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Jinekolojide Robotik Cerrahinin Yeri

Yıl 2016, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 1, 5 - 10, 01.01.2016


Laparaskopinin jinekolojide ilk kez kullanıldığı 1980’lerin sonlarından bu güne, jinekolojide minimal invaziv yaklaşımlar, tanısal amaçlı kullanımdan geniş çaplı karmaşık cerrahilerin yapılabildiği bir döneme girmiştir. Robotik cerrahinin de devreye girmesiyle minimal invaziv cerrahide yeni bir dönem başlamıştır. Bu derleme makalede, robotik cerrahinin çeşitli benign ve malign jinekolojik patolojilerdeki yeri ve bu operasyonların cerrahi sonuçlarından bahsedilmesi amaçlanmıştı


  • nezhat F. minimally invasive surgery in gynecologic oncology: laparoscopy versus robotics. Gynecol oncol 2008:111(2):29-32.
  • marescaux J, leroy J, rubino F, smith m, Vix m, simone m, mutter D. Transcontinental robot-assisted remote telesurgery: Feasibility and potential applications. ann surg 2002;235(4):487-92.
  • Yates Dr, Vaessen C, roupret m. From leonardo to Da Vinci: The history of robot-assisted surgery in urology. BJu ınt 2011;108: 1708-14.
  • liu h, lawrie Ta, lu D, song h, Wang l, shi G. robot- assisted surgery in gynaecology. Cochrane Database syst rev 2014;10(12).
  • De Wilde rl, herrmann a. robotic surgery - advance or gimmick? Best pract res Clin obstet Gynaecol 2013;27(3):457-69.
  • pugin F, Bucher p, morel p. history of robotic surgery: From aesop® and zeus® to da Vinci®. J Visc surg. 2011;148(5):3-8.
  • Falcone T, Goldberg J, Garcia-ruiz a, margossian h, stevens l. Full robotic assistance for laparoscopic tubal anastomosis: a case report. Journal of laparoendoscopic and advanced surgical Techniques-part a 1999;9(1):107- 13.
  • Wright JD, herzog TJ, Tsui J, ananth CV, lewin sn, lu Ys, neugut aı, hershman Dl. nationwide trends in the performance of inpatient hysterectomy in the united states. obstet Gynecol 2013;122 : 233-41.
  • Jacoby Vl, autry a, Jacobson G, Domush r, nakagawa s, Jacoby a. nationwide use of laparoscopic hysterectomy compared with abdominal and vaginal approaches. obstet Gynecol 2009;114:1041-8.
  • Wright JD, ananth CV, lewin sn, Burke Wm, lu Ys, neugut aı, herzog TJ, hershman Dl. robotically assisted vs laparoscopic hysterectomy among women with benign gynecologic disease. Jama 2013;309:689-98.
  • lim pC, Kang e, park do h. a comparative detail analysis of the learning curve and surgical outcome for robotic hysterectomy with lymphadenectomy versus laparoscopic hysterectomy with lymphadenectomy in treatment of endometrial cancer: a case-matched controlled study of the first one hundred twenty two patients. Gynecol oncol 2011; 120:413-8.
  • sinha r, sanjay m, rupa B, Kumari s. robotic surgery in gynecology. J minim access surg 2015 ;11(1):50-9.
  • Cronin B, sung VW, matteson Ka. Vaginal cuff dehiscence: risk factors and management. am J obstet Gynecol 2012;206:284-8.
  • uccella s, Ceccaroni m, Cromi a, malzoni m, Berretta r, De ıaco p, roviglione G, Bogani G, minelli l, Ghezzi F. Vaginal cuff dehiscence in a series of 12.398 hysterectomies: effect of different types of colpotomy and vaginal closure. obstet Gynecol 2012;120:516-23.
  • rettenmaier ma, abaid ln, Brown JV 3rd, mendivil aa, lopez Kl, Goldstein Bh. Dramatically reduced incidence of vaginal cuff dehiscence in gynecologic patients undergoing endoscopic closure with barbed sutures: a retrospective cohort study. ınt J surg. 2015; 14;19:27-30.
  • nezhat C, lavie o, hsu s, Watson J, Barnett o, lemyre m. robotic-assisted laparoscopic myomectomy compared with standard laparoscopic myomectomy-a retrospective matched control study. Fertil steril 2009;91:556-9.
  • Gargiulo ar, srouji ss, missmer sa, Correia KF, Vellinga TT, einarsson Jı. robot-assisted laparoscopic myomectomy compared with standard laparoscopic myomectomy obstet Gynecol 2012;120:284-91.
  • Barakat ee, Bedaiwy ma, zimberg s, nutter B, nosseir m, Falcone T. robotic-assisted, laparoscopic, and abdominal myomectomy: a comparison of surgical outcomes. obstet Gynecol 2011;117:256-65.
  • advincula ap, Xu X, Goudeau s 4th, ransom sB. robot assisted laparoscopic myomectomy versus abdominal myomectomy: a comparison of short-term surgical outcomes and immediate costs. J minim ınvasive Gynecol 2007;14:698-705.
  • ascher-Walsh CJ, Capes Tl. robot-assisted laparoscopic myomectomy is an improvement over laparotomy in women with a limited number of myomas. J minim ınvasive Gynecol 2010;17:306-10.
  • pitter mC, Gargiulo ar, Bonaventura lm, lehman Js, srouji ss. pregnancy outcomes following robot-assisted myomectomy. hum reprod 2013;28:99-108.
  • ramavath KK, murthy ps. robotic sacrocolpopexy: an observational experience at mayoclinic, usa. J Gynecol endosc surg 2011;2:53-7.
  • paraiso mF, Jelovsek Je, Frick a, Chen CC, Barber mD. laparoscopic compared with robotic sacrocolpopexy for vaginal prolapse: a randomized controlled trial. obstet Gynecol 2011;118:1005-13.
  • anger JT, mueller er, Tarnay C, smith B, stroupe K, rosenman a, Brubaker l, Bresee C, Kenton K. robotic compared with laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy: a randomized controlled trial .obstet Gynecol 2014;123:5- 12.
  • Francis sl, agrawal a, azadi a, ostergard Dr, Deveneau ne. robotic Burch colposuspension: a surgical case and instructional video. ınt urogynecol J 2015;26(1):147-8.
  • nezhat Fr, sirota ı. perioperative outcomes of robotic assisted laparoscopic surgery versus conventional laparoscopy surgery for advanced-stage endometriosis. Jsls 2014;18(4).
  • siesto G, ıeda n, rosati r, Vitobello D robotic surgery for deep endometriosis: a paradigm shift. ınt J med robot 2014; 10(2):140-6.
  • Bell mC, Torgerson J, seshadri-Kreaden u, suttle aW, hunt s. Comparison of outcomes and cost for endometrial cancer staging via traditional laparotomy, standard laparoscopy and robotic techniques. Gynecologic oncology 2008;111(3):407-11.
  • Cardenas-Goicoechea J, adams s, Bhat sB, randall TC. surgical outcomes of robotic-assisted surgical staging for endometrial cancer are equivalent to traditional laparoscopic staging at a minimally invasive surgical center. Gynecologic oncology 2010;117(2):224-8.
  • Coronado pJ, herraiz ma, magrina JF, Fasero m, Vidart Ja. Comparison of perioperative outcomes and cost of robotic-assisted laparoscopy, laparoscopy and laparotomy for endometrial cancer. european Journal of obstetrics, Gynecology, and reproductive Biology 2012;165(2):289- 94.
  • reynisson p, persson J. hospital costs for robot assisted laparoscopic radical hysterectomy and pelvic lymphadenectomy. Gynecologic oncology 2013;130(1):95-9.
  • Gaia G, holloway rW, santoro l, ahmad s, Di silverio e, spinillo a. robotic-assisted hysterectomy for endometrial cancer compared with traditional laparoscopic and laparotomy approaches: a systematic review. obstet Gynecol 2010;116(6):1422-31.
  • Kilgore Je, Jackson al, Ko em, soper JT, Van le l, Gehrig pa, Boggess JF. recurrence-free and 5-year survival following robotic-assisted surgical staging for endometrial carcinoma. Gynecol oncol 2013;129(1):49- 53.
  • park hK, helenowski ıB, Berry e, lurain Jr, neubauer nl. a comparison of survival and recurrence outcomes in patients with endometrial cancer undergoing robotic versus open surgery. J minim ınvasive Gynecol 2015;22(6):961-7.
  • lowe mp, Chamberlain Dh, Kamelle sa, Johnson pr, Tillmanns TD. a multi-institutional experience with robotic-assisted radical hysterectomy for early stage cervical cancer. Gynecologic oncology 2009;113(2):191-4.
  • nezhat Fr, Datta ms, liu C, Chuang l, zakashansky K. robotic radical hysterectomy versus total laparoscopic radical hysterectomy with pelvic lymphadenectomy for treatment of early cervical cancer. Journal of the society of laparoendoscopic surgeons 2008;12(3):227–37.
  • persson J, reynisson p, Borgfeldt C, Kannisto p, lindahl B, Bossmar T. robot assisted laparoscopic radical hysterectomy and pelvic lymphadenectomy with short and long term morbidity data. Gynecologic oncology 2009;113(2):185–90.
  • soliman pT, langley G, munsell mF, Vaniya ha, Frumovitz m, ramirez pT. analgesic and antiemetic requirements after minimally invasive surgery for early cervical cancer: a comparison between laparoscopy and robotic surgery. annals of surgical oncology 2013;20(4):1355–9.
  • shazly sa, hassan murad m, Dowdy sC, Gostout Bs, Famuyide ao. robotic radical hysterectomy in early stage cervical cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Gynecol oncol 2015 June ;8258(15):30030-5 epub ahead of print.
  • persson J, Kannisto p, Bossmar T. robot-assisted abdominal Gynecologic oncology 2008;111(3):564-7. radical trachelectomy.
  • plante m. Vaginal radical trachelectomy: an update. Gynecologic oncology 2008;111(2):105-10.
  • Finger Tn, nezhat Fr. robotic-assisted fertility-sparing surgery for early ovarian cancer. Journal of the society of laparoendoscopic surgeons 2014;18(2):308–13.
  • Verheijen r, zweemer r. robotic surgery for gynaecologic cancer: an overview. Current oncology reports 2012;14(6):544–9.
  • magrina JF, zanagnolo V, noble Bn, Kho rm, magtibay p. robotic approach for ovarian cancer: perioperative and survival results and comparison with laparoscopy and laparotomy. Gynecol oncol 2011;121:100–5.
  • sinno aK, Fader an. robotic-assisted surgery in gynecologic oncology. Fertil steril. 2014 ;102(4):922-32.

Robotic Surgery in Gynecology

Yıl 2016, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 1, 5 - 10, 01.01.2016


After the first introduction of laparascopy into gynecology practice in the late 1980s, minimal invasive techniques have been used in both simple and complex procedures. The development of robotic surgery has also opened a new era in minimal invasive surgery. In this review article we aimed to investigate the role of robotic surgery in benign and malign gynecologic disease and on surgical outcomes.


  • nezhat F. minimally invasive surgery in gynecologic oncology: laparoscopy versus robotics. Gynecol oncol 2008:111(2):29-32.
  • marescaux J, leroy J, rubino F, smith m, Vix m, simone m, mutter D. Transcontinental robot-assisted remote telesurgery: Feasibility and potential applications. ann surg 2002;235(4):487-92.
  • Yates Dr, Vaessen C, roupret m. From leonardo to Da Vinci: The history of robot-assisted surgery in urology. BJu ınt 2011;108: 1708-14.
  • liu h, lawrie Ta, lu D, song h, Wang l, shi G. robot- assisted surgery in gynaecology. Cochrane Database syst rev 2014;10(12).
  • De Wilde rl, herrmann a. robotic surgery - advance or gimmick? Best pract res Clin obstet Gynaecol 2013;27(3):457-69.
  • pugin F, Bucher p, morel p. history of robotic surgery: From aesop® and zeus® to da Vinci®. J Visc surg. 2011;148(5):3-8.
  • Falcone T, Goldberg J, Garcia-ruiz a, margossian h, stevens l. Full robotic assistance for laparoscopic tubal anastomosis: a case report. Journal of laparoendoscopic and advanced surgical Techniques-part a 1999;9(1):107- 13.
  • Wright JD, herzog TJ, Tsui J, ananth CV, lewin sn, lu Ys, neugut aı, hershman Dl. nationwide trends in the performance of inpatient hysterectomy in the united states. obstet Gynecol 2013;122 : 233-41.
  • Jacoby Vl, autry a, Jacobson G, Domush r, nakagawa s, Jacoby a. nationwide use of laparoscopic hysterectomy compared with abdominal and vaginal approaches. obstet Gynecol 2009;114:1041-8.
  • Wright JD, ananth CV, lewin sn, Burke Wm, lu Ys, neugut aı, herzog TJ, hershman Dl. robotically assisted vs laparoscopic hysterectomy among women with benign gynecologic disease. Jama 2013;309:689-98.
  • lim pC, Kang e, park do h. a comparative detail analysis of the learning curve and surgical outcome for robotic hysterectomy with lymphadenectomy versus laparoscopic hysterectomy with lymphadenectomy in treatment of endometrial cancer: a case-matched controlled study of the first one hundred twenty two patients. Gynecol oncol 2011; 120:413-8.
  • sinha r, sanjay m, rupa B, Kumari s. robotic surgery in gynecology. J minim access surg 2015 ;11(1):50-9.
  • Cronin B, sung VW, matteson Ka. Vaginal cuff dehiscence: risk factors and management. am J obstet Gynecol 2012;206:284-8.
  • uccella s, Ceccaroni m, Cromi a, malzoni m, Berretta r, De ıaco p, roviglione G, Bogani G, minelli l, Ghezzi F. Vaginal cuff dehiscence in a series of 12.398 hysterectomies: effect of different types of colpotomy and vaginal closure. obstet Gynecol 2012;120:516-23.
  • rettenmaier ma, abaid ln, Brown JV 3rd, mendivil aa, lopez Kl, Goldstein Bh. Dramatically reduced incidence of vaginal cuff dehiscence in gynecologic patients undergoing endoscopic closure with barbed sutures: a retrospective cohort study. ınt J surg. 2015; 14;19:27-30.
  • nezhat C, lavie o, hsu s, Watson J, Barnett o, lemyre m. robotic-assisted laparoscopic myomectomy compared with standard laparoscopic myomectomy-a retrospective matched control study. Fertil steril 2009;91:556-9.
  • Gargiulo ar, srouji ss, missmer sa, Correia KF, Vellinga TT, einarsson Jı. robot-assisted laparoscopic myomectomy compared with standard laparoscopic myomectomy obstet Gynecol 2012;120:284-91.
  • Barakat ee, Bedaiwy ma, zimberg s, nutter B, nosseir m, Falcone T. robotic-assisted, laparoscopic, and abdominal myomectomy: a comparison of surgical outcomes. obstet Gynecol 2011;117:256-65.
  • advincula ap, Xu X, Goudeau s 4th, ransom sB. robot assisted laparoscopic myomectomy versus abdominal myomectomy: a comparison of short-term surgical outcomes and immediate costs. J minim ınvasive Gynecol 2007;14:698-705.
  • ascher-Walsh CJ, Capes Tl. robot-assisted laparoscopic myomectomy is an improvement over laparotomy in women with a limited number of myomas. J minim ınvasive Gynecol 2010;17:306-10.
  • pitter mC, Gargiulo ar, Bonaventura lm, lehman Js, srouji ss. pregnancy outcomes following robot-assisted myomectomy. hum reprod 2013;28:99-108.
  • ramavath KK, murthy ps. robotic sacrocolpopexy: an observational experience at mayoclinic, usa. J Gynecol endosc surg 2011;2:53-7.
  • paraiso mF, Jelovsek Je, Frick a, Chen CC, Barber mD. laparoscopic compared with robotic sacrocolpopexy for vaginal prolapse: a randomized controlled trial. obstet Gynecol 2011;118:1005-13.
  • anger JT, mueller er, Tarnay C, smith B, stroupe K, rosenman a, Brubaker l, Bresee C, Kenton K. robotic compared with laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy: a randomized controlled trial .obstet Gynecol 2014;123:5- 12.
  • Francis sl, agrawal a, azadi a, ostergard Dr, Deveneau ne. robotic Burch colposuspension: a surgical case and instructional video. ınt urogynecol J 2015;26(1):147-8.
  • nezhat Fr, sirota ı. perioperative outcomes of robotic assisted laparoscopic surgery versus conventional laparoscopy surgery for advanced-stage endometriosis. Jsls 2014;18(4).
  • siesto G, ıeda n, rosati r, Vitobello D robotic surgery for deep endometriosis: a paradigm shift. ınt J med robot 2014; 10(2):140-6.
  • Bell mC, Torgerson J, seshadri-Kreaden u, suttle aW, hunt s. Comparison of outcomes and cost for endometrial cancer staging via traditional laparotomy, standard laparoscopy and robotic techniques. Gynecologic oncology 2008;111(3):407-11.
  • Cardenas-Goicoechea J, adams s, Bhat sB, randall TC. surgical outcomes of robotic-assisted surgical staging for endometrial cancer are equivalent to traditional laparoscopic staging at a minimally invasive surgical center. Gynecologic oncology 2010;117(2):224-8.
  • Coronado pJ, herraiz ma, magrina JF, Fasero m, Vidart Ja. Comparison of perioperative outcomes and cost of robotic-assisted laparoscopy, laparoscopy and laparotomy for endometrial cancer. european Journal of obstetrics, Gynecology, and reproductive Biology 2012;165(2):289- 94.
  • reynisson p, persson J. hospital costs for robot assisted laparoscopic radical hysterectomy and pelvic lymphadenectomy. Gynecologic oncology 2013;130(1):95-9.
  • Gaia G, holloway rW, santoro l, ahmad s, Di silverio e, spinillo a. robotic-assisted hysterectomy for endometrial cancer compared with traditional laparoscopic and laparotomy approaches: a systematic review. obstet Gynecol 2010;116(6):1422-31.
  • Kilgore Je, Jackson al, Ko em, soper JT, Van le l, Gehrig pa, Boggess JF. recurrence-free and 5-year survival following robotic-assisted surgical staging for endometrial carcinoma. Gynecol oncol 2013;129(1):49- 53.
  • park hK, helenowski ıB, Berry e, lurain Jr, neubauer nl. a comparison of survival and recurrence outcomes in patients with endometrial cancer undergoing robotic versus open surgery. J minim ınvasive Gynecol 2015;22(6):961-7.
  • lowe mp, Chamberlain Dh, Kamelle sa, Johnson pr, Tillmanns TD. a multi-institutional experience with robotic-assisted radical hysterectomy for early stage cervical cancer. Gynecologic oncology 2009;113(2):191-4.
  • nezhat Fr, Datta ms, liu C, Chuang l, zakashansky K. robotic radical hysterectomy versus total laparoscopic radical hysterectomy with pelvic lymphadenectomy for treatment of early cervical cancer. Journal of the society of laparoendoscopic surgeons 2008;12(3):227–37.
  • persson J, reynisson p, Borgfeldt C, Kannisto p, lindahl B, Bossmar T. robot assisted laparoscopic radical hysterectomy and pelvic lymphadenectomy with short and long term morbidity data. Gynecologic oncology 2009;113(2):185–90.
  • soliman pT, langley G, munsell mF, Vaniya ha, Frumovitz m, ramirez pT. analgesic and antiemetic requirements after minimally invasive surgery for early cervical cancer: a comparison between laparoscopy and robotic surgery. annals of surgical oncology 2013;20(4):1355–9.
  • shazly sa, hassan murad m, Dowdy sC, Gostout Bs, Famuyide ao. robotic radical hysterectomy in early stage cervical cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Gynecol oncol 2015 June ;8258(15):30030-5 epub ahead of print.
  • persson J, Kannisto p, Bossmar T. robot-assisted abdominal Gynecologic oncology 2008;111(3):564-7. radical trachelectomy.
  • plante m. Vaginal radical trachelectomy: an update. Gynecologic oncology 2008;111(2):105-10.
  • Finger Tn, nezhat Fr. robotic-assisted fertility-sparing surgery for early ovarian cancer. Journal of the society of laparoendoscopic surgeons 2014;18(2):308–13.
  • Verheijen r, zweemer r. robotic surgery for gynaecologic cancer: an overview. Current oncology reports 2012;14(6):544–9.
  • magrina JF, zanagnolo V, noble Bn, Kho rm, magtibay p. robotic approach for ovarian cancer: perioperative and survival results and comparison with laparoscopy and laparotomy. Gynecol oncol 2011;121:100–5.
  • sinno aK, Fader an. robotic-assisted surgery in gynecologic oncology. Fertil steril. 2014 ;102(4):922-32.
Toplam 45 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2016 Cilt: 2 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Doğan S, Şimşek T. Jinekolojide Robotik Cerrahinin Yeri. Akd Tıp D. 2016;2(1):5-10.