMA Akpınar E. Spontan Spinal Epidural Apse Saptanan Hastaların Değerlendirilmesi. Ahi Evran Med J. Nisan 2023;7(1):62-68. doi:10.46332/aemj.990691
Chicago Akpınar, Elif. “Spontan Spinal Epidural Apse Saptanan Hastaların Değerlendirilmesi”. Ahi Evran Medical Journal 7, sy. 1 (Nisan 2023): 62-68.
EndNote Akpınar E (01 Nisan 2023) Spontan Spinal Epidural Apse Saptanan Hastaların Değerlendirilmesi. Ahi Evran Medical Journal 7 1 62–68.
IEEE E. Akpınar, “Spontan Spinal Epidural Apse Saptanan Hastaların Değerlendirilmesi”, Ahi Evran Med J, c. 7, sy. 1, ss. 62–68, 2023, doi: 10.46332/aemj.990691.
ISNAD Akpınar, Elif. “Spontan Spinal Epidural Apse Saptanan Hastaların Değerlendirilmesi”. Ahi Evran Medical Journal 7/1 (Nisan 2023), 62-68.
JAMA Akpınar E. Spontan Spinal Epidural Apse Saptanan Hastaların Değerlendirilmesi. Ahi Evran Med J. 2023;7:62–68.
MLA Akpınar, Elif. “Spontan Spinal Epidural Apse Saptanan Hastaların Değerlendirilmesi”. Ahi Evran Medical Journal, c. 7, sy. 1, 2023, ss. 62-68, doi:10.46332/aemj.990691.
Vancouver Akpınar E. Spontan Spinal Epidural Apse Saptanan Hastaların Değerlendirilmesi. Ahi Evran Med J. 2023;7(1):62-8.

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