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Fabry Hastalığı: Derleme

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1, 21 - 31, 01.01.2019


Kronik böbrek hastalığı etiyolojisinde diyabetes mellitus ve hipertansiyon başta olmak üzere birçok neden vardır. Etiyolojide yer alan nadir görülen nedenlerden biri de Fabry hastalığıdır. Fabry hastalığı farkındalığı düşük olması, nadir görülmesi ve çeşitli klinik varyantları olması nedeniyle sıklıkla tanıda gözden kaçmaktadır. Hastalık X’e bağlı resesif geçtiği için geni taşıyan tüm erkekler etkilenir. Kadınlarda iyonizasyon olması nedeniyle kadınların hastalıktan etkilenmesi mozaizm gösterir. Fabry hastalığı tespitinde enzim aktivitesi, gen analiz değerlendirilmesi ve biriken metabolitlerin kanda veya dokularda ölçümü kullanılır. Tedavisinde enzim replasman tedavisi ve destek tedavi uygulanır. Hastalığın kliniğe yansıması farklı olduğundan klinisyen tanıyı gözden kaçırmamak için dikkatli olmalıdır


  • 1. Mcphee SJ, Papadakis M. Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment 2016. Müftüoğlu E (ed). 54. baskı. Ankara: Akademisyen Kitabevi, 2016: 890-929.
  • 2. Germain D. Fabry disease. Orphanet J Rare Disease 2010;5:30.
  • 3. Schiller PI, Itin PH. Angiokeratomas: An update. Dermatology 1996; 193(4):275-82.
  • 4. Gaggl M, El-Hadi S, Aigner C. Sunder-Plassmann G. The renal history of fabry disease. G Ital Nefrol 2016; 33 Suppl 66:S66.14.
  • 5. De Groot WP. Angiokeratoma corporis diffusum Fabry. Amsterdam Dermatologica 1968; 136(5):432-3.
  • 6. Kılıç M. Fabry hastalığının tarihçesi. Türkiye Klinikleri J Pediatr 2012; 21 Suppl 1:1-6.
  • 7. Mayes JS, Scheerer JB, Sifers RN, Donaldson ML. Differential assay for lysosomal alpha-galactosidases in human tissues and its application to Fabry’s disease. Clin Chim Acta 1981; 112(2):247-51.
  • 8. Schiffmann R, Murray GJ, Treco D, Daniel P, SellosMoura M, Myers M,Quirk M J, Zirzow G C, Borowski M, Loveday K, Anderson T, Gillespie F, Oliver K L, Jeffries N O, Doo E, Liang T J, Kreps C, Frei K, Crutchfield K, Selden R F, Brady RO. Infusion of alpha-galactosidase A reduces tissue globotriaosylceramide storage in patients with Fabry disease. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2000; 97(1): 365-70.
  • 9. Meikle PJ, Hopwood JJ, Clague AE, Carey WF. Prevalence of lysosomal storage disorders, JAMA 1999; 281(3):249-54.
  • 10. MacDermot KD, Holmes A, Miners AH. AndersonFabry disease: Clinical manifestations and impact of disease in a cohort of 60 obligate carrier females. J Med Genet 2001; 38(11):769-75.
  • 11. Lin HY, Chong KW, Hsu JH, Yu HC, Shih CC, Huang CH, Lin SJ, Chen CH, Chiang CC, Ho HJ, Lee PC, Kao CH, Cheng KH, Hsueh C, Niu DM. High incidence of the cardiacvariant of Fabry disease revealed by newbornscreening in the Taiwan Chinese population. Circ Cardiovasc Genet 2009; 2(5):450-6.
  • 12. Uçar SK. Fabry hastalığı (Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi tarama sonuçları). J LSD 2010; 2:35.
  • 13. Barba-Romero MÁ, Rivera-Gallego A, Pintos-Morell G; Spanish FOS-Study Group. Fabry disease in Spain: description of Spanish patients and a comparison with other European countries using data from the Fabry Outcome Survey (FOS). Int J Clin Pract 2011; 65(8):903-10.
  • 14. Tsuboi K, Suzuki S, Nagai M. Descriptive epidemiology of Fabry disease among beneficiaries of the Specified Disease Treatment Research Program in Japan. J Epidemiol 2012; 22(4):370-4.
  • 15. Burton BK, Charrow J, Hoganson GE, Waggoner D, Tinkle B, Braddock SR, Schneider M, Grange DK, Nash C, Shryock H, Barnett R, Shao R, Basheeruddin K, Dizikes G. Newborn screening for lysosomal storage disorders in illinois: The Initial 15-Month Experience. J Pediatr 2017; 190:130-5.
  • 16. Migeon BR. Females are Mosaics. X Inactivation and Sex Differences in Disease, 1st ed, New York: Oxford University Press, 2007; 259.
  • 17. Maier EM, Osterrieder S, Whybra C, Ries M, Gal A, Beck M, Roscher AA, Muntau AC. Disease manifestations and X inactivation in heterozygous females with Fabry disease. Acta Paediatr Suppl 2006; 95(451):30-8.
  • 18. Chen Z, Ye W, Jiao S, Ding D, Long Z, Peng H, Peng Y, Wang C, Pan Q, Xia K, Tang B, Jiang H. Diagnosis of a pedigree with Fabry disease mimicking erythromelalgia: The utility of next-generation sequencing in a precision medicine perspective. Int J Clin Exp Med 2016; 9(8):16923-6.
  • 19. El-Abbasi R, Singhal D, England JD. Fabry’s Disease. J Neurol Sci 2014; 344:5-19.
  • 20. Nagueh SF. Anderson-Fabry Disease and other lysosomal storage disorders. Circulation 2014; 130(13):1081-90.
  • 21. Cox TM. Biomarkers in lysosomal storage diseases: A review. Acta Paediatr Suppl 2005; 94(447):39-42. discussion 37-8.
  • 22. Laney DA, Bennett RL, Clarke V, Fox A, Hopkin RJ, Johnson J,O Rourke E, Sims K, Walter G. Fabry Disease Practice Guidelines: Recommendations of the National Society of Genetic Counselors. J Genet Counsel 2013; 22(5):555-64.
  • 23. Park JL, Shu L, Shayman JA. Differential involvement of COX1 and COX2 in the vasculopathy associated with the {alpha}-galactosidase A-knockout mouse. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 2009; 296:1133-40.
  • 24. Shen JS, Meng XL, Moore DF, Quirk JM, Shayman JA, Schiffmann R, Kaneski CR. Globotriaosylceramide induces oxidative stress and upregulates cell adhesion molecule expression in Fabry disease endothelial cells. Mol Genet Metab 2008; 95:163-8.
  • 25. Chevrier M, Brakch N, Celine L, Genty D, Ramdani Y, Moll S, Djavaheri-Mergny M, Brasse-Lagnel C, Laquerriere A, Barbey F, Bekri S. Autophagosome maturation is impaired in Fabry disease. Journal Autophagy 2010; 6(5):589-99.
  • 26. Fogo AB, Bostad L, Svarstad E, Cook WJ, Moll S, Barbey F, Geldenhuys L, West M, Ferluga D, Vujkovac B, Howie AJ, Burns A, Reeve R, Waldek Stephen, Noël LH, Grünfeld JP, Valbuena C, Oliveria JP, Müller J, Breunig F, Zhang X, Warnock DG. Scoring system for renal pathology in Fabry disease: Report of the International Study Group of Fabry Nephropathy (ISGFN). Nephrol Dial Transplant 2010; 25(7):2168-77.
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  • 33. Wanner C, Oliveira JP, Ortiz A, Mauer M, Germain DP, Linthorst GE, Serra AL, Maródi L, Mignani R, Cianciaruso B, Vujkovac B, Lemay R, Johnson DB, Waldek S, Warnock DG. Prognostic indicators of renal disease progression in adults with Fabry disease: Natural history data from the Fabry Registry. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 2010; 5(12):2220-8.
  • 34. Trimarchi H, Canzonieri R, Schiel A, CostalesCollaguazo A, Politei J, Stern A, Paulero M, Rengel T, Andrews J, Forrester M, Lombi M, Pomeranz V, Iriarte R, Muryan A, Zotta E, Sanchez-Niño MD, Ortiz A. Increased urinary CD80 excretion and podocyturia in Fabry disease. J Transl Med 2016; 14:289.
  • 35. Schiffmann R, Warnock DG, Banikazemi M, Bultas J, Linthorst GE, Packman S, Sorensen SA, Wilcox WR, Desnick RJ. Fabry disease: Progression of nephropathy, and prevalence of cardiac and cerebrovascular events before enzyme replacement therapy. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2009; 24:2102-11.
  • 36. Vedder AC, Linthorst GE, Van Breemen MJ, Groener JEM, Bemelman FJ, Strijland A, Mannens M, Aerts G, Hollak. The Dutch Fabry cohort: Diversity of clinical manifestations and Gb3 levels. J Inherit Metab Dis 2007; 30(1):68-78.
  • 37. Wilcox WR, Oliveira JP, Hopkin RJ, Ortiz A, Banikazemi M, Feldt-Rasmussen U, Sims K, Waldek S, Pastores GM, Lee P, Eng CM, Marodi L, Stanford KE, Breunig F, Wanner C, Warnock DG, Lemay RM, Germain DP; Fabry Registry. Females with Fabry disease frequently have major organ involvement: lessons from the Fabry Registry. Mol Genet Metab 2008; 93:112-28.
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  • 41. Schiffmann R, Scott LJ. Pathophysiology and assessment of neuropathic pain in Fabry disease, Acta Paediatr Suppl 2002; 91(439):48-52.
  • 42. MacDermot KD, Holmes A, Miners AH. AndersonFabry disease: Clinical manifestations and impact of disease in a cohort of 98 hemizygous males. J Med Genet 2001; 38(11):750-60.
  • 43. Burlina AP, Sims KB, Politei JM, Bennet GJ, Baron R,Sommer C, Møller AT, Hilz MJ. Early diagnosis of peripheral nervous system involvement in Fabry disease and treatment of neuropathic pain: The report of an expert panel. BMC Neurology 2011; 11:61.
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  • 52. Eng CM, Guffon N, Wilcox WR, Germain DP, Lee P, Waldek S, Caplan L, Linhorst GE, Desnick RJ. İnternational Collaborative Fabry Disease Study Group. Safety and efficacy of recombinant human alphagalactosidase A: replacement therapy in Fabry’s disease. N Engl J Med 2001; 345(1):9-16.
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Fabry Disease: A Review

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1, 21 - 31, 01.01.2019


The etiology of chronic kidney disease is multifactorial but diabetes mellitus and hypertension are the main factors. One of the rare causes is Fabry disease. Fabry disease is often overlooked in the diagnosis due to the low awareness of the disease, its rare occurrence, and the various clinical variants. The disease has X-related recessive inheritance and all men who carry the diseased X gene are therefore affected. The disease exhibits mosaicism in women due to the ionization in females. Fabry disease is detected by enzyme activity, gene analysis evaluation, and the measurement of accumulated metabolites in the blood or tissue. Enzyme replacement therapy and supportive therapy are used for the treatment. The clinician must be alert to not miss the disorder as it can have various manifestations


  • 1. Mcphee SJ, Papadakis M. Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment 2016. Müftüoğlu E (ed). 54. baskı. Ankara: Akademisyen Kitabevi, 2016: 890-929.
  • 2. Germain D. Fabry disease. Orphanet J Rare Disease 2010;5:30.
  • 3. Schiller PI, Itin PH. Angiokeratomas: An update. Dermatology 1996; 193(4):275-82.
  • 4. Gaggl M, El-Hadi S, Aigner C. Sunder-Plassmann G. The renal history of fabry disease. G Ital Nefrol 2016; 33 Suppl 66:S66.14.
  • 5. De Groot WP. Angiokeratoma corporis diffusum Fabry. Amsterdam Dermatologica 1968; 136(5):432-3.
  • 6. Kılıç M. Fabry hastalığının tarihçesi. Türkiye Klinikleri J Pediatr 2012; 21 Suppl 1:1-6.
  • 7. Mayes JS, Scheerer JB, Sifers RN, Donaldson ML. Differential assay for lysosomal alpha-galactosidases in human tissues and its application to Fabry’s disease. Clin Chim Acta 1981; 112(2):247-51.
  • 8. Schiffmann R, Murray GJ, Treco D, Daniel P, SellosMoura M, Myers M,Quirk M J, Zirzow G C, Borowski M, Loveday K, Anderson T, Gillespie F, Oliver K L, Jeffries N O, Doo E, Liang T J, Kreps C, Frei K, Crutchfield K, Selden R F, Brady RO. Infusion of alpha-galactosidase A reduces tissue globotriaosylceramide storage in patients with Fabry disease. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2000; 97(1): 365-70.
  • 9. Meikle PJ, Hopwood JJ, Clague AE, Carey WF. Prevalence of lysosomal storage disorders, JAMA 1999; 281(3):249-54.
  • 10. MacDermot KD, Holmes A, Miners AH. AndersonFabry disease: Clinical manifestations and impact of disease in a cohort of 60 obligate carrier females. J Med Genet 2001; 38(11):769-75.
  • 11. Lin HY, Chong KW, Hsu JH, Yu HC, Shih CC, Huang CH, Lin SJ, Chen CH, Chiang CC, Ho HJ, Lee PC, Kao CH, Cheng KH, Hsueh C, Niu DM. High incidence of the cardiacvariant of Fabry disease revealed by newbornscreening in the Taiwan Chinese population. Circ Cardiovasc Genet 2009; 2(5):450-6.
  • 12. Uçar SK. Fabry hastalığı (Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi tarama sonuçları). J LSD 2010; 2:35.
  • 13. Barba-Romero MÁ, Rivera-Gallego A, Pintos-Morell G; Spanish FOS-Study Group. Fabry disease in Spain: description of Spanish patients and a comparison with other European countries using data from the Fabry Outcome Survey (FOS). Int J Clin Pract 2011; 65(8):903-10.
  • 14. Tsuboi K, Suzuki S, Nagai M. Descriptive epidemiology of Fabry disease among beneficiaries of the Specified Disease Treatment Research Program in Japan. J Epidemiol 2012; 22(4):370-4.
  • 15. Burton BK, Charrow J, Hoganson GE, Waggoner D, Tinkle B, Braddock SR, Schneider M, Grange DK, Nash C, Shryock H, Barnett R, Shao R, Basheeruddin K, Dizikes G. Newborn screening for lysosomal storage disorders in illinois: The Initial 15-Month Experience. J Pediatr 2017; 190:130-5.
  • 16. Migeon BR. Females are Mosaics. X Inactivation and Sex Differences in Disease, 1st ed, New York: Oxford University Press, 2007; 259.
  • 17. Maier EM, Osterrieder S, Whybra C, Ries M, Gal A, Beck M, Roscher AA, Muntau AC. Disease manifestations and X inactivation in heterozygous females with Fabry disease. Acta Paediatr Suppl 2006; 95(451):30-8.
  • 18. Chen Z, Ye W, Jiao S, Ding D, Long Z, Peng H, Peng Y, Wang C, Pan Q, Xia K, Tang B, Jiang H. Diagnosis of a pedigree with Fabry disease mimicking erythromelalgia: The utility of next-generation sequencing in a precision medicine perspective. Int J Clin Exp Med 2016; 9(8):16923-6.
  • 19. El-Abbasi R, Singhal D, England JD. Fabry’s Disease. J Neurol Sci 2014; 344:5-19.
  • 20. Nagueh SF. Anderson-Fabry Disease and other lysosomal storage disorders. Circulation 2014; 130(13):1081-90.
  • 21. Cox TM. Biomarkers in lysosomal storage diseases: A review. Acta Paediatr Suppl 2005; 94(447):39-42. discussion 37-8.
  • 22. Laney DA, Bennett RL, Clarke V, Fox A, Hopkin RJ, Johnson J,O Rourke E, Sims K, Walter G. Fabry Disease Practice Guidelines: Recommendations of the National Society of Genetic Counselors. J Genet Counsel 2013; 22(5):555-64.
  • 23. Park JL, Shu L, Shayman JA. Differential involvement of COX1 and COX2 in the vasculopathy associated with the {alpha}-galactosidase A-knockout mouse. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 2009; 296:1133-40.
  • 24. Shen JS, Meng XL, Moore DF, Quirk JM, Shayman JA, Schiffmann R, Kaneski CR. Globotriaosylceramide induces oxidative stress and upregulates cell adhesion molecule expression in Fabry disease endothelial cells. Mol Genet Metab 2008; 95:163-8.
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Toplam 88 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Serin Ataş EN, Çetinkaya R, Sarı F. Fabry Hastalığı: Derleme. Akd Tıp D. 2019;5(1):21-3.