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Differentiated Integration in the EU Regarding the Migration Crisis: Disputes Between the Member States

Yıl 2024, , 81 - 92, 20.04.2024


The European Union (EU) has been challenged by several crises lately. In addition to Brexit, the Euro crisis, and the migration crisis; global issues such as the coronavirus pandemic and the Russian attack on Ukraine affected the EU. The migration crisis, on the one hand, differs from the above-mentioned crises with one remarkable feature. The member states have no real consensus about forming a common migration policy. Besides, for geographic reasons, some member states put much more burden on immigrants. Agreeing on immigration becomes impossible for the border countries on the migration route and also transit countries. The paper argues that, unlike the other crises of the EU, the migration crisis reinforces EU integration in such a way that disputes between member states prevent the EU from making institutional changes about the issue. The study results assume that the other above-mentioned crises, on the other hand, stimulated institutional change throughout the EU. In light of this information, this study evaluates, using a method of relevant literature review and comparing the arguments of the researchers, how the migration issue became a subject of dispute between member states by evaluating the 2015 crisis.


  • Alesina, A., Ignazio A., & Federico E. (2005). International unions. American Economic Review, 95(3), 602–615.
  • Andersen, S. S., & Nick, S. (2006). Differentiated integration: What is it and how much can the EU accommodate?. Journal of European Integration, 28(4), 313–30.
  • Arango, J. (2012). Early starters and latecomers. European Immigrations, Amsterdam, Amsterdam UP, 45-63.
  • Biermann, F., Nina, G., Stefan J., Berthold R., & Moritz, W. (2019). Political (non-)reform in the euro crisis and the refugee crisis: A liberal intergovernmentalist explanation”. Journal of European Public Policy, 26(2), 246-266.
  • Börzel, T. A., & Thomas, R. (2018). From the euro to the Schengen crises: European integration theories, politicization, and identity politics. Journal of European Public Policy, 25(1), 83-108.
  • Chebel d’Appollonia, A. (2019). EU migration policy and border controls: From chaotic to cohesive differentiation. Comparative European Politics, 17, 192.
  • Cianciara, A. K., & Adam, S. (2020). Differentiated integration: Towards a new model of European Union–Türkiye relations?. Turkish Studies, 21(2), 254-273.
  • Common European Asylum System,, 14.02.2023
  • Comte, E., & Sandra, L. (2022). Differentiation and de-differentiation in EU border controls, asylum and police cooperation. The International Spectator, 57(1), 124-141.
  • De Blok L., & Catherine E. De Vries. (2023). A blessing and a curse? Examining public preferences for differentiated integration. European Union Politics, 24(1), 143–163.
  • De Witte, B., Dominik H., Ellen V., & eds. (2001). The many faces of differentiation in EU law. Intersentia nv.
  • Den Heijer, M., Jorrit J. R., & Thomas S. (2016). Coercion, prohibition, and great expectations: The continuing failure of the common European asylum system. Market Law Review, 53, 607-642.
  • Dyson, K., & Angelos, S. (2010). Differentiation as design principle and as tool in the political management of European integration. in K. Dyson & A. Sepos (Ed.),Which Europe? The Politics of Differentiated Integration. Basingstoke: Palgrave Mac-Millan, 3–23.
  • Filliez, F. (2008). Schengen/Dublin: The association agreements with Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. in B. Martenczuk & S. Van Thiel (Ed.), Justice, Liberty, Security: New Challenges for EU External Relations cit. 145.
  • Fox, B. (30 June 2023), “EU Leaders Fail to Resolve Migration Dispute With Poland and Hungary” 10.07.2023
  • Genschel, P., Markus J., & Marta, M. (2023). Differentiated integration as symbolic politics? Constitutional differentiation and policy reintegration in core state powers. European Union Politics, No.1, 81-101.
  • Germany suspends Dublin Agreement for Syrian Refugees,
  • Holzinger, K., & Frank, S. (2012). Differentiated integration in the European Union: Many concepts, sparse theory, few data. Journal of European Public Policy, 19(2), 292-305.
  • Hooghe, L., & Gary, M. (2022). Differentiation in the European Union and beyond, European Union Politics. 24(1), 1-11.
  • Kölliker, A. (2001). Bringing together or driving apart the Union? Towards a theory of differentiated integration. West European Politics, 24(4), 125–51.
  • Leruth, B., & Christopher, L. (2015). Differentiated integration in the European Union: A concept, a process, a system or a theory?”. Journal of European Public Policy, 22(6), 761.
  • Menéndez, A. J. (2016). The refugee crisis: Between human tragedy and symptom of the structural crisis of European integration. European Law Journal, 22(4), 388–416.
  • Markakis, M. (2020). Differentiated integration and disintegration in the EU: Brexit, the Eurozone crisis, and other troubles. Journal of International Economic Law, 23, 489–507.
  • Papagianni, G. (2006). Institutional and policy dynamics of EU migration law. Brill.
  • Population and Population Change Statistics, 30.06.2023,fewer%20than%20the%20previous%20year.&text=The%20EU%20population%20decreased%20in,more%20deaths%20than%20in%202019.
  • Schimmelfennig, F. (2015). Europeanization beyond Europe. Living Reviews in European Governance, 10.1.
  • Schimmelfennig, F. (2016). Good governance and differentiated integration: Graded membership in the European Union. European Journal of Political Research, 55, 789–810.
  • Schimmelfennig, F. (2018). European integration (theory) in times of crisis. A comparison of the Euro and Schengen crises. Journal of European Public Policy, 25(7), 969-989.
  • Schimmelfennig, F. (2022/31). Differentiated integration has been of limited use in the EU’s polycrisis, Policy Briefs; Integrating Diversity in the European Union (InDivEU).
  • Schimmelfennig, F. (2022). Overcoming Crisis in the European Union. The Limits of Differentiated Integration. In Autonomy Without Collapse in a Better European Union, pp. 43-62, Oxford University Press.
  • Schimmelfennig, F. & Thomas, W. (2023). Cascading opt-outs? The effect of the Euro and migration crises on differentiated integration in the European Union. European Union Politics, 24(1), 21-41, 14651165221121720.
  • Schimmelfennig, F., Dirk, L., & Catherine, De V. (2023). Differentiated integration in the European Union: Institutional effects, public opinion, and alternative flexibility arrangements”, European Union Politics, 24(1).
  • Schmidt, V. (2020). The Future of Differentiated Integration. EU IDEA Op-eds 9.
  • Schraff, D., & Schimmelfennig, F. (2015). Does differentiated integration strengthen the democratic legitimacy of the EU? Evidence from the 2015 Danish opt-out referendum, European Union Politics, 21(4), 590–611.
  • Schuessler, J., Heermann, M., Leuffen, D., De Blok, L., & De Vries, C. E. (2023). Mapping public support for the varieties of differentiated integration. European Union Politics, 24(1), 164–183.
  • Scipioni, M. (2018). Failing forward in EU migration policy? EU integration after the 2015 asylum and migration crisis. Journal of European Public Policy, 25(9), 1357-75.
  • Silga, J. (2022). Differentiation in the EU migration policy: The ‘Fractured values’ of the EU”. European Papers, 7(2), 909-928.
  • Stubb, Alexander C-G. (1996). A categorization of differentiated integration, Journal of Common Market Studies, 34(2), 283-95.
  • Thomas, L. & Fonte, G. (2022),
  • Turhan, E. & Yıldız, A. (2022). Türkiye’s external differentiated integration with the EU in the field of migration governance: The case of border management. In B. Leruth, S. Gänzle & J. Trondal (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Differentiation in the European Union, New York: Routledge, 502-518.
  • Vara, J. S. (2022). Flexible solidarity in the new pact on migration and Asylum: A new form of differentiated integration?. European Papers-A Journal on Law and Integration, 2022(3), 1243-1263.
  • Wallace, H. S., & Ridley, A. (1985). Europe, the challenge of diversity (No. 29). Routledge.
  • Warleigh-Lack, A. (2015). Differentiated integration in the European Union: Towards a comparative regionalism perspective. Journal of European Public Policy, 22(6), 871-887.
  • Winzen, T. (2016). From capacity to sovereignty: Legislative politics and differentiated integration in the European Union. European Journal of Political Research, 55, 100–119.
  • Yıldız, A., & Turhan, E. (2022). Entegre sınır yönetimi ve Frontex ile ilişkiler bağlamında Türkiye’nin AB ile harici farklılaştırılmış entegrasyonu. İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Türkiye’nin Göç Siyaseti Özel Sayısı, 21 (Özel Sayı), 211-231.
  • Zeitlin, J., Nicoli, F., & Laffan, B. (2019). Introduction: The European Union beyond the polycrisis? Integration and politicization in an age of shifting cleavages. Journal of European Public Policy, 26(7), 963-976.

Göç Krizine İlişkin AB'de Farklılaştırılmış Entegrasyon: Üye Devletler Arasındaki Anlaşmazlıklar

Yıl 2024, , 81 - 92, 20.04.2024


Avrupa Birliği (AB) son zamanlarda birçok krizle karşı karşıya kalmıştır. Brexit, Euro krizi ve göç krizinin yanı sıra; Koronavirüs pandemisi ve Rusya'nın Ukrayna'ya saldırısı gibi küresel sorunlar AB'yi etkilemiştir. Göç krizi, bir yandan dikkat çekici bir özelliğiyle yukarıda bahsedilen krizlerden ayrılmaktadır. Üye devletlerin ortak bir göç politikası oluşturma konusunda gerçek bir fikir birliği yoktur. Ayrıca, coğrafi nedenlerle, bazı üye devletler göçmenler konusunda çok daha fazla yük çekmektedir. Göç yolu üzerindeki sınır ülkeleri ve ayrıca transit ülkeler için göç konusunda anlaşmak imkansız hale gelmektedir. Makale, AB'nin diğer krizlerinden farklı olarak, göç krizinin AB bütünleşmesini, üye devletler arasındaki anlaşmazlıkların AB'nin konuyla ilgili kurumsal değişiklikler yapmasını engelleyecek şekilde güçlendirdiğini savunmaktadır. Çalışma sonuçları, yukarıda belirtilen diğer krizlerin ise AB çapında kurumsal değişimi teşvik ettiğini varsaymaktadır. Bu bilgiler ışığında bu çalışma, ilgili literatür taraması yöntemiyle ve araştırmacıların argümanlarını karşılaştırarak, 2015 krizini değerlendirerek göç konusunun üye devletler arasında nasıl bir tartışma konusu haline geldiğini değerlendirmektedir.


  • Alesina, A., Ignazio A., & Federico E. (2005). International unions. American Economic Review, 95(3), 602–615.
  • Andersen, S. S., & Nick, S. (2006). Differentiated integration: What is it and how much can the EU accommodate?. Journal of European Integration, 28(4), 313–30.
  • Arango, J. (2012). Early starters and latecomers. European Immigrations, Amsterdam, Amsterdam UP, 45-63.
  • Biermann, F., Nina, G., Stefan J., Berthold R., & Moritz, W. (2019). Political (non-)reform in the euro crisis and the refugee crisis: A liberal intergovernmentalist explanation”. Journal of European Public Policy, 26(2), 246-266.
  • Börzel, T. A., & Thomas, R. (2018). From the euro to the Schengen crises: European integration theories, politicization, and identity politics. Journal of European Public Policy, 25(1), 83-108.
  • Chebel d’Appollonia, A. (2019). EU migration policy and border controls: From chaotic to cohesive differentiation. Comparative European Politics, 17, 192.
  • Cianciara, A. K., & Adam, S. (2020). Differentiated integration: Towards a new model of European Union–Türkiye relations?. Turkish Studies, 21(2), 254-273.
  • Common European Asylum System,, 14.02.2023
  • Comte, E., & Sandra, L. (2022). Differentiation and de-differentiation in EU border controls, asylum and police cooperation. The International Spectator, 57(1), 124-141.
  • De Blok L., & Catherine E. De Vries. (2023). A blessing and a curse? Examining public preferences for differentiated integration. European Union Politics, 24(1), 143–163.
  • De Witte, B., Dominik H., Ellen V., & eds. (2001). The many faces of differentiation in EU law. Intersentia nv.
  • Den Heijer, M., Jorrit J. R., & Thomas S. (2016). Coercion, prohibition, and great expectations: The continuing failure of the common European asylum system. Market Law Review, 53, 607-642.
  • Dyson, K., & Angelos, S. (2010). Differentiation as design principle and as tool in the political management of European integration. in K. Dyson & A. Sepos (Ed.),Which Europe? The Politics of Differentiated Integration. Basingstoke: Palgrave Mac-Millan, 3–23.
  • Filliez, F. (2008). Schengen/Dublin: The association agreements with Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. in B. Martenczuk & S. Van Thiel (Ed.), Justice, Liberty, Security: New Challenges for EU External Relations cit. 145.
  • Fox, B. (30 June 2023), “EU Leaders Fail to Resolve Migration Dispute With Poland and Hungary” 10.07.2023
  • Genschel, P., Markus J., & Marta, M. (2023). Differentiated integration as symbolic politics? Constitutional differentiation and policy reintegration in core state powers. European Union Politics, No.1, 81-101.
  • Germany suspends Dublin Agreement for Syrian Refugees,
  • Holzinger, K., & Frank, S. (2012). Differentiated integration in the European Union: Many concepts, sparse theory, few data. Journal of European Public Policy, 19(2), 292-305.
  • Hooghe, L., & Gary, M. (2022). Differentiation in the European Union and beyond, European Union Politics. 24(1), 1-11.
  • Kölliker, A. (2001). Bringing together or driving apart the Union? Towards a theory of differentiated integration. West European Politics, 24(4), 125–51.
  • Leruth, B., & Christopher, L. (2015). Differentiated integration in the European Union: A concept, a process, a system or a theory?”. Journal of European Public Policy, 22(6), 761.
  • Menéndez, A. J. (2016). The refugee crisis: Between human tragedy and symptom of the structural crisis of European integration. European Law Journal, 22(4), 388–416.
  • Markakis, M. (2020). Differentiated integration and disintegration in the EU: Brexit, the Eurozone crisis, and other troubles. Journal of International Economic Law, 23, 489–507.
  • Papagianni, G. (2006). Institutional and policy dynamics of EU migration law. Brill.
  • Population and Population Change Statistics, 30.06.2023,fewer%20than%20the%20previous%20year.&text=The%20EU%20population%20decreased%20in,more%20deaths%20than%20in%202019.
  • Schimmelfennig, F. (2015). Europeanization beyond Europe. Living Reviews in European Governance, 10.1.
  • Schimmelfennig, F. (2016). Good governance and differentiated integration: Graded membership in the European Union. European Journal of Political Research, 55, 789–810.
  • Schimmelfennig, F. (2018). European integration (theory) in times of crisis. A comparison of the Euro and Schengen crises. Journal of European Public Policy, 25(7), 969-989.
  • Schimmelfennig, F. (2022/31). Differentiated integration has been of limited use in the EU’s polycrisis, Policy Briefs; Integrating Diversity in the European Union (InDivEU).
  • Schimmelfennig, F. (2022). Overcoming Crisis in the European Union. The Limits of Differentiated Integration. In Autonomy Without Collapse in a Better European Union, pp. 43-62, Oxford University Press.
  • Schimmelfennig, F. & Thomas, W. (2023). Cascading opt-outs? The effect of the Euro and migration crises on differentiated integration in the European Union. European Union Politics, 24(1), 21-41, 14651165221121720.
  • Schimmelfennig, F., Dirk, L., & Catherine, De V. (2023). Differentiated integration in the European Union: Institutional effects, public opinion, and alternative flexibility arrangements”, European Union Politics, 24(1).
  • Schmidt, V. (2020). The Future of Differentiated Integration. EU IDEA Op-eds 9.
  • Schraff, D., & Schimmelfennig, F. (2015). Does differentiated integration strengthen the democratic legitimacy of the EU? Evidence from the 2015 Danish opt-out referendum, European Union Politics, 21(4), 590–611.
  • Schuessler, J., Heermann, M., Leuffen, D., De Blok, L., & De Vries, C. E. (2023). Mapping public support for the varieties of differentiated integration. European Union Politics, 24(1), 164–183.
  • Scipioni, M. (2018). Failing forward in EU migration policy? EU integration after the 2015 asylum and migration crisis. Journal of European Public Policy, 25(9), 1357-75.
  • Silga, J. (2022). Differentiation in the EU migration policy: The ‘Fractured values’ of the EU”. European Papers, 7(2), 909-928.
  • Stubb, Alexander C-G. (1996). A categorization of differentiated integration, Journal of Common Market Studies, 34(2), 283-95.
  • Thomas, L. & Fonte, G. (2022),
  • Turhan, E. & Yıldız, A. (2022). Türkiye’s external differentiated integration with the EU in the field of migration governance: The case of border management. In B. Leruth, S. Gänzle & J. Trondal (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Differentiation in the European Union, New York: Routledge, 502-518.
  • Vara, J. S. (2022). Flexible solidarity in the new pact on migration and Asylum: A new form of differentiated integration?. European Papers-A Journal on Law and Integration, 2022(3), 1243-1263.
  • Wallace, H. S., & Ridley, A. (1985). Europe, the challenge of diversity (No. 29). Routledge.
  • Warleigh-Lack, A. (2015). Differentiated integration in the European Union: Towards a comparative regionalism perspective. Journal of European Public Policy, 22(6), 871-887.
  • Winzen, T. (2016). From capacity to sovereignty: Legislative politics and differentiated integration in the European Union. European Journal of Political Research, 55, 100–119.
  • Yıldız, A., & Turhan, E. (2022). Entegre sınır yönetimi ve Frontex ile ilişkiler bağlamında Türkiye’nin AB ile harici farklılaştırılmış entegrasyonu. İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Türkiye’nin Göç Siyaseti Özel Sayısı, 21 (Özel Sayı), 211-231.
  • Zeitlin, J., Nicoli, F., & Laffan, B. (2019). Introduction: The European Union beyond the polycrisis? Integration and politicization in an age of shifting cleavages. Journal of European Public Policy, 26(7), 963-976.
Toplam 46 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Avrupa Birliği
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Buket Ökten Sipahioğlu 0000-0003-3815-6732

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 5 Nisan 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 20 Nisan 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 13 Temmuz 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Ökten Sipahioğlu, B. (2024). Differentiated Integration in the EU Regarding the Migration Crisis: Disputes Between the Member States. Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi, 19(1), 81-92.

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