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Liderlik ve Yeniden Sömürgeleştirmenin Rolü: Botsvana ve Zimbabve'ye Postkolonyal Bir Bakış

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1, 67 - 88, 30.06.2024


Bu makale, bağımsızlık hareketi liderlerinin dekolonizasyon sürecindeki rollerini incelemek için postkolonyal eleştiriyi kullanmaktadır. Amaç, sömürge dönemi politikalarının liderlik anlayışına ve sömürgeci-sömürge-sömürülen ilişkilerinde idari kültürün rollerine ne ölçüde yansıdığını ve sömürge dönemi politikalarının yeniden sömürgeleştirme ile ne ölçüde ilişkili olduğunu tespit etmektir. Çalışma, sömürge dönemindeki tartışmaların baskın temalarının bağımsızlık sonrası liderlerin tutum ve politikalarına nasıl yansıdığını incelemektedir. Sonuç olarak bu çalışma, sömürgecilere karşı başlayan bağımsızlık hareketlerine rağmen, yeniden sömürgeleştirme sürecindeki benzer bir deneyimin, millileştirme ile ilgili belirli politikaların ve tartışmaların hakimiyetine yansıdığını ileri sürmektedir. Bu bağlamda makale, benzer tarihsel geçmişe sahip ancak farklı deneyimler yaşamış iki komşu ülke olan Botsvana ve Zimbabve'nin liderlerini karşılaştırmaktadır. Postkolonyal eleştiriye dayanan bu karşılaştırma, dekolonizasyon süreci yaşanmış olsa da, yeniden sömürgeleştirmenin devamı olarak biri olumlu diğeri olumsuz liderlik örnekleri sunduğunu ortaya koymaktadır.


  • Acemoğlu, D., Johnson, S. and Robinson, J. A. (2001). An African Success Story: Botswana. Cambridge MIT Working Paper, 01-37.
  • Ashcroft Bill, G., G. and Tiffin, H. (2007). Post-Colonial Studies: The Key Concepts. (2nd ed.). London and New York: Routledge Press.
  • Baba, Ja. G. (Ed.). (2014). Leadership in Colonial Africa Disruption of Traditional Frameworks and Patterns. New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
  • Bayram, M. (2014). Afrika Genelinde İstisnai Bir Devlet: Botswana. Adam Akademi, 4(1), 74-88.
  • Beaulier, S. A. (2003). Explaning Botswana’s Success: The Critical Role of Post-Colonial Policy. Cato Journal, 23(2), 224-240.
  • Bhabha, H. (1984). Of Mimicry and Man: The Ambivalence of Colonial Discourse. A Special Issue on Psychoanalysis, 28, 125-133.
  • Bhabha, H. K. (1994). The Location of Culture. London and New York: Routledge Press.
  • Bratton, M. and Masunungure, E. (2008). Zimbabwe’s Long Agony. Journal of Democracy, 19(4), 41-55.
  • Dinç, C. (2012). Zimbabwe Krizinin Kökenleri ve Geçiş Süreci. Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi, 7 (1), 337-368.
  • Düsing, S. (2002). Traditional Leadership and Democratisation in Southern Africa: A Comparative Study of Botswana, Namibia, and South Africa. Hamburg: LIT Verlag.
  • Emerson, R. (1965). Sömürgelerin Uluslaşması. (T. Ataöv, Çev.). Ankara: Türk Siyasi İlimler Derneği Yayınları.
  • Falola, T. and Chukwuemeka, A. (2018). Colonial and Postcolonial History. M. S. Shanguhyia and T. Falola (Ed.). Colonial Administrations and the Africans (pp. 81-101). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Fredriksen, J. C. (2003). Biographical Dictionary of Modern World Leaders: 1992 to the Present. New York: Facts on File.
  • Fontein, J. (2009). Anticipating The Tsunami: Rumours, Planning and The Arbitrary State in Zimbabwe. Africa, 79(3), 369-398.
  • Good, K. (2010). The Presidency of General Ian Khama: The Militarization of the Botswana Miracle. African Affairs, 109(435), 315-324.
  • Gulbrandsen, Ø. (2012). The State and The Social: State Formation in Botswana and its Precolonial and Colonial Genealogies. New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books.
  • Güneş, B. (2018). Diplomasi Tarihi 1. B. Özdal ve R. K. Karaca (Ed.). Afrika’nın Paylaşılması (pp. 634-641). (3th Ed.). Bursa: Dora Yayınları.
  • Hovarth, R. J. (1972). A Definition of Colonialism. Current Anthropology, 13(1), 45-57.
  • Hulec, O. (2019). The Development of an Authoritarian Regime in Zimbabwe from 1980 to the Present Day. Asian and African Studies, 28(1), 57-90.
  • İpek, V. ve Oyman, Ç. (2017). Uluslararası İlişkiler Teorileri. R. Gözen (Ed.). Postkolonyal Teori ve Uluslararası İlişkiler (pp. 405-441). (4th Ed.). İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları.
  • Kimche, J. (1971). People and Politics in the Middle East: The Arab-Israeli Conflict-Its Background and the Prognosis for Peace. Transaction Publishers.
  • Kriger, B. and Kriger, N. (2010). Multiparty Elections and Land Patronage: Zimbabwe and Côte d’Ivoire. Commonwealth and Comparative Politics, 48(2), 173-202.
  • Loomba, A. (2000). Kolonyalizm Postkolonyalizm. (M. Küçük, Trans.). İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları.
  • Manatsha, Boga Thura, (2014). The Politics of Renaming “colonial” Streets in Francistown, Botswana. Historia 59 (2), 269-288.
  • Maudeni, Z. (2004). Why the African Renaissance is Likely to Fail: The Case of Zimbabwe. Journal of Contemporary African Studies, 22(2), 189-202.
  • Mlambo, A. S. (2014). A History of Zimbabwe. Pretoria: Cambridge University Press.
  • Mohanty T. C. (2003).  Feminism Without Borders: Decolonizing Theory, Practicing Solidarity. London: Duke University Press.
  • Moore, D. (2010). A Decade of Disquieting Diplomacy: South Africa, Zimbabwe and the Ideology of the National Democratic Revolution 1999-2009. History Compass 8/8, Blackwell Publishing.
  • Morton, F., J. Ramsay, and T. Mgadla. (2008). Historical Dictionary of Botswana. Maryland: Scarecrow Press.
  • Moyo, S. (2010). The Struggle over Land in Africa: Conflicts, Politics and Change. W. Anseeuw and C. Alden (Ed.). The Zimbabwe Crisis, Land Reform and Normalisation (pp. 245-263). Cape Town: HSRC Press.
  • Nelson, H. D. (1983). Zimbabwe A Country Study (2nd Ed.). Washington D.C.: United States Govt Printing Office.
  • N’diaye, B. (2001). The Challenge of Institutionalizing Civilian Control: Botswana, Ivory Coast and Kenya in Comparative Perspective. Lexington Books.
  • Ndlovu-Gatsheni, S. J. (2008). Becoming Zimbabwe: A history from the pre-colonial period to 2008. B. Raftopoulos and A. Mlambo (Ed.). Mapping Cultural and Colonial Encounters, 1880s – 1930s (pp. 39-74). Harare: Published by Weaver Press.
  • Ndlovu-Gatsheni, S. J. (2009). The Ndebele Nation: Reflections on Hegemony, Memory and Historiography. Amsterdam: Rozenberg Publishers.
  • Nnoma, V. (2008). Son of the Soil: Reclaiming the Land in Zimbabwe. Journal of Asian and African Studies, 43(4), 371-397.
  • Parker, J. and Rathbone, R. (2007). African History: A Very Short Introduction. New York: Oxford Press.
  • Parson, J. (1984). Botswana: Liberal Democracy and the Labor Reserve in Southern Africa. Boulder: Westview Press.
  • Picard, L. A. (1987). The Politics of Development in Botswana: A Model for Success?. Lynne Reinner, Boulder CO.
  • Rathbone, R. (2000). Nkrumah and the Chiefs: The Politics of Chieftaincy in Ghana, 1951-1960. Athens: Ohio University Press.
  • Robinson, J. (2009). Botswana as a Role Model for Country Success. UNU-WIDER, Research Paper No. 40.
  • Sandler, O. (2017). Siyasi Tarih İlkçağdan 1918’e. (32th Ed.). Ankara: İmge Kitabevi.
  • Shrikant, B. S. (2012). Postcolonial Theory: Meaning and Significance. Proceedings of National Seminar on Postmodern Literary Theory and Literature. Nanded, Jan. 27-28.
  • Scarnecchia, T. (2006). The ‘Fascist Cycle’ in Zimbabwe 2000-2005. Journal of Southern African Studies, 32(2), 221-237.
  • Saul, J. S. (1993). Recolonization and Resistance: Southern Africa in the 1990s. Africa World Press.
  • Tibaijuka, A. (2005). Report of the Fact-Finding Mission to Zimbabwe to Assess the Scope and Impact of Operation Murambatsvina by the UN Special Envoy on Human Settlements Issues in Zimbabwe.
  • Tlou T., Parsons, N. and Henderson, W. (1995). Seretse Khama 1921-1980, Macmillan.
  • Young, R. J. (2016). Postkolonyalizm Tarihsel Bir Giriş. (B. T. Köprülü and S. Şen, Trans.). İstanbul: Matbu Kitap. Zimbabwe Review. (2019). Country Watch Report.
  • Wekwete, K. H. (1989). Growth Centre Policy in Zimbabwe. Tijdschrift voor Economiche en Sociale Geografie, 80(3), 131-146.
  • Williams, G. and Hackland, B. (1988). The Dictionary of Contemporary Politics of Southern Africa. London: Routledge.

The Role of Leadeship and Re-Colonization: A Postcolonial Look at Botswana and Zimbabwe

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1, 67 - 88, 30.06.2024


This paper employs postcolonial criticism to examine the roles of leaders of independence movements in the decolonization process. The objective is to ascertain the extent to which the policies of the colonial period are reflected in the leadership understanding and roles of the administrative culture in colonist-colony-colonized relations and to what extent the policies of the colonial period are related to re-colonization. This paper examines how the dominant themes of the debates during the colonial period were reflected in the attitudes and policies of the post-independence leaders. In conclusion, this study asserts that a comparable experience in the process of re-colonization is reflected in the dominance of certain policies and debates surrounding nationalization, despite the movements of independence that originated against the colonists. In this regard, the article compares the leaders of Botswana and Zimbabwe, two neighboring countries with similar historical backgrounds but disparate experiences. This comparison, based on postcolonial criticism, has revealed that although the decolonization process has been experienced, it offers examples of leadership, one positive and the other negative, as a continuation of re-colonialism.


  • Acemoğlu, D., Johnson, S. and Robinson, J. A. (2001). An African Success Story: Botswana. Cambridge MIT Working Paper, 01-37.
  • Ashcroft Bill, G., G. and Tiffin, H. (2007). Post-Colonial Studies: The Key Concepts. (2nd ed.). London and New York: Routledge Press.
  • Baba, Ja. G. (Ed.). (2014). Leadership in Colonial Africa Disruption of Traditional Frameworks and Patterns. New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
  • Bayram, M. (2014). Afrika Genelinde İstisnai Bir Devlet: Botswana. Adam Akademi, 4(1), 74-88.
  • Beaulier, S. A. (2003). Explaning Botswana’s Success: The Critical Role of Post-Colonial Policy. Cato Journal, 23(2), 224-240.
  • Bhabha, H. (1984). Of Mimicry and Man: The Ambivalence of Colonial Discourse. A Special Issue on Psychoanalysis, 28, 125-133.
  • Bhabha, H. K. (1994). The Location of Culture. London and New York: Routledge Press.
  • Bratton, M. and Masunungure, E. (2008). Zimbabwe’s Long Agony. Journal of Democracy, 19(4), 41-55.
  • Dinç, C. (2012). Zimbabwe Krizinin Kökenleri ve Geçiş Süreci. Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi, 7 (1), 337-368.
  • Düsing, S. (2002). Traditional Leadership and Democratisation in Southern Africa: A Comparative Study of Botswana, Namibia, and South Africa. Hamburg: LIT Verlag.
  • Emerson, R. (1965). Sömürgelerin Uluslaşması. (T. Ataöv, Çev.). Ankara: Türk Siyasi İlimler Derneği Yayınları.
  • Falola, T. and Chukwuemeka, A. (2018). Colonial and Postcolonial History. M. S. Shanguhyia and T. Falola (Ed.). Colonial Administrations and the Africans (pp. 81-101). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Fredriksen, J. C. (2003). Biographical Dictionary of Modern World Leaders: 1992 to the Present. New York: Facts on File.
  • Fontein, J. (2009). Anticipating The Tsunami: Rumours, Planning and The Arbitrary State in Zimbabwe. Africa, 79(3), 369-398.
  • Good, K. (2010). The Presidency of General Ian Khama: The Militarization of the Botswana Miracle. African Affairs, 109(435), 315-324.
  • Gulbrandsen, Ø. (2012). The State and The Social: State Formation in Botswana and its Precolonial and Colonial Genealogies. New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books.
  • Güneş, B. (2018). Diplomasi Tarihi 1. B. Özdal ve R. K. Karaca (Ed.). Afrika’nın Paylaşılması (pp. 634-641). (3th Ed.). Bursa: Dora Yayınları.
  • Hovarth, R. J. (1972). A Definition of Colonialism. Current Anthropology, 13(1), 45-57.
  • Hulec, O. (2019). The Development of an Authoritarian Regime in Zimbabwe from 1980 to the Present Day. Asian and African Studies, 28(1), 57-90.
  • İpek, V. ve Oyman, Ç. (2017). Uluslararası İlişkiler Teorileri. R. Gözen (Ed.). Postkolonyal Teori ve Uluslararası İlişkiler (pp. 405-441). (4th Ed.). İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları.
  • Kimche, J. (1971). People and Politics in the Middle East: The Arab-Israeli Conflict-Its Background and the Prognosis for Peace. Transaction Publishers.
  • Kriger, B. and Kriger, N. (2010). Multiparty Elections and Land Patronage: Zimbabwe and Côte d’Ivoire. Commonwealth and Comparative Politics, 48(2), 173-202.
  • Loomba, A. (2000). Kolonyalizm Postkolonyalizm. (M. Küçük, Trans.). İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları.
  • Manatsha, Boga Thura, (2014). The Politics of Renaming “colonial” Streets in Francistown, Botswana. Historia 59 (2), 269-288.
  • Maudeni, Z. (2004). Why the African Renaissance is Likely to Fail: The Case of Zimbabwe. Journal of Contemporary African Studies, 22(2), 189-202.
  • Mlambo, A. S. (2014). A History of Zimbabwe. Pretoria: Cambridge University Press.
  • Mohanty T. C. (2003).  Feminism Without Borders: Decolonizing Theory, Practicing Solidarity. London: Duke University Press.
  • Moore, D. (2010). A Decade of Disquieting Diplomacy: South Africa, Zimbabwe and the Ideology of the National Democratic Revolution 1999-2009. History Compass 8/8, Blackwell Publishing.
  • Morton, F., J. Ramsay, and T. Mgadla. (2008). Historical Dictionary of Botswana. Maryland: Scarecrow Press.
  • Moyo, S. (2010). The Struggle over Land in Africa: Conflicts, Politics and Change. W. Anseeuw and C. Alden (Ed.). The Zimbabwe Crisis, Land Reform and Normalisation (pp. 245-263). Cape Town: HSRC Press.
  • Nelson, H. D. (1983). Zimbabwe A Country Study (2nd Ed.). Washington D.C.: United States Govt Printing Office.
  • N’diaye, B. (2001). The Challenge of Institutionalizing Civilian Control: Botswana, Ivory Coast and Kenya in Comparative Perspective. Lexington Books.
  • Ndlovu-Gatsheni, S. J. (2008). Becoming Zimbabwe: A history from the pre-colonial period to 2008. B. Raftopoulos and A. Mlambo (Ed.). Mapping Cultural and Colonial Encounters, 1880s – 1930s (pp. 39-74). Harare: Published by Weaver Press.
  • Ndlovu-Gatsheni, S. J. (2009). The Ndebele Nation: Reflections on Hegemony, Memory and Historiography. Amsterdam: Rozenberg Publishers.
  • Nnoma, V. (2008). Son of the Soil: Reclaiming the Land in Zimbabwe. Journal of Asian and African Studies, 43(4), 371-397.
  • Parker, J. and Rathbone, R. (2007). African History: A Very Short Introduction. New York: Oxford Press.
  • Parson, J. (1984). Botswana: Liberal Democracy and the Labor Reserve in Southern Africa. Boulder: Westview Press.
  • Picard, L. A. (1987). The Politics of Development in Botswana: A Model for Success?. Lynne Reinner, Boulder CO.
  • Rathbone, R. (2000). Nkrumah and the Chiefs: The Politics of Chieftaincy in Ghana, 1951-1960. Athens: Ohio University Press.
  • Robinson, J. (2009). Botswana as a Role Model for Country Success. UNU-WIDER, Research Paper No. 40.
  • Sandler, O. (2017). Siyasi Tarih İlkçağdan 1918’e. (32th Ed.). Ankara: İmge Kitabevi.
  • Shrikant, B. S. (2012). Postcolonial Theory: Meaning and Significance. Proceedings of National Seminar on Postmodern Literary Theory and Literature. Nanded, Jan. 27-28.
  • Scarnecchia, T. (2006). The ‘Fascist Cycle’ in Zimbabwe 2000-2005. Journal of Southern African Studies, 32(2), 221-237.
  • Saul, J. S. (1993). Recolonization and Resistance: Southern Africa in the 1990s. Africa World Press.
  • Tibaijuka, A. (2005). Report of the Fact-Finding Mission to Zimbabwe to Assess the Scope and Impact of Operation Murambatsvina by the UN Special Envoy on Human Settlements Issues in Zimbabwe.
  • Tlou T., Parsons, N. and Henderson, W. (1995). Seretse Khama 1921-1980, Macmillan.
  • Young, R. J. (2016). Postkolonyalizm Tarihsel Bir Giriş. (B. T. Köprülü and S. Şen, Trans.). İstanbul: Matbu Kitap. Zimbabwe Review. (2019). Country Watch Report.
  • Wekwete, K. H. (1989). Growth Centre Policy in Zimbabwe. Tijdschrift voor Economiche en Sociale Geografie, 80(3), 131-146.
  • Williams, G. and Hackland, B. (1988). The Dictionary of Contemporary Politics of Southern Africa. London: Routledge.
Toplam 49 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Afrika Çalışmaları
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Sevinç Aslan 0000-0002-6817-0247

Levent Urer 0000-0002-5609-1189

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 6 Mart 2024
Kabul Tarihi 3 Haziran 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Aslan, S., & Urer, L. (2024). The Role of Leadeship and Re-Colonization: A Postcolonial Look at Botswana and Zimbabwe. Bölge Çalışmaları Dergisi, 3(1), 67-88.