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Türkiye'de Farklı Konukçulardan Elde Edilen Sydowia polyspora izolatlarının Pinus brutia Üzerindeki Patojenitesi

Yıl 2024, , 36 - 40, 29.12.2024


Giriş ve Hedefler Sydowia polyspora, Avrupa ve Kuzey Amerika'da özellikle Abies spp. ve Pinus spp. üzerinde mevsimsel ibre nekrozu ile ilişkili önemli bir fungustur. Pinus brutia, Akdeniz havzasında yaygın olarak bulunan ve yüksek ekonomik ve ekolojik değere sahip bir türdür. Bu çalışmada, Türkiye'deki P. brutia fidanlarının yerel S. polyspora izolatlarına duyarlılığını belirlemek ve farklı konukçulardan elde edilen izolatlar arasındaki virülans farklılıklarını araştırmak amaçlanmıştır.
Yöntemler Farklı konukçulardan izole edilen S. polyspora izolatları, iki yaşındaki P. brutia fidanlarının sürgünlerine inokule edilmiştir. Fidanlar, kontrol grubuyla karşılaştırmalı olarak izlenmiş ve lezyon uzunluğu gibi patojenisite göstergeleri kaydedilmiştir.
Bulgular Çalışma sonuçları, test edilen 10 izolatın 7'sinin P. brutia fidanlarında patojenik olduğunu ve canlı öz odun dokusunda başarılı bir şekilde kolonize olabildiğini göstermiştir. Pinus pinea'dan elde edilen izolatların P. brutia üzerinde patojenik olduğu, sürgünlerden elde edilen izolatların ise konukçularda daha uzun lezyonlar oluşturduğu tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca, semptomatik ağaçlardan elde edilen izolatların, semptomatik olmayan ağaçlardan elde edilenlere göre daha yüksek virülans gösterdiği belirlenmiştir. P. brutia'dan elde edilen izolatlar, Pinus nigra ve P. pinea’dan elde edilen izolatlara göre daha yüksek virülans göstermiştir.
Sonuçlar P. brutia fidanları, yerel S. polyspora izolatlarına karşı oldukça duyarlıdır ve bu durum, bölgedeki orman ekosistemleri için potansiyel bir tehdit oluşturmaktadır. Fungal etmen, semptomatik dokulardan başarılı bir şekilde yeniden izole edilmiştir. Kontrol bitkilerinde herhangi bir semptom gözlenmemiştir.


  • Arbez, M. (1974). Distribution, ecology and variation of Pinus brutia in Türkiye. Information sur les Ressources Genetiques Forestieres.
  • Beram, R. C., and Demiröz, F. (2024). Sydowia polyspora associated with current season needle necrosis (CSNN) on Pinus brutia Ten. in Türkiye. Forest Pathology, 54(1), e12849.
  • Cleary, M., Oskay, F., Doğmuş, H. T., Lehtijärvi, A., Woodward, S., Vettraino, A. M. (2019). Cryptic risks to forest biosecurity associated with the global movement of commercial seed. Forests, 10(5), 459.
  • Çakar, D., Şimşek, S. A., Çömez, A., and Maden, S. (2022). First report of Sydowia polyspora causing needle necrosis on Trojan fir in Türkiye. Journal of Plant Pathology, 104(4), 1589–1590.
  • Çakar, D., Şimşek, S. A., Çömez, A., and Maden, S. (2023). Causal agents of current season needle necrosis on Trojan Fir (Abies nordmanniana subsp. equi-trojani) growing in the Aladağ mountain range in Bolu Province. Australasian Plant Pathology, 52(4), 317-326.
  • GDF. (2021). OGM Forest Atlas. General Directorate of Forestry. GDF (In Turkish).
  • Koski, V., and Antola, J. (1993). National tree breeding and seed production programme for Türkiye 1994–2003 (p. 52). The Research Directorate of Forest Tree Seeds and Tree Breeding.
  • Kowalski, T., and Kehr, R. D. (1996). Fungal endophytes of living branch bases in several European tree species. In S. C. Redlin and L. M. Carris (Eds.), Endophytic fungi in grasses and woody plants: Systematics, Ecology, and Evolution (pp. 67–86). APS Press.
  • Kowalski, T., and Pozdzik, P. (1993). Grzyby endofityczne w zywych iglach Pinus sylvestris L. Acta Agraria et Silvestri, Series Silvestris, 31, 17–30.
  • Pan, Y., Ye, H., Lu, J., Chen, P., Zhou, X. D., Qiao, M., and Yu, Z. F. (2018). Isolation and identification of Sydowia polyspora and its pathogenicity on Pinus yunnanensis in southwestern China. Journal of Phytopathology, 166(6), 386–395.
  • Ridout, M., and Newcombe, G. (2018). Sydowia polyspora is both a foliar endophyte and a preemergent seed pathogen in Pinus ponderosa. Plant Disease, 102(3), 640–644.
  • Sieber-Canavesi, F., and Sieber, T. N. (1993). Successional patterns of fungal communities in needles of European silver fir (Abies alba mill.). New Phytologist, 125, 149–161.
  • Silva, A. C., Henriques, J., Diogo, E., Ramos, A. P., and Bragança, H. (2020). First report of Sydowia polyspora causing disease on Pinus pinea shoots. Forest Pathology, 50(1), e12570.
  • Talgø, V., Chastagner, G., Thomsen, I. M., Cech, T., Riley, K., Lange, K., and Stensvand, A. (2010). Sydowia polyspora associated with current season needle necrosis (CSNN) on true fir (Abies spp.). Fungal Biology, 114(7), 545–554.
  • Tinivella, F., Dani, E., Minuto, G., and Minuto, A. (2014). First report of Sydowia polyspora on Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis) in Italy. Plant Disease, 98(2), 281.

Pathogenicity of the Sydowia polyspora originating from different hosts on Pinus brutia in Türkiye

Yıl 2024, , 36 - 40, 29.12.2024


Background and aims Sydowia polyspora is a significant fungus associated with seasonal needle necrosis, particularly on Abies spp. and Pinus spp. in Europe and North America. Pinus brutia is a species widespread in the Mediterranean basin with high economic and ecological value. This study aimed to determine the susceptibility of P. brutia seedlings in Türkiye to local S. polyspora isolates and to investigate the virulence differences among isolates obtained from different hosts.
Methods S. polyspora isolates from various hosts were inoculated into the shoots of two-year-old P. brutia seedlings. The seedlings were monitored in comparison with a control group, and pathogenicity indicators such as lesion length were recorded.
Results The results showed that 7 out of 10 tested isolates were pathogenic on P. brutia seedlings and successfully colonized the living heartwood tissue. Isolates from Pinus pinea were found to be pathogenic on P. brutia, and isolates obtained from shoots caused longer lesions in hosts. Additionally, isolates from symptomatic trees exhibited higher virulence compared to those from asymptomatic trees. Isolates from P. brutia exhibited higher virulence compared to isolates from Pinus nigra and P. pinea.
Conclusions P. brutia seedlings are highly susceptible to local S. polyspora isolates, posing a potential threat to the region's forest ecosystems. The fungal pathogen was successfully re-isolated from symptomatic tissues, and no symptoms were observed in the control plants.


  • Arbez, M. (1974). Distribution, ecology and variation of Pinus brutia in Türkiye. Information sur les Ressources Genetiques Forestieres.
  • Beram, R. C., and Demiröz, F. (2024). Sydowia polyspora associated with current season needle necrosis (CSNN) on Pinus brutia Ten. in Türkiye. Forest Pathology, 54(1), e12849.
  • Cleary, M., Oskay, F., Doğmuş, H. T., Lehtijärvi, A., Woodward, S., Vettraino, A. M. (2019). Cryptic risks to forest biosecurity associated with the global movement of commercial seed. Forests, 10(5), 459.
  • Çakar, D., Şimşek, S. A., Çömez, A., and Maden, S. (2022). First report of Sydowia polyspora causing needle necrosis on Trojan fir in Türkiye. Journal of Plant Pathology, 104(4), 1589–1590.
  • Çakar, D., Şimşek, S. A., Çömez, A., and Maden, S. (2023). Causal agents of current season needle necrosis on Trojan Fir (Abies nordmanniana subsp. equi-trojani) growing in the Aladağ mountain range in Bolu Province. Australasian Plant Pathology, 52(4), 317-326.
  • GDF. (2021). OGM Forest Atlas. General Directorate of Forestry. GDF (In Turkish).
  • Koski, V., and Antola, J. (1993). National tree breeding and seed production programme for Türkiye 1994–2003 (p. 52). The Research Directorate of Forest Tree Seeds and Tree Breeding.
  • Kowalski, T., and Kehr, R. D. (1996). Fungal endophytes of living branch bases in several European tree species. In S. C. Redlin and L. M. Carris (Eds.), Endophytic fungi in grasses and woody plants: Systematics, Ecology, and Evolution (pp. 67–86). APS Press.
  • Kowalski, T., and Pozdzik, P. (1993). Grzyby endofityczne w zywych iglach Pinus sylvestris L. Acta Agraria et Silvestri, Series Silvestris, 31, 17–30.
  • Pan, Y., Ye, H., Lu, J., Chen, P., Zhou, X. D., Qiao, M., and Yu, Z. F. (2018). Isolation and identification of Sydowia polyspora and its pathogenicity on Pinus yunnanensis in southwestern China. Journal of Phytopathology, 166(6), 386–395.
  • Ridout, M., and Newcombe, G. (2018). Sydowia polyspora is both a foliar endophyte and a preemergent seed pathogen in Pinus ponderosa. Plant Disease, 102(3), 640–644.
  • Sieber-Canavesi, F., and Sieber, T. N. (1993). Successional patterns of fungal communities in needles of European silver fir (Abies alba mill.). New Phytologist, 125, 149–161.
  • Silva, A. C., Henriques, J., Diogo, E., Ramos, A. P., and Bragança, H. (2020). First report of Sydowia polyspora causing disease on Pinus pinea shoots. Forest Pathology, 50(1), e12570.
  • Talgø, V., Chastagner, G., Thomsen, I. M., Cech, T., Riley, K., Lange, K., and Stensvand, A. (2010). Sydowia polyspora associated with current season needle necrosis (CSNN) on true fir (Abies spp.). Fungal Biology, 114(7), 545–554.
  • Tinivella, F., Dani, E., Minuto, G., and Minuto, A. (2014). First report of Sydowia polyspora on Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis) in Italy. Plant Disease, 98(2), 281.
Toplam 15 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Orman Entomolojisi ve Orman Koruma
Bölüm Makaleler

Refika Ceyda Beram 0000-0002-1203-2910

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 5 Kasım 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 5 Temmuz 2024
Kabul Tarihi 5 Eylül 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Beram, R. C. (2024). Pathogenicity of the Sydowia polyspora originating from different hosts on Pinus brutia in Türkiye. Anadolu Orman Araştırmaları Dergisi, 10(2), 36-40.
AMA Beram RC. Pathogenicity of the Sydowia polyspora originating from different hosts on Pinus brutia in Türkiye. AOAD. Aralık 2024;10(2):36-40. doi:10.53516/ajfr.1511176
Chicago Beram, Refika Ceyda. “Pathogenicity of the Sydowia Polyspora Originating from Different Hosts on Pinus Brutia in Türkiye”. Anadolu Orman Araştırmaları Dergisi 10, sy. 2 (Aralık 2024): 36-40.
EndNote Beram RC (01 Aralık 2024) Pathogenicity of the Sydowia polyspora originating from different hosts on Pinus brutia in Türkiye. Anadolu Orman Araştırmaları Dergisi 10 2 36–40.
IEEE R. C. Beram, “Pathogenicity of the Sydowia polyspora originating from different hosts on Pinus brutia in Türkiye”, AOAD, c. 10, sy. 2, ss. 36–40, 2024, doi: 10.53516/ajfr.1511176.
ISNAD Beram, Refika Ceyda. “Pathogenicity of the Sydowia Polyspora Originating from Different Hosts on Pinus Brutia in Türkiye”. Anadolu Orman Araştırmaları Dergisi 10/2 (Aralık 2024), 36-40.
JAMA Beram RC. Pathogenicity of the Sydowia polyspora originating from different hosts on Pinus brutia in Türkiye. AOAD. 2024;10:36–40.
MLA Beram, Refika Ceyda. “Pathogenicity of the Sydowia Polyspora Originating from Different Hosts on Pinus Brutia in Türkiye”. Anadolu Orman Araştırmaları Dergisi, c. 10, sy. 2, 2024, ss. 36-40, doi:10.53516/ajfr.1511176.
Vancouver Beram RC. Pathogenicity of the Sydowia polyspora originating from different hosts on Pinus brutia in Türkiye. AOAD. 2024;10(2):36-40.