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Çocukluk Çağında İnmemiş Testis Dokusundan Gelişen Primer Histiyositik Sarkom

Yıl 2015, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2, 105 - 108, 01.01.2015


Histiyositik sarkom morfolojik ve immünhistokimyasal olarak histiyositik diferansiasyon gösteren, genellikle ekstranodal tutulum yapan, oldukça nadir görülen, agresif seyirli bir malignitedir. Burada 12 yaşında adrenolökodistrofi tanılı takipte olan erkek hastada, inmemiş testis dokusundan gelişen primer histiyositik sarkomu ayırıcı tanıları eşliğinde tartıştık. Genellikle erişkinlerde 45-55 yaş arasında görülen bu malignitenin bizim olgumuzda çocukluk çağında izlenmesi ve inmemiş testis dokusundan kaynaklanması olguya ait dikkat çekici özelliklerdir. Günümüze kadar İngilizce literatürde böyle bir birliktelik bildirilmemiştir


  • Swerdlow SH, Campo E, Harris NL, Jaffe ES, Pileri SA, Stein H, Thiele J, Vardiman JW. WHO Classifi cation of Tumours of Haematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues. Lyon: IARC, 2008.
  • Vos JA1, Abbondanzo SL, Barekman CL, Andriko JW, Miettinen M, Aguilera NS. Histiocytic sarcoma: A study of fi ve cases including the histiocyte marker CD163. Modern Pathology; 2005: 693-704.
  • Ulbright TM, Amin MB, Young RH. Tumors of the Testis, Adnexa, Spermatic Cord, and Scrotum. Washington, DC: Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, 1999.
  • Hsi ED, Goldblum JR. Hematopathology. Philadelphia PA: Saunders, Elsevier, 2012.
  • Pileri SA, Grogan TM, Harris NL, Banks P, Campo E, Chan JK, Favera R, Delsol G, De Wolf PC, Falini B, Gas- coyne RD, Gaulard P, Gatter KC, Isaacson PG, Jaffe ES, Kluin P, Knowles DM, Mason DY, Mori S, Muller-Her- melink HK, Piris MA, Ralfkiaer E, Stein H, Su IJ, Warn- ke RA, Weiss LM. Tumours of histiocytes and accessory dendritic cells: An immunohistochemical approach to classifi cation from the International Lymphoma Study Group based on 61 cases. Histopathology 2002;41:1-29.
  • Cai S, Zhang S, Liu X, Lin Y, Wu C, Chen Y, Hu J, Wang X. Solitary Langerhans cell 106 histiocytosis of frontal lobe: a case report and literature review. Chin J Cancer Res 2014;26:211-4.
  • Howard JE, Dwivedi RC, Masterson L, Jani P. Langer- hans cell sarcoma: A systematic review. Cancer Treat Rev 2015;41:320-31.
  • Zhang XM, Aguilera N. New immunohistochemistry for B-cell lymphoma and Hodgkin lymphoma. Arch Pathol Lab Med 2014;138:1666-72.
  • Vitkovski T, Costales C, Chen S, Saltman B, Kahn L. Mala- koplakia of the thyroid gland: A case report and review of literature. Int J Surg Pathol 2015; 6: 1066896915569915.

Primary Histiocytic Sarcoma Arising from Undescended Testis in Childhood

Yıl 2015, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2, 105 - 108, 01.01.2015


Histiocytic sarcoma is a rare, aggressive malignancy that shows histiocytic differentiation morphologically and immunohistochemically, often with extranodal involvement. Here we discuss the differential diagnosis of primary histiocytic sarcoma of undescended testicular tissue in a 12-yearold male patient with adrenoleukodystrophy. The presence of malignancy in childhood arising from undescended testicular tissue was noteworthy in our case. This concurrence has not previously been reported in the English literature


  • Swerdlow SH, Campo E, Harris NL, Jaffe ES, Pileri SA, Stein H, Thiele J, Vardiman JW. WHO Classifi cation of Tumours of Haematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues. Lyon: IARC, 2008.
  • Vos JA1, Abbondanzo SL, Barekman CL, Andriko JW, Miettinen M, Aguilera NS. Histiocytic sarcoma: A study of fi ve cases including the histiocyte marker CD163. Modern Pathology; 2005: 693-704.
  • Ulbright TM, Amin MB, Young RH. Tumors of the Testis, Adnexa, Spermatic Cord, and Scrotum. Washington, DC: Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, 1999.
  • Hsi ED, Goldblum JR. Hematopathology. Philadelphia PA: Saunders, Elsevier, 2012.
  • Pileri SA, Grogan TM, Harris NL, Banks P, Campo E, Chan JK, Favera R, Delsol G, De Wolf PC, Falini B, Gas- coyne RD, Gaulard P, Gatter KC, Isaacson PG, Jaffe ES, Kluin P, Knowles DM, Mason DY, Mori S, Muller-Her- melink HK, Piris MA, Ralfkiaer E, Stein H, Su IJ, Warn- ke RA, Weiss LM. Tumours of histiocytes and accessory dendritic cells: An immunohistochemical approach to classifi cation from the International Lymphoma Study Group based on 61 cases. Histopathology 2002;41:1-29.
  • Cai S, Zhang S, Liu X, Lin Y, Wu C, Chen Y, Hu J, Wang X. Solitary Langerhans cell 106 histiocytosis of frontal lobe: a case report and literature review. Chin J Cancer Res 2014;26:211-4.
  • Howard JE, Dwivedi RC, Masterson L, Jani P. Langer- hans cell sarcoma: A systematic review. Cancer Treat Rev 2015;41:320-31.
  • Zhang XM, Aguilera N. New immunohistochemistry for B-cell lymphoma and Hodgkin lymphoma. Arch Pathol Lab Med 2014;138:1666-72.
  • Vitkovski T, Costales C, Chen S, Saltman B, Kahn L. Mala- koplakia of the thyroid gland: A case report and review of literature. Int J Surg Pathol 2015; 6: 1066896915569915.
Toplam 9 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Betül Ünal Bu kişi benim

Cumhur İbrahim Başsorgun Bu kişi benim

Saniye Sevim Tuncer

İrem Hicran Özbudak Bu kişi benim

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Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2015 Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Ünal B, Başsorgun Cİ, Tuncer SS, Özbudak İH, Çiftçioğlu MA. Çocukluk Çağında İnmemiş Testis Dokusundan Gelişen Primer Histiyositik Sarkom. Akd Tıp D. 2015;1(2):105-8.