(1999), “İstanbul, Ankara ve İzmir İllerinde Tüketicilerin Çevre
Haziran Mastrich-Hollanda * International Cong of Clinical Nutrition * 3th. World Mycotoxin Forum 11-12 Kasım Noordwuk aan Zee Hollanda 3 Ağustos 2004 Brisbone-Avustralya
*3rd. Int. Cong. on Pigments In Food * 11th. Int. Sym. on Mycotoxıns and Phycotoxins 21 Mayıs Bethesta Maryland ABD Ouimper-Fransa 14-17 Haziran 2004
* Int. Sym. on Propionibacteria and Bifidabacteria: Dairy and * 5th. Eurepean Pesticide Residue Workshop 13- Haziran Stokholm-İsveç Probiotic Application St. Malo Fransa 2- Haziran 2004
* European Food Law Sym. 39-30 Haziran Brüksel- Belçika * XXVI. Int. Rapid Methods and Automation in Microbilogy * 50th. Int. Cong. of Meat Sciand Tecnology 8-13
Ağustos Helsinki-Finlandiya Manhattan Kansas ABD 18-25 Haziran * 8th. Int. Sym. on the Biosafety of Genetically Modified Organisms 26-30 Eylül Montpellier- Fransa isveç 15 Eylül 2004
* Bioproducts Processing and Food Safety 11-14 Ekim Belging-Cin * 18th. International Cong. on Nutrition 24 Eylül 2004 Durbin-Güney Afrika
* Trace Elements in Food 7-8 Ekim Brüksel- Belçika * IDF Int. Sym. on Ewes and Godt Milk Utilization , Producing Markets and Prospcots 26-30 Ekim * Europe 3. Int Sym. on Food Packing 17-19 Kasım Zaragosa-Spain Barcelona-İspanya * World Nutrition-5th Int. Cong. on Nutra Cevticals and Runctional Food * Int. Cong. on Indigenous Enaymes in Milk Int. Dairy Federation 20-22 Nisan Cork-İrlanda 10 Kasım 2004
* 5th. Eurepean conference on Precision agriculture and 2nd. Eurepean conference on Precision Livestock Forming Haziran u p s a l a 1 - 1 2 * 4th. Int. Dairy Federition Int. Mastitis Cong. 12
Türkiye'de Organik Tarım Ürünleri Pazarının Yapısı ve Gelişimi
(1999), “İstanbul, Ankara ve İzmir İllerinde Tüketicilerin Çevre
Haziran Mastrich-Hollanda * International Cong of Clinical Nutrition * 3th. World Mycotoxin Forum 11-12 Kasım Noordwuk aan Zee Hollanda 3 Ağustos 2004 Brisbone-Avustralya
*3rd. Int. Cong. on Pigments In Food * 11th. Int. Sym. on Mycotoxıns and Phycotoxins 21 Mayıs Bethesta Maryland ABD Ouimper-Fransa 14-17 Haziran 2004
* Int. Sym. on Propionibacteria and Bifidabacteria: Dairy and * 5th. Eurepean Pesticide Residue Workshop 13- Haziran Stokholm-İsveç Probiotic Application St. Malo Fransa 2- Haziran 2004
* European Food Law Sym. 39-30 Haziran Brüksel- Belçika * XXVI. Int. Rapid Methods and Automation in Microbilogy * 50th. Int. Cong. of Meat Sciand Tecnology 8-13
Ağustos Helsinki-Finlandiya Manhattan Kansas ABD 18-25 Haziran * 8th. Int. Sym. on the Biosafety of Genetically Modified Organisms 26-30 Eylül Montpellier- Fransa isveç 15 Eylül 2004
* Bioproducts Processing and Food Safety 11-14 Ekim Belging-Cin * 18th. International Cong. on Nutrition 24 Eylül 2004 Durbin-Güney Afrika
* Trace Elements in Food 7-8 Ekim Brüksel- Belçika * IDF Int. Sym. on Ewes and Godt Milk Utilization , Producing Markets and Prospcots 26-30 Ekim * Europe 3. Int Sym. on Food Packing 17-19 Kasım Zaragosa-Spain Barcelona-İspanya * World Nutrition-5th Int. Cong. on Nutra Cevticals and Runctional Food * Int. Cong. on Indigenous Enaymes in Milk Int. Dairy Federation 20-22 Nisan Cork-İrlanda 10 Kasım 2004
* 5th. Eurepean conference on Precision agriculture and 2nd. Eurepean conference on Precision Livestock Forming Haziran u p s a l a 1 - 1 2 * 4th. Int. Dairy Federition Int. Mastitis Cong. 12