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Hatay (Türkiye)'dan yerel bir endemik olan Cirsium cassium Davis & Parris (Asteraceae)’un edafik ilişkileri

Yıl 2017, , 41 - 44, 30.11.2017


Bu çalışma 2012-2015 yılları arasında gerçekleştirildi. Amaç, Hatay ilinde dağılmış olan Cirsium cassium’un toprak-bitki ilişkilerini belirlemeyi amaçladık. Bu lokal endemik tür, araştırma alanında üç farklı lokaliteden toplanmıştır. Toprak örneklerine ait analizlere göre, bu endemik bitki, yüksek kireç içeriğine sahip killi-tınlı, tuzsuz, hafif alkalin toprakları tercih ettiğini ortaya koydu. Azot ve potasyum içeriği yeterli seviyededir, ancak topraklar fosfor bakımından zengindir. Kök, gövde ve yaprak analizleri, tüm bitki organlarında azot ve fosforun normal değerlerin altında olduğunu; sodyum, tüm bitki kısımlarında normal değerin üzerindedir. Potasyum, kök ve gövde normal değerlerin altında ancak yapraklarda normal değerlerin üzerindedir


  • Altay V, Ozyigit II, Keskin M, Demir G, Yalçın IE (2013). An ecological study of endemic plant Polygonum istanbulicum Keskin and its environs. Pak J Bot 45(S1): 455-459.
  • Altay V, Karahan F, Oztürk M, Hakeem KR, Ilhan E, Erayman M (2016a) Molecular and ecological investigations on the wild populations of Glycyrrhiza L. taxa distributed in the East Mediterranean Area of Turkey. Journal of Plant Research 129(6): 1021-1032.
  • Altay V, Gülyanar Ş, Ozyigit II (2016b). Autecology of Cephalaria taurica Szabó, a narrow endemic from Turkey: Plant-soil interactions. IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology 10(9): 90-94.
  • Ahmet M (1968). Some aspects of the autecology of Ranunculus arvensis. Sci Rep Fac Sci Ege Univ 62: 1-19.
  • Ahmet M (1969) Some autecological studies of Ranunculus muricatus L. Sci Rep Fac Sci Ege Univ 62: 1-13.
  • Ahmet M (1970). Ecology of Ranunculus laetus. Phyton 14: 1-8.
  • Alptekin E, Öztürk M, Zeybek N (1990). Lupinus angustifolius’un Ekolojisi. 10. Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi, 18-20 Temmuz, Erzurum.
  • Çelik S, Uysal İ, Menemen Y, Özkan K, Öztürk M (2006a). Ecology and conservation of Centaurea amanicola Hub.-Mor. (Asteraceae) a vulnerable endemic species from Amanous Mountains, Türkiye, 1st European Congress of Conservation Biology, Hungary, August.
  • Çelik S, Özkan K, Gokturk RS, Yücel E, Ozturk M (2006b). Determination of indicator species and comparison of soil characteristics of Centaurea mucronifera DC. and Centaurea pyrrohoblephara Boiss. distributed in Turkey. International Journal of Biology and Tecnology 3(3): 609-617.
  • Çelik S, Yucel E, Mendes M, Tug GN, Ozturk M (2008). Canonical correlation analysis for studying the relationship between the basic morphological and some soil chemical characteristics of Centaurea mucronifera DC. (Asteraceae). Asian Journal of Chemistry 20(3): 2451-2456.
  • Çinar IB, Tug GN (2015). The Morphology, ecology, and conservation status of the local endemic species Salsola grandis. Ekoloji 24(96).
  • Eken G, Isfendiyaroğlu S, Yeniyurt C, Erkol IL, Karataş A, Ataol M (2016) Identifying key biodiversity areas in Turkey: a multi-taxon approach. International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management 12(3): 181-190.
  • Epstein E (1999). Silicon. Ann Rev Plant Physiol Plant Mol Biol 50: 641-664.
  • Eroğlu H, Ozyiğit II, Altay V, Yarcı C (2014). Autecological characteristics of Centaurea hermannii F. Herm.: An endemic species from Turkey. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science 20(1): 183-187.
  • Eskin B, Ozyiğit II, Doğan I, Altay V, Demir G, Serin M (2013). Germination physiology and autecology of Centaurea kilaea Boiss. from Turkey. Sains Malaysiana 42(10): 1473-1482.
  • Jalli R, Aravind J, Pandey A (2015). Conservation and management of endemic and threatened plant species in India: An overview. In: Bir Bahadur et al. (Eds.), Plant Biology and Biotechnology, Vol.: II Plant Genomics and Biotechnology, pp. 461-486, Springer India.
  • Oztürk M, Altay V, Aksoy A (2016). Ecology of some endangered endemic plant taxa of Turkiye in relation to climate change. International Scientific Conference within “Day of Kazakhistan”, September 3, 2016, EXPO-2016, Antalya-Turkey, pp. 12-15.
  • Özdemir F, Pirdal M, Öztürk M (1991a). Marrubium rotundifolium Boiss.'in morfolojisi, anatomisi ve ekolojisi üzerinde araştırmalar. Anadolu Üniversitesi Fen-Ed Fakültesi Dergisi 3/1: 19-26.
  • Özdemir F, Pirdal M, Öztürk M (1991b). Astragalus tmoleus var. tmoleus Boiss.'in morfolojisi, anatomisi ve ekolojisi üzerinde araştırmalar. Anadolu Üniversitesi Fen-Ed Fakültesi Dergisi 27-35.
  • Özdemir F, Öztürk M (1996). Batı Anadolu’da yayılış gösteren Capparis L. türlerinin bireysel ekolojisi üzerine bir araştırma. Turkish Journal of Botany 20: 117-125.
  • Öztürk M (1975). Batı Anadolu’da yayılış gösteren Inula graveolens’in autekolojisi hakkında araştırma. Doçentlik Tezi, Ege Üniv Fen Fak Sistematik Botanik Kürsüsü İzmir.
  • Öztürk MA (1979). Preliminary observation on the edaphic and biotic relations of Myrtus communis L. Ege Univ Fen Fak Dergisi Seri B III 1-2-3-4: 137-142.
  • Öztürk M (1982). Inula graveolens (L.) Desf.’in ekofizyolojisi, II edafik ilişkileri. Ata Univ Fen Fak Der 2(Özel Sayı 1): 480-492.
  • Öztürk M, Görk G (1979a). Ecology of Mentha pulegium. Ege University Science Faculty Journal III: 57-72.
  • Öztürk M, Görk G (1979b). Edaphic relations of Mentha species in West Anatolia. Ege University Science Faculty Journal III: 95-110.
  • Öztürk MA, Ataç E (1982). Bazı Pistacia türlerinin anatomisi ve ekolojisi üzerinde bir çalışma. Atatürk Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Dergisi 2(Özel sayı): 493-508.
  • Öztürk M, Seçmen O (1993). Autecological studies in Turkey. V. OPTIMA Collogium, Istanbul.
  • Öztürk M, Seçmen Ö (1999). Plant Ecology. 5th ed., Ege Univ. Press, Izmir.
  • Öztürk M, Pirdal M, Özdemir F (1997). Bitki Ekolojisi Uygulamalari. Ege Universitesi Basimevi Bornova-Izmir.
  • Thomas JW (1979). Wildlife habitats in managed forests: The Blue Mountains of Oregon a Washington. U.S.D.A. Forest Service. Handbook 553, Washington, D.C.
  • Uysal İ, Öztürk M (1991). Digitalis trojana Ivan. endemik türünün morfolojisi, anatomisi ve ekolojisi. Anadolu Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 3(1): 53-61.
  • Uysal İ, Öztürk M (1993). Morphology, anatomy and ecology of endemic species Papaver virchowii Aschers and Sint. S U Fen Edebiyat Fakultesi Fen Dergisi 11: 105-115.
  • Uysal İ, Ozturk M, Pirdal M (1991). Sideritis trojana Bornm, endemik türünün morfolojisi, anatomisi ve ekolojisi. Doğa-Tr J of Botany 15: 371-379.
  • Uysal İ, Öztürk M, Pirdal M (1992). Morphology, anatomy and ecology of endemic species Dianthus ingoldbyi Turril. Ege Univ Science Faculty Journal 14: 30-38.
  • Uysal İ, Öztürk M, Pirdal M (1994a). Morphology, anatomy and ecology of Colchicum burttii Meikle. XII National Biol Congress, 6-8 July, Edirne.
  • Uysal İ, Öztürk M, Pirdal M (1994b). Morphology, anatomy and ecology of Campanula lyrata Lam. subsp. lyrata. XII. National Biol. Congress, 6-8 July, Edirne, pp. 247-251.
  • Uysal İ, Öztürk M, Pirdal M (1994c). Morphology, anatomy and ecology of Aristolochia hirta L. XII. National Biol. Congress, 6-8 July, Edirne, pp. 252-256.
  • Uysal İ, Pirdal M, Öztürk M (1996). Alyssum pinifolium (Nyar) Dudley'in morfolojisi, anatomisi ve ekolojisi. Hacettepe Fen ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 17: 105-120.
  • Vardar Y, Ahmet M (1967). Some ecological aspect of Myrtus communis L. Bot J Hrb Syst 93: 652-667.

Edaphic Relations of Cirsium cassium Davis & Parris (Asteraceae), a local endemic from Hatay (Turkey)

Yıl 2017, , 41 - 44, 30.11.2017


This study was carried out during 2012-2015. Our aim was to determine the soil-plant relationships of Cirsium cassium distributed in Hatay province of Turkey. This local endemic species was collected from three different localities in Hatay. The analysis of soil samples revealed that this endemic plant prefers clayey-loam, nonsaline, slightly alkaline soils with a high lime content. The nitrogen and potassium contents are of sufficient level but the soils are rich in phosphorus. Analysis of root, stem and leaf shows that nitrogen and phosphorus are below normal values in all plant organs; sodium is above the normal value in all plant parts. The potassium is below normal values in root and stem, but above normal values in leaf.


  • Altay V, Ozyigit II, Keskin M, Demir G, Yalçın IE (2013). An ecological study of endemic plant Polygonum istanbulicum Keskin and its environs. Pak J Bot 45(S1): 455-459.
  • Altay V, Karahan F, Oztürk M, Hakeem KR, Ilhan E, Erayman M (2016a) Molecular and ecological investigations on the wild populations of Glycyrrhiza L. taxa distributed in the East Mediterranean Area of Turkey. Journal of Plant Research 129(6): 1021-1032.
  • Altay V, Gülyanar Ş, Ozyigit II (2016b). Autecology of Cephalaria taurica Szabó, a narrow endemic from Turkey: Plant-soil interactions. IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology 10(9): 90-94.
  • Ahmet M (1968). Some aspects of the autecology of Ranunculus arvensis. Sci Rep Fac Sci Ege Univ 62: 1-19.
  • Ahmet M (1969) Some autecological studies of Ranunculus muricatus L. Sci Rep Fac Sci Ege Univ 62: 1-13.
  • Ahmet M (1970). Ecology of Ranunculus laetus. Phyton 14: 1-8.
  • Alptekin E, Öztürk M, Zeybek N (1990). Lupinus angustifolius’un Ekolojisi. 10. Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi, 18-20 Temmuz, Erzurum.
  • Çelik S, Uysal İ, Menemen Y, Özkan K, Öztürk M (2006a). Ecology and conservation of Centaurea amanicola Hub.-Mor. (Asteraceae) a vulnerable endemic species from Amanous Mountains, Türkiye, 1st European Congress of Conservation Biology, Hungary, August.
  • Çelik S, Özkan K, Gokturk RS, Yücel E, Ozturk M (2006b). Determination of indicator species and comparison of soil characteristics of Centaurea mucronifera DC. and Centaurea pyrrohoblephara Boiss. distributed in Turkey. International Journal of Biology and Tecnology 3(3): 609-617.
  • Çelik S, Yucel E, Mendes M, Tug GN, Ozturk M (2008). Canonical correlation analysis for studying the relationship between the basic morphological and some soil chemical characteristics of Centaurea mucronifera DC. (Asteraceae). Asian Journal of Chemistry 20(3): 2451-2456.
  • Çinar IB, Tug GN (2015). The Morphology, ecology, and conservation status of the local endemic species Salsola grandis. Ekoloji 24(96).
  • Eken G, Isfendiyaroğlu S, Yeniyurt C, Erkol IL, Karataş A, Ataol M (2016) Identifying key biodiversity areas in Turkey: a multi-taxon approach. International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management 12(3): 181-190.
  • Epstein E (1999). Silicon. Ann Rev Plant Physiol Plant Mol Biol 50: 641-664.
  • Eroğlu H, Ozyiğit II, Altay V, Yarcı C (2014). Autecological characteristics of Centaurea hermannii F. Herm.: An endemic species from Turkey. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science 20(1): 183-187.
  • Eskin B, Ozyiğit II, Doğan I, Altay V, Demir G, Serin M (2013). Germination physiology and autecology of Centaurea kilaea Boiss. from Turkey. Sains Malaysiana 42(10): 1473-1482.
  • Jalli R, Aravind J, Pandey A (2015). Conservation and management of endemic and threatened plant species in India: An overview. In: Bir Bahadur et al. (Eds.), Plant Biology and Biotechnology, Vol.: II Plant Genomics and Biotechnology, pp. 461-486, Springer India.
  • Oztürk M, Altay V, Aksoy A (2016). Ecology of some endangered endemic plant taxa of Turkiye in relation to climate change. International Scientific Conference within “Day of Kazakhistan”, September 3, 2016, EXPO-2016, Antalya-Turkey, pp. 12-15.
  • Özdemir F, Pirdal M, Öztürk M (1991a). Marrubium rotundifolium Boiss.'in morfolojisi, anatomisi ve ekolojisi üzerinde araştırmalar. Anadolu Üniversitesi Fen-Ed Fakültesi Dergisi 3/1: 19-26.
  • Özdemir F, Pirdal M, Öztürk M (1991b). Astragalus tmoleus var. tmoleus Boiss.'in morfolojisi, anatomisi ve ekolojisi üzerinde araştırmalar. Anadolu Üniversitesi Fen-Ed Fakültesi Dergisi 27-35.
  • Özdemir F, Öztürk M (1996). Batı Anadolu’da yayılış gösteren Capparis L. türlerinin bireysel ekolojisi üzerine bir araştırma. Turkish Journal of Botany 20: 117-125.
  • Öztürk M (1975). Batı Anadolu’da yayılış gösteren Inula graveolens’in autekolojisi hakkında araştırma. Doçentlik Tezi, Ege Üniv Fen Fak Sistematik Botanik Kürsüsü İzmir.
  • Öztürk MA (1979). Preliminary observation on the edaphic and biotic relations of Myrtus communis L. Ege Univ Fen Fak Dergisi Seri B III 1-2-3-4: 137-142.
  • Öztürk M (1982). Inula graveolens (L.) Desf.’in ekofizyolojisi, II edafik ilişkileri. Ata Univ Fen Fak Der 2(Özel Sayı 1): 480-492.
  • Öztürk M, Görk G (1979a). Ecology of Mentha pulegium. Ege University Science Faculty Journal III: 57-72.
  • Öztürk M, Görk G (1979b). Edaphic relations of Mentha species in West Anatolia. Ege University Science Faculty Journal III: 95-110.
  • Öztürk MA, Ataç E (1982). Bazı Pistacia türlerinin anatomisi ve ekolojisi üzerinde bir çalışma. Atatürk Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Dergisi 2(Özel sayı): 493-508.
  • Öztürk M, Seçmen O (1993). Autecological studies in Turkey. V. OPTIMA Collogium, Istanbul.
  • Öztürk M, Seçmen Ö (1999). Plant Ecology. 5th ed., Ege Univ. Press, Izmir.
  • Öztürk M, Pirdal M, Özdemir F (1997). Bitki Ekolojisi Uygulamalari. Ege Universitesi Basimevi Bornova-Izmir.
  • Thomas JW (1979). Wildlife habitats in managed forests: The Blue Mountains of Oregon a Washington. U.S.D.A. Forest Service. Handbook 553, Washington, D.C.
  • Uysal İ, Öztürk M (1991). Digitalis trojana Ivan. endemik türünün morfolojisi, anatomisi ve ekolojisi. Anadolu Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 3(1): 53-61.
  • Uysal İ, Öztürk M (1993). Morphology, anatomy and ecology of endemic species Papaver virchowii Aschers and Sint. S U Fen Edebiyat Fakultesi Fen Dergisi 11: 105-115.
  • Uysal İ, Ozturk M, Pirdal M (1991). Sideritis trojana Bornm, endemik türünün morfolojisi, anatomisi ve ekolojisi. Doğa-Tr J of Botany 15: 371-379.
  • Uysal İ, Öztürk M, Pirdal M (1992). Morphology, anatomy and ecology of endemic species Dianthus ingoldbyi Turril. Ege Univ Science Faculty Journal 14: 30-38.
  • Uysal İ, Öztürk M, Pirdal M (1994a). Morphology, anatomy and ecology of Colchicum burttii Meikle. XII National Biol Congress, 6-8 July, Edirne.
  • Uysal İ, Öztürk M, Pirdal M (1994b). Morphology, anatomy and ecology of Campanula lyrata Lam. subsp. lyrata. XII. National Biol. Congress, 6-8 July, Edirne, pp. 247-251.
  • Uysal İ, Öztürk M, Pirdal M (1994c). Morphology, anatomy and ecology of Aristolochia hirta L. XII. National Biol. Congress, 6-8 July, Edirne, pp. 252-256.
  • Uysal İ, Pirdal M, Öztürk M (1996). Alyssum pinifolium (Nyar) Dudley'in morfolojisi, anatomisi ve ekolojisi. Hacettepe Fen ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 17: 105-120.
  • Vardar Y, Ahmet M (1967). Some ecological aspect of Myrtus communis L. Bot J Hrb Syst 93: 652-667.
Toplam 39 adet kaynakça vardır.


Konular Yapısal Biyoloji
Bölüm Articles

Volkan Altay

Mehmet Yahya Daloğlu Bu kişi benim

Münir Öztürk

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Kasım 2017
Kabul Tarihi 14 Kasım 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017

Kaynak Göster

APA Altay, V., Daloğlu, M. Y., & Öztürk, M. (2017). Edaphic Relations of Cirsium cassium Davis & Parris (Asteraceae), a local endemic from Hatay (Turkey). Anatolian Journal of Botany, 1(2), 41-44.
AMA Altay V, Daloğlu MY, Öztürk M. Edaphic Relations of Cirsium cassium Davis & Parris (Asteraceae), a local endemic from Hatay (Turkey). Ant J Bot. Kasım 2017;1(2):41-44. doi:10.30616/ajb.350076
Chicago Altay, Volkan, Mehmet Yahya Daloğlu, ve Münir Öztürk. “Edaphic Relations of Cirsium Cassium Davis & Parris (Asteraceae), a Local Endemic from Hatay (Turkey)”. Anatolian Journal of Botany 1, sy. 2 (Kasım 2017): 41-44.
EndNote Altay V, Daloğlu MY, Öztürk M (01 Kasım 2017) Edaphic Relations of Cirsium cassium Davis & Parris (Asteraceae), a local endemic from Hatay (Turkey). Anatolian Journal of Botany 1 2 41–44.
IEEE V. Altay, M. Y. Daloğlu, ve M. Öztürk, “Edaphic Relations of Cirsium cassium Davis & Parris (Asteraceae), a local endemic from Hatay (Turkey)”, Ant J Bot, c. 1, sy. 2, ss. 41–44, 2017, doi: 10.30616/ajb.350076.
ISNAD Altay, Volkan vd. “Edaphic Relations of Cirsium Cassium Davis & Parris (Asteraceae), a Local Endemic from Hatay (Turkey)”. Anatolian Journal of Botany 1/2 (Kasım 2017), 41-44.
JAMA Altay V, Daloğlu MY, Öztürk M. Edaphic Relations of Cirsium cassium Davis & Parris (Asteraceae), a local endemic from Hatay (Turkey). Ant J Bot. 2017;1:41–44.
MLA Altay, Volkan vd. “Edaphic Relations of Cirsium Cassium Davis & Parris (Asteraceae), a Local Endemic from Hatay (Turkey)”. Anatolian Journal of Botany, c. 1, sy. 2, 2017, ss. 41-44, doi:10.30616/ajb.350076.
Vancouver Altay V, Daloğlu MY, Öztürk M. Edaphic Relations of Cirsium cassium Davis & Parris (Asteraceae), a local endemic from Hatay (Turkey). Ant J Bot. 2017;1(2):41-4.

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