Background/aim: This study aims to evaluate the efficacy of lamivudine and interferon alpha monotherapies and their combination in HBeAgpositive and HBeAg-negative chronic hepatitis B. Materials and methods: Between 2002 and 2004, a total of 128 patients [65 HBeAgpositive and 63 HBeAg-negative] were enrolled; 21 patients received lamivudine monotherapy (HBeAg-positive = 11, HBeAg-negative = 10), 40 received interferon-alpha monotherapy (HBeAg-positive = 23, HBe- Ag-negative = 17), and 67 received the combination (HBeAg-positive = 29, HBeAg-negative = 38). The virologic responses, biochemical responses, and seroconversion rates were evaluated after 6 months. Results: In HBeAg-positive patients, HBV DNA loss was observed in 36.4%, 47.8% and 89.7% of patients after lamivudine monotherapy, interferon monotherapy and combination therapy, respectively (p
Davey S. State of the World’s Vaccines and immunization Geneva: World Health Organization 1996: 76-82.
Cooksley WG, Piratvisuth T, Lee SD, et al. Peginterferon alpha-2a (40 kDa):an advance in the treatment of hepatitis B e antigen-posi- tive chronic hepatitis B. J Viral Hepat 2003; 10: 298-305.
Eddleston ALWF, Dixon B: Interferons in treatment of chronic viral infection of the liver, 1st ed. UK: Pennine press; 1990.
Dianzani F, Antonelli G, Capobianchi MR. The biological basis for the clinical use of interferon. J Hepatol 1990; (suppl 1):S5-10.
Rogers et al. Hepatitis B virus:clinical disease. Richard AW (ed). Viral Hepatitis,1. edit, New York, Marcel Dekker 1997: 134-46.
Locarnini S. Hepatitis B viral resistance mechanisms and diagnosis. The European Association for the study of the liver EASL Internati- onal Consensus Conference on Hepatitis B. Geneva September 13- 14, 2002. Program and Manuscripts: 197-214.
Zoulimi F, Hepatitis B virus resistance to antivirals: clinical impli- cations and management. The European Association for the study of the liver EASL International Consensus Conference on Hepatitis B. Geneva September 13-14, 2002. Program and Manuscripts: 215- 225.
Hadziyannis SJ. Hepatitis B e antigen negative chronic hepatitis B: from clinical recognition to pathogenesis and treatment. Viral Hep Rev 1995; 1: 7-36.
Naoumov NV, Schneider R, Groetzinger T, et al. Precore mutant he- patitis B virus infection and liver disease. Gastroenterology 1992; 102: 538-543.
Brunetto MR, Giarin E, Oliveri F, et al. Wild-type and e antigen- mi- nus Hepatitis B viruses and course of chronic hepatitis. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1991; 88:4186-4190
Keeffe EB, Dietrich DT, Han SB, et al. A treatment algorithm for the management of chronic hepatitis B virus infection in the United Sta- tes. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2004; 2: 87-106.
Hoofnagle JH, di Bisceglie AM. The treatment of chronic viral he- patitis. N Engl J Med 1997; 336: 347-356
Matthews GV, Nelson MR. The management of chronic hepatitis B infection. Int J STD AIDS 2002; 13:60-62.
Deng H, Zhao ZX, Xu QH, et al. [Therapy effect of lamivudine com- bination with alpha interferon on patients with chronic hepatitis B] Zhonghua Go Zang Bing Za Zhi 2003; 11: 305-8.
Jaboli MF, Fabbri C, Liva S, et al. Long-term alpha interferon and lamivudine combination therapy in non-responder patients with an- ti-HBe- positive chronic hepatitis B: result of an open, controlled trial. World J Gastroanterol 2003; 9: 1491-5.
Manesis EK, Hadziyannis SJ. Interferon alpha treatment and retre- atment of hepatitis B e antigen-negative chronic hepatitis B. Gast- roenterology 2001; 121: 101-109.
EASL International Consensus Conference on Hepatitis B. J Hepa- tol 2003;39:3-25.
Akarca US, Lebe E, Ersoz G, et al. [Medium term results of interfe- ron treatment of HBeAg-negative chronic hepatitis B. Sustained fa- ilure of response. 4th National Congress of Hepatology 2001 Antal- ya Turkey (Abstract 53).
Kaymakoglu S, Demir K, Cakaloğlu Y, et al. [Long-term results of interferon-alpha treatment in anti-HBe positive patients.] 4thNati- onal Congress of Hepatology 2001 Antalya Turkey (Abstract 17).
Tatulli I, Francavilla R, Rizzo GL, et al. Lamivudine and alpha in- terferon in combination long term for precore mutant chronic hepa- titis B. J Hepatol 2001; 35: 805-10.
Hadziyannis SJ, Papatheodoridis GV, Dimou E, et al. Efficacy of long term lamivudine monotherapy in patients with hepatitis B e an- tigen-negative chronic hepatitis B. Hepatology 2000; 32(4 Pt 1): 847-51.
Yurdaydın C, Bozkaya H, Cetinkaya H, et al. Treatment of HBeAg- negative chronic hepatitis B with lamivudine vs lamivudine + inter- feron: a randomized controlled trial. J Hepatol 2001; 34 (suppl 1): A163.
Santantonio T, Niro GA, Sinisi E, et al. Lamivudine/interferon com- bination therapy in anti-HBe positive chronic hepatitis B patients: a controlled pilot study. J Hepatol 2002; 799-804.
Kronik hepatit B enfeksiyonunda lamivudin monoterapisi, interferon alfa monoterapisi ve kombinasyon tedavisi
Giriş ve amaç: Bu çalışmada, HBeAg pozitif ve HBeAg negatif kronik
hepatit B hastalarında lamivudin monoterapisi, interferon alfa monoterapisi
ve bunların kombinasyonunun etkinliklerinin değerlendirilmesi
amaçlanmıştır. Gereç ve yöntem: 2002 ve 2004 yılları arasında çalışmaya
toplam 128 hasta alınmış [65 HBeAg-pozitif ve 63 HBeAg-negatif];
21 hastaya lamivudin monoterapisi (HBeAg-pozitif = 11, HBeAg-negatif
= 10); 40 hastaya interferon alfa monoterapisi (HBeAg-pozitif = 23,
HBeAg-negatif = 17) ve 67 hastaya (HBeAg-pozitif = 29, HBeAg-negatif
= 38) kombinasyon tedavisi verilmiştir. Lamivudin monoterapisi alan
hastalara beş yıl, interferon monoterapisi ve kombinasyon tedavisi alan
gruba bir yıl takip ve tedavi düzenlenmiştir. Hastaların tedavi altında
iken altıncı aydaki virolojik yanıtlar, biyokimyasal yanıtlar ve serokonversiyon
oranları değerlendirilmiştir. Bulgular: HBeAg pozitif hastalarda,
lamuvidin monoterapisi ile hastaların %36.4’ünde, interferon monoterapisi
ile %47.8’inde ve kombinasyon tedavisi ile %89.7’sinde HBV
DNA kaybı gözlenmiştir. (p < 0.01, kombinasyon tedavisi lamivudin ve
interferon ile karşılaştırıldığına). Tedavi grupları arasında serokonversiyon
ve ALT normalizasyon oranları açısıdan anlamlı fark yoktur. HBeAg-negatif
hastalarda ise HBV DNA kaybı ve serokonversiyon oranları
açısıdan tedavi grupları arasında anlamlı hiçbir fark bulunmamıştır.
Sonuç: Erken sonuçlarımız lamivudin-interferon kombinasyonunun, tek
başına lamivudin ya da interferon ile karşılaştırıldığında, HBeAg pozitif
hastalarda daha yüksek virolojik yanıtlar sağlayabileceğini göstermektedir.
Ancak prekor mutant vakalarda kombinasyon lehine böyle bir farklılık
Davey S. State of the World’s Vaccines and immunization Geneva: World Health Organization 1996: 76-82.
Cooksley WG, Piratvisuth T, Lee SD, et al. Peginterferon alpha-2a (40 kDa):an advance in the treatment of hepatitis B e antigen-posi- tive chronic hepatitis B. J Viral Hepat 2003; 10: 298-305.
Eddleston ALWF, Dixon B: Interferons in treatment of chronic viral infection of the liver, 1st ed. UK: Pennine press; 1990.
Dianzani F, Antonelli G, Capobianchi MR. The biological basis for the clinical use of interferon. J Hepatol 1990; (suppl 1):S5-10.
Rogers et al. Hepatitis B virus:clinical disease. Richard AW (ed). Viral Hepatitis,1. edit, New York, Marcel Dekker 1997: 134-46.
Locarnini S. Hepatitis B viral resistance mechanisms and diagnosis. The European Association for the study of the liver EASL Internati- onal Consensus Conference on Hepatitis B. Geneva September 13- 14, 2002. Program and Manuscripts: 197-214.
Zoulimi F, Hepatitis B virus resistance to antivirals: clinical impli- cations and management. The European Association for the study of the liver EASL International Consensus Conference on Hepatitis B. Geneva September 13-14, 2002. Program and Manuscripts: 215- 225.
Hadziyannis SJ. Hepatitis B e antigen negative chronic hepatitis B: from clinical recognition to pathogenesis and treatment. Viral Hep Rev 1995; 1: 7-36.
Naoumov NV, Schneider R, Groetzinger T, et al. Precore mutant he- patitis B virus infection and liver disease. Gastroenterology 1992; 102: 538-543.
Brunetto MR, Giarin E, Oliveri F, et al. Wild-type and e antigen- mi- nus Hepatitis B viruses and course of chronic hepatitis. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1991; 88:4186-4190
Keeffe EB, Dietrich DT, Han SB, et al. A treatment algorithm for the management of chronic hepatitis B virus infection in the United Sta- tes. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2004; 2: 87-106.
Hoofnagle JH, di Bisceglie AM. The treatment of chronic viral he- patitis. N Engl J Med 1997; 336: 347-356
Matthews GV, Nelson MR. The management of chronic hepatitis B infection. Int J STD AIDS 2002; 13:60-62.
Deng H, Zhao ZX, Xu QH, et al. [Therapy effect of lamivudine com- bination with alpha interferon on patients with chronic hepatitis B] Zhonghua Go Zang Bing Za Zhi 2003; 11: 305-8.
Jaboli MF, Fabbri C, Liva S, et al. Long-term alpha interferon and lamivudine combination therapy in non-responder patients with an- ti-HBe- positive chronic hepatitis B: result of an open, controlled trial. World J Gastroanterol 2003; 9: 1491-5.
Manesis EK, Hadziyannis SJ. Interferon alpha treatment and retre- atment of hepatitis B e antigen-negative chronic hepatitis B. Gast- roenterology 2001; 121: 101-109.
EASL International Consensus Conference on Hepatitis B. J Hepa- tol 2003;39:3-25.
Akarca US, Lebe E, Ersoz G, et al. [Medium term results of interfe- ron treatment of HBeAg-negative chronic hepatitis B. Sustained fa- ilure of response. 4th National Congress of Hepatology 2001 Antal- ya Turkey (Abstract 53).
Kaymakoglu S, Demir K, Cakaloğlu Y, et al. [Long-term results of interferon-alpha treatment in anti-HBe positive patients.] 4thNati- onal Congress of Hepatology 2001 Antalya Turkey (Abstract 17).
Tatulli I, Francavilla R, Rizzo GL, et al. Lamivudine and alpha in- terferon in combination long term for precore mutant chronic hepa- titis B. J Hepatol 2001; 35: 805-10.
Hadziyannis SJ, Papatheodoridis GV, Dimou E, et al. Efficacy of long term lamivudine monotherapy in patients with hepatitis B e an- tigen-negative chronic hepatitis B. Hepatology 2000; 32(4 Pt 1): 847-51.
Yurdaydın C, Bozkaya H, Cetinkaya H, et al. Treatment of HBeAg- negative chronic hepatitis B with lamivudine vs lamivudine + inter- feron: a randomized controlled trial. J Hepatol 2001; 34 (suppl 1): A163.
Santantonio T, Niro GA, Sinisi E, et al. Lamivudine/interferon com- bination therapy in anti-HBe positive chronic hepatitis B patients: a controlled pilot study. J Hepatol 2002; 799-804.