Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2021, , 682 - 703, 15.06.2021


Araştırmada, okuma yazma öğretimine yönelik geliştirilmiş mobil uygulamalar, eğitim uygulamalarının özellikleri, ilk okuma yazma öğretiminin aşamaları ve kullanıcı görüşleri açısından incelenmiştir. Bu doğrultuda okuma yazma öğretimine yönelik geliştirilen mobil uygulamalar nitel araştırmanın yapısına uygun olarak doküman-materyal incelemesi tekniği ile değerlendirilmiştir. Uygulama sağlayıcıların verileri dikkate alınarak 30 mobil uygulama araştırma materyali olarak belirlenmiştir. Veri toplama aracı olarak İlk Okuma Yazma Öğretimine Yönelik Mobil Uygulamaları İnceleme Formu (İ-MUİF) kullanılmıştır. İ-MUİF’in ilk kısmında araştırma materyali olarak belirlenen uygulamaların tanımlayıcı bilgileri belirlenmiştir. İkinci kısımda uygulamalar Okul Öncesi Çocuklara Yönelik Eğitimsel Mobil Uygulamaları İnceleme Rubriği (Rubric for the Evaluation of Educational Apps for Preschool Children) ile incelenmiştir. Üçüncü aşamada uygulamalar ilk okuma yazma öğretiminin nitelikleri açısından incelenmiştir. Son olarak ise uygulamalarda karşılaşılan sorunlar ve uygulamalara dair kullanıcı görüşleri belirlenmiştir. Verilerin analizinde betimsel analiz tekniği kullanılmıştır. Analiz sonucunda genel olarak okuma yazma öğretimine yönelik geliştirilmiş mobil uygulamaların eğitimsel içerik, tasarım, işlevsellik ve teknik özellikler açısından yetersiz-zayıf oldukları sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Uygulamalarda harfleri seslendirmede hata yapıldığı, sessiz harflerin sesli harf eklenerek söylendiği, bazı uygulamalarda harflerin İngilizce seslendirildiği, kelimelerin hatalı şekilde hecelere ayrıldığı ve harflerin oluşturuluş yönlerinin hatalı gösterildiği tespit edilmiştir. İlk okuma yazma öğretimine yönelik geliştirilmiş mobil uygulamaların değerlendirilme sayıları, yıldız puanları ve rubrik puanları arasında anlamlı bir ilişki bulunmamaktadır. Bu nedenle değerlendirme sayısı ya da yıldız puanına göre mobil uygulamaların kullanımına karar verilmesinin doğru bir tercih olmayacağı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.


  • Akyol, H. (2007). Türkçe ilk okuma yazma öğretimi (yeni programa uygun 6. baskı). Pegem.
  • Alp, Y. & Kaleci, D. (2018). YouTube sitesindeki videoların eğitim materyali olarak kullanımına ilişkin öğrenci görüşleri. International Journal of Active Learning (IJAL), 3(1), 57-68.
  • Baran, E., Uygun, E., & Altan, T. (2017). Examining preservice teachers’ criteria for evaluating educational mobile apps. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 54(8), 1117-1141.
  • Benton, L., Vasalou, A., Berkling, K., Barendregt, W., & Mavrikis, M. (2018, April 15-19). A critical examination of feedback in early reading games [Paper presentation]. Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Montreal, Canada.
  • Beschorner, B., & Hutchison, A. C. (2013). iPads as a literacy teaching tool in early childhood. International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology, 1(1), 1-8.
  • Callaghan, M. N., & Reich, S. M. (2018). Are educational preschool apps designed to teach? An analysis of the app market. Learning, Media and Technology, 43(3), 280-293.
  • Dore, R. A., Shirilla, M., Hopkins, E., Collins, M., Scott, M., Schatz, J., & Toub, T. S. (2019). Education in the app store: Using a mobile game to support US preschoolers’ vocabulary learning. Journal of Children and Media, 13(4), 452-471.
  • Georgiev, T., Georgieva, E., & Smrikarov, A. (2004, June 15-19). m-learning-a new stage of е-learning [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies-CompSysTech, New York, United States.
  • Godwin-Jones, R. (2011). Mobile apps for language learning. Language Learning & Technology, 15(2), 2-11. Hashemi, M., Azizinezhad, M., Najafi, V., & Nesari, A. J. (2011). What is mobile learning? Challenges and capabilities. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 30, 2477-2481.
  • Hutchison, A., Beschorner, B., & Schmidt‐Crawford, D. (2012). Exploring the use of the ipad for literacy learning. The Reading Teacher, 66(1), 15-23.
  • Israelson, M. H. (2015). The app map: A tool for systematic evaluation of apps for early literacy learning. The Reading Teacher, 69(3), 339-349.
  • Jere-Folotiya, J., Chansa-Kabali, T., Munachaka, J. C., Sampa, F., Yalukanda, C., Westerholm, J., & Lyytinen, H. (2014). The effect of using a mobile literacy game to improve literacy levels of grade one students in Zambian schools. Educational Technology Research and Development, 62(4), 417-436.
  • Kara, N. (2015). Design, development and use of a smart toy for preschool children: A design and development research [Doktora tezi, Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi].
  • Kartal, H., Baltacı Göktalay, Ş. & Sungurtekin, Ş. (2017). Okuma yazma öğretimine yönelik eğitsel yazılımların çok boyutlu değerlendirilmesi. Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 17(4), 1938-1956.
  • Kervin, L. (2016). Powerful and playful literacy learning with digital technologies. Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, 39(1), 64–73.
  • Kraut, R. (2013). Policy guidelines for mobile learning. Unesco.
  • Liu, T. C., Wang, H. Y., Liang, J. K., Chan, T. W., Ko, H. W., & Yang, J. C. (2003). Wireless and mobile technologies to enhance teaching and learning. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 19(3), 371-382.
  • Livingstone, S. (2003). Children's use of the internet: Reflections on the emerging research agenda. New Media & Society, 5(2), 147-166.
  • MEB. (2018). Türkçe dersi öğretim programı (1-8). Erişim tarihi: 15 Ekim 2018.
  • Northrop, L., & Killeen, E. (2013). A framework for using ipads to build early literacy skills. The Reading Teacher, 66(7), 531-537.
  • Özeke, V. (2018). Evaluation of educational mobile apps for Turkish preschoolers from Google Play Store. Online Submission, 4(4), 238-259.
  • Papadakis, S., Kalogiannakis, M., & Zaranis, N. (2017). Designing and creating an educational app rubric for preschool teachers. Education and Information Technologies, 22(6), 3147-3165.
  • Papadakis, S., Kalogiannakis, M., & Zaranis, N. (2018). Educational apps from the Android Google Play for Greek preschoolers: A systematic review. Computers & Education, 116, 139-160.
  • Prensky, M. (2008). Students as designers and creators of educational computer games: Who else? British Journal of Educational Technology, 39(6), 1004-1019.
  • Sandvik, M., Smørdal, O., & Østerud, S. (2012). Exploring iPads in practitioners’ repertoires for language learning and literacy practices in kindergarten. Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy, 7(3), 204-221.
  • Sari, B., Takacs, Z. K., & Bus, A. G. (2019). What are we downloading for our children? Best-selling children’s apps in four European countries. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 19(4), 515-532.
  • Strickland, D. S., & Morrow, L. M. (1988). New perspectives on young children learning to read and write. The Reading Teacher, 42(1), 70.
  • Teale, W., & Yokota, J. (2000). Beginning reading and writing: Perspectives on instruction. In D.S. Strickland & L.M. Morrow (Eds.), Beginning reading and writing: Language and literacy series (pp. 3-21). Teachers College Press and International Reading Association.
  • Thornton, P., & Houser, C. (2005). Using mobile phones in english education in Japan. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 21(3), 217-228.
  • Traxler, J. (2009). Learning in a mobile age. International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning, 1(1), 1-12.
  • Vaala, S., Ly, A., & Levine, M.H. (2015). Getting a read on the app stores. Erişim tarihi: 15 Ekim 2017
  • Wang, M., Shen, R., Novak, D., & Pan, X. (2009). The impact of mobile learning on students' learning behaviours and performance: Report from a large blended classroom. British Journal of Educational Technology, 40(4), 673-695.
  • Yaman, F., Dönmez, O., Avcı, E. & Yurdakul, I. K. (2016). İşitme engelli öğrencilerin okuma-yazma eğitiminde mobil uygulama kullanımı. Eğitim ve Bilim, 41(188), 153-174.
  • Şimşek, H. & Yıldırım, A. (2011). Sosyal bilimlerde nitel araştırma yöntemleri. Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • Yıldırım, K., Yaşar, Ö., & Duru, M. (2016). Öğretmen ve öğrenci görüşleri temelinde akıllı telefonların eğitim öğretim ortamlarında kullanılmasının ve etkilerinin incelenmesi. Uluslararası Eğitim, Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 2(2), 72-84.


Yıl 2021, , 682 - 703, 15.06.2021


In the research process, mobile applications developed for reading and writing teaching were examined in terms of educational applications, stages of the first reading and writing teaching, and user opinions. For this purpose, mobile applications were evaluated with document/material analysis technique in accordance with the structure of qualitative research. Taking into account the data of application providers, the researchers identified 30 mobile applications as research material. In the process of data collection, Mobile Applications Examination Form for Reading and Writing Teaching (RWT-MAEF) was used. In the first part of the RWT-MAEF, descriptive information of the applications identified as research material was determined. In the second part, the applications were examined with “Rubric for the Evaluation of Educational Apps for Preschool Children”. In the third stage, the applications were examined in terms of reading and writing teaching qualities. Finally, the problems encountered in the applications and user opinions were determined. Descriptive analysis technique was used for data analysis. As a result of the analysis, it was concluded that mobile applications, in general, were inadequate/weak in terms of educational content, design, functionality, and technical features. It was found that there was a mistake in vocalizing the letters in the applications, that the silent letters were expressed by the addition of vowels, that in some applications, the letters were vocalized in English, that the words were misplaced into syllables and that the direction of the letters was formed incorrectly. There is no significant relationship between the number of evaluations of mobile applications, star scores, and rubric scores. Therefore, it was concluded that using mobile applications based on the number of reviews or star points would not be the right choice.


  • Akyol, H. (2007). Türkçe ilk okuma yazma öğretimi (yeni programa uygun 6. baskı). Pegem.
  • Alp, Y. & Kaleci, D. (2018). YouTube sitesindeki videoların eğitim materyali olarak kullanımına ilişkin öğrenci görüşleri. International Journal of Active Learning (IJAL), 3(1), 57-68.
  • Baran, E., Uygun, E., & Altan, T. (2017). Examining preservice teachers’ criteria for evaluating educational mobile apps. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 54(8), 1117-1141.
  • Benton, L., Vasalou, A., Berkling, K., Barendregt, W., & Mavrikis, M. (2018, April 15-19). A critical examination of feedback in early reading games [Paper presentation]. Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Montreal, Canada.
  • Beschorner, B., & Hutchison, A. C. (2013). iPads as a literacy teaching tool in early childhood. International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology, 1(1), 1-8.
  • Callaghan, M. N., & Reich, S. M. (2018). Are educational preschool apps designed to teach? An analysis of the app market. Learning, Media and Technology, 43(3), 280-293.
  • Dore, R. A., Shirilla, M., Hopkins, E., Collins, M., Scott, M., Schatz, J., & Toub, T. S. (2019). Education in the app store: Using a mobile game to support US preschoolers’ vocabulary learning. Journal of Children and Media, 13(4), 452-471.
  • Georgiev, T., Georgieva, E., & Smrikarov, A. (2004, June 15-19). m-learning-a new stage of е-learning [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies-CompSysTech, New York, United States.
  • Godwin-Jones, R. (2011). Mobile apps for language learning. Language Learning & Technology, 15(2), 2-11. Hashemi, M., Azizinezhad, M., Najafi, V., & Nesari, A. J. (2011). What is mobile learning? Challenges and capabilities. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 30, 2477-2481.
  • Hutchison, A., Beschorner, B., & Schmidt‐Crawford, D. (2012). Exploring the use of the ipad for literacy learning. The Reading Teacher, 66(1), 15-23.
  • Israelson, M. H. (2015). The app map: A tool for systematic evaluation of apps for early literacy learning. The Reading Teacher, 69(3), 339-349.
  • Jere-Folotiya, J., Chansa-Kabali, T., Munachaka, J. C., Sampa, F., Yalukanda, C., Westerholm, J., & Lyytinen, H. (2014). The effect of using a mobile literacy game to improve literacy levels of grade one students in Zambian schools. Educational Technology Research and Development, 62(4), 417-436.
  • Kara, N. (2015). Design, development and use of a smart toy for preschool children: A design and development research [Doktora tezi, Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi].
  • Kartal, H., Baltacı Göktalay, Ş. & Sungurtekin, Ş. (2017). Okuma yazma öğretimine yönelik eğitsel yazılımların çok boyutlu değerlendirilmesi. Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 17(4), 1938-1956.
  • Kervin, L. (2016). Powerful and playful literacy learning with digital technologies. Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, 39(1), 64–73.
  • Kraut, R. (2013). Policy guidelines for mobile learning. Unesco.
  • Liu, T. C., Wang, H. Y., Liang, J. K., Chan, T. W., Ko, H. W., & Yang, J. C. (2003). Wireless and mobile technologies to enhance teaching and learning. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 19(3), 371-382.
  • Livingstone, S. (2003). Children's use of the internet: Reflections on the emerging research agenda. New Media & Society, 5(2), 147-166.
  • MEB. (2018). Türkçe dersi öğretim programı (1-8). Erişim tarihi: 15 Ekim 2018.
  • Northrop, L., & Killeen, E. (2013). A framework for using ipads to build early literacy skills. The Reading Teacher, 66(7), 531-537.
  • Özeke, V. (2018). Evaluation of educational mobile apps for Turkish preschoolers from Google Play Store. Online Submission, 4(4), 238-259.
  • Papadakis, S., Kalogiannakis, M., & Zaranis, N. (2017). Designing and creating an educational app rubric for preschool teachers. Education and Information Technologies, 22(6), 3147-3165.
  • Papadakis, S., Kalogiannakis, M., & Zaranis, N. (2018). Educational apps from the Android Google Play for Greek preschoolers: A systematic review. Computers & Education, 116, 139-160.
  • Prensky, M. (2008). Students as designers and creators of educational computer games: Who else? British Journal of Educational Technology, 39(6), 1004-1019.
  • Sandvik, M., Smørdal, O., & Østerud, S. (2012). Exploring iPads in practitioners’ repertoires for language learning and literacy practices in kindergarten. Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy, 7(3), 204-221.
  • Sari, B., Takacs, Z. K., & Bus, A. G. (2019). What are we downloading for our children? Best-selling children’s apps in four European countries. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 19(4), 515-532.
  • Strickland, D. S., & Morrow, L. M. (1988). New perspectives on young children learning to read and write. The Reading Teacher, 42(1), 70.
  • Teale, W., & Yokota, J. (2000). Beginning reading and writing: Perspectives on instruction. In D.S. Strickland & L.M. Morrow (Eds.), Beginning reading and writing: Language and literacy series (pp. 3-21). Teachers College Press and International Reading Association.
  • Thornton, P., & Houser, C. (2005). Using mobile phones in english education in Japan. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 21(3), 217-228.
  • Traxler, J. (2009). Learning in a mobile age. International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning, 1(1), 1-12.
  • Vaala, S., Ly, A., & Levine, M.H. (2015). Getting a read on the app stores. Erişim tarihi: 15 Ekim 2017
  • Wang, M., Shen, R., Novak, D., & Pan, X. (2009). The impact of mobile learning on students' learning behaviours and performance: Report from a large blended classroom. British Journal of Educational Technology, 40(4), 673-695.
  • Yaman, F., Dönmez, O., Avcı, E. & Yurdakul, I. K. (2016). İşitme engelli öğrencilerin okuma-yazma eğitiminde mobil uygulama kullanımı. Eğitim ve Bilim, 41(188), 153-174.
  • Şimşek, H. & Yıldırım, A. (2011). Sosyal bilimlerde nitel araştırma yöntemleri. Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • Yıldırım, K., Yaşar, Ö., & Duru, M. (2016). Öğretmen ve öğrenci görüşleri temelinde akıllı telefonların eğitim öğretim ortamlarında kullanılmasının ve etkilerinin incelenmesi. Uluslararası Eğitim, Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 2(2), 72-84.
Toplam 35 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Burak Delican 0000-0003-3187-0001

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Haziran 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 13 Temmuz 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

APA Delican, B. (2021). OKUMA YAZMA ÖĞRETİMİNE YÖNELİK GELİŞTİRİLMİŞ MOBİL UYGULAMALAR; OLANAKLAR VE SINIRLILIKLAR. Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 21(2), 682-703.