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Chemotherapy-Induced Extravasation Management

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1, 1 - 6, 01.01.2019


Intravenous chemotherapy drugs used in the treatment of solid tumors are widely used because of the systemic response is rapid and effective. Extravasation is one of the important complications of chemotherapy. Extravasation is a tissue injury resulting in infiltration of the subcutaneous and subdermal space during infusion of the drug. Chemotherapy extravasation, which can be seen on different tabulations from soft tissue irritation to necrosis, is important for clinical practice. In this review, extravasation, classification and management were reviewed


  • Caley A, Jones R. The principles of cancer treatment by chemotherapy. Surgery (Oxford) 2012; 30(4):186-90.
  • Sauerland C, Engelking C, Wickham R, Corbi D. Vesicant extravasation part I: Mechanisms, pathogenesis, and nursing care to reduce risk. Oncol Nurs Forum 2006; (33):1134-41.
  • Kreidieh FY, Moukadem HA, El Saghir NS. Overview, prevention and management of chemotherapy extravasation. World J Clin Oncol 2016; 7(1): 87-97.
  • Coyle CE, Griffie J, Czaplewski LM. Eliminating extravasation events: A multidisciplinary approach. J Infus Nurs 2014; 37(3):157-64.
  • Doellman D, Hadaway L, Bowe-Geddes LA, Franklin M, LeDonne J, Papke-O’Donnell L, Stranz M. Infiltration and extravasation: Update on prevention and management. J Infus Nurs 2009; 32(4):203-11.
  • Ener RA, Meglathery SB, Styler M. Extravasation of systemic hemato-oncological therapies. Ann Oncol 2004; 15(6):858-62.
  • Goutos I, Cogswell LK, Giele H. Extravasation injuries: A review. J Hand Surg Eur Vol 2014; 39(8):808-18.
  • Haslik W, Hacker S, Felberbauer FX, Thallinger C, Bartsch R, Kornauth C, Deutschmann C, Mader RM. Port-a-Cath extravasation of vesicant cytotoxics: Surgical options for a rare complication of cancer chemotherapy. Eur J Surg Oncol 2015; 41(3):378-85.
  • Kassner E. Evaluation and treatment of chemotherapy extravasation injuries. J Pediatr Oncol Nurs 2000; 17(3):135-48.
  • Kumar RJ, Pegg SP, Kimble RM. Management of extravasation injuries. ANZ J Surg 2001; 71(5):285-9.
  • Al-Benna S, O’Boyle C, Holley J. Extravasation injuries in adults. ISRN Dermatol 2013; 2013:856541.
  • Boulanger J, Ducharme A, Dufour A, Fortier S, Almanric K. Management of the extravasation of anti-neoplastic agents. Support Care Cancer 2015; 23(5):1459-71.
  • Wengström Y, Margulies A. European oncology nursing society extravasation guidelines. Eur J Oncol Nurs 2008; 12(4):357-61.
  • Langer SW. Extravasation of chemotherapy. Curr Oncol Rep 2010; 12(4):242-6.
  • Vidall C, Roe H, Dougherty L, Harrold K. Dexrazoxane: A management option for anthracycline extravasations. Br J Nurs 2013; (17):6-12.
  • Fidalgo JP, Fabregat LG, Cervantes A, Margulies A, Vidall C, Roila F; ESMO Guidelines Working Group. Management of chemotherapy extravasation: ESMO– EONS Clinical Practice Guidelines. Ann Oncol 2012; 23(7):167-73.
  • Hahn JC, Shafritz AB. Chemotherapy extravasation injuries. J Hand Surg 2012; 37(2):360-2.
  • Schulmeister L. Safe management of chemotherapy: Infusion-related complications. Clin J Oncol Nurs 2014; (3):283-7.
  • Dougherty L, Oakley C. Advanced practice in the management of extravasation. Cancer Nursing Practice 2011; 10(5):16-22.
  • Hadaway L. Infiltration and extravasation. Am J Nurs 2007; 107(8):64-72.
  • US Department of Health and Human Services. Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE) Version 4.0. protocolDevelopment/.. [Pdf internet erişim 11.06.2017].
  • Wickham R, Engelking C, Sauerland C, Corbi D. Vesicant extravasation part II: Evidence-based management and continuing controversies. Oncol Nurs Forum 2006; 33(6):1143-50.
  • Gonzalez T. Chemotherapy extravasations: prevention, identification, management, and documentation. Clin J Oncol Nurs 2013; 17(1):61-6.

Kemoterapiye Bağlı Ekstravazasyon Yönetimi

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1, 1 - 6, 01.01.2019


Solid tümörlerin tedavisinde kullanılan intravenöz kemoterapi ilaçları sistemik yanıtın etkin ve hızlı olması nedeniyle yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. Kemoterapinin önemli komplikasyonlardan birisi ekstravazasyondur. Ekstravazasyon, ilacın infüzyonu sırasında subkutan ve subdermal alana infiltrasyonu sonucu gelişen doku hasarıdır. Yumuşak doku hasarından nekroz oluşumuna kadar farklı klinik tablolarda görülebilen kemoterapi ekstravazasyonu klinik uygulamalar açısından önemlidir. Bu derlemede ekstravazasyon, sınıflaması ve yönetimi gözden geçirilmiştir


  • Caley A, Jones R. The principles of cancer treatment by chemotherapy. Surgery (Oxford) 2012; 30(4):186-90.
  • Sauerland C, Engelking C, Wickham R, Corbi D. Vesicant extravasation part I: Mechanisms, pathogenesis, and nursing care to reduce risk. Oncol Nurs Forum 2006; (33):1134-41.
  • Kreidieh FY, Moukadem HA, El Saghir NS. Overview, prevention and management of chemotherapy extravasation. World J Clin Oncol 2016; 7(1): 87-97.
  • Coyle CE, Griffie J, Czaplewski LM. Eliminating extravasation events: A multidisciplinary approach. J Infus Nurs 2014; 37(3):157-64.
  • Doellman D, Hadaway L, Bowe-Geddes LA, Franklin M, LeDonne J, Papke-O’Donnell L, Stranz M. Infiltration and extravasation: Update on prevention and management. J Infus Nurs 2009; 32(4):203-11.
  • Ener RA, Meglathery SB, Styler M. Extravasation of systemic hemato-oncological therapies. Ann Oncol 2004; 15(6):858-62.
  • Goutos I, Cogswell LK, Giele H. Extravasation injuries: A review. J Hand Surg Eur Vol 2014; 39(8):808-18.
  • Haslik W, Hacker S, Felberbauer FX, Thallinger C, Bartsch R, Kornauth C, Deutschmann C, Mader RM. Port-a-Cath extravasation of vesicant cytotoxics: Surgical options for a rare complication of cancer chemotherapy. Eur J Surg Oncol 2015; 41(3):378-85.
  • Kassner E. Evaluation and treatment of chemotherapy extravasation injuries. J Pediatr Oncol Nurs 2000; 17(3):135-48.
  • Kumar RJ, Pegg SP, Kimble RM. Management of extravasation injuries. ANZ J Surg 2001; 71(5):285-9.
  • Al-Benna S, O’Boyle C, Holley J. Extravasation injuries in adults. ISRN Dermatol 2013; 2013:856541.
  • Boulanger J, Ducharme A, Dufour A, Fortier S, Almanric K. Management of the extravasation of anti-neoplastic agents. Support Care Cancer 2015; 23(5):1459-71.
  • Wengström Y, Margulies A. European oncology nursing society extravasation guidelines. Eur J Oncol Nurs 2008; 12(4):357-61.
  • Langer SW. Extravasation of chemotherapy. Curr Oncol Rep 2010; 12(4):242-6.
  • Vidall C, Roe H, Dougherty L, Harrold K. Dexrazoxane: A management option for anthracycline extravasations. Br J Nurs 2013; (17):6-12.
  • Fidalgo JP, Fabregat LG, Cervantes A, Margulies A, Vidall C, Roila F; ESMO Guidelines Working Group. Management of chemotherapy extravasation: ESMO– EONS Clinical Practice Guidelines. Ann Oncol 2012; 23(7):167-73.
  • Hahn JC, Shafritz AB. Chemotherapy extravasation injuries. J Hand Surg 2012; 37(2):360-2.
  • Schulmeister L. Safe management of chemotherapy: Infusion-related complications. Clin J Oncol Nurs 2014; (3):283-7.
  • Dougherty L, Oakley C. Advanced practice in the management of extravasation. Cancer Nursing Practice 2011; 10(5):16-22.
  • Hadaway L. Infiltration and extravasation. Am J Nurs 2007; 107(8):64-72.
  • US Department of Health and Human Services. Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE) Version 4.0. protocolDevelopment/.. [Pdf internet erişim 11.06.2017].
  • Wickham R, Engelking C, Sauerland C, Corbi D. Vesicant extravasation part II: Evidence-based management and continuing controversies. Oncol Nurs Forum 2006; 33(6):1143-50.
  • Gonzalez T. Chemotherapy extravasations: prevention, identification, management, and documentation. Clin J Oncol Nurs 2013; 17(1):61-6.
Toplam 23 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Mürvet Artuk Uçar Bu kişi benim

Fatma Arıkan Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Artuk Uçar M, Arıkan F. Kemoterapiye Bağlı Ekstravazasyon Yönetimi. Akd Tıp D. 2019;5(1):1-6.