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New records for the Mycobiota of Greece

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2, 97 - 1105, 15.11.2024


Eight rare fungi, Arachnopeziza obtusipila Grelet, Chaetothiersia cupressicola Valencia, Van Vooren & M. Vega, Chondrogaster pachysporus Maire, Ciboria brunneorufa Bres., Kallistoskypha incarnata (Duvernoy & Maire) Pfister, Agnello, Lantieri & LoBuglio, Lambertella palmeri Raitv. & R. Galán, Perilachnea fallax M. Carbone, Valencia, Tello & Van Vooren and Perilachnea humarioides Valencia, M. Vega & Van Vooren, are reported for the first time from Greece. This paper provides the descriptions of the recorded collections, accompanied by images of their macroscopical and microspical features.


Τhe author thanks to Carlo Agnello for confirming the identity Kallistoskypha incarnata and Nicolas Van Vooren for confirming the identity of the following species, Chaetothiersia cupressicola, Perilachnea fallax and Perilachnea humarioides.


  • Baral HO, Marson G (2005). In vivo veritas. Over 10000 Images of fungi and plants (microscopical drawings, water colour plates, photo macro- & micrographs), with materials on vital taxonomy and xerotolerance. DVD, 3rd edition.
  • Diamandis S, Perlerou C (2008). Recent records of hypogeous fungi in Greece. Acta Mycologica 43(2): 139-142.
  • Dumont KP (1971). Sclerotiniaceae II. Lambertella. Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden 22 (1): 1-178.
  • Dumont KP (1976). Lambertella berberidis nov. sp. from India. Canadian Journal of Botany 54(16): 1868-1871.
  • Engel H (1993). Pilzfunde an Lindenästen (Tilia spec.). Die Pilzflora Nordwestoberfrankens (Weidhausen b. Coburg) 14-15: 119-243.
  • Fuckel L (1870). Symbolae Mycologicae. Jahrb Nassau Ver Naturk.23(24): 1-459.
  • Galan R., Raitviir A, Ayala N, Ochoa C (1994). First contribution to the knowledge of the Helotiales of Baja California and adjacent areas. Mycological Research 98(10): 1137-1152.
  • Galan R, Prieto F (2004). Lambertella palmeri Raitv. & R. Galán descubierta en el Continente Europeo. Boletín de la Sociedad Micológica de Madrid 28: 161-167.
  • Giachini AJ, Oliveira VL, Castellano MA, Trappe JM (2000). Ectomycorrhizal fungi in exotic Eucalyptus and Pinus plantations in southern Brazil. Mycologia 92: 1166-1177.
  • Höhnel FXR (1918). Fragmente zur mykologie. Sitzungsber. Kaiserl Akad Wiss Wien Math-Naturwiss Cl Abt 127: 329-93.
  • Index Fungorum (2024). / [accessed 14 March 2024].
  • Iturriaga T, Korf RP (1988). Arachnopeziza ochracea comb. nov. and a new synonym of Polydesmia pruinosa. Mycotaxon 31: 245-249.
  • Jukić N (2016). First record of the Mediterranean species Ciboria brunneorufa in the Balkan Peninsula. Czech Mycology 68(2): 127-137.
  • Korf RP (1951). A Monograph of the Arachnopezizeae. Lloydia 14(3): 129-180.
  • Korf RP, Zhuang W-Y (1985). A synoptickey to the species of Lambertella (Sclerotiniaceae), with comments on a version prepared for taxadat, Anderegg’s computer program. Mycotaxon 24: 361-386.
  • Kosonen T, Huhtinen S, Hansen K (2021). Taxonomy and systematics of Hyaloscyphaceae and Arachnopezizaceae. Persoonia 46: 26-62.
  • Martinez F, Martinez R, Melendez A, Perez-Del-Amo CM (2013). Lambertella palmeri, un ascomiceto muy poco citado, encontrado en La Rioja. N 8 Boletín Micológico de FAMCAL 8: 11-16.
  • Montecchi A, Sarasini M (2000). Funghi Ipogei D'Europa. Vicenza: Fondazione Centro Studi Micologici dell’AMB.
  • Moreno BA, Fernandez JG, Calmaestra EP (2005). Tesoros de nuestros montes. Trufas de Andalucia. Cordaba: Consejería de Medio Ambiente.
  • Morozova II (2014). New records of discomycetous fungi from Ukraine. Turkish Journal of Botany 38(2): 398-405.
  • Ormad J, Garcia F (2007). Ciboria brunneorufa Bres. (1903), un ascomycete poco frecuente. Butlletin Societat Micologica Valenciana 12: 101-104.
  • Pancorbo F, Ribes MA (2010). Setas de dunas mediterraneas. Boletín de la Sociedad Micológica de Madrid 34: 271-294.
  • Paz A, Bellanger JM, Lavoise C, Molia A, Ławrynowicz M, Larsson E, Ibarguren IO, Jeppson M, Læssøe T, Sauve M, Richard F, Moreau PA (2017). The genus Elaphomyces (Ascomycota, Eurotiales): a ribosomal DNA-based phylogeny and revised systematics of European ‘deer truffles’. Persoonia 38: 197-239.
  • Perić B, LoBuglio KF, Pfister DH (2014). The genus Strobiloscypha: a new species and an unresolved phylogenetic placement. Mycologia Montenegrina 16: 7-22.
  • Pfister DH, Agnello C, Lantieri A, LoBugio KF (2013). The Caloscyphaceae (Pezizomyces, Ascomycota), with a new genus.. Mycological Progress 12(4): 667-674.
  • Rubio E, Tabarés M, Martínez MA (2010) Marcelleina parvispora (Ascomycota, Pezizales), a new Marcelleina species from Catalonia (Spain). Revista Catalana Micologia 32: 31-35.
  • Slavova M, Assyov B, Martinez G (2021). Raros е interesantes ascomicetos cupresícolas de Bulgaria, Grecia y España. Yesca 33: 144-157.
  • Sulzbacher MA, Corte VG, Coelho G, Jacques RJS Antoniolli ZI (2010). Chondrogaster pachysporus in a Eucalyptus plantation of southern Brazil. Mycotaxon 113: 377-384.
  • Van Vooren N, Valencia FJ, Carbone M, Lindemann U, Vega M, Valade F (2021). Exploring the European Trichophaea-like discomycetes (Pezizales) using morphological, ecological and molecular data., 13(1): 5-48.
  • Van Vooren N, Valencia FJ, Carbone M, Vega M (2022). Exploring the European Trichophaea-like discomycetes (Pezizales) using morphological, ecological and molecular data. Part 3: New discoveries in Perilachnea., 14(1): 7-17.
  • Vidal JM (1994). Algunos hongos hipogeos interesantes para la micoflora catalana. Butll. Society Catalana Micologia 16-17: 221-248.
  • Vidal JM, Cseh P, Merényi Z, Bóna L, Rudnóy S, Bratek Z, Paz A, Mleczko P, Kozak M, Chachuła P, Assyov B, Slavova M, Kaounas V, Konstantinidis G, Rodríguez F, J. Cabero J, García-Verdugo F, García-Alonso F, Mahiques R, Fantini P, States JS (2023). The genus Gautieria (Gomphales) in Europe and the Mediterranean Basin: a morphological and phylogenetic taxonomic revision. Persoonia 50: 48-122.
  • Wang Y-Z (2009). A new species of Arachnopeziza from Taiwan. Mycotaxon 108: 485-489.
  • Whetzel HH (1943). A monograph of Lambertella, a genus of brown-spored inoperculate discomycetes. Lloydia 6: 18-52.
  • Zervakis G, Dimou DM, Balis C (1998). A check-list of the Greek macrofungi including hosts and biogeogrphic distribution: I. Basidiomycotina. Mycotaxon 66: 273-336.
  • Zervakis G, Lizoň P, Dimou DM, Polemis E (1999). Annotated check-list of the Greek macrofungi: II. Ascomycotina. Mycotaxon 72: 487-506.

Yunanistan Mikobiyotası için yeni kayıtlar

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2, 97 - 1105, 15.11.2024


Sekiz nadir mantar, Arachnopeziza obtusipila Grelet, Chaetothiersia cupressicola Valencia, Van Vooren & M. Vega, Chondrogaster pachysporus Maire, Ciboria brunneorufa Bres., Kallistoskypha incarnata (Duvernoy & Maire) Pfister, Agnello, Lantieri & LoBuglio, Lambertella palmeri Raitv. & R. Galán, Perilachnea fallax M. Carbone, Valencia, Tello & Van Vooren ve Perilachnea humarioides Valencia, M. Vega & Van Vooren, Yunanistan’dan ilk kez rapor edilmiştir. Bu makale, yeni kaydedilen örneklerin betimlemelerini, makroskobik ve mikroskobik görüntüleri eşliğinde, sunmaktadır.


  • Baral HO, Marson G (2005). In vivo veritas. Over 10000 Images of fungi and plants (microscopical drawings, water colour plates, photo macro- & micrographs), with materials on vital taxonomy and xerotolerance. DVD, 3rd edition.
  • Diamandis S, Perlerou C (2008). Recent records of hypogeous fungi in Greece. Acta Mycologica 43(2): 139-142.
  • Dumont KP (1971). Sclerotiniaceae II. Lambertella. Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden 22 (1): 1-178.
  • Dumont KP (1976). Lambertella berberidis nov. sp. from India. Canadian Journal of Botany 54(16): 1868-1871.
  • Engel H (1993). Pilzfunde an Lindenästen (Tilia spec.). Die Pilzflora Nordwestoberfrankens (Weidhausen b. Coburg) 14-15: 119-243.
  • Fuckel L (1870). Symbolae Mycologicae. Jahrb Nassau Ver Naturk.23(24): 1-459.
  • Galan R., Raitviir A, Ayala N, Ochoa C (1994). First contribution to the knowledge of the Helotiales of Baja California and adjacent areas. Mycological Research 98(10): 1137-1152.
  • Galan R, Prieto F (2004). Lambertella palmeri Raitv. & R. Galán descubierta en el Continente Europeo. Boletín de la Sociedad Micológica de Madrid 28: 161-167.
  • Giachini AJ, Oliveira VL, Castellano MA, Trappe JM (2000). Ectomycorrhizal fungi in exotic Eucalyptus and Pinus plantations in southern Brazil. Mycologia 92: 1166-1177.
  • Höhnel FXR (1918). Fragmente zur mykologie. Sitzungsber. Kaiserl Akad Wiss Wien Math-Naturwiss Cl Abt 127: 329-93.
  • Index Fungorum (2024). / [accessed 14 March 2024].
  • Iturriaga T, Korf RP (1988). Arachnopeziza ochracea comb. nov. and a new synonym of Polydesmia pruinosa. Mycotaxon 31: 245-249.
  • Jukić N (2016). First record of the Mediterranean species Ciboria brunneorufa in the Balkan Peninsula. Czech Mycology 68(2): 127-137.
  • Korf RP (1951). A Monograph of the Arachnopezizeae. Lloydia 14(3): 129-180.
  • Korf RP, Zhuang W-Y (1985). A synoptickey to the species of Lambertella (Sclerotiniaceae), with comments on a version prepared for taxadat, Anderegg’s computer program. Mycotaxon 24: 361-386.
  • Kosonen T, Huhtinen S, Hansen K (2021). Taxonomy and systematics of Hyaloscyphaceae and Arachnopezizaceae. Persoonia 46: 26-62.
  • Martinez F, Martinez R, Melendez A, Perez-Del-Amo CM (2013). Lambertella palmeri, un ascomiceto muy poco citado, encontrado en La Rioja. N 8 Boletín Micológico de FAMCAL 8: 11-16.
  • Montecchi A, Sarasini M (2000). Funghi Ipogei D'Europa. Vicenza: Fondazione Centro Studi Micologici dell’AMB.
  • Moreno BA, Fernandez JG, Calmaestra EP (2005). Tesoros de nuestros montes. Trufas de Andalucia. Cordaba: Consejería de Medio Ambiente.
  • Morozova II (2014). New records of discomycetous fungi from Ukraine. Turkish Journal of Botany 38(2): 398-405.
  • Ormad J, Garcia F (2007). Ciboria brunneorufa Bres. (1903), un ascomycete poco frecuente. Butlletin Societat Micologica Valenciana 12: 101-104.
  • Pancorbo F, Ribes MA (2010). Setas de dunas mediterraneas. Boletín de la Sociedad Micológica de Madrid 34: 271-294.
  • Paz A, Bellanger JM, Lavoise C, Molia A, Ławrynowicz M, Larsson E, Ibarguren IO, Jeppson M, Læssøe T, Sauve M, Richard F, Moreau PA (2017). The genus Elaphomyces (Ascomycota, Eurotiales): a ribosomal DNA-based phylogeny and revised systematics of European ‘deer truffles’. Persoonia 38: 197-239.
  • Perić B, LoBuglio KF, Pfister DH (2014). The genus Strobiloscypha: a new species and an unresolved phylogenetic placement. Mycologia Montenegrina 16: 7-22.
  • Pfister DH, Agnello C, Lantieri A, LoBugio KF (2013). The Caloscyphaceae (Pezizomyces, Ascomycota), with a new genus.. Mycological Progress 12(4): 667-674.
  • Rubio E, Tabarés M, Martínez MA (2010) Marcelleina parvispora (Ascomycota, Pezizales), a new Marcelleina species from Catalonia (Spain). Revista Catalana Micologia 32: 31-35.
  • Slavova M, Assyov B, Martinez G (2021). Raros е interesantes ascomicetos cupresícolas de Bulgaria, Grecia y España. Yesca 33: 144-157.
  • Sulzbacher MA, Corte VG, Coelho G, Jacques RJS Antoniolli ZI (2010). Chondrogaster pachysporus in a Eucalyptus plantation of southern Brazil. Mycotaxon 113: 377-384.
  • Van Vooren N, Valencia FJ, Carbone M, Lindemann U, Vega M, Valade F (2021). Exploring the European Trichophaea-like discomycetes (Pezizales) using morphological, ecological and molecular data., 13(1): 5-48.
  • Van Vooren N, Valencia FJ, Carbone M, Vega M (2022). Exploring the European Trichophaea-like discomycetes (Pezizales) using morphological, ecological and molecular data. Part 3: New discoveries in Perilachnea., 14(1): 7-17.
  • Vidal JM (1994). Algunos hongos hipogeos interesantes para la micoflora catalana. Butll. Society Catalana Micologia 16-17: 221-248.
  • Vidal JM, Cseh P, Merényi Z, Bóna L, Rudnóy S, Bratek Z, Paz A, Mleczko P, Kozak M, Chachuła P, Assyov B, Slavova M, Kaounas V, Konstantinidis G, Rodríguez F, J. Cabero J, García-Verdugo F, García-Alonso F, Mahiques R, Fantini P, States JS (2023). The genus Gautieria (Gomphales) in Europe and the Mediterranean Basin: a morphological and phylogenetic taxonomic revision. Persoonia 50: 48-122.
  • Wang Y-Z (2009). A new species of Arachnopeziza from Taiwan. Mycotaxon 108: 485-489.
  • Whetzel HH (1943). A monograph of Lambertella, a genus of brown-spored inoperculate discomycetes. Lloydia 6: 18-52.
  • Zervakis G, Dimou DM, Balis C (1998). A check-list of the Greek macrofungi including hosts and biogeogrphic distribution: I. Basidiomycotina. Mycotaxon 66: 273-336.
  • Zervakis G, Lizoň P, Dimou DM, Polemis E (1999). Annotated check-list of the Greek macrofungi: II. Ascomycotina. Mycotaxon 72: 487-506.
Toplam 36 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Articles

Vasıleıos Kaounas 0009-0004-6671-1160

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 24 Temmuz 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Kasım 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 18 Mart 2024
Kabul Tarihi 24 Nisan 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Kaounas, V. (2024). New records for the Mycobiota of Greece. Anatolian Journal of Botany, 8(2), 97-1105.
AMA Kaounas V. New records for the Mycobiota of Greece. Ant J Bot. Kasım 2024;8(2):97-1105. doi:10.30616/ajb.1455074
Chicago Kaounas, Vasıleıos. “New Records for the Mycobiota of Greece”. Anatolian Journal of Botany 8, sy. 2 (Kasım 2024): 97-1105.
EndNote Kaounas V (01 Kasım 2024) New records for the Mycobiota of Greece. Anatolian Journal of Botany 8 2 97–1105.
IEEE V. Kaounas, “New records for the Mycobiota of Greece”, Ant J Bot, c. 8, sy. 2, ss. 97–1105, 2024, doi: 10.30616/ajb.1455074.
ISNAD Kaounas, Vasıleıos. “New Records for the Mycobiota of Greece”. Anatolian Journal of Botany 8/2 (Kasım 2024), 97-1105.
JAMA Kaounas V. New records for the Mycobiota of Greece. Ant J Bot. 2024;8:97–1105.
MLA Kaounas, Vasıleıos. “New Records for the Mycobiota of Greece”. Anatolian Journal of Botany, c. 8, sy. 2, 2024, ss. 97-1105, doi:10.30616/ajb.1455074.
Vancouver Kaounas V. New records for the Mycobiota of Greece. Ant J Bot. 2024;8(2):97-1105.

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