In academic reading classes in English Language Teaching Department,
students are expected to read articles critically in their field; however, many
students do not seem to apply much effort in reading course materials. Most of
the students devote an insufficient amount of time and energy in
reading and attend class without having read texts. It seems that there is a
need to improve reading practices in ELT Department. In order to solve the
problem, a blended learning model supported by Edmodo was incorporated. The aim of the study was to examine whether
blended learning can help enhance reading engagement and comprehension. The
comparisons between treatment and control groups showed that blended learning
allows for a collaborative learning environment. The results indicated that
students become more engaged with the text, spend more time to read and
complete assignments when blended learning model supported by Edmodo is used
and in a blended learning environment, students get better comprehension scores
in their academic reading course. The study supported evidence for the
effectiveness of blended learning in an academic reading course and concluded
that collaboration provided through blended environment increases reading
engagement and comprehension.
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