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Ortodontide Alt Tek Keser Çekim Endikasyonları ve Sonuçlarının Değerlendirilmesi

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 3, 383 - 388, 01.01.2019


Ortodontik tedavide diş çekimi yapılması uzun süredir tartışmalı bir konudur. Çapraşık alt keser dişler için çekimsiz sabit tedavi, interproksimal stripping ile tedavi, premolar diş çekimli tedavi, bir veya iki alt keser dişin çekilmesi gibi çeşitli ortodontik tedavi yaklaşımları bulunmaktadır. Çekimli tedavilerde en sık premolar diş çekimi tercih edilmektedir. Ortodontik tedavi sonunda ideal oklüzyonun sağlanmasındaki zorluk sebebiyle alt keser diş çekimi yaygın bir prosedür değildir. Alt keser diş çekimine karar verirken çapraşıklık miktarı, diş boyutu uyumsuzluğu, patolojik durum, overbite, overjet, keser açılanmaları, iskeletsel büyüme paterni ve hasta yaşı gibi faktörler değerlendirilmelidir.Bu tedavi seçeneği anterior diş boyutu düzensizliklerinde, küçük üst kesici dişler ve/veya büyük alt kesici dişler nedeniyle oluşan problemlerin düzeltilmesinde endikedir. Literatürde tek keser çekimi uygulanan hastaların premolar çekimi uygulanan hastalara kıyasla uzun dönemde daha iyi stabilite gösterdiği bildirilmiştir. İyi bir posterior oklüzyona sahip olgularda alt keser diş çekiminin bazı avantajları bulunmaktadır. Uygun bir endikasyonla bu tedavi yaklaşımında istenen sonuçlar ve stabil oklüzal ilişkiler elde edilebilir


  • Canut JA. Mandibular incisor extraction: Indications and long-term evaluation. Eur J Orthod 1996;18(5): 485-9.
  • Case CS. The question of extraction in orthodontia. Am J Orthod 1964;50:658-91.
  • Youssef J, Skaf Z. Missing or extraction of a mandibular incisor in orthodontics. J Dent Health Oral Disord Ther 2015;2(5):00066.
  • Salzmann AEH. Angle on extraction in orthodontics. Am J Orthod 1963;49(6):464-6.
  • Kokich VG, Shapiro PA. Lower incisor extraction in orthodontic treatment: Four clinical reports. Angle Orthod 1984;54:139-53.
  • Riedel RA, Little RM, Bui TD. Mandibular incisor extraction- Post retention evaluation of stability and relapse. Angle Orthod 1992;62(2):103-16.
  • Valinoti JR. Mandibular incisor extraction therapy. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 1994;105:107-16.
  • Klein DJ. The mandibular central incisor, an extraction option. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 1997;111:253- 9.
  • Tuverson DL. Anterior interocclusal relations. Am J Orthod 1980;78:361-93.
  • Grob DJ. Extraction of a mandibular incisor in a Class I malocclusion. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 1995; 108: 533-41.
  • Owen AH. Single lower incisor extractions. J Clin Orthod 1993;27:153-60.
  • Bolton WA. Disharmony of tooth size and its relation to the analysis and treatment of malocclusion. Angle Orthod 1958;28:113-30.
  • Meyer DM. Treatment of a crowded Class II malocclusion with significant maxillary incisor protrusion. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 1995;108(1):85-9.
  • Tuverson DL. Anterior interocclusal relations. Part II. Am J Orthod 1980;78(4):371-93.
  • Vignesh T, Kumar KPS, Tamizharasi SK. Mandibular incisor extraction in orthodontics: A systematic review. Journal of Indian Academy of Dental Specialist Researchers 2014;1:1-5.
  • Zhylich D, Suri S. Mandibular incisor extraction: A systematic review of an uncommon extraction choice in orthodontic treatment. J Orthod 2011;38(3):185-95.
  • Swain BF. Case analysis and treatment planning in Class II division I cases. Angle Orthod 1952;62(4): 291-7.
  • Neff CW. The size relationship between the maxillary and mandibular anterior segments of the dental arch. Angle Orthod 1957;22:138-47.
  • Bayram M, Özer M. Mandibular incisor extraction treatment of a Class I malocclusion with Bolton Discrepancy: a case report. Eur J Dent 2007;1(1):54-9.
  • Levin BAS. An indication for the three incisor case. Angle Orthod. 1964;34(1):16-24.
  • Sheridan JJ, Hastings J. Air-rotor stripping and lower incisor extraction treatment. J Clin Orthod 1992;22(4): 187-204.
  • DeAngelis V. Selection of teeth for extraction as an adjunct to orthodontic treatment. J Am Dent Assoc 1973;87(3):610-5.
  • Dacre J. The long term effects of one lower incisor extraction. Eur J Orthod 1985;7:136-44.
  • Richardson M. Extraction of lower incisors in orthodontic treatment planning. Dent Pract 1963;14:151-6.
  • Uribe F, Holliday B, Nanda R. Incidence of open gingival embrasures after mandibular incisor extractions: a clinical photographic evaluation. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2011;139:49-54.
  • Tarnow D, Magner A, Fletcher P. The effect of the distance from the contact point to the crest of bone on the presence or absence of interproximal dental papilla. J Periodontol 1992;63:995-6.
  • Kaya B, Polat-Özsoy Ö, Erken S, Özsoy FS. Assessment of dentofacial effects of lower incisor versus 4 premolar extractions. Int J Oral Dent Health 2015;1(4):1-5.
  • Ileri Z, Basciftci FA, Malkoc S, Ramoglu SI. Comparison of the outcomes of the lower incisor extraction, premolar extraction and non-extraction treatments. Eur J Orthod 2012;34(6):681-5.
  • Germeç D, Taner TU. Effects of extraction and nonextraction therapy with air-rotor wear on facial esthetics in postadolescent borderline patients. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2008; 133(4): 539-49.
  • Safavi SM, Namazi AH. Evaluation of mandibular incisor extraction treatment outcome in patients with Bolton discrepancy using peer assessment rating index. J Dent 2012;9(1):27-34.
  • Gallerano RL. Mandibular anterior crowding A postretention study. University of Washington Master’s Thesis, 1976.
  • Witzel DA. Long-term stability of the mandibular arch following differential management of arch length deficiencies. University of Washington Master’s Thesis, 1978.
  • Riedel RA. Retention. In: Graber TM, ed. Current orthodontic concepts and techniques. Philadelphia: Master’s Thesis, 1976.

Indications of Single Lower Incisor Extraction and Assessment of the Results in Orthodontics

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 3, 383 - 388, 01.01.2019


Tooth extraction in orthodontic treatment has been controversial for a long time. There are various orthodontic treatment approaches for crowded lower incisor teeth such as non-extraction fixed treatment, treatment with interproximal stripping, premolar tooth extraction and one or two lower incisor tooth extraction. In extraction treatments, premolar teeth are the most common choice.Lower incisor tooth extraction is not a very common procedure in orthodontic treatment since there is difficulty in obtaining an ideal occlusion at the end. Factors such as the extent of irregularity, tooth size deficiency, pathological conditions, overbite, overjet, sagittal incisor angulations, skeletal growth pattern and patient age should be evaluated when deciding on lower incisor tooth extraction. This treatment option is indicated for the correction of inconsistencies caused by anterior teeth size irregularities, small upper incisor teeth and/or large lower incisor teeth. In the literature, it has been concluded that patients who are eligible for single incisor extraction attain good stability compared to patients who undergo premolar extraction in terms of long-term treatment success. There are certain advantages of lower incisor tooth extraction treatment in cases with good posterior occlusion. Desired outcomes and stable occlusal relationships can be obtained with proper indications with this treatment approach


  • Canut JA. Mandibular incisor extraction: Indications and long-term evaluation. Eur J Orthod 1996;18(5): 485-9.
  • Case CS. The question of extraction in orthodontia. Am J Orthod 1964;50:658-91.
  • Youssef J, Skaf Z. Missing or extraction of a mandibular incisor in orthodontics. J Dent Health Oral Disord Ther 2015;2(5):00066.
  • Salzmann AEH. Angle on extraction in orthodontics. Am J Orthod 1963;49(6):464-6.
  • Kokich VG, Shapiro PA. Lower incisor extraction in orthodontic treatment: Four clinical reports. Angle Orthod 1984;54:139-53.
  • Riedel RA, Little RM, Bui TD. Mandibular incisor extraction- Post retention evaluation of stability and relapse. Angle Orthod 1992;62(2):103-16.
  • Valinoti JR. Mandibular incisor extraction therapy. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 1994;105:107-16.
  • Klein DJ. The mandibular central incisor, an extraction option. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 1997;111:253- 9.
  • Tuverson DL. Anterior interocclusal relations. Am J Orthod 1980;78:361-93.
  • Grob DJ. Extraction of a mandibular incisor in a Class I malocclusion. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 1995; 108: 533-41.
  • Owen AH. Single lower incisor extractions. J Clin Orthod 1993;27:153-60.
  • Bolton WA. Disharmony of tooth size and its relation to the analysis and treatment of malocclusion. Angle Orthod 1958;28:113-30.
  • Meyer DM. Treatment of a crowded Class II malocclusion with significant maxillary incisor protrusion. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 1995;108(1):85-9.
  • Tuverson DL. Anterior interocclusal relations. Part II. Am J Orthod 1980;78(4):371-93.
  • Vignesh T, Kumar KPS, Tamizharasi SK. Mandibular incisor extraction in orthodontics: A systematic review. Journal of Indian Academy of Dental Specialist Researchers 2014;1:1-5.
  • Zhylich D, Suri S. Mandibular incisor extraction: A systematic review of an uncommon extraction choice in orthodontic treatment. J Orthod 2011;38(3):185-95.
  • Swain BF. Case analysis and treatment planning in Class II division I cases. Angle Orthod 1952;62(4): 291-7.
  • Neff CW. The size relationship between the maxillary and mandibular anterior segments of the dental arch. Angle Orthod 1957;22:138-47.
  • Bayram M, Özer M. Mandibular incisor extraction treatment of a Class I malocclusion with Bolton Discrepancy: a case report. Eur J Dent 2007;1(1):54-9.
  • Levin BAS. An indication for the three incisor case. Angle Orthod. 1964;34(1):16-24.
  • Sheridan JJ, Hastings J. Air-rotor stripping and lower incisor extraction treatment. J Clin Orthod 1992;22(4): 187-204.
  • DeAngelis V. Selection of teeth for extraction as an adjunct to orthodontic treatment. J Am Dent Assoc 1973;87(3):610-5.
  • Dacre J. The long term effects of one lower incisor extraction. Eur J Orthod 1985;7:136-44.
  • Richardson M. Extraction of lower incisors in orthodontic treatment planning. Dent Pract 1963;14:151-6.
  • Uribe F, Holliday B, Nanda R. Incidence of open gingival embrasures after mandibular incisor extractions: a clinical photographic evaluation. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2011;139:49-54.
  • Tarnow D, Magner A, Fletcher P. The effect of the distance from the contact point to the crest of bone on the presence or absence of interproximal dental papilla. J Periodontol 1992;63:995-6.
  • Kaya B, Polat-Özsoy Ö, Erken S, Özsoy FS. Assessment of dentofacial effects of lower incisor versus 4 premolar extractions. Int J Oral Dent Health 2015;1(4):1-5.
  • Ileri Z, Basciftci FA, Malkoc S, Ramoglu SI. Comparison of the outcomes of the lower incisor extraction, premolar extraction and non-extraction treatments. Eur J Orthod 2012;34(6):681-5.
  • Germeç D, Taner TU. Effects of extraction and nonextraction therapy with air-rotor wear on facial esthetics in postadolescent borderline patients. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2008; 133(4): 539-49.
  • Safavi SM, Namazi AH. Evaluation of mandibular incisor extraction treatment outcome in patients with Bolton discrepancy using peer assessment rating index. J Dent 2012;9(1):27-34.
  • Gallerano RL. Mandibular anterior crowding A postretention study. University of Washington Master’s Thesis, 1976.
  • Witzel DA. Long-term stability of the mandibular arch following differential management of arch length deficiencies. University of Washington Master’s Thesis, 1978.
  • Riedel RA. Retention. In: Graber TM, ed. Current orthodontic concepts and techniques. Philadelphia: Master’s Thesis, 1976.
Toplam 33 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Derleme

Esra Yüksel Coşkun Bu kişi benim

Gayem Eroğlu Albayrak Bu kişi benim

Elçin Esenlik Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Yüksel Coşkun, E., Eroğlu Albayrak, G., & Esenlik, E. (2019). Ortodontide Alt Tek Keser Çekim Endikasyonları ve Sonuçlarının Değerlendirilmesi. Akdeniz Tıp Dergisi, 5(3), 383-388.