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A case of Mirizzi's syndrome after cholecystectomy

Yıl 2005, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2, 128 - 130, 01.08.2005


Mirizzi's syndrome refers to common bile duct obstruction resulting from compression by a gallstone impacted in the cystic duct or neck of the gallbladder. Herein we report a 48-year-old man with Mirizzi's syndrome presenting six years after cholecystectomy. The patient applied to our department with complaints of fever, vomiting and jaundice. Liver biochemical tests revealed enzyme elevations in cholestatic pattern. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) showed dilatation of the choledochus, and the remnant of the cystic duct was long and distally placed. There was a filling defect in the cystic duct. A stone was removed from the cystic duct via balloon extraction after endoscopic sphincterotomy. The clinical and laboratory findings returned to normal after the procedure. After 11 months, the cholestatic findings reappeared. A stone was detected and removed again in ERCP. The patient has been well at follow-up for 15 months. Mirizzi's syndrome must be considered in cholecystectomized patients with long and distally placed cystic duct stump if extrahepatic cholestasis is present.


  • Mirizzi PL. Sindrome del conducto hepatico. J Int Chir 1948; 8: 731-37.
  • Csendes A, Diaz JC, Burdiles P, et al. Mirizzi syndrome and cho- lecystobiliary fistula: a unifying classification. Br J Surg 1989; 76: 1139-43.
  • Hazzan D, Golijanin D, Reissman P, et al. Combined endoscopic and surgical management of Mirizzi syndrome. Surg Endosc 1999; 13: 618-20.
  • Pemberton M, Wells AD. The Mirizzi syndrome. Postgrad Med J 1997; 73: 487-90.
  • McSherry CK, Ferstenberg H, Virshup M. The Mirizzi syndrome: suggested classification and surgical therapy. Surg Gastroenterol 1982; 1: 219-25.
  • Nagakawa T, Ohta T, Kayahara M, et al. A new classification of Mi- rizzi syndrome from diagnostic and therapeutic viewpoints. Hepato- gastroenterology 1997; 44: 63-7.
  • Binmoeller KF, Thonke F, Soehendra N. Endoscopic treatment of Mirizzi's syndrome. Gastrointest Endosc 1993; 39: 532-6.
  • Seitz U, Bapaye A, Bohnacher S, et al. Advances in therapeutic en- doscopic treatment of common bile duct stones. World J Surg 1998; 22: 1133-44.
  • Ippolito RJ. Acute acalculous cholecystitis associated with common hepatic duct obstruction: a variant of Mirizzi's syndrome. Conn Med 1993; 57: 451-5.
  • Chaudhuri A. Mirizzi's syndrome after cholecystectomy. Gastroin- test Endosc. 2002; 55: 456.
  • Sowula A, Groele H. Mirizzi syndrome caused by the gallstone in long remnant of a cystic duct. Wiad Lek (Eng Abstr) 1999; 52: 85-8.

Kolesistektomi sonrası oluşan Mirizzi sendromu olgusu

Yıl 2005, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2, 128 - 130, 01.08.2005


Mirizzi sendromu, sistik kanal ya da safra kesesi boynuna impakte taşın, koledok kanalına dıştan basısı sonucu gelişir. Bu makalede, kolesistektomiden 6 yıl sonra gelişen ve tekrarlayan bir Mirizzi sendromu olgusu sunulmuştur. 48 yaşındaki erkek hastamız, ateş, bulantı, kusma ve sarılık yakınmaları ile kliniğimize müracaat etti. Biyokimyasal tetkiklerinde, kolestatik paternde karaciğer enzim yüksekliği saptandı. Yapılan ERCP'de, koledoğun geniş, sistik kanal güdüğünün uzun ve distal yerleşimli olduğu görüldü. Sistik kanalda bir adet dolma defekti mevcuttu. Endoskopik sfinkteromi yapılarak, balon yardımıyla sistik kanaldan taş ekstrakte edildi. İşlem sonrasında klinik ve laboratuvar bulguları hızlı bir şekilde normale döndü. 11 ay sonra, hastamızda aynı klinik ve laboratuvar bulguları tekrar ortaya çıktı. Yinelenen ERCP'de, sistik kanal güdüğünde taş görüldü ve endoskopik yöntemle çıkarıldı. 15 aylık takip süresince hasta stabil seyretti. Kolesistektomi sonrasında gelişen ekstrahepatik kolestaz tablosunda, uzun bırakılmış ve distal yerleşimli sistik kanal güdüğü bulunanlarda Mirizzi sendromu da tanılar arasında düşünülmelidir.


  • Mirizzi PL. Sindrome del conducto hepatico. J Int Chir 1948; 8: 731-37.
  • Csendes A, Diaz JC, Burdiles P, et al. Mirizzi syndrome and cho- lecystobiliary fistula: a unifying classification. Br J Surg 1989; 76: 1139-43.
  • Hazzan D, Golijanin D, Reissman P, et al. Combined endoscopic and surgical management of Mirizzi syndrome. Surg Endosc 1999; 13: 618-20.
  • Pemberton M, Wells AD. The Mirizzi syndrome. Postgrad Med J 1997; 73: 487-90.
  • McSherry CK, Ferstenberg H, Virshup M. The Mirizzi syndrome: suggested classification and surgical therapy. Surg Gastroenterol 1982; 1: 219-25.
  • Nagakawa T, Ohta T, Kayahara M, et al. A new classification of Mi- rizzi syndrome from diagnostic and therapeutic viewpoints. Hepato- gastroenterology 1997; 44: 63-7.
  • Binmoeller KF, Thonke F, Soehendra N. Endoscopic treatment of Mirizzi's syndrome. Gastrointest Endosc 1993; 39: 532-6.
  • Seitz U, Bapaye A, Bohnacher S, et al. Advances in therapeutic en- doscopic treatment of common bile duct stones. World J Surg 1998; 22: 1133-44.
  • Ippolito RJ. Acute acalculous cholecystitis associated with common hepatic duct obstruction: a variant of Mirizzi's syndrome. Conn Med 1993; 57: 451-5.
  • Chaudhuri A. Mirizzi's syndrome after cholecystectomy. Gastroin- test Endosc. 2002; 55: 456.
  • Sowula A, Groele H. Mirizzi syndrome caused by the gallstone in long remnant of a cystic duct. Wiad Lek (Eng Abstr) 1999; 52: 85-8.
Toplam 11 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ağustos 2005
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2005 Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Aslan, M., Ateş, Y., Gülşen, M., Bağcı, S., vd. (2005). Kolesistektomi sonrası oluşan Mirizzi sendromu olgusu. Akademik Gastroenteroloji Dergisi, 4(2), 128-130.
