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Diş Hekimliğinde Anksiyete

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1, 15 - 20, 01.01.2019


Anksiyete, hayali veya gerçek bir tehlikenin gerçekleşme ihtimaline karşı psikofizyolojik yanıtlardan oluşan hoş olmayan duygusal bir durumdur. Dental anksiyete, geniş popülasyonları etkileyen ve hemen her bireyde karşılaşılabilen bir problemdir. Bu problem, hastaların randevularını ertelemelerine, ağız sağlıklarının bozulmasına ve tedavi sırasında hekimlerin birtakım zorluklarla karşılaşmasına neden olmaktadır. Bu derlemede, dental anksiyetenin etkenlerini, etkilerini, belirlenmesinde kullanılan yöntemleri ve azaltılması için alınacak önlemlerden bahsedilmektedir


  • Köroğlu E, Güleç, C. Anksiyete kavramı ve anksiyete bozukluklarına genel bir bakış. İçinde: Psikiyatri temel kitabı, 1. Baskı. Ankara: HYB Basım Yayın, 2007: 296- 303.
  • Köroğlu E. Psikiyatride klinik belirti ve bulgular, anksiyete bozuklukları. İçinde: Psikonozoloji tanımlayıcı klinik psikiyatri, 1. Baskı. Ankara, HYB Basım Yayın, 2004:56- 89, 325-80.
  • Bernstein DA, Kleinknecht RA, Alexander LD. Antecedents of dental fear. J Public Health Dent 1979; 39(2):113-24.
  • Davey GC. Dental phobias and anxieties: Evidence for conditioning processes in the acquisition and modulation of a learned fear. Behav Res Ther 1989; 27(1):51-8.
  • Klepac RK, Dowling J, Hauge G. Characteristics of clients seeking therapy for the reduction of dental avoidance: Reactions to pain. J Behav Ther Exp Psychiatry 1982; 13(4):293-300.
  • Frazer M, Hampson S. Some personality factors related to dental anxiety and fear of pain. Br Dent J 1988; 165(12):436.
  • Schuurs AH, Duivenvoorden HJ, Makkes PC, Velzen SKT, Verhage F. Personality traits of patients suffering extreme dental anxiety. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 1988; 16(1):38-41.
  • Klages U, Kianifard S, Ulusoy Ö, Wehrbein H. Anxiety sensitivity as predictor of pain in patients undergoing restorative dental procedures. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2006; 34(2):139-45.
  • Hakeberg M, Berggren U. Dimensions of the dental fear survey among patients with dental phobia. Acta Odontol Scand 1997; 55(5):314-8.
  • Schuurs AH, Hoogstraten J. Appraisal of dental anxiety and fear questionnaires: A review. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 1993; 21(6):329-39.
  • Kvale G, Berg E, Raadal M. The ability of Corah’s Dental Anxiety Scale and Spielberger’s State Anxiety Inventory to distinguish between fearful and regular Norwegian dental patients. Acta Odontol Scand 1998; 56(2):105-9.
  • Humphris G, Clarke H, Freeman R. Does completing a dental anxiety questionnaire increase anxiety? A randomised controlled trial with adults in general dental practice. Br Dent J 2006; 201(1):33-5.
  • Johansson P, Berggren U. Assessment of dental fear. A comparison of two psychometric instruments. Acta Odontol Scand 1992; 50(1):43-9.
  • Armfield JM. How do we measure dental fear and what are we measuring anyway. Oral Health Prev Dent 2010; 8(2):107-15.
  • Pawlicki RE. Psychological/behavioral techniques in managing pain and anxiety in the dental patient. Anesth Prog 1991; 38(4-5):120
  • Corah NL, O’Shea RM, Ayer WA. Dentists’ management of patients’ fear and anxiety. J Am Dent Assoc (1939) 1985; 110(5):734-6.
  • Jongh Ad, Adair P, Meijerink‐Anderson M. Clinical management of dental anxiety: What works for whom? Int Dent J 2005; 55(2):73-80.
  • Berggren U. Reduction of fear and anxiety in adult fearful patients. Int Dent J 1987; 37(2):127-36.
  • Epstein S. Treatment of the geriatric dentally phobic patient. Dent Clin North Am 1988; 32(4):715-21.
  • Osborn TM, Sandler NA. The effects of preoperative anxiety on intravenous sedation. Anesth Prog 2004; 51(2):46.
  • Seyrek SK, Corah NL, Pace LF. Comparison of three distraction techniques in reducing stress in dental patients. J Am Dent Assoc 1984; 108(3):327-9.
  • Frere CL, Crout R, Yorty J, McNeil DW. Effects of audiovisual distraction during dental prophylaxis. J Am Dent Assoc 2001; 132(7):1031-8.
  • Corah NL, Gale EN, Illig SJ. Psychological stress reduction during dental procedures. J Dent Res 1979; 58(4):1347-51.
  • Moore R, Brİdsgaard I, Abrahamsen R. A 3‐year comparison of dental anxiety treatment outcomes: hypnosis, group therapy and individual desensitization vs. no specialist treatment. European J Oral Scis 2002; 110(4):287-95.
  • Hermes D, Truebger D, Hakim SG, Sieg P. Tape recorded hypnosis in oral and maxillofacial surgery-basics and first clinical experience. J Craniomaxillofac Surg 2005; 33(2):123-9.

Anxiety in Dentistry

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1, 15 - 20, 01.01.2019


Anxiety is an unpleasant emotional state of psychophysiological responses to the possibility of real or imaginary danger occurring. Dental anxiety is a problem that affects large populations and can be encountered in almost every individual. This problem causes patients to delay their appointments and suffer deterioration of their oral health and doctors to encounter some difficulties during treatment. In this review, the factors of dental anxiety, its effects, the methods used to determine it, and the precautions to be taken to reduce it are discussed


  • Köroğlu E, Güleç, C. Anksiyete kavramı ve anksiyete bozukluklarına genel bir bakış. İçinde: Psikiyatri temel kitabı, 1. Baskı. Ankara: HYB Basım Yayın, 2007: 296- 303.
  • Köroğlu E. Psikiyatride klinik belirti ve bulgular, anksiyete bozuklukları. İçinde: Psikonozoloji tanımlayıcı klinik psikiyatri, 1. Baskı. Ankara, HYB Basım Yayın, 2004:56- 89, 325-80.
  • Bernstein DA, Kleinknecht RA, Alexander LD. Antecedents of dental fear. J Public Health Dent 1979; 39(2):113-24.
  • Davey GC. Dental phobias and anxieties: Evidence for conditioning processes in the acquisition and modulation of a learned fear. Behav Res Ther 1989; 27(1):51-8.
  • Klepac RK, Dowling J, Hauge G. Characteristics of clients seeking therapy for the reduction of dental avoidance: Reactions to pain. J Behav Ther Exp Psychiatry 1982; 13(4):293-300.
  • Frazer M, Hampson S. Some personality factors related to dental anxiety and fear of pain. Br Dent J 1988; 165(12):436.
  • Schuurs AH, Duivenvoorden HJ, Makkes PC, Velzen SKT, Verhage F. Personality traits of patients suffering extreme dental anxiety. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 1988; 16(1):38-41.
  • Klages U, Kianifard S, Ulusoy Ö, Wehrbein H. Anxiety sensitivity as predictor of pain in patients undergoing restorative dental procedures. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2006; 34(2):139-45.
  • Hakeberg M, Berggren U. Dimensions of the dental fear survey among patients with dental phobia. Acta Odontol Scand 1997; 55(5):314-8.
  • Schuurs AH, Hoogstraten J. Appraisal of dental anxiety and fear questionnaires: A review. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 1993; 21(6):329-39.
  • Kvale G, Berg E, Raadal M. The ability of Corah’s Dental Anxiety Scale and Spielberger’s State Anxiety Inventory to distinguish between fearful and regular Norwegian dental patients. Acta Odontol Scand 1998; 56(2):105-9.
  • Humphris G, Clarke H, Freeman R. Does completing a dental anxiety questionnaire increase anxiety? A randomised controlled trial with adults in general dental practice. Br Dent J 2006; 201(1):33-5.
  • Johansson P, Berggren U. Assessment of dental fear. A comparison of two psychometric instruments. Acta Odontol Scand 1992; 50(1):43-9.
  • Armfield JM. How do we measure dental fear and what are we measuring anyway. Oral Health Prev Dent 2010; 8(2):107-15.
  • Pawlicki RE. Psychological/behavioral techniques in managing pain and anxiety in the dental patient. Anesth Prog 1991; 38(4-5):120
  • Corah NL, O’Shea RM, Ayer WA. Dentists’ management of patients’ fear and anxiety. J Am Dent Assoc (1939) 1985; 110(5):734-6.
  • Jongh Ad, Adair P, Meijerink‐Anderson M. Clinical management of dental anxiety: What works for whom? Int Dent J 2005; 55(2):73-80.
  • Berggren U. Reduction of fear and anxiety in adult fearful patients. Int Dent J 1987; 37(2):127-36.
  • Epstein S. Treatment of the geriatric dentally phobic patient. Dent Clin North Am 1988; 32(4):715-21.
  • Osborn TM, Sandler NA. The effects of preoperative anxiety on intravenous sedation. Anesth Prog 2004; 51(2):46.
  • Seyrek SK, Corah NL, Pace LF. Comparison of three distraction techniques in reducing stress in dental patients. J Am Dent Assoc 1984; 108(3):327-9.
  • Frere CL, Crout R, Yorty J, McNeil DW. Effects of audiovisual distraction during dental prophylaxis. J Am Dent Assoc 2001; 132(7):1031-8.
  • Corah NL, Gale EN, Illig SJ. Psychological stress reduction during dental procedures. J Dent Res 1979; 58(4):1347-51.
  • Moore R, Brİdsgaard I, Abrahamsen R. A 3‐year comparison of dental anxiety treatment outcomes: hypnosis, group therapy and individual desensitization vs. no specialist treatment. European J Oral Scis 2002; 110(4):287-95.
  • Hermes D, Truebger D, Hakim SG, Sieg P. Tape recorded hypnosis in oral and maxillofacial surgery-basics and first clinical experience. J Craniomaxillofac Surg 2005; 33(2):123-9.
Toplam 25 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Neslihan Şimşek Bu kişi benim

Seren İspir Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Şimşek N, İspir S. Diş Hekimliğinde Anksiyete. Akd Tıp D. 2019;5(1):15-20.