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Nijerya’nın Kaduna Eyaletinde Çeltik Pirinç Pazarlamasının Kâr Verimliliği: Gıda Güvenliği ve Yoksulluğun Azaltılmasına Yönelik Etkiler

Yıl 2024, , 11 - 18, 31.01.2024


Bu çalışma, Nijerya’nın Kaduna Eyaleti’nde çeltik pirinç pazarlamasının kârlılık etkinliğini, gıda güvenliği ve yoksulluğu hafifletme açısından değerlendirmiştir. Çalışmada çok aşamalı bir örnekleme tekniği benimsenmiştir. Toplamda 180 çeltik pirinç pazarlamacısından oluşan bir örneklem büyüklüğü seçilmiştir. İlk veriler, iyi yapılandırılmış ve tasarlanmış bir anket kullanılarak elde edilmiştir. Veriler, tanımlayıcı ve çıkarımsal istatistikler kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Sonuçlar, pirinç pazarlamanın karlı olduğunu göstermektedir. Üreticilerin pazarlama marjının en yüksek olduğu ve işletme oranının en düşük olduğu (sırasıyla %85,82 ve 0,12) tespit edilmiştir. Perakendecilerin en yüksek pazarlama etkinliğine (%20,92) sahip olduğu belirlenmiştir. Üreticilerin, toptancıların ve perakendecilerin çeltik pirinç pazarlamasına katılanların yatırım getirisi sırasıyla %5,54, %4,27 ve %3,78’dir. Çeltik pirinç pazarlamasında yer alan aktörlerin karlılık etkinliğini etkileyen önemli faktörler arasında alım fiyatı, taşıma maliyeti, işçilik maliyeti ve ücretler yer almaktadır. Çeltik pirinç pazarlamasındaki aktörler arasında
karlılık etkinliğini etkileyen önemli sosyo-ekonomik faktörler arasında yaş, cinsiyet, eğitim düzeyi, kredi erişimi ve kooperatif üyeliği bulunmaktadır. Aktörler için ortalama kârlılık etkinlik puanı 0,46 olarak belirlenmiş olup, iyileştirme için 0,54’lük bir boşluk bulunmaktadır. Çalışma, çeltik pirinç pazarlamasıyla ilişkilendirilen ana sorunları taşımacılık, finans, yol ve pazar altyapıları olarak tanımlamıştır. Çalışma, kredi olanaklarının sağlanması ve erişilebilir hale getirilmesi, ayrıca etkili ve verimli pazarlama için uygun bir ortam yaratmak için pazar ve yol altyapılarına yatırım yapılmasını önermektedir.


  • Abah, D. A., Anjeinu, A. G., & Iorrhon, A. P. (2015a). Analysis of the structure and conduct of paddy rice marketing in Benue State, Nigeria. American Journal of Marketing Research, 1(2), 70–78.
  • Abah, D. A., Anjeinu, A. G., & Iorhon, A. P. (2015b). Analysis of the performance of paddy rice marketing in Benue State, Nigeria. American Journal of Marketing Research, 1(3), 143–152.
  • Alabi, O. O., Oladele, A. O., & Maharazu, I. (2022). Economies of scale and technical efficiency of smallholder pepper (Capsicum species) production in Abuja, Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Belgrade, 67(1), 63–82. [CrossRef]
  • Alabi, O. O., Oladele, A. O., & Oladele, N. O. (2020). Economic Market Decisions among marginal maize farmers in Abuja, Nigeria: Applications of double hurdle model and factor analysis. Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences, 104(8), 114–125. [CrossRef]
  • Amesimeku,J., & Anang, B. T. (2021). Profit efficiency of smallholder soybean farmers in Tolon District of northern region of Ghana. Ghana Journal of Science, Technology and Development, 7(2), 29–43. [CrossRef]
  • Amolegbe, K. B., & Adewumi,M. O. (2016). Value chain analysis of the rice industry in Nasarawa State, Nigeria. Gashua Journal of Irrigation and Desertification Studies, 2(1), 2489–0030
  • Anang, B. T., & Shafiwu,A. B. (2022). Profit efficiency of smallholder maize farmers in Sagnarigu municipal of Northern Ghana. Review of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 25(1), 104–112. [CrossRef]
  • Babatunde, R.O and Oyatoye, E (2005). Food Security and Marketing Problems in Nigeria: The Case of Maize Marketing in Kwara State. The Global Food and Product Chain-Dynamics, Innovation, Conflicts, and Strategies. Proceedings of Tropentag. Tielkes, E., Hulsebusch,C., Hauser, I., Deininger, A., and Becker,K (eds). Centre for Agriculture in the Tropics and Sub-Tropics, pp 475 - 484.
  • Bassey, E. N., Okon, U. E., & Ibok, O. W. (2013). Intermarket performance and pricing efficiency of imported rice marketing in South-South Nigeria: A case of Akwa Ibom State traders. Science and Education Centre of North America, 1(2), 53–63
  • Ben-Chendo, G. N., Lawal, N., & Osuji,M. N. (2017). Cost and returns of paddy rice production in Kaduna State, Nigeria. European Journal of Agriculture and Forestry Research, 5(3), 14–48.
  • Chidi, I., Anozie, R. O., & Nneji, C. P. (2015). Analysis of socio-economic factors and profitability of rice production among smallscale farmers in Ebonyi State. IOSR journal of agricultural and veterinary science, 8(2), 20–27.
  • Ejoha, O. A. (2019). Economics of paddy rice marketing in Nasarawa State, Nigeria (MSc Thesis). Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Abuja.
  • Mark, N. C., Ohajianya, D., Obasi, P., & Onyeagocha, S. (2019). Profitability of rice production in different production systems in Ebonyi State, Nigeria. Open Agriculture, 4(1), 237–246. [CrossRef]
  • Nwibo, S. U., Udo,N. E., & Igberi, C. O. (2013). Spatial price analysis of paddy rice in Ebonyi north zone of Ebonyi State, Nigeria. IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 8(3), 50–53.
  • Ogundari, K. (2016). Determinants of profit efficiency among smallscale rice farmers in Nigeria: A profit function approach. A Poster Paper prepared for Presentation at the International Association of Agricultural Economists Conference, Gold Coasts, August 12–16. Australia.
  • Ojo, T. O., Ogundeji, A. A., Babu, S. C., & Alimi, T. (2020). Estimating financial gaps in rice production in SouthWestern Nigeria. Journal of Economic Structures, 9(1), 12. [CrossRef]
  • Okello, D. M., Bonabana-Wabbi,J., & Mugonola, B. (2019). Farm level allocative efficiency of rice production in Gulu and amuru districts, Northern Uganda. Agricultural and Food Economics, 7(1), 19. [CrossRef]
  • Okoro,B. O., Chukwu, G. O., Oduechie, T. C., & Okafor, C. N. (2015). Role of youths in family rice production in Anambra State, Nigeria. Proceedings of the 20th annual national conference of the Agricultural Extension Society of Nigeria held at the national agricultural extension and research liaison services (NAERLS). Zaria, Nigeria: Ahmadu Bello University.
  • Okwo, C. R. (2009). Economics of farm-gate rice marketing in Enugu state, Nigeria. Master of Science, University of Nigeria.
  • Olukosi, J. O., & Erhabor, P. O. (2015). Introduction to farm management economics: Principles and applications (pp. 77–83). Agitab Publishers Limited.
  • Osawe, O. W., Akinyosoye, V. O., Omonona, B. T., Okoruwa, V. O., & Salman,K. K. (2017). Productivity differentials in rice production systems: Evidence from rice farmers in five agro-ecological zones in Nigeria. Journal of Nutraceuticals and Food Science, 2(3), 18.
  • RIFAN (2022). Rice Farmers Association of Nigeria, rice production in Nigeria, news agency of Nigeria, May 17.
  • Sadiq, M. S., & Singh, I. P. (2015). Application of stochastic frontier function in measuring profit efficiency of smallscale maize farmers in Niger State, Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Economics, Extension and Rural Development, 3(1), 229–239.
  • Yamane, T. (1967). Elementary sampling theory (Vol. 1, pp. 371–390). Prentice Inc.
  • Yusuf, T. M. (2022). Profit efficiency of smallscale rice farms in Patigi Local Government area of Kwara State, Nigeria. Internation.

Profit Efficiency of Paddy Rice Marketing in Kaduna State, Nigeria: Implications for Food Security and Poverty Alleviation

Yıl 2024, , 11 - 18, 31.01.2024


This study evaluated the profit efficiency of paddy rice marketing in Kaduna State, Nigeria, with implications for food security and poverty alleviation. A multi-stage sampling technique was adopted. A total sample size of 180 paddy rice marketers was selected. Primary data were obtained using a well-structured and well-designed questionnaire. The data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The result shows that the mean ages of producers, wholesalers, and retailers that are involved in rice marketing were 46, 44, and 41 years old. Paddy rice marketing is profitable. The producers had the highest marketing margin and the lowest operating ratio of 85.82% and 0.12, respectively. The retailers had the highest marketing efficiency of 20.92%. The rates of return on investment for producers, wholesalers, and retailers involved in paddy rice marketing were 5.54, 4.27, and 3.78, respectively. The purchase price, transportation cost, labor cost, and fees were the significant factors influencing the profit efficiency of the actors involved in paddy rice marketing. The significant socioeconomic factors influencing the profit inefficiency of paddy rice marketing among actors were age, gender, educational level, access to credit, and membership of cooperatives. The mean profit efficiency score for actors was 0.46, leaving a gap of 0.54 for improvement. The study identified transportation, finance, roads, and market infrastructure as the major problems associated with paddy rice marketing. The study recommended that credit facilities should be provided and made accessible; also, investment in market and road infrastructure is necessary to create an enabling environment for effective and efficient marketing.


  • Abah, D. A., Anjeinu, A. G., & Iorrhon, A. P. (2015a). Analysis of the structure and conduct of paddy rice marketing in Benue State, Nigeria. American Journal of Marketing Research, 1(2), 70–78.
  • Abah, D. A., Anjeinu, A. G., & Iorhon, A. P. (2015b). Analysis of the performance of paddy rice marketing in Benue State, Nigeria. American Journal of Marketing Research, 1(3), 143–152.
  • Alabi, O. O., Oladele, A. O., & Maharazu, I. (2022). Economies of scale and technical efficiency of smallholder pepper (Capsicum species) production in Abuja, Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Belgrade, 67(1), 63–82. [CrossRef]
  • Alabi, O. O., Oladele, A. O., & Oladele, N. O. (2020). Economic Market Decisions among marginal maize farmers in Abuja, Nigeria: Applications of double hurdle model and factor analysis. Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences, 104(8), 114–125. [CrossRef]
  • Amesimeku,J., & Anang, B. T. (2021). Profit efficiency of smallholder soybean farmers in Tolon District of northern region of Ghana. Ghana Journal of Science, Technology and Development, 7(2), 29–43. [CrossRef]
  • Amolegbe, K. B., & Adewumi,M. O. (2016). Value chain analysis of the rice industry in Nasarawa State, Nigeria. Gashua Journal of Irrigation and Desertification Studies, 2(1), 2489–0030
  • Anang, B. T., & Shafiwu,A. B. (2022). Profit efficiency of smallholder maize farmers in Sagnarigu municipal of Northern Ghana. Review of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 25(1), 104–112. [CrossRef]
  • Babatunde, R.O and Oyatoye, E (2005). Food Security and Marketing Problems in Nigeria: The Case of Maize Marketing in Kwara State. The Global Food and Product Chain-Dynamics, Innovation, Conflicts, and Strategies. Proceedings of Tropentag. Tielkes, E., Hulsebusch,C., Hauser, I., Deininger, A., and Becker,K (eds). Centre for Agriculture in the Tropics and Sub-Tropics, pp 475 - 484.
  • Bassey, E. N., Okon, U. E., & Ibok, O. W. (2013). Intermarket performance and pricing efficiency of imported rice marketing in South-South Nigeria: A case of Akwa Ibom State traders. Science and Education Centre of North America, 1(2), 53–63
  • Ben-Chendo, G. N., Lawal, N., & Osuji,M. N. (2017). Cost and returns of paddy rice production in Kaduna State, Nigeria. European Journal of Agriculture and Forestry Research, 5(3), 14–48.
  • Chidi, I., Anozie, R. O., & Nneji, C. P. (2015). Analysis of socio-economic factors and profitability of rice production among smallscale farmers in Ebonyi State. IOSR journal of agricultural and veterinary science, 8(2), 20–27.
  • Ejoha, O. A. (2019). Economics of paddy rice marketing in Nasarawa State, Nigeria (MSc Thesis). Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Abuja.
  • Mark, N. C., Ohajianya, D., Obasi, P., & Onyeagocha, S. (2019). Profitability of rice production in different production systems in Ebonyi State, Nigeria. Open Agriculture, 4(1), 237–246. [CrossRef]
  • Nwibo, S. U., Udo,N. E., & Igberi, C. O. (2013). Spatial price analysis of paddy rice in Ebonyi north zone of Ebonyi State, Nigeria. IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 8(3), 50–53.
  • Ogundari, K. (2016). Determinants of profit efficiency among smallscale rice farmers in Nigeria: A profit function approach. A Poster Paper prepared for Presentation at the International Association of Agricultural Economists Conference, Gold Coasts, August 12–16. Australia.
  • Ojo, T. O., Ogundeji, A. A., Babu, S. C., & Alimi, T. (2020). Estimating financial gaps in rice production in SouthWestern Nigeria. Journal of Economic Structures, 9(1), 12. [CrossRef]
  • Okello, D. M., Bonabana-Wabbi,J., & Mugonola, B. (2019). Farm level allocative efficiency of rice production in Gulu and amuru districts, Northern Uganda. Agricultural and Food Economics, 7(1), 19. [CrossRef]
  • Okoro,B. O., Chukwu, G. O., Oduechie, T. C., & Okafor, C. N. (2015). Role of youths in family rice production in Anambra State, Nigeria. Proceedings of the 20th annual national conference of the Agricultural Extension Society of Nigeria held at the national agricultural extension and research liaison services (NAERLS). Zaria, Nigeria: Ahmadu Bello University.
  • Okwo, C. R. (2009). Economics of farm-gate rice marketing in Enugu state, Nigeria. Master of Science, University of Nigeria.
  • Olukosi, J. O., & Erhabor, P. O. (2015). Introduction to farm management economics: Principles and applications (pp. 77–83). Agitab Publishers Limited.
  • Osawe, O. W., Akinyosoye, V. O., Omonona, B. T., Okoruwa, V. O., & Salman,K. K. (2017). Productivity differentials in rice production systems: Evidence from rice farmers in five agro-ecological zones in Nigeria. Journal of Nutraceuticals and Food Science, 2(3), 18.
  • RIFAN (2022). Rice Farmers Association of Nigeria, rice production in Nigeria, news agency of Nigeria, May 17.
  • Sadiq, M. S., & Singh, I. P. (2015). Application of stochastic frontier function in measuring profit efficiency of smallscale maize farmers in Niger State, Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Economics, Extension and Rural Development, 3(1), 229–239.
  • Yamane, T. (1967). Elementary sampling theory (Vol. 1, pp. 371–390). Prentice Inc.
  • Yusuf, T. M. (2022). Profit efficiency of smallscale rice farms in Patigi Local Government area of Kwara State, Nigeria. Internation.
Toplam 25 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Ziraat Mühendisliği (Diğer)
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Olugbenga Omotayo Alabı 0000-0002-8390-9775

Joseph Bayei 0000-0003-1218-1526

Jeremiah Aluwong 0000-0001-8462-538X

Abiade Samson Olumuyiwa 0000-0003-1596-1114

Philip Prekeme Ojokojo Bu kişi benim

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 28 Ocak 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ocak 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Alabı, O. O., Bayei, J., Aluwong, J., Olumuyiwa, A. S., vd. (2024). Profit Efficiency of Paddy Rice Marketing in Kaduna State, Nigeria: Implications for Food Security and Poverty Alleviation. Research in Agricultural Sciences, 55(1), 11-18.

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