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What Is More About Pediatric Head and Neck Malignancies?

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 2, 289 - 295, 01.01.2020


Objective: Children are not like adults; they should be evaluated separately from adults. H&N tumors are rarely seen in childhood with this age group representing 2-3% of all H&N neoplasms. In this study we aimed to review all pediatric head and neck malignancies among all cases at our institution to determine the most frequent histopathologic type and clinical behavior of cases.Material and Methods: This study was a retrospective descriptive and analytic study. The clinical and histopathological data of a tertiary center patients with H&N malignant tumors who were aged 17 years and below. Results: Among the 23 cases, 9 39% cases were malignant epithelial tumors, 9 39% cases were malignant mesenchymal tumors, and 5 22% cases were diagnosed in the other malignancies group.Conclusion: H&N malignancies are rarely seen in the pediatric population but the overall incidence appears to be increasing. Early diagnosis and proper treatment are also important factors for the prognosis


  • Murphy SL. Deaths: final data for 1998. Natl Vital Stat Rep 2000; 48:1-106.
  • Rapidis AD, Economidis J, Goumas PD, Langdon JD, Skordalakis A, Tzortzatou F, Anagnostopoulos D, Matsaniotis N. Tumours of the head and neck in children. A clinico-pathological analysis of 1,007 cases. J Craniomaxillofac Surg 1988; 16(6):279-86.
  • Schwartz I, Hughes C, Brigger MT. Pediatric head and neck malignancies: Incidence and trends, 1973-2010. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2015; 152(6):1127-32.
  • Chadha NK, Forte V. Pediatric head and neck malignancies. Curr Opin Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2009;17(6):471-6.
  • Albright JT, Topham AK, Reilly JS. Pediatric head and neck malignancies: US incidence and trends over 2 decades. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2002; 128(6):655-9.
  • Arboleda LPA, Hoffmann IL, Cardinalli IA, Santos- Silva AR, de Mendonça RMH. Demographic and clinicopathologic distribution of head and neck malignant tumors in pediatric patients from a Brazilian population: A retrospective study. J Oral Pathol Med 2018; 47(7):696- 705.
  • Miller RW, Young JL Jr, Novakovic B. Childhood cancer. Cancer 1995;75 1 Suppl:395-405.
  • Reilly BK, Kim A, Peña MT, Dong TA, Rossi C, Murnick JG, Choi SS. Rhabdomyosarcoma of the head and neck in children: Review and update. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 2015; 79(9):1477-83.
  • Hogan AR, Zhuge Y, Perez EA, Koniaris LG, Lew JI, Sola JE. Pediatric thyroid carcinoma: Incidence and outcomes in 1753 patients. J Surg Res 2009; 156(1):167- 72.
  • Zhang L, Chen QY, Liu H, Tang LQ, Mai HQ. Emerging treatment options for nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Drug Des Devel Ther 2013; 7:37-52.
  • Werier J, Yao X, Caudrelier JM, di Primio G, Ghert M, Gupta AA, Kandel R, Verma S. Evidence-based guideline recommendations on treatment strategies for localized Ewing’s sarcoma of bone following neo-adjuvant chemotherapy. Surg Oncol 2016; 25(2):92-7.

Çocukluk Çağı Baş Boyun Maligniteleri Hakkında Daha Fazla Ne Var?

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 2, 289 - 295, 01.01.2020


Amaç: Çocuklar yetişkinler gibi değildir, ayrı değerlendirilmesi gerekir. Baş-boyun tümörleri çocuklarda nadiren görülür ve tüm baş boyun tümörlerinin %2-3’ünü oluşturur.Bu çalışmada enstitümüzdeki tüm pediatrik baş-boyun malignitelerini gözden geçirip en sık görülen histolojik tipleri ve klinik davranışlarını belirlemek amaçlanmıştır.Gereç ve Yöntemler: Bu çalışma tersiyer bir merkezin 17 yaşa kadar malign baş-boyun tümörlerinin klinik ve histopatolojik verilerinden oluşan retrospektif, tanımlayıcı ve analitik bir araştırmadır.Bulgular: Yirmi üç olgunun 9’u %39 malign epitelyal tümör, 9’u %39 malign mezenkimal tümör ve 5’i %22 diğer malign tümörlerden oluşmaktadır.Sonuç: Baş boyun tümörleri pediatrik popülasyonda nadiren görülmekte ancak genel insidansı artmaktadır. Erken tanı ve uygun tedavi prognoz için önemli bir faktördür


  • Murphy SL. Deaths: final data for 1998. Natl Vital Stat Rep 2000; 48:1-106.
  • Rapidis AD, Economidis J, Goumas PD, Langdon JD, Skordalakis A, Tzortzatou F, Anagnostopoulos D, Matsaniotis N. Tumours of the head and neck in children. A clinico-pathological analysis of 1,007 cases. J Craniomaxillofac Surg 1988; 16(6):279-86.
  • Schwartz I, Hughes C, Brigger MT. Pediatric head and neck malignancies: Incidence and trends, 1973-2010. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2015; 152(6):1127-32.
  • Chadha NK, Forte V. Pediatric head and neck malignancies. Curr Opin Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2009;17(6):471-6.
  • Albright JT, Topham AK, Reilly JS. Pediatric head and neck malignancies: US incidence and trends over 2 decades. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2002; 128(6):655-9.
  • Arboleda LPA, Hoffmann IL, Cardinalli IA, Santos- Silva AR, de Mendonça RMH. Demographic and clinicopathologic distribution of head and neck malignant tumors in pediatric patients from a Brazilian population: A retrospective study. J Oral Pathol Med 2018; 47(7):696- 705.
  • Miller RW, Young JL Jr, Novakovic B. Childhood cancer. Cancer 1995;75 1 Suppl:395-405.
  • Reilly BK, Kim A, Peña MT, Dong TA, Rossi C, Murnick JG, Choi SS. Rhabdomyosarcoma of the head and neck in children: Review and update. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 2015; 79(9):1477-83.
  • Hogan AR, Zhuge Y, Perez EA, Koniaris LG, Lew JI, Sola JE. Pediatric thyroid carcinoma: Incidence and outcomes in 1753 patients. J Surg Res 2009; 156(1):167- 72.
  • Zhang L, Chen QY, Liu H, Tang LQ, Mai HQ. Emerging treatment options for nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Drug Des Devel Ther 2013; 7:37-52.
  • Werier J, Yao X, Caudrelier JM, di Primio G, Ghert M, Gupta AA, Kandel R, Verma S. Evidence-based guideline recommendations on treatment strategies for localized Ewing’s sarcoma of bone following neo-adjuvant chemotherapy. Surg Oncol 2016; 25(2):92-7.
Toplam 11 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Havva Serap Toru Bu kişi benim

Alper Tunga Derin Bu kişi benim

Gülay Özbilim Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Yaprak N, Toru HS, Derin AT, Özbilim G. What Is More About Pediatric Head and Neck Malignancies?. Akd Tıp D. 2020;6(2):289-95.