Aagaard, L., Kristensen, K. (2014). Access to crossborder health care services for patients with rare diseases
in the European Union. Orphan Drugs: Research and Reviews, 39–45.
Akıcı, A., Ulupınar, S. (2015). The Role of Patient Care Personnel in Rational Drug Use, Social Security
Institution Brochure, http://gss.sgk.gov.tr/aik/toplum/hastayardimci/doc/hastabakimaikbrosur.pdf
(accessed May 2015).
Balık, İ. (2014). Association of Research-Based Pharmaceutical Companies (AIFD) Rare Diseases and Orphan
Medicine Symposium Orphan Drug Regulation Workshop Book, 13-14 September.
Blankart, R.C., Stargardt, T., Schreyogg, J. (2011). Availability of and access to orphan drugs. Pharmacoeconomics,
Çalışkan, Z. (2008). Referans Fiyat ve İlaç Piyasası. Hacettepe Journal of Health Administration,11(1), 50-75.
Campos-Castell, J. (2001). Orphan drugs and orphan diseases (Spanish). Rev Neurol., 33, 216-220.
Dear, J.W., Lilitkarntakul, P., Webb, D.J. (2006). Are rare diseases still orphans or happily adopted? The
challenges of developing and using orphan medicinal products. Br J Clin Pharmacol, 62, 264-271
Denis, A., Mergaert, L., Fostier, C., Cleemput, I., Simoens, S. (2010). Issues surrounding orphan disease and
orphan drug policies in Europe. Appl Health Econ Health Policy., 8, 343-50.
Developing Products for Rare Diseases & Conditions. U.S. Department of Health and Human Service,
https://www.fda.gov/ForIndustry/DevelopingProductsforRareDiseasesConditions/default.htm (accessed
7 February 2010)
Dionisi-Vici, C., Rizzo, C., Burlina, A.B., Caruso, U., Sabetta, G., Uziel, G., A,beni, D. (2002). Inborn errors of
metabolism in the Italian pediatric population: a national retrospective survey. J Pediatr, 140(3), 321-7.
Dündar, M., Karabulut, S.Y. (2010). Rare Disease and Orphan Drugs in Turkey; Medical and Social Problem.
Erciyes Medical Journal, 32(3), 195-200.
European Medicines Agency, https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/human-regulatory/overview/orphandesignation-
overview (accessed 15 October 2016)
Haffner, M.E., Torrent-Farnell J., Maher, P.D. (2008). Does orphan drug legislation really answer the needs
of patients?, Lancet. 14, 371(9629):2041-4. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(08)60873-9.
Gammie, T., Lu, C.Y., Babar, Z.D. (2015). Access to Orphan Drugs: A Comprehensive Review of Legislations,
Regulations and Policies in 35 Countries. PlosOne., 10, 1-24.
Hadjivasiliou, A. (2014). Orphan Drug Report 2014. Evaluate Pharma., 3-19
Kesselheim, A.S., Myers, J.A., Avorn, J. (2011). Characteristics of clinical trials to support approval of orphan
vs non-orphan drugs for cancer. JAMA., 305, 2320-2326.
Orphanet’ Rare diseases in numbers: preliminary report from an ongoing bibliographic study initiated
by Eurordis in partnership with Orphanet, https://www.orpha.net/actor/Orphanews/2005/doc/Rare_
Diseases_in_Numbers.pdf (accessed 10 December 2016)
Özbek, U. (2014). İstanbul University, Experimental Medicine Research Institute (DETAE), Orphanet-Turkey,
Rare Diseases and Orphan Medicine Symposium, 13-14 September.
Pedro, F. (2013). Orphan Drugs: the regulatory environment. Drug Discov Today., 18, 163–72.
Sosyal Güvenlik Kurumu Çalışanlarının Akılcı İlaç Kullanımındaki Etkin Rolü ve Farmakoekonomi. (2013).
Book T.C. Social Security Institution, Publication No: 114
Stolk, P., Willemen, M.J., Leufkens, H.G. (2006). Rare essentials: drugs for rare diseases as essential medicines.
Bull World Health Organ., 84, 745-751.
Taruscio, D., Cerbo, M. (1999). Rare diseases: general principles, specific problems, and health interventions
(Italian). Ann Ist Super Sanita, 35, 237-244.
Wastfelt, M., Fadeel, B., Henter, J.I. (2006). A journey of hope: lessons learned from studies on rare diseases
and orphan drugs. J Intern Med, 260, 1-10.
Wetterauer, B., Schuster, R. (2008). Rare diseases. Funding programs in Germany and Europe (German).
Bundesgesundheitsblatt Gesundheitsforschung Gesundheitsschutz., 5, 519-528.
Rare Disease and Orphan Drug Situations in Turkey and around the World
Aagaard, L., Kristensen, K. (2014). Access to crossborder health care services for patients with rare diseases
in the European Union. Orphan Drugs: Research and Reviews, 39–45.
Akıcı, A., Ulupınar, S. (2015). The Role of Patient Care Personnel in Rational Drug Use, Social Security
Institution Brochure, http://gss.sgk.gov.tr/aik/toplum/hastayardimci/doc/hastabakimaikbrosur.pdf
(accessed May 2015).
Balık, İ. (2014). Association of Research-Based Pharmaceutical Companies (AIFD) Rare Diseases and Orphan
Medicine Symposium Orphan Drug Regulation Workshop Book, 13-14 September.
Blankart, R.C., Stargardt, T., Schreyogg, J. (2011). Availability of and access to orphan drugs. Pharmacoeconomics,
Çalışkan, Z. (2008). Referans Fiyat ve İlaç Piyasası. Hacettepe Journal of Health Administration,11(1), 50-75.
Campos-Castell, J. (2001). Orphan drugs and orphan diseases (Spanish). Rev Neurol., 33, 216-220.
Dear, J.W., Lilitkarntakul, P., Webb, D.J. (2006). Are rare diseases still orphans or happily adopted? The
challenges of developing and using orphan medicinal products. Br J Clin Pharmacol, 62, 264-271
Denis, A., Mergaert, L., Fostier, C., Cleemput, I., Simoens, S. (2010). Issues surrounding orphan disease and
orphan drug policies in Europe. Appl Health Econ Health Policy., 8, 343-50.
Developing Products for Rare Diseases & Conditions. U.S. Department of Health and Human Service,
https://www.fda.gov/ForIndustry/DevelopingProductsforRareDiseasesConditions/default.htm (accessed
7 February 2010)
Dionisi-Vici, C., Rizzo, C., Burlina, A.B., Caruso, U., Sabetta, G., Uziel, G., A,beni, D. (2002). Inborn errors of
metabolism in the Italian pediatric population: a national retrospective survey. J Pediatr, 140(3), 321-7.
Dündar, M., Karabulut, S.Y. (2010). Rare Disease and Orphan Drugs in Turkey; Medical and Social Problem.
Erciyes Medical Journal, 32(3), 195-200.
European Medicines Agency, https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/human-regulatory/overview/orphandesignation-
overview (accessed 15 October 2016)
Haffner, M.E., Torrent-Farnell J., Maher, P.D. (2008). Does orphan drug legislation really answer the needs
of patients?, Lancet. 14, 371(9629):2041-4. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(08)60873-9.
Gammie, T., Lu, C.Y., Babar, Z.D. (2015). Access to Orphan Drugs: A Comprehensive Review of Legislations,
Regulations and Policies in 35 Countries. PlosOne., 10, 1-24.
Hadjivasiliou, A. (2014). Orphan Drug Report 2014. Evaluate Pharma., 3-19
Kesselheim, A.S., Myers, J.A., Avorn, J. (2011). Characteristics of clinical trials to support approval of orphan
vs non-orphan drugs for cancer. JAMA., 305, 2320-2326.
Orphanet’ Rare diseases in numbers: preliminary report from an ongoing bibliographic study initiated
by Eurordis in partnership with Orphanet, https://www.orpha.net/actor/Orphanews/2005/doc/Rare_
Diseases_in_Numbers.pdf (accessed 10 December 2016)
Özbek, U. (2014). İstanbul University, Experimental Medicine Research Institute (DETAE), Orphanet-Turkey,
Rare Diseases and Orphan Medicine Symposium, 13-14 September.
Pedro, F. (2013). Orphan Drugs: the regulatory environment. Drug Discov Today., 18, 163–72.
Sosyal Güvenlik Kurumu Çalışanlarının Akılcı İlaç Kullanımındaki Etkin Rolü ve Farmakoekonomi. (2013).
Book T.C. Social Security Institution, Publication No: 114
Stolk, P., Willemen, M.J., Leufkens, H.G. (2006). Rare essentials: drugs for rare diseases as essential medicines.
Bull World Health Organ., 84, 745-751.
Taruscio, D., Cerbo, M. (1999). Rare diseases: general principles, specific problems, and health interventions
(Italian). Ann Ist Super Sanita, 35, 237-244.
Wastfelt, M., Fadeel, B., Henter, J.I. (2006). A journey of hope: lessons learned from studies on rare diseases
and orphan drugs. J Intern Med, 260, 1-10.
Wetterauer, B., Schuster, R. (2008). Rare diseases. Funding programs in Germany and Europe (German).
Bundesgesundheitsblatt Gesundheitsforschung Gesundheitsschutz., 5, 519-528.