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Doğu Zimbabwe'deki küçük çiftliklerde toprak besin yönetiminin toprak verimliliği gradyanı boyunca toprak yabancı ot tohum bankası dinamikleri üzerindeki etkisi

Yıl 2024, , 105 - 114, 29.05.2024


Yabancı ot tohum bankaları, küçük ölçekli çiftçilik işletmelerinde düşük ürün üretimine katkıda bulunan gizli biyotik stres faktörleridir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, tekrarlanan toprak besin değişikliklerinin Doğu Zimbabve'de yabancı ot tohum bankası dinamikleri üzerindeki etkisini araştırmaktır. Toprak örnekleri, eğim boyunca düşük, orta ve yüksek toprak organik karbon (TOC) içeren üç çiftlikten alınmıştır. Örneklenen işlemler arasında bileşik D (7% N, 14% P, 7% K) gübresinin farklı kombinasyonları, sığır gübresi ve kireç bulunmaktadır. Parsel başına çıkan yabancı otlar türlerine göre sayılmış ve veriler normal dağılıma sahip olmadan önce bir lineer karışık etkiler modeli ve Sınırlı Maksimum Olabilirlik çalıştırılmıştır. Başlık Bileşen Analizi (PCA), mevsimler arası ilişkiyi, TOC, toprak besin düzenlemesi ve çıkan yabancı otları belirlemek için yapılmıştır. Orta (6.4g kg-1 toprak), yüksek (8 g kg-1 toprak) ve düşük (<3.9 g kg-1 toprak) TOC'de anlamlı (p < .05) tür zenginliği (Margalef indeksi) ve Shannon Weiner indeksi kaydedilmiştir. Yabancı ot türlerinin ortaya çıkışı, eğim boyunca SOC seviyesinden etkilenmiş ve kaynaktan gelen sonuçları temsil etmiştir. Richardia scabra gibi yabancı otların asidik kumlu topraklarda düşük SOC'ye bağlı olarak çıkışı olmuştur. Bununla birlikte, besin maddelerinin uygulanması (NPK+kireç tedavisi), yabancı ot türü sayısını 1.96±0.12'den 1.4±0.12'ye düşürmüştür. Sığır gübresi ve NPK+SG işlemleri, kontrolle karşılaştırıldığında önemli ölçüde daha yüksek yabancı ot çıkışı ve yabancı ot biyokütlesi kaydedilmiştir. Açıkça, sığır gübresi işlemleri toprak yabancı ot tohum bankasını önemli ölçüde arttırmaktadır; bu nedenle, sığır gübresi ile tedavi edilen tarlalarda çapa yoğunluğunun artması muhtemeldir.


  • Blackshaw, E., Brandt, N. & Janzen, H. (2002). Weeds dine out on nitrogen and phosphorus. Better Crops with Plant Food, 86(1), 20–22.
  • Blackshaw, R.E. (2005). Nitrogen fertilizer, manure, and compost effects on weed growth and competition with spring wheat. Agronomy Journal, 97(6), 1612–1621. https,//
  • Blackshaw, E. & Brandt, N. (2009). Phosphorus fertilizer effects on the competition between wheat and several weed species. Weed Biology and Management, 9(1), 46–53.
  • Boling, A., Tuong, P., Suganda, H., Konboon, Y., Harnpichitvitaya, D., Bouman, M. & Franco T. (2008). The effect of toposequence position on soil properties, hydrology and yield of rain-fed lowland rice in Southeast Asia. Field Crops Research, 106,22–33.
  • Cavers, P.B. & Benoit, D.L. (1989). Seed banks in arable lands. In MA. Leck, VT. Parker, and RL. Simpson (eds.) Ecology of soil seed banks.
  • Chaumba, J., Scoones, I. & Wolmer, W. (2003). From Jambanja to Planning: The Reassertion of Technocracy in Land Reform in South-Eastern Zimbabwe? The Journal of Modern African Studies, 41, 533–554.
  • Chikoye, D., Manyong, V.M. & Ekeleme, F. (2000). Characteristics of spear grass (Imperata cylindrica) dominated fields in West Africa: Crops, soil properties, farmer perceptions, and management strategies. Crop Protection, 19, 481–487.
  • Chipomho, J., Masuka, B.P., Chabata, M.M., Chipomho, C. & Msindo, B. (2018). Organic soil amendments: Implications on fresh tomato (Solanum lycopesicum) yield, weed density, and biomass. Journal of Animal and Plant Science, 28(3), 845–853.
  • Chitigu, B., Rugare, J.T. & Mabasa, S. (2013). Screening Maize (Zea mays) Genotypes for Tolerance to witch weed (Striga Screening Maize (Zea mays) Genotypes for Tolerance to witch weed (Striga asiatica L. Kuntze) Infection. Journal of Agricultural Science, 6(2), 160–169.
  • Chivenge, P., Vanlauwe, B. & Six, J. (2011). Does the combined application of organic and mineral nutrient sources influence maize productivity? A meta-analysis. Plant Soil, 16, 1–30.
  • Conn J.S. (2006). Weed seed bank affected by tillage intensity for barley in Alaska. Soil and Tillage Research, 90, 156–161.
  • Creech, J.E., Westphal, A., Ferris, V.R., Faghihi, J., Vyn, T.J., Santini, J.B. & Johnson, W.G. (2008). Influence of winter annual weed management and crop rotation on soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines) and winter annual weeds. Weed Science, 56, 103–111.
  • Davis, A.S., Renner, K.A. & Gross, K.L. (2005). Weed seed bank and community shifts in a long-term cropping system experiment. Weed Science, 53(3), 296–306.
  • Dvorsky, M., Dolezal, J., de Bello, F., Klimesova, J. & Klimes, L. (2011). Vegetation types of East Ladakh: species and growth form composition along main environmental gradients. Applied Vegetation Science, 14, 132–147.
  • Forcella, F. (2003). Debiting the seedbank: Priorities and predictions. In Bekker et al. (eds.) Seedbanks: Determination, dynamics and management. Aspects of Applied Biology, 69. Association of Applied Biologists, Welles Bourne, UK. pp. 151–162.
  • Fried, G., Petit, S. & Dessaint, F. (2009). Arable weed decline in Northern France: crop edges as refugia for weed conservation? Biological Conservation, 142, 238–43.
  • Hammer, O., Harper, D.A.T. & Paul, D.R. (2001). Past: paleontological statistics software package for education and data analysis. Palaeontol. Electron, 4, 1–9.
  • Hussain, M., Safdar Ali, S., Muhammad Naveed Tahir, MN., Ghulam Abbas Shah, GA., Ijaz Ahmad, I., Muhammad Aqeel Sarwar, M.A. & Sohail Latif, S. (2016). Comparative Study of Soil Weed Seed Bank Determination in Pothwar Region by using Different Methodologies. Agronomy Research, 14(4), 1372–1379.
  • James, T.K., Rahman, A. & Mellsop, J. (2000). Weed competition in maize crop under different timings for post-emergence. Weed Control, 6, 269–272.
  • Jiang, M., Shen, X.P., Gao, W., Shen, M.X. and Dai, Q.G. (2014). Weed seed-bank responses to long- term fertilization in a rice-wheat rotation system. Plant Soil Environment, 60(8),344-350.
  • Karimmojeni, H., Taab, A., Rashidim, B. & Bazrafshan, A. (2014). Dormancy breaking and seed germination of the annual weeds Thlaspi arvense, Descurainia sophia and Malcolmia africana (Brassicaceae). Journal of Plant Protection Research, 54(2).
  • Kent, R. J. & Johnson, D.E. (2001). Influence of flood depth and duration on the growth of lowland rice weeds, Côte d'Ivoire. Crop Protection, 20, 691–694.
  • Kone, B., Amadji, G.L., Touré, A., Togola, A., Mariko, M. & Huat, J. (2013). A Case of Cyperus sp. and Imperata cylindrica occurrences on Acrisol of the Dahomey gap in South Benin as affected by soil characteristics: A Strategy for soil and weed management. Applied and Environmental Soil Science,
  • Koné, B., Touré, A., Amadji, G. L., Yao-Kouamé, A., Angui, P. T. & Huat, J. (2013). Soil characteristics and cyperus spp. occurrence along a toposequence. African Journal of Ecology, 51(3), 402–408.
  • Kurwakumire, N., Chikowo, R., Mtambanengwe, F., Mapfumo, P., Snapp, S., Johnston, A. & Zingore, S. (2014). Maize productivity and nutrient and water use efficiencies across soil fertility domains on smallholder farms in Zimbabwe. Field Crops Research, 164(1), 136–147.
  • Lee, N. & Thierfelder, C. (2017). Weed control under conservation agriculture in dryland smallholder farming systems of Southern Africa. A review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 37, 48-56.
  • Li, K., Fan, H., Yin, P., Yang, L., Xue, Q., Li, X., Sun, L & Liu, Y. (2017). Structure-activity relationship of eight high content flavonoids analysed with a preliminary assign-score method and their contribution to antioxidant ability of flavonoids-rich extract from Scutellaria baicalensis shoots. Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 11(2), 159-170.
  • Louren, M., Schwartz-Lazaro, S & Josh T. C. (2019). A Review of the Soil Seedbank from a Weed Scientists Perspective. Agronomy, 9, 369.
  • Mashingaidze, A.B., Van Der Werf, W., Lotz, L.A.P., Chipomho, J., & Kropff, M.J. (2009). Narrow rows reduce biomass and seed production of weeds and increase maize yield. Annals of Applied Biology, 155(2), 207–218.
  • Masvaya, E.N., Nyamangara, J., Nyawasha, R.W., Zingore, S., Delve, R.J. & Giller, K.E. (2010). Effect of farmer management strategies on spatial variability of soil fertility and crop nutrient uptake in contrasting agro-ecological zones in Zimbabwe. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 88(1), 111–120.
  • Materechera, S.A. & Modiakgotla, L.N. (2006). Cattle manure increases soil weed population and species diversity in a semi-arid environment. South African Journal of Plant and Soil, 23 (1), 37–41.
  • Mavunganidze, Z., Madakadze, I. C., Nyamangara, J. & Mafongoya, P. (2016). Influence of selected soil properties, soil management practices and socio-economic variables on relative weed density in a hand hoe-based conservation agriculture system. Soil Use and Management 28, 1–13.
  • Moyo, S. (2005). Land Redistribution and Public Action in Zimbabwe. African and Asian Studies, 4, 187–223.
  • Mtambanengwe, F. & Mapfumo, P. (2006). Effects of organic resource quality on soil profile N dynamics and maize yields on sandy soils in Zimbabwe. Plant and Soil, 281(1–2), 173–191.
  • Nezomba, H., Mtambanengwe, F., Tittonell, P. & Mapfumo, P. (2015). Point of no return? Rehabilitating degraded soils for increased crop productivity on smallholder farms in eastern Zimbabwe. Geoderma, 239, 143–155.
  • Parwada, C., Chigiya, V., Ngezimana, W. & Chipomho, J. (2020). Growth and performance of baby spinach (Spinacia oleraceae L.) grown under different Organic Fertilizers. International Journal of Agronomy,
  • Pielou, E.C. (1966). The measurement of diversity in different types of biological collections. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 13, 131–144.
  • Rupende, E., Chivinge, O.A. & Mariga, I.K. (1998). The effect of storage time on weed seedling emergence and nutrient release in cattle manure. Experimental Agriculture, 34, 277-285.
  • Rusinamhodzi, L., Corbeels, M., Zingore, S., Nyamangara, J. & Giller, K. E. (2013). Pushing the envelope? Maize production intensification and the role of cattle manure in recovery of degraded soils in smallholder farming areas of Zimbabwe. Field Crops Research, 147, 40–53.
  • Shannon, C.E. (1948). A mathematical theory of communication. Bell System Technical Journal, 27, 379–423.
  • Simpson, E.H. (1949). Measurement of diversity. Nature 163: 688.
  • Smilauer, P. & Lepš, J. (2014). Multivariate Analysis of Ecological Data Using CANOCO 5. Cambridge University Press. pp 58-64.
  • Steel, R.G.D., Torrie, J.H. & Dicky, D.A. (1997). Principles and procedures of statistics. A biometry approaches. 3rd edition MacGraw-Hill, New York. 352–358.
  • Tang, L., Wan, K., Cheng, C., Li, R., Wang, D., Pan, J., Tao, Y., Xie, J. & Chen, F. (2014). Effect of fertilization patterns on the assemblage of weed communities in an upland winter wheat field. Journal of Plant Ecology, 7(1), 39–50.
  • Tibugari, H., Chikasha, T., Manyeruke, N., Mathema, N., Musara, J.P., Dlamini, D., Mapuranga, R., Mapanje, O., Banda, A. & Parwada, C. (2019). Poor maize productivity in Zimbabwe: Can collusion in pricing by seed houses be the cause? Cogent Food and Agriculture, 5, 1682230
  • Touré, A., Rodenburg, J., Marnotte, P., Dieng, I. & Huat, J. (2014). Identifying the problem weeds of rice-based systems along the inland-valley catena in the southern Guinea Savanna, Africa. Weed Biology and Management, 14 (2), 121-132.
  • Vanlauwe, B.A., Chianu, J.A., Giller, K.E.B., Merckx, R.C., Mokwunye, U.D., Pypers, P.A. & Shepherd, K.E. (2010). Integrated soil fertility management: operational definition and consequences for implementation and dissemination. Outlook on Agriculture, 10 (64-79), 194–197.
  • Whitehouse, M.E.A., Wilson, L.J., Davies, A.P., Cross, D., Goldsmith, P., Thompson, A., Harden, S. & Baker, G. (2014). Terget and non-Terget effects of novel “triple-stacked” Bt transgenic cotton 1: canopy arthropod communities. Environment Entomology, 43, 218–241.

Effect of soil nutrient management on soil weed seed bank dynamics across a soil fertility gradient in smallholder farms, Eastern Zimbabwe

Yıl 2024, , 105 - 114, 29.05.2024


Weed seed banks are latent biotic stress contributors to low crop production among smallholder farms. The objective of this study was to investigate effect of repeated soil nutrient amendments on weed seed bank dynamics in eastern Zimbabwe. Soil samples were taken from three farms with low, medium and high soil organic carbon (SOC) along the catena. Sampled treatments included varying combinations of compound D (7%N, 14%P, 7% K) fertiliser, cattle manure and lime. Weeds that emerged per plot were counted by species and data was tested for normality before running a linear mixed-effects model and Restricted Maximum Likelihood. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was performed to establish the relationship between seasons, SOC, soil nutrient amendment, and emerged weeds. Significant (p < .05) species richness (Margalef index), and Shannon Weiner index were recorded in the medium (6.4g kg-1soil), high (8 g kg-1 soil) and low (< 3.9 g kg-1soil) SOC. Weed species emergence was significantly (p < .05) influenced by the level of SOC along the catena positions, representing results from the source. Emergency and abundance of weeds such as Richardia scabra, was associated with low SOC acidic sandy soils from the upper catena. However, application of nutrients (NPK+lime treatment) reduced weed species counts from 1.96±0.12 to 1.4±0.12. Cattle manure and NPK+CM treatments recorded significantly higher weed emergence, and weed biomass; compared to the control. Clearly, cattle manure treatments significantly increase the soil weed seed bank; thus, weeding intensity is likely to increase in cattle manure treated fields.


  • Blackshaw, E., Brandt, N. & Janzen, H. (2002). Weeds dine out on nitrogen and phosphorus. Better Crops with Plant Food, 86(1), 20–22.
  • Blackshaw, R.E. (2005). Nitrogen fertilizer, manure, and compost effects on weed growth and competition with spring wheat. Agronomy Journal, 97(6), 1612–1621. https,//
  • Blackshaw, E. & Brandt, N. (2009). Phosphorus fertilizer effects on the competition between wheat and several weed species. Weed Biology and Management, 9(1), 46–53.
  • Boling, A., Tuong, P., Suganda, H., Konboon, Y., Harnpichitvitaya, D., Bouman, M. & Franco T. (2008). The effect of toposequence position on soil properties, hydrology and yield of rain-fed lowland rice in Southeast Asia. Field Crops Research, 106,22–33.
  • Cavers, P.B. & Benoit, D.L. (1989). Seed banks in arable lands. In MA. Leck, VT. Parker, and RL. Simpson (eds.) Ecology of soil seed banks.
  • Chaumba, J., Scoones, I. & Wolmer, W. (2003). From Jambanja to Planning: The Reassertion of Technocracy in Land Reform in South-Eastern Zimbabwe? The Journal of Modern African Studies, 41, 533–554.
  • Chikoye, D., Manyong, V.M. & Ekeleme, F. (2000). Characteristics of spear grass (Imperata cylindrica) dominated fields in West Africa: Crops, soil properties, farmer perceptions, and management strategies. Crop Protection, 19, 481–487.
  • Chipomho, J., Masuka, B.P., Chabata, M.M., Chipomho, C. & Msindo, B. (2018). Organic soil amendments: Implications on fresh tomato (Solanum lycopesicum) yield, weed density, and biomass. Journal of Animal and Plant Science, 28(3), 845–853.
  • Chitigu, B., Rugare, J.T. & Mabasa, S. (2013). Screening Maize (Zea mays) Genotypes for Tolerance to witch weed (Striga Screening Maize (Zea mays) Genotypes for Tolerance to witch weed (Striga asiatica L. Kuntze) Infection. Journal of Agricultural Science, 6(2), 160–169.
  • Chivenge, P., Vanlauwe, B. & Six, J. (2011). Does the combined application of organic and mineral nutrient sources influence maize productivity? A meta-analysis. Plant Soil, 16, 1–30.
  • Conn J.S. (2006). Weed seed bank affected by tillage intensity for barley in Alaska. Soil and Tillage Research, 90, 156–161.
  • Creech, J.E., Westphal, A., Ferris, V.R., Faghihi, J., Vyn, T.J., Santini, J.B. & Johnson, W.G. (2008). Influence of winter annual weed management and crop rotation on soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines) and winter annual weeds. Weed Science, 56, 103–111.
  • Davis, A.S., Renner, K.A. & Gross, K.L. (2005). Weed seed bank and community shifts in a long-term cropping system experiment. Weed Science, 53(3), 296–306.
  • Dvorsky, M., Dolezal, J., de Bello, F., Klimesova, J. & Klimes, L. (2011). Vegetation types of East Ladakh: species and growth form composition along main environmental gradients. Applied Vegetation Science, 14, 132–147.
  • Forcella, F. (2003). Debiting the seedbank: Priorities and predictions. In Bekker et al. (eds.) Seedbanks: Determination, dynamics and management. Aspects of Applied Biology, 69. Association of Applied Biologists, Welles Bourne, UK. pp. 151–162.
  • Fried, G., Petit, S. & Dessaint, F. (2009). Arable weed decline in Northern France: crop edges as refugia for weed conservation? Biological Conservation, 142, 238–43.
  • Hammer, O., Harper, D.A.T. & Paul, D.R. (2001). Past: paleontological statistics software package for education and data analysis. Palaeontol. Electron, 4, 1–9.
  • Hussain, M., Safdar Ali, S., Muhammad Naveed Tahir, MN., Ghulam Abbas Shah, GA., Ijaz Ahmad, I., Muhammad Aqeel Sarwar, M.A. & Sohail Latif, S. (2016). Comparative Study of Soil Weed Seed Bank Determination in Pothwar Region by using Different Methodologies. Agronomy Research, 14(4), 1372–1379.
  • James, T.K., Rahman, A. & Mellsop, J. (2000). Weed competition in maize crop under different timings for post-emergence. Weed Control, 6, 269–272.
  • Jiang, M., Shen, X.P., Gao, W., Shen, M.X. and Dai, Q.G. (2014). Weed seed-bank responses to long- term fertilization in a rice-wheat rotation system. Plant Soil Environment, 60(8),344-350.
  • Karimmojeni, H., Taab, A., Rashidim, B. & Bazrafshan, A. (2014). Dormancy breaking and seed germination of the annual weeds Thlaspi arvense, Descurainia sophia and Malcolmia africana (Brassicaceae). Journal of Plant Protection Research, 54(2).
  • Kent, R. J. & Johnson, D.E. (2001). Influence of flood depth and duration on the growth of lowland rice weeds, Côte d'Ivoire. Crop Protection, 20, 691–694.
  • Kone, B., Amadji, G.L., Touré, A., Togola, A., Mariko, M. & Huat, J. (2013). A Case of Cyperus sp. and Imperata cylindrica occurrences on Acrisol of the Dahomey gap in South Benin as affected by soil characteristics: A Strategy for soil and weed management. Applied and Environmental Soil Science,
  • Koné, B., Touré, A., Amadji, G. L., Yao-Kouamé, A., Angui, P. T. & Huat, J. (2013). Soil characteristics and cyperus spp. occurrence along a toposequence. African Journal of Ecology, 51(3), 402–408.
  • Kurwakumire, N., Chikowo, R., Mtambanengwe, F., Mapfumo, P., Snapp, S., Johnston, A. & Zingore, S. (2014). Maize productivity and nutrient and water use efficiencies across soil fertility domains on smallholder farms in Zimbabwe. Field Crops Research, 164(1), 136–147.
  • Lee, N. & Thierfelder, C. (2017). Weed control under conservation agriculture in dryland smallholder farming systems of Southern Africa. A review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 37, 48-56.
  • Li, K., Fan, H., Yin, P., Yang, L., Xue, Q., Li, X., Sun, L & Liu, Y. (2017). Structure-activity relationship of eight high content flavonoids analysed with a preliminary assign-score method and their contribution to antioxidant ability of flavonoids-rich extract from Scutellaria baicalensis shoots. Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 11(2), 159-170.
  • Louren, M., Schwartz-Lazaro, S & Josh T. C. (2019). A Review of the Soil Seedbank from a Weed Scientists Perspective. Agronomy, 9, 369.
  • Mashingaidze, A.B., Van Der Werf, W., Lotz, L.A.P., Chipomho, J., & Kropff, M.J. (2009). Narrow rows reduce biomass and seed production of weeds and increase maize yield. Annals of Applied Biology, 155(2), 207–218.
  • Masvaya, E.N., Nyamangara, J., Nyawasha, R.W., Zingore, S., Delve, R.J. & Giller, K.E. (2010). Effect of farmer management strategies on spatial variability of soil fertility and crop nutrient uptake in contrasting agro-ecological zones in Zimbabwe. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 88(1), 111–120.
  • Materechera, S.A. & Modiakgotla, L.N. (2006). Cattle manure increases soil weed population and species diversity in a semi-arid environment. South African Journal of Plant and Soil, 23 (1), 37–41.
  • Mavunganidze, Z., Madakadze, I. C., Nyamangara, J. & Mafongoya, P. (2016). Influence of selected soil properties, soil management practices and socio-economic variables on relative weed density in a hand hoe-based conservation agriculture system. Soil Use and Management 28, 1–13.
  • Moyo, S. (2005). Land Redistribution and Public Action in Zimbabwe. African and Asian Studies, 4, 187–223.
  • Mtambanengwe, F. & Mapfumo, P. (2006). Effects of organic resource quality on soil profile N dynamics and maize yields on sandy soils in Zimbabwe. Plant and Soil, 281(1–2), 173–191.
  • Nezomba, H., Mtambanengwe, F., Tittonell, P. & Mapfumo, P. (2015). Point of no return? Rehabilitating degraded soils for increased crop productivity on smallholder farms in eastern Zimbabwe. Geoderma, 239, 143–155.
  • Parwada, C., Chigiya, V., Ngezimana, W. & Chipomho, J. (2020). Growth and performance of baby spinach (Spinacia oleraceae L.) grown under different Organic Fertilizers. International Journal of Agronomy,
  • Pielou, E.C. (1966). The measurement of diversity in different types of biological collections. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 13, 131–144.
  • Rupende, E., Chivinge, O.A. & Mariga, I.K. (1998). The effect of storage time on weed seedling emergence and nutrient release in cattle manure. Experimental Agriculture, 34, 277-285.
  • Rusinamhodzi, L., Corbeels, M., Zingore, S., Nyamangara, J. & Giller, K. E. (2013). Pushing the envelope? Maize production intensification and the role of cattle manure in recovery of degraded soils in smallholder farming areas of Zimbabwe. Field Crops Research, 147, 40–53.
  • Shannon, C.E. (1948). A mathematical theory of communication. Bell System Technical Journal, 27, 379–423.
  • Simpson, E.H. (1949). Measurement of diversity. Nature 163: 688.
  • Smilauer, P. & Lepš, J. (2014). Multivariate Analysis of Ecological Data Using CANOCO 5. Cambridge University Press. pp 58-64.
  • Steel, R.G.D., Torrie, J.H. & Dicky, D.A. (1997). Principles and procedures of statistics. A biometry approaches. 3rd edition MacGraw-Hill, New York. 352–358.
  • Tang, L., Wan, K., Cheng, C., Li, R., Wang, D., Pan, J., Tao, Y., Xie, J. & Chen, F. (2014). Effect of fertilization patterns on the assemblage of weed communities in an upland winter wheat field. Journal of Plant Ecology, 7(1), 39–50.
  • Tibugari, H., Chikasha, T., Manyeruke, N., Mathema, N., Musara, J.P., Dlamini, D., Mapuranga, R., Mapanje, O., Banda, A. & Parwada, C. (2019). Poor maize productivity in Zimbabwe: Can collusion in pricing by seed houses be the cause? Cogent Food and Agriculture, 5, 1682230
  • Touré, A., Rodenburg, J., Marnotte, P., Dieng, I. & Huat, J. (2014). Identifying the problem weeds of rice-based systems along the inland-valley catena in the southern Guinea Savanna, Africa. Weed Biology and Management, 14 (2), 121-132.
  • Vanlauwe, B.A., Chianu, J.A., Giller, K.E.B., Merckx, R.C., Mokwunye, U.D., Pypers, P.A. & Shepherd, K.E. (2010). Integrated soil fertility management: operational definition and consequences for implementation and dissemination. Outlook on Agriculture, 10 (64-79), 194–197.
  • Whitehouse, M.E.A., Wilson, L.J., Davies, A.P., Cross, D., Goldsmith, P., Thompson, A., Harden, S. & Baker, G. (2014). Terget and non-Terget effects of novel “triple-stacked” Bt transgenic cotton 1: canopy arthropod communities. Environment Entomology, 43, 218–241.
Toplam 48 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Ziraat Mühendisliği (Diğer)
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Justin Chipomho 0000-0001-7733-7646

Cosmas Parwada 0000-0002-7960-4303

Nyamande Mapope 0000-0001-9247-3056

Kenedy Simango 0000-0001-6042-6028

Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Mayıs 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 12 Ocak 2024
Kabul Tarihi 25 Nisan 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Chipomho, J., Parwada, C., Mapope, N., Simango, K. (2024). Effect of soil nutrient management on soil weed seed bank dynamics across a soil fertility gradient in smallholder farms, Eastern Zimbabwe. Research in Agricultural Sciences, 55(2), 105-114.

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