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Yıl 2023, , 51 - 59, 01.01.2023


Amaç: Bu çalışma, Behçet Hastalığı (BH) olan bireylerde, sık görülen semptomların yaşam kalitesi üzerine etkilerini değerlendirmek ve hastaların bu semptomlarla baş etmek için kullandıkları tamamlayıcı ve integratif sağlık yaklaşımlarını belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır.
Yöntem: Tanımlayıcı olarak yapılan bu araştırmanın evrenini Behçet ve Ailevi Akdeniz Ateşi Hastaları Derneği’ne kayıtlı, Behçet Hastalığı olan tüm hastalar oluşturmuştur (n:330). Veriler, 30.08.2020- 06.12.2020 tarihleri arasında araştırmacı ve dernek başkanı tarafından online form ile toplanmıştır. Örneklem kriterlerini karşılayan tüm Behçetli hastalar, araştırmanın örneklemini oluşturdu. Veriler Hasta Bilgi Formu, BH Güncel Aktivite Formu (BDCAF) ve Behçet Hastalığı Yaşam Kalitesi Ölçeği (BDQoL) kullanılarak toplanmıştır.
Bulgular: Eklem tutulumu, rektal kanama, göz tutulumu, atak sayısı ve hastalık aktivitesi, yaşam kalitesini %42.5 oranında etkileyen faktörlerdir (R2=0.425, p<0.001). BH olan hastaların %37,5'i son 1 yıldır tamamlayıcı ve integratif sağlık yaklaşımlarını kullanmaktadır. Tamamlayıcı ve integratif sağlık yaklaşımlarında ağız yaraları için; karadut pekmezi (%32), kişniş (%9.3) ve kekik suyu gargarası (%4), genital yaralar için; yaş hacamat (%24) ve sarı kantaron yağı (%19) kullanılıyor.
Sonuç: BH olanlarda tamamlayıcı ve integratif sağlık yaklaşımları kullanımında belirleyici faktör, kolda his kaybı ya da genital yara olmasıydı. Bu nedenle, bu çalışmanın sonucu, BH olan hastalarda semptomlar için kullanılan tamamlayıcı ve integratif sağlık yaklaşımlarının belirlenmesinde daha ileri deneysel çalışmalara yol göstermesi açısından önemlidir.


  • 1. Bernabe E, Marcenes W, Mather J, Philips C, Fortune F. Impact of Behçet’s syndrome on health-related quality of life: influence of the type and number of symptoms. Rheumatology 2010;49(11):2165-2171.
  • 2. Ideguchi H, Akiko S, Mitsuhiro T, Atsuhisa U, Shigeru O, Yoshiaki I. Behçet disease: evolution of clinical manifestations. Medicine 2011;90(2):125-132.
  • 3. Ryu HJ, Seo MR, Choi HJ, Beak HJ. Clinical phenotypes of Korean patients with Behcet disease according to gender, age at onset, and HLA-B51. The Korean Journal of Internal Medicine 2018;33(5):1025-1031.
  • 4. Greco A, De Virgilio A, Ralli M, Ciofalo A, Mancini P, Attanasio G, De Vincentiis M, Lambiase A. Behçet's disease: New insights into pathophysiology, clinical features and treatment options. Autoimmunity Reviews 2018;17(6):567-575.
  • 5. Disease CfDoBs. International study group for Behcet's disease. Lancet 1990;335(8697):1078-1080.
  • 6. Yurdakul S, I Günaydin, Y Tüzün, N Tankurt, H Pazarli, Y Ozyazgan, H Yazici. The prevalence of Behcet's syndrome in a rural area in northern Turkey. The Journal of Rheumatology 1988;15(5):820.
  • 7. Azizlerli G, Akdağ Köse A, Sarıca R, Gül A, Tutkun IT, Kulaç M, Tun. R, Urgancioğlu M, Dişçi R. Prevalence of Behçet's disease in Istanbul, Turkey. International Journal of Dermatology 2003;42(10):803-806.
  • 8. Canpolat Ö, Yurtsever S. The quality of life in patients with Behçet’s disease. Asian Nursing Research 2011;5(4):229-235.
  • 9. Leonardo NM, McNeil J. Behçet’s disease: is there geographical variation? A review far from the Silk Road. International Journal of Rheumatology 2015;2015:1-7
  • 10. Lee J, Kim SS, Jeong HJ, Son CN, Kim JM, Cho YW, Kim SH. Association of sleep quality in Behcet disease with disease activity, depression, and quality of life in Korean population. The Korean Journal of Internal Medicine 2017;32(2):352-359.
  • 11. Fabiani C, Vitali A, Orlando I, Sota J, Capozzoli M, Franceschini R, Galeazzi G, Tosi GM, Frediani B, Cantarini L. Quality of life impairment in Behçet’s disease and relationship with disease activity: a prospective study. Internal and Emergency Medicine 2017;12(7):947-955.
  • 12. Mumcu G, Hayran O, Ozalp D O, Inanc N , Yavuz S , Ergun T , Direskeneli H. The assessment of oral health‐related quality of life by factor analysis in patients with Behcet's disease and recurrent aphthous stomatitis. Journal of Oral Pathology & Medicine 2007;36(3):147-152.
  • 13. Onal S, Savar F, Akman M, Kazokoglu H. Vision-and health-related quality of life in patients with Behçet uveitis. Archives of Ophthalmology 2010;128(10):1265-1271.
  • 14. Yi SW, Kim JH, Lim KY, Bang D, Lee S, Lee ES. The Behcet's Disease Quality of Life: reliability and validity of the Korean version. Yonsei Medical Journal 2008;49(5):698-704.
  • 15. Gorial FI, Jabbar MA. Impact of disease activity on health related quality of life in patients with Behçet’s Disease: A cross-sectional study. Annals of Medicine and Surgery 2020; 54: 43–46.
  • 16. Sakai T, Watanabe H, Kuroyanagi K,Akiyama G, Okano G, Kohno H, Tsuneoka H. Health-and vision-related quality of life in patients receiving infliximab therapy for Behcet uveitis. British Journal of Ophthalmology 2013;97(3):338-342.
  • 17. Erdogan Z, Pinar R. Evaluation of quality of life in behcet's disease. European Journal of Internal Medicine 2009;20:S156-S157.
  • 18. Mandzuk LL, McMillan DE. A concept analysis of quality of life. Journal of Orthopaedic Nursing 2005;9(1):12-18.
  • 19. Esatoglu SN, Kutlubay Z, Ucar D, Hatemi I,Uygunoglu U, Siva A, Hatemi G. Behçet’s syndrome: providing integrated care. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare 2017;10:309.
  • 20. Wu D, Lin W, Wong K-w. Herbal medicine (Gancao Xiexin decoction) for Behcet disease: A systematic review protocol. Medicine 2018;97(37).
  • 21. Jun JH, Choi TJ, Zhang J, Ko MM, Lee MS. Herbal medicine for Behcet's disease: A protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis. Medicine 2018;97(13):e0165.
  • 22. National Center For Complementary and Integrative Health-NCCIH Accessed Date:30.08.2020
  • 23. Gilworth G et al. Development of the BD-QoL: a quality of life measure specific to Behcet's disease. The Journal of Rheumatology 2004;31(5):931-937.
  • 24. Bhakta B, Brennan P, James TE, Chamberlain MA, Noble BA, Silman AJ. Behcet's disease: evaluation of a new instrument to measure clinical activity. Rheumatology 1999;38(8):728-733.
  • 25. Hamuryudan V, Fresko I , Direskeneli H, Tenant MJ , Yurdakul S , Akoglu T , Yazici H. Evaluation of the Turkish translation of a disease activity form for Behçet's syndrome. Rheumatology 1999;38(8):734-736.
  • 26. Havlucu DY, Inanir I, Aydemir O. Quality of life, anxiety, depression and knowledge of disease in patients with behçet's diseases. Anatolian Journal of Clinical Investigation 2011;5(2):82-88.
  • 27. Kim WH, Cho Y S, Yoo H M, Park I S, Park E C, Lim J G. Quality of life in Korean patients with inflammatory bowel diseases: ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease and intestinal Behcet's disease. International Journal of Colorectal Disease 1999;14(1):52-57.
  • 28. Melikoğlu M, Melikoglu MA. What affects the quality of life in patients with Behcet’s disease. Acta Reumatol Port 2014;39:46-53.
  • 29. Erdogan Z, Atik D, Cinar S. Complementary and alternative medicine methods in chronic renal failure. Archives Medical Review Journal 2014;23(4):773-790.
  • 30. Erdogan Z, Kurçer MA. Dietary Supplement Use in Gastrointestinal Symptom Management and Effect on Hopelessness Levels in Patients With Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Holistic Nursing Practice 2019;33(3):155-162.
  • 31. Genital Ulcers. ( Accessed Date:30.08.2020
  • 32. Tekin-Koruk S, Tavşan Ö, Çalışır C, Ehi Y, Dogantürk T. A Case of Neuro-Behçet’s Disease Mimicking Meningitis. Klimik Journal 2011;24(1):71.
  • 33. Moawad H, Shepard KM, Satya-Murti S. Complementary and alternative medicine in multiple sclerosis: Payment policy perspectives. Neurology: Clinical Practice 2015;5(1):74-79.
  • 34. Wells RE, Baute V, Wahbeh H. Complementary and Integrative Medicine for Neurological Conditions: A Review. The Medical clinics of North America 2017;101(5):881-893.
  • 35. Demir Doğan M, Can G, Meral R. Effectiveness of black mulberry molasses in prevention of radiotherapy-induced oral mucositis: a randomized controlled study in head and neck cancer patients. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 2017;23(12):971-979.
  • 36. Yeğenoğlu S, Sözen-Şahne B, Gençler Ozkan AM, Ulutaş Deniz E. Kişniş (Coriandrum sativum L.) Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal 2018;22:15-28.
  • 37. Pawar VA, Bhagat TB, Toshniwal MR, Mokashi ND, Khandelwal K R. Formulation and evaluation of dental gel containing essential oil of Coriander against oral pathogens. International Research Journal Of Pharmacy 2013;4:48-54.
  • 38. Kulaksız B, Er S, Üstündağ-Okur N, Saltan İşcan G. Investigation of antimicrobial activities of some herbs containing essential oils and their mouthwash formulations. Turkish Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2018;15(3):370.
  • 39. Erras S, Benjilali L, Essaadouni L. Wet-cupping in the treatment of recalcitrant oral and genital ulceration of Behçet disease: a randomized controlled trial. Indian Journal Of Traditional Knowledge 2013; 12(4):615-618.
  • 40. Woelfle U, Seelinger G, Schempp C. Topical application of st. john's wort (Hypericum perforatum). Planta Medica 2014; 80(2-3):109-120.
  • 41. Wl H. How can we treat recurrent herpes virus infection without the use of antiviral drugs? Acta Scientific Medical Sciences 2019;3:152-159.
  • 42. Yücel B, Topal E, Akçiçek E, Köseoğlu M. Effects of Propolis on human health. Anadolu Journal of Aegean Agricultural Research Institute 2014;24(2):41-49.
  • 43. Erdoğan Z, Çınar S. Reiki: An Ancient Healing Art-Modern Nursing Practice. Kafkas J Med Sci 2011;1(2):86-91.
  • 44. Erdogan Z, Cinar S. The effect of Reiki on depression in elderly people living in nursing home. Indian Journal Of Traditional Knowledge 2016;15(1), 35-40
  • 45. Teut M, Kaiser S, Ortiz M, Roll S, Binting S, Willich SN, Brinkhaus B. Pulsatile dry cupping in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee - a randomized controlled exploratory trial. BMC Complement Altern Med 2012;12:184-184.
  • 46. Branco M, Rego NN, Silva PH, Archango IE, Ribeiro MC, Trevisani VF. Bath thermal waters in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis: a randomized controlled clinical trial. European Journal Of Physical And Rehabilitation Medicine 2016;52(4):422-430.
  • 47. Cao H, Han M, Zhu X, Liu J. An overview of systematic reviews of clinical evidence for cupping therapy. Journal of Traditional Chinese Medical Sciencesn2015;2(1):3-10.
  • 48. Okumuş M. Cupping therapy and hijamah. Ankara Medical Journal 2016;(4):370‐82
  • 49. Chapleau C. Scalp acupuncture and master tung distal points for the treatment of intraocular pressure for a patient with borderline glaucoma. The Korean Journal of Food & Health Convergence 2018;4(2):13-16.
  • 50. Blechschmidt T, Krumsiek M, Todorova MG. The effect of acupuncture on visual function in patients with congenital and acquired nystagmus. Medicines 2017;4(2):33.

The Use of Complementary and Integrative Health Approaches in Patients with Behcet Disease and Its Relationship with Quality of Life

Yıl 2023, , 51 - 59, 01.01.2023


Aim: This study aims to determine the effect of common symptoms on Quality of Life (QoL) in patients with Behcet Disease (BD) and complementary and integrative health approaches used by patients to cope with these symptoms.
Methods: The population of this descriptive study consisted of all patients with BD (n = 330) who are registered with the Behçet’s Disease and Familial Mediterranean Fever Patients Association. The data were collected by the researcher and the president of the association, via an online form between 31.08.2020-06.12.2020. The sample consisted of all patients with BD who met the inclusion criteria (n=247). The data were collected using the Patient Information Form, BD Current Activity Form (BDCAF) and Behçet's Disease Quality of Life Scale (BDQoL).
Findings: Joint involvement, rectal bleeding, eye involvement, number of attacks, and disease activity are determinants of 42.5% in affecting QoL (R2 = 0.425, p <0.001). 37.5% of patients with BD have been using CIHA for the last 1 year. They use black mulberry molasses (32%), coriander (9.3%), and thyme juice mouthwash (4%) for mouth sores, wet cupping (24%), and St. John’s wort oil (19%) for genital wounds among CIHA methods.
Conclusion: The decisive factor in the use of CIHA in patients with BD was to have genital wounds or loss of sensation in the arm. Therefore, the results of this study are important in terms of leading to further experimental studies to determine the CIHA to be used for symptoms in patients with BD.


  • 1. Bernabe E, Marcenes W, Mather J, Philips C, Fortune F. Impact of Behçet’s syndrome on health-related quality of life: influence of the type and number of symptoms. Rheumatology 2010;49(11):2165-2171.
  • 2. Ideguchi H, Akiko S, Mitsuhiro T, Atsuhisa U, Shigeru O, Yoshiaki I. Behçet disease: evolution of clinical manifestations. Medicine 2011;90(2):125-132.
  • 3. Ryu HJ, Seo MR, Choi HJ, Beak HJ. Clinical phenotypes of Korean patients with Behcet disease according to gender, age at onset, and HLA-B51. The Korean Journal of Internal Medicine 2018;33(5):1025-1031.
  • 4. Greco A, De Virgilio A, Ralli M, Ciofalo A, Mancini P, Attanasio G, De Vincentiis M, Lambiase A. Behçet's disease: New insights into pathophysiology, clinical features and treatment options. Autoimmunity Reviews 2018;17(6):567-575.
  • 5. Disease CfDoBs. International study group for Behcet's disease. Lancet 1990;335(8697):1078-1080.
  • 6. Yurdakul S, I Günaydin, Y Tüzün, N Tankurt, H Pazarli, Y Ozyazgan, H Yazici. The prevalence of Behcet's syndrome in a rural area in northern Turkey. The Journal of Rheumatology 1988;15(5):820.
  • 7. Azizlerli G, Akdağ Köse A, Sarıca R, Gül A, Tutkun IT, Kulaç M, Tun. R, Urgancioğlu M, Dişçi R. Prevalence of Behçet's disease in Istanbul, Turkey. International Journal of Dermatology 2003;42(10):803-806.
  • 8. Canpolat Ö, Yurtsever S. The quality of life in patients with Behçet’s disease. Asian Nursing Research 2011;5(4):229-235.
  • 9. Leonardo NM, McNeil J. Behçet’s disease: is there geographical variation? A review far from the Silk Road. International Journal of Rheumatology 2015;2015:1-7
  • 10. Lee J, Kim SS, Jeong HJ, Son CN, Kim JM, Cho YW, Kim SH. Association of sleep quality in Behcet disease with disease activity, depression, and quality of life in Korean population. The Korean Journal of Internal Medicine 2017;32(2):352-359.
  • 11. Fabiani C, Vitali A, Orlando I, Sota J, Capozzoli M, Franceschini R, Galeazzi G, Tosi GM, Frediani B, Cantarini L. Quality of life impairment in Behçet’s disease and relationship with disease activity: a prospective study. Internal and Emergency Medicine 2017;12(7):947-955.
  • 12. Mumcu G, Hayran O, Ozalp D O, Inanc N , Yavuz S , Ergun T , Direskeneli H. The assessment of oral health‐related quality of life by factor analysis in patients with Behcet's disease and recurrent aphthous stomatitis. Journal of Oral Pathology & Medicine 2007;36(3):147-152.
  • 13. Onal S, Savar F, Akman M, Kazokoglu H. Vision-and health-related quality of life in patients with Behçet uveitis. Archives of Ophthalmology 2010;128(10):1265-1271.
  • 14. Yi SW, Kim JH, Lim KY, Bang D, Lee S, Lee ES. The Behcet's Disease Quality of Life: reliability and validity of the Korean version. Yonsei Medical Journal 2008;49(5):698-704.
  • 15. Gorial FI, Jabbar MA. Impact of disease activity on health related quality of life in patients with Behçet’s Disease: A cross-sectional study. Annals of Medicine and Surgery 2020; 54: 43–46.
  • 16. Sakai T, Watanabe H, Kuroyanagi K,Akiyama G, Okano G, Kohno H, Tsuneoka H. Health-and vision-related quality of life in patients receiving infliximab therapy for Behcet uveitis. British Journal of Ophthalmology 2013;97(3):338-342.
  • 17. Erdogan Z, Pinar R. Evaluation of quality of life in behcet's disease. European Journal of Internal Medicine 2009;20:S156-S157.
  • 18. Mandzuk LL, McMillan DE. A concept analysis of quality of life. Journal of Orthopaedic Nursing 2005;9(1):12-18.
  • 19. Esatoglu SN, Kutlubay Z, Ucar D, Hatemi I,Uygunoglu U, Siva A, Hatemi G. Behçet’s syndrome: providing integrated care. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare 2017;10:309.
  • 20. Wu D, Lin W, Wong K-w. Herbal medicine (Gancao Xiexin decoction) for Behcet disease: A systematic review protocol. Medicine 2018;97(37).
  • 21. Jun JH, Choi TJ, Zhang J, Ko MM, Lee MS. Herbal medicine for Behcet's disease: A protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis. Medicine 2018;97(13):e0165.
  • 22. National Center For Complementary and Integrative Health-NCCIH Accessed Date:30.08.2020
  • 23. Gilworth G et al. Development of the BD-QoL: a quality of life measure specific to Behcet's disease. The Journal of Rheumatology 2004;31(5):931-937.
  • 24. Bhakta B, Brennan P, James TE, Chamberlain MA, Noble BA, Silman AJ. Behcet's disease: evaluation of a new instrument to measure clinical activity. Rheumatology 1999;38(8):728-733.
  • 25. Hamuryudan V, Fresko I , Direskeneli H, Tenant MJ , Yurdakul S , Akoglu T , Yazici H. Evaluation of the Turkish translation of a disease activity form for Behçet's syndrome. Rheumatology 1999;38(8):734-736.
  • 26. Havlucu DY, Inanir I, Aydemir O. Quality of life, anxiety, depression and knowledge of disease in patients with behçet's diseases. Anatolian Journal of Clinical Investigation 2011;5(2):82-88.
  • 27. Kim WH, Cho Y S, Yoo H M, Park I S, Park E C, Lim J G. Quality of life in Korean patients with inflammatory bowel diseases: ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease and intestinal Behcet's disease. International Journal of Colorectal Disease 1999;14(1):52-57.
  • 28. Melikoğlu M, Melikoglu MA. What affects the quality of life in patients with Behcet’s disease. Acta Reumatol Port 2014;39:46-53.
  • 29. Erdogan Z, Atik D, Cinar S. Complementary and alternative medicine methods in chronic renal failure. Archives Medical Review Journal 2014;23(4):773-790.
  • 30. Erdogan Z, Kurçer MA. Dietary Supplement Use in Gastrointestinal Symptom Management and Effect on Hopelessness Levels in Patients With Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Holistic Nursing Practice 2019;33(3):155-162.
  • 31. Genital Ulcers. ( Accessed Date:30.08.2020
  • 32. Tekin-Koruk S, Tavşan Ö, Çalışır C, Ehi Y, Dogantürk T. A Case of Neuro-Behçet’s Disease Mimicking Meningitis. Klimik Journal 2011;24(1):71.
  • 33. Moawad H, Shepard KM, Satya-Murti S. Complementary and alternative medicine in multiple sclerosis: Payment policy perspectives. Neurology: Clinical Practice 2015;5(1):74-79.
  • 34. Wells RE, Baute V, Wahbeh H. Complementary and Integrative Medicine for Neurological Conditions: A Review. The Medical clinics of North America 2017;101(5):881-893.
  • 35. Demir Doğan M, Can G, Meral R. Effectiveness of black mulberry molasses in prevention of radiotherapy-induced oral mucositis: a randomized controlled study in head and neck cancer patients. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 2017;23(12):971-979.
  • 36. Yeğenoğlu S, Sözen-Şahne B, Gençler Ozkan AM, Ulutaş Deniz E. Kişniş (Coriandrum sativum L.) Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal 2018;22:15-28.
  • 37. Pawar VA, Bhagat TB, Toshniwal MR, Mokashi ND, Khandelwal K R. Formulation and evaluation of dental gel containing essential oil of Coriander against oral pathogens. International Research Journal Of Pharmacy 2013;4:48-54.
  • 38. Kulaksız B, Er S, Üstündağ-Okur N, Saltan İşcan G. Investigation of antimicrobial activities of some herbs containing essential oils and their mouthwash formulations. Turkish Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2018;15(3):370.
  • 39. Erras S, Benjilali L, Essaadouni L. Wet-cupping in the treatment of recalcitrant oral and genital ulceration of Behçet disease: a randomized controlled trial. Indian Journal Of Traditional Knowledge 2013; 12(4):615-618.
  • 40. Woelfle U, Seelinger G, Schempp C. Topical application of st. john's wort (Hypericum perforatum). Planta Medica 2014; 80(2-3):109-120.
  • 41. Wl H. How can we treat recurrent herpes virus infection without the use of antiviral drugs? Acta Scientific Medical Sciences 2019;3:152-159.
  • 42. Yücel B, Topal E, Akçiçek E, Köseoğlu M. Effects of Propolis on human health. Anadolu Journal of Aegean Agricultural Research Institute 2014;24(2):41-49.
  • 43. Erdoğan Z, Çınar S. Reiki: An Ancient Healing Art-Modern Nursing Practice. Kafkas J Med Sci 2011;1(2):86-91.
  • 44. Erdogan Z, Cinar S. The effect of Reiki on depression in elderly people living in nursing home. Indian Journal Of Traditional Knowledge 2016;15(1), 35-40
  • 45. Teut M, Kaiser S, Ortiz M, Roll S, Binting S, Willich SN, Brinkhaus B. Pulsatile dry cupping in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee - a randomized controlled exploratory trial. BMC Complement Altern Med 2012;12:184-184.
  • 46. Branco M, Rego NN, Silva PH, Archango IE, Ribeiro MC, Trevisani VF. Bath thermal waters in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis: a randomized controlled clinical trial. European Journal Of Physical And Rehabilitation Medicine 2016;52(4):422-430.
  • 47. Cao H, Han M, Zhu X, Liu J. An overview of systematic reviews of clinical evidence for cupping therapy. Journal of Traditional Chinese Medical Sciencesn2015;2(1):3-10.
  • 48. Okumuş M. Cupping therapy and hijamah. Ankara Medical Journal 2016;(4):370‐82
  • 49. Chapleau C. Scalp acupuncture and master tung distal points for the treatment of intraocular pressure for a patient with borderline glaucoma. The Korean Journal of Food & Health Convergence 2018;4(2):13-16.
  • 50. Blechschmidt T, Krumsiek M, Todorova MG. The effect of acupuncture on visual function in patients with congenital and acquired nystagmus. Medicines 2017;4(2):33.
Toplam 50 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Klinik Tıp Bilimleri
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Zeynep Erdoğan 0000-0002-7298-7559

Mehmet Ali Kurçer 0000-0003-2672-1079

Ufuk Demirel 0000-0002-9846-4078

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 9 Eylül 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Erdoğan Z, Kurçer MA, Demirel U. The Use of Complementary and Integrative Health Approaches in Patients with Behcet Disease and Its Relationship with Quality of Life. Akd Tıp D. 2023;9(1):51-9.