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Yıl 2010, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 2, 227 - 246, 12.08.2014


Spanish regions are among the most powerful of EU regions; hence they are the source of reference in related subjects. In the late 19. century, Spanish administration was heavily influenced from French centralization and since then in some eras they successfully implemented centralist administrative structures. The dominance of the centralist policies has not been permanent; on the contrary, the essential relationship between Madrid and regions has been a a temporal priority of one or the other. In this pendulum like relationship, since the 1978 constitution regions have prominent value and EU membership has strengthened this position of regions as the regional values are at core of EU agenda. Spanish regions and EU have influenced each other positively. On the one hand, EU has positive effects on Spanish regions by means of the structural funds, the principle of partnership and the Committee of Regions by creating a platform for the formal participation of regions in EU activities. On the other hand, Spanish regions by sharing their invaluable experiences with weak regions, encouraged EU for further steps toward regional development.


  • AGRANOFF, Robert (1993), “Inter-governmental Politics and Policy: Building Federal Arrangements in Spain”, Regional & Federal Studies, Vol: 3: 2, ss.1-28.
  • ALLEN, David (2000), “Cohesion and Structural Fund'' Ed: Helen Wallace and William Wallace Policy Making in the European Union. Oxford University Press
  • ARMSTRONG W. Harvey (1995), “The Role and Evolution of European Community Regional Policy'' The European Union and The Regions. Barry Jones and Michael Keating. Clarendon Pres, Oxford, ss. 21-57.
  • BACHE Ian and Stephen George (2006), Politics in the European Union'' Oxford University Pres, Oxford
  • BULLMANN, Udo (1996), The Politics of the Third Level'', Regional and Federal Studies,
  • CHRISTIANSEN, T. (1996), Second Thoughts on Europe's 'Third Level': The European Union's Committee of the Regions'', Publius: The Journal of Federalism, Vol.26, No.1, ss.93116.
  • DEHOUSSE, R. (1997), Regulation by Networks in the European Community: The Role of European Agencies'', Journal of European Public Policy , Vol.4 No.2, ss. 246-61.
  • DIAZ LOPEZ, Cesar (1985), “Centre-Periphery Structures in Spain: From Historical Conflict to Territorial Consociational Accomodation”, Center- Periphery Relations in Western Europe, Yves Meny and Vincent Wright George Allen, Unwin, London
  • HAINSWORTH, Paul (1993), AEurope For The Regions?'', Regional & Federal Studies, Vol. 3: 3, ss.211-216.
  • HONNIGE, Christoph and Andre Kaiser (2003), Opening the Black Box: Decision-Making in the Committee of the Regions'', Regional & Federal Studies, Vol.13: 2, ss.1-29.
  • JEFFERY, Charlie (1995), Whither the Committee of the Regions? Reflections on the Committee's Opinion on the Revision of the Treaty on European Union'', Regional & Federal Studies, Vol.5: 2, ss.247 -257.
  • KAISER, Robert and Heiko Prange (2004), “Managing Diversity in a System of Multi-level Governance: The Open Method of Co-ordination in Innovation Policy”, Journal of European Public Policy, Vol.11: 2, ss. 249-266.
  • KEATING, Michael (1991), “Regionalism, Peripheral Nationalism and the State in Western Europe: APolitical Model”, Canadian Review of Studies in Nationalism, Vol. 18:1, ss.117–29.
  • KEATING, Michael (1995) “Europeanism and Regionalism'' The European Union and The Regions, Ed: Barry Jones and Michael Keating, Clarendon Press Oxford
  • KENNEDY, Dennis (1997), “The Committee of the Regions: An Assessment”, Regional & Federal Studies, Vol.7: 1, ss.1- 4.
  • LUELMO, Jesus del Rio and Allan Williams (1999), “Regionalism in Iberia”, Regionalism in Europe, Peter Wagstaff, Intellect Books, ss. 167-187.
  • MAIRATE, Andrea (2006), “The 'added value' of European Union Cohesion policy”, Regional Studies, Vol. 40: 2, ss.167- 177.
  • MORATA, Francesc (1992), “Regions and the European Community: A Comparati ve Analysis of Four Spanish Regions”, Regional & Federal Studies, 2: 1, 187-216
  • MOORE, Carolyn (2008), “AEurope of the Regions vs. The Regions in Europe: Reflections on Regional Engagement in Brussels”, Regional & Federal Studies, Vol: 18: 5, ss.517-535.
  • MONTERO Alfred (2001), “Decentralizing Democracy: Spain and Brazil in Comparative Perspective”, Comparative Politics, vol. 33 no. 2 ss.149-169.
  • PHINNEMORE, David (2003), “Towards European Union”, European Union Politics, Michelle Cini, ss. 46-58.
  • SCHARPF, Fritz W. (1997), “Introduction: the Problem-Solving Capacity of Multi-level Governance”, Journal of European Public Policy, Vol:4: 4, ss.520-538
  • SHARPE, L.J (1993), The Rise of Meso Movernment in Europe Sage California
  • SCHMIDT, Vivien (1990), Democratizing France: The Political and Administrative History of France, Cambridge Unv Press, Cambridge
  • SHRIJVER, Frans (2006), “Regionalism after Regionalisation Spain, France and The United Kingdom” Amsterdam University Press.
  • SUBIRATS, Joan (2006), “Multi-level Governance and Multi-level Discontent: The Triumph and Tensions of the Spanish Model”, Territory, Democracy and Justice Regionalism and Federalism in Western Democracies, Ed: Scott Greer, Palgrave Macmillan Pres.
  • SUTCLIFF, John B. (2000), “The 1999 Reform of the Structural Fund Regulations: Multilevel Governance or Renationalisation?”, Journal of European Public Policy, Vol.7, No.2,ss.290–309.
  • TATHAM, Michael (2008), “Going Solo: Direct Regional Representation in the European Union”, Regional & Federal Studies, Vol:18: 5, ss.493-515.THIELEMANN, E. (2002), “The Price of Europeanization: Why European Regional Policy Initiatives Are aMixed Blessing”, Regional & Federal Studies, Vol.12:1,ss. 43- 65.
  • VAN Der Knaap, Peter (1994), “The Committee of the Regions: The Outset of a 'Europe of the Regions”,, Regional & Federal Studies, Vol: 4: 2, ss.86-100
  • WAGSTAFF, Peter (1999), Regionalism in Europe. Intellect Boks
  • WINCOTT, Daniel (1996), “Federalism and European Union. The Scope and Limits of Treaty of Maastricht”, International Political Science Review. Vol.17 No.4 ss.403-415.
  • WISE, M. and G. Croxford (1988), “The European Regional Development Fund: Community Ideals and National Realities”, Political Geography Quarterly, Vol.7, No.2, ss.161–82.

İspanya'da Bölgesel Yönetimler ve AB Bölge Politikalarının İspanyol Bölgesel Yönetimlerinin Şekillenmesindeki Rolü

Yıl 2010, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 2, 227 - 246, 12.08.2014


Bölgesel yönetimlerin oldukça güçlü olduğu İspanya'ya bölgesel yönetimlerin söz konusu olduğu hemen her zeminde atıfta bulunulmaktadır. Fransız merkeziyetçi yönetim yapısından derinden etkilen İspanya da bu yapılar belli dönemlerde başarılı olarak uygulamaya geçirilmiş olmasına rağmen bölgesel yönetimler ile merkeziyetçi yönetim arasında sürekli gelgitler yaşanmaktadır. Ülkede sarkaç 1978 anayasasından sonra bölgesel yönetimlere dönmüş ve 1986'da İspanya'nın AB üyesi olması ile AB'deki temayüllerin de etkisiyle bölgesel yönetimler oldukça güç kazanmıştır. İspanyol bölgesel yönetimleri ile AB ilişkileri iki yönlü olmuştur. Bir yandan Yapısal fonlar, AB fonlarından faydalanmak için bölgesel yönetimlerin de sürece dahil olmasını gerektiren ortaklık ilkesi, ve bölgesel yönetimlere AB dahilinde resmi temsil imkanı sunan Bölgeler Komitesi İspanyol bölgesel yönetimlerinin merkezi yönetim karşısındaki konumunu güçlendirmektedir. Diğer yandan güçlü yönetim geleneği olan İspanyol bölgesel yönetimleri zayıf-idari bölgelere tecrübe aktarımında bulunarak AB dahilinde bölgesel yönetimlerin çalışmalarına yeni bir nefes katmıştır


  • AGRANOFF, Robert (1993), “Inter-governmental Politics and Policy: Building Federal Arrangements in Spain”, Regional & Federal Studies, Vol: 3: 2, ss.1-28.
  • ALLEN, David (2000), “Cohesion and Structural Fund'' Ed: Helen Wallace and William Wallace Policy Making in the European Union. Oxford University Press
  • ARMSTRONG W. Harvey (1995), “The Role and Evolution of European Community Regional Policy'' The European Union and The Regions. Barry Jones and Michael Keating. Clarendon Pres, Oxford, ss. 21-57.
  • BACHE Ian and Stephen George (2006), Politics in the European Union'' Oxford University Pres, Oxford
  • BULLMANN, Udo (1996), The Politics of the Third Level'', Regional and Federal Studies,
  • CHRISTIANSEN, T. (1996), Second Thoughts on Europe's 'Third Level': The European Union's Committee of the Regions'', Publius: The Journal of Federalism, Vol.26, No.1, ss.93116.
  • DEHOUSSE, R. (1997), Regulation by Networks in the European Community: The Role of European Agencies'', Journal of European Public Policy , Vol.4 No.2, ss. 246-61.
  • DIAZ LOPEZ, Cesar (1985), “Centre-Periphery Structures in Spain: From Historical Conflict to Territorial Consociational Accomodation”, Center- Periphery Relations in Western Europe, Yves Meny and Vincent Wright George Allen, Unwin, London
  • HAINSWORTH, Paul (1993), AEurope For The Regions?'', Regional & Federal Studies, Vol. 3: 3, ss.211-216.
  • HONNIGE, Christoph and Andre Kaiser (2003), Opening the Black Box: Decision-Making in the Committee of the Regions'', Regional & Federal Studies, Vol.13: 2, ss.1-29.
  • JEFFERY, Charlie (1995), Whither the Committee of the Regions? Reflections on the Committee's Opinion on the Revision of the Treaty on European Union'', Regional & Federal Studies, Vol.5: 2, ss.247 -257.
  • KAISER, Robert and Heiko Prange (2004), “Managing Diversity in a System of Multi-level Governance: The Open Method of Co-ordination in Innovation Policy”, Journal of European Public Policy, Vol.11: 2, ss. 249-266.
  • KEATING, Michael (1991), “Regionalism, Peripheral Nationalism and the State in Western Europe: APolitical Model”, Canadian Review of Studies in Nationalism, Vol. 18:1, ss.117–29.
  • KEATING, Michael (1995) “Europeanism and Regionalism'' The European Union and The Regions, Ed: Barry Jones and Michael Keating, Clarendon Press Oxford
  • KENNEDY, Dennis (1997), “The Committee of the Regions: An Assessment”, Regional & Federal Studies, Vol.7: 1, ss.1- 4.
  • LUELMO, Jesus del Rio and Allan Williams (1999), “Regionalism in Iberia”, Regionalism in Europe, Peter Wagstaff, Intellect Books, ss. 167-187.
  • MAIRATE, Andrea (2006), “The 'added value' of European Union Cohesion policy”, Regional Studies, Vol. 40: 2, ss.167- 177.
  • MORATA, Francesc (1992), “Regions and the European Community: A Comparati ve Analysis of Four Spanish Regions”, Regional & Federal Studies, 2: 1, 187-216
  • MOORE, Carolyn (2008), “AEurope of the Regions vs. The Regions in Europe: Reflections on Regional Engagement in Brussels”, Regional & Federal Studies, Vol: 18: 5, ss.517-535.
  • MONTERO Alfred (2001), “Decentralizing Democracy: Spain and Brazil in Comparative Perspective”, Comparative Politics, vol. 33 no. 2 ss.149-169.
  • PHINNEMORE, David (2003), “Towards European Union”, European Union Politics, Michelle Cini, ss. 46-58.
  • SCHARPF, Fritz W. (1997), “Introduction: the Problem-Solving Capacity of Multi-level Governance”, Journal of European Public Policy, Vol:4: 4, ss.520-538
  • SHARPE, L.J (1993), The Rise of Meso Movernment in Europe Sage California
  • SCHMIDT, Vivien (1990), Democratizing France: The Political and Administrative History of France, Cambridge Unv Press, Cambridge
  • SHRIJVER, Frans (2006), “Regionalism after Regionalisation Spain, France and The United Kingdom” Amsterdam University Press.
  • SUBIRATS, Joan (2006), “Multi-level Governance and Multi-level Discontent: The Triumph and Tensions of the Spanish Model”, Territory, Democracy and Justice Regionalism and Federalism in Western Democracies, Ed: Scott Greer, Palgrave Macmillan Pres.
  • SUTCLIFF, John B. (2000), “The 1999 Reform of the Structural Fund Regulations: Multilevel Governance or Renationalisation?”, Journal of European Public Policy, Vol.7, No.2,ss.290–309.
  • TATHAM, Michael (2008), “Going Solo: Direct Regional Representation in the European Union”, Regional & Federal Studies, Vol:18: 5, ss.493-515.THIELEMANN, E. (2002), “The Price of Europeanization: Why European Regional Policy Initiatives Are aMixed Blessing”, Regional & Federal Studies, Vol.12:1,ss. 43- 65.
  • VAN Der Knaap, Peter (1994), “The Committee of the Regions: The Outset of a 'Europe of the Regions”,, Regional & Federal Studies, Vol: 4: 2, ss.86-100
  • WAGSTAFF, Peter (1999), Regionalism in Europe. Intellect Boks
  • WINCOTT, Daniel (1996), “Federalism and European Union. The Scope and Limits of Treaty of Maastricht”, International Political Science Review. Vol.17 No.4 ss.403-415.
  • WISE, M. and G. Croxford (1988), “The European Regional Development Fund: Community Ideals and National Realities”, Political Geography Quarterly, Vol.7, No.2, ss.161–82.
Toplam 32 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Aziz Tuncer Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 12 Ağustos 2014
Gönderilme Tarihi 12 Ağustos 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2010 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Tuncer, A. (2014). İspanya’da Bölgesel Yönetimler ve AB Bölge Politikalarının İspanyol Bölgesel Yönetimlerinin Şekillenmesindeki Rolü. Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi, 5(2), 227-246.

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