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Sıvı Tedavisinde Güncel Uygulamalar: Dün ve Bugün

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 3, 334 - 340, 01.01.2020


Bu makalenin amacı, intraoperatif sıvı tedavilerini gözden geçirmek ve intraoperatif sıvı ilkelerine farkındalığı artırmaktır. Perioperatif sıvı tedavisindeki öncelikleri ve literatürdeki son gelişmeleri de paylaşarak uygulamaları gözden geçirmeyi amaçladık.Cerrahi girişim uygulanacak olan tüm hastalarda, sıvı yönetimi için tek tip bir uygulama yoktur. Cerrahi girişimlerde sıvı tedavisinin, ameliyat sırasında hemodinamik monitörizasyona ve hastanın gereksinimlerine göre düzenlenmesi önerilmektedir. Yeterli ekipman ve yeterli klinik tecrübesi olan bir anestezistin olması bireye özgü hedefe yönelik sıvı tedavi uygulamasını artıracak önemli bir faktördür. Bizim çalışmamızda standart sıvı tedavisine göre yaptığımız hesaplamanın altında sıvı replasmanı yapıldığını görmekteyiz. Ancak hâlâ liberal sayılabilecek düzeylerde gezen sonuçlarımız için hemodinamik monitorizasyon yöntemlerinin özellikle ihtiyacı olan hastalarda daha sık kullanılmasına ve seçilmiş hasta gruplarında hastanın sıvı gereksinimlerine dikkat edilerek replasman yapılmasına özen gösterilmesinin faydalı olacağını düşünmekteyiz


  • Yeager MP, Spence BC. Perioperative fluid management: Current consensus and controversies. Semin Dial 2006; 19: 472-9.
  • Kaye AD, Riopelle JM. Intravasculer fluid and electrolyte physiology. In: Miller RD. ed. Miller’s Anesthesia 7th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, 2010; 1728- 30.
  • Holte K, Sharrock NE, Kehlet H. Pathophysiology and clinical implications of perioperative fluid excess. Br J Anaesth 2002; 89:622-32.
  • Chappel D, Jacob M, Hofmann-Kiefer K, Conzen P, Rehm M. A Rational approach to perioperative fluid management. Anesthesiology 2008; 109:723-40.
  • Nisanevich V, Felsenstein I, Almogy G, Weissman C, Einav S, Matot I. Effect of intraoperative fluid management on outcome after intraabdominal surgery. Anesthesiology 2005; 103:25-32.
  • Arkilic CF, Taguchi A, Sharma N, Ratnaraj J, Sessler DI, Read TE, Fleshman JW, Kurz A. Supplemental perioperative fluid administration increases tissue oxygen pressure. Surgery 2003; 133(1):49-55.
  • Kimberger O, Fleischmann E, Brandt S, Kugener A, Kabon B, Hiltebrand L, Krejci V, Kurz A. Supplemental oxygen, but not supplemental crystalloid fluid, increases tissue oxygen tension in healthy and anastomotic colon in pigs. Anesth Analg 2007; 105(3): 773-9.
  • Doherty M, Buggy D. Intraoperative fluids: How much is too much? J British Journal of Anaesthesia 2012; 109(1): 69-79.
  • Yogendran S, Asokumar B, Cheng DC, Chung F. A prospective randomized double-blinded study of the effect of intravenous fluid therapy on adverse outcomes on outpatient surgery. Anesth Analg 1995; 80:682-6.
  • Holte K, Klarskov B, Christensen DS, Lund C, Nielsen KG, Bie P, Kahlet H. Liberal versus restrictive fluid administration to improve recovery after laparascopic cholecystectomy: A randomized, double-blind study. Ann Surg 2004; 240:892-9.
  • Brandstrup B, Tonnesen H, Beier-Holgersen R, Hjortso E, Ording H, Lindorff-Larsen K, Ramussen MS, Lanng C, Wallin L, Iversen LH, Graungaard B, Pott F. Effect of intravenous fluid restriction on postoperative complications: Comparison of to perioperative fluid regimens: A randomized assessor-blinded multicenter trial. Ann Surg 2003; 238:641-8.
  • Bellamy MC. Wet, dry or something else? Br J Anaesth 2006; 97(6): 755-7.
  • TARD-Türk Anesteziyoloji ve Reanimasyon Derneği, Perioperatif Hedefe Yönelik Tedavi (PGDT) Kılavuzu, 2014.
  • Ghaferi AA, Birkmeyer JD, Dimick JB. Variation in hospital mortality associated with inpatient surgery. New England Journal of Medicine 2009; 361:1368-75.
  • Boltz MM, Hollenbeak CS, Ortenzi G, Dillon PW. Synergistic implications of multiple postoperative outcomes. Am J Med Qual 2012; 27(5): 383-90.
  • Lawson EH, Hall BL, Louie R, Ettner SL, Zingmond DS, Han L, Rapp M, Ko CY. Association between occurrence of a postoperative complication and readmission. Ann Surg 2013; 258(1): 10-8.
  • Khuri SF, Henderson WG, DePalma RG, Mosca C, Healey NA, Kumbhani DJ. Determinants of long term survival after major surgery and the adverse effect of postoperative complications. Ann Surg 2005; 242(3): 326- 41.
  • Marik PE, Cavallazzi R. Does the central venous pressure predict fluid responsiveness? An updated meta-analysis and a plea for some common sense. Crit Care Med 2013; 41(7): 1774-81.
  • Le Manach Y, Hofer CK, Lehot JJ, Vallet B, Goarin JP, Tavernier B, Cannesson M. Can changes in arterial pressure be used to detect changes in cardiac output during volume expansion in the perioperative period? Anesthesiology 2012; 117(6): 1165-74.
  • Williams EL, Hiltebrand KL, McCormick SA, Bedel MJ. The effect of intravenous lactated Ringer’s solution versus 0.9% sodium chloride solution on serum osmolality in human volunteers. Anesth Analg 1999; 88: 999-1003.
  • Lobo DN, Stanga Z, Simpson JA, Anderson JA, Rowlands BJ, Allison SP. Dilution and redistribution effects of rapid 2-litre infusions of 0.9% (w/v) saline and 5% (w/v) dextrose on haematological parameters and serum biochemistry in normal subjects: A double-blind crossover study. Clin Sci Lond 2001; 101: 173-9.
  • Reid F, Lobo DN, Williams RN, Rowlands BJ, Allison SP. (Ab)normal saline and physiological Hartmann’s solution: A randomized double-blind crossover study. Clin Sci Lond 2003; 104: 17-24.
  • Lobo DN, Stanga Z, Aloysius MM, Wicks C, Nunes QM, Ingram KL, Risch L, Allison SP. Effect of volume loading with 1 liter intravenous infusions of 0.9% saline, 4% succinylated gelatine (Gelofusine) and 6% hydroxyethyl starch (Voluven) on blood volume and endocrine responses: A randomized, three-way crossover study in healthy volunteers. Crit Care Med 2010; 38(2):464- 70.
  • Rehm M, Orth VH, Kreimeier U, Thiel M, Mayer S, Brechtelsbauer H, Finsterer U. Changes in blood volume during acute normovolemic hemodilution with 5% albumin or 6% hydroxyethylstarch and intraoperative retransfusion. Anaesthesist 2001; 50(8):569-79.
  • Hartog CS, Kohl M, Reinhart K. A systematic review of third generation hydroxyethyl starch (HES 130/0.4) in resuscitation: Safety not adequately addressed. Anesth Analg 2011; 112:635-45.
  • Azaklı AE. Sıvı ve Kan Ürünleri. In.Anesteziyoloji ve Reanimasyon Teorik Bilgiler El Kitapçığı. 2013. S.40-43.
  • Bundgaard-Nielsen M, Holte K, Secher NH, Kehlet H. Monitoring of peri- operative fluid administration by individualized goal-directed therapy. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2007; 51:331-40.
  • Lassen K, Soop M, Nygren J, Cox PB, Hendry PO, Spies C, Fearon KC, Revhaug A, Norderval S, Lobo DN, Dejong CH. Consensus review of optimal perioperative care in colorectal surgery: Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) Group recommendations. Arch Surg 2009; 144:961-9.
  • Sinclair S, James S, Singer M. Intraoperative intravascular volume optimisation and length of hospital stay after repair of proximal emoral fracture: Randomised controlled trial. Br Med J 1997; 315:909-12.
  • Abbas SM, Hill AG. Systematic review of the literature for the use of oesophageal Doppler monitor for fluid replacement in major abdominal surgery. Anaesthesia 2008; 63:44-51.
  • Becker BF, Chappell D, Jacob M. Endothelial glycocalyx and coronary vascular permeability: The fringe benefit. Basic Res Cardiol 2010; 105:687-701.
  • Cecconi M, Parsons AK, Rhodes A. What is a fluid challenge? Curr Opin Crit Care 2011; 17:290-5.
  • Gan TJ, Soppitt A, Maroof M, el-Moalem H, Robertson KM, Moretti E, Dwane P, Gless PS. Goal-directed intraoperative fluid administration reduces length of hospital stay after major surgery. Anesthesiology 2002; 97(4):820-6.
  • Pinsky MR. Hemodynamic evaluation and monitoring in the ICU. Chest 2007; 132(6):2020-9.
  • Roche AM, Miller TE, Gan TJ. Goal-directed fluid management with trans- oesophageal Doppler. Best Pract Res Clin Anaesthesiol 2009; 23:327-34.
  • Miller TE, Roche AM, Gan TJ. Poor adoption of hemodynamic optimization during major surgery: Are we practicing substandard care? Anesth Analg 2011; 112: 1274-6.
  • Miller TE, Roche AM, Mythen MMG. Fluid management and goal-directed therapy as an adjunct to Enhanced Recovery after Surgery (ERAS). Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia, Journal Canadian 2015; 62(2):158-68.
  • Cilingir D, Simsek P. Ameliyat sürecinde uygulanan sıvı tedavisi yöntemleri. HSP2017;4(1):50-56.
  • Gupta R, Gan TJ. Peri-operative fluid management to enhance recovery. Anaesthesia 2016; 71 Suppl 1:40-5.
  • Della Rocca G, Vetrugno L. Fluid therapy today: Where are we? Turk J Anaesth Reanim 2016; 44(5):233-5.
  • Rocca GD, Vetrugno L, Tripi G, Deana C, Barbariol F, Pompei L. Liberal or restricted fluid administration: Are we ready for a proposal of a restricted intraoperative approach? Bio Medical Central Anesthesiology 2014; 14: 62.
  • Nisanveich V, Feisenstein J, Almogy G, Weissman C, Einav S, Matot I. Effect of intraoperative fluid management on outcome after intraabdominal surgery. Anesthesiology 2005; 103:25-32.
  • Erbay RH. Perioperatif Sıvı Yönetimi. JCAM 4389:263- 89.
  • Aykaç ZZ, Arslantas MK. Sıvı Tedavisi ve Yönetimi(II). Monitorizasyon ve sıvı yanıtlılığının öngörülmesi. GKDA Derg 2018; 24(1):1-10.
  • De Aguilar-Nascimento JE, Diniz BN, do Carmo AV, Silveira EAO, Silva RM. Clinical benefits after the implementation of a protocol of restricted perioperative intravenous crystalloid fluids in major abdominal operations. World Journal of Surgery 2009; 33(5): 925-30.
  • Warrillow SJ, Weinberg L, Parker F, Calzavacca P, Licari E. Perioperative fluid prescription, complications, and outcomes in major elective open gastrointestinal surgery. Anaesth Intensive Care 2010; 38: 251-65.
  • Holte K, Kristensen BB, Valentiner L, Kehlet H. Liberal versus restrictive fluid management in knee arthroplasty: A randomized, double-blind study. Anesthesia and Analgesia 2007; 105(2):465-74.
  • Noblett SE, Snowden CP, Shenton BK, Horgan AF. Randomized clinical trial assessing the effect of Doppler- optimized fluid management on outcome after elective colorectal resection. Br J Surg 2006; 93(9):1069-76.
  • Perel A. Iatrogenic hemodilution: A possible cause for avoidable blood transfusions? Critical Care 2017; 21(1): 291.
  • Semler MW. Self WH, Wanderer JP, Ehrenfeld JM, Li Wang MS, Bryne DW, Stollings JL, Kumar AB, Hernandez A, May AK. Balanced Crystalloids versus Saline in Critically Ill Adults. The New England Journal of Medicine 2018; 378: 829-39.
  • Bundgaard-Nielsen M, Secher NH, Kehlet H. ‘Liberal’ vs. ‘restrictive’ perioperative fluid therapy-a critical assessment of the evidence. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2009; 53: 843-51.
  • MacKay G, Fearson K, McConnachie A, Serpell MG, Molloy RG, O’Dwyer PJ. Randomized clinical trial of the effect of postoperative intravenous fluid restriction on recovery after elective colorectal surgery. Br J Surg 2006; 93: 1469-74.
  • Holte K, Foss NB, Anderson J, Valentiner L, Lund C, Bie P, Kehlet H. Liberal or restrictive fluid administration in fast-track colonic surgery: a randomized, double-blind study. Br J Anaesth 2007; 99(4): 500-8.
  • Corcoran T, Rhodes JE, Clarke S, Myles PS, Ho KM. Perioperative fluid management strategies in major surgery: A stratified meta-analysis. Anesth Analg 2012; 114(3): 640-51.

Current Applications in Fluid Therapy: Yesterday and Today

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 3, 334 - 340, 01.01.2020


The aim of this article was to review intraoperative fluid therapies and to raise awareness of intraoperative fluid principles. We aimed to review the priorities in perioperative fluid therapy and to discuss the recent developments in the literature.There is no uniform application for fluid management for patients undergoing surgical intervention. In surgical procedures, it is recommended that fluid therapy be adjusted according to hemodynamic monitoring and patient needs during surgery. The presence of an anesthesiologist with adequate equipment and sufficient clinical experience is an important factor that will increase the use of individual-specific fluid therapy. In our study, fluid replacement was performed under standard fluid treatment. However, as regards our results, which still can be considered liberal, we think that it can be useful to use hemodynamic monitoring methods more frequently in patients who need them, and it would also be useful to pay attention to the fluid requirements of the patient


  • Yeager MP, Spence BC. Perioperative fluid management: Current consensus and controversies. Semin Dial 2006; 19: 472-9.
  • Kaye AD, Riopelle JM. Intravasculer fluid and electrolyte physiology. In: Miller RD. ed. Miller’s Anesthesia 7th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, 2010; 1728- 30.
  • Holte K, Sharrock NE, Kehlet H. Pathophysiology and clinical implications of perioperative fluid excess. Br J Anaesth 2002; 89:622-32.
  • Chappel D, Jacob M, Hofmann-Kiefer K, Conzen P, Rehm M. A Rational approach to perioperative fluid management. Anesthesiology 2008; 109:723-40.
  • Nisanevich V, Felsenstein I, Almogy G, Weissman C, Einav S, Matot I. Effect of intraoperative fluid management on outcome after intraabdominal surgery. Anesthesiology 2005; 103:25-32.
  • Arkilic CF, Taguchi A, Sharma N, Ratnaraj J, Sessler DI, Read TE, Fleshman JW, Kurz A. Supplemental perioperative fluid administration increases tissue oxygen pressure. Surgery 2003; 133(1):49-55.
  • Kimberger O, Fleischmann E, Brandt S, Kugener A, Kabon B, Hiltebrand L, Krejci V, Kurz A. Supplemental oxygen, but not supplemental crystalloid fluid, increases tissue oxygen tension in healthy and anastomotic colon in pigs. Anesth Analg 2007; 105(3): 773-9.
  • Doherty M, Buggy D. Intraoperative fluids: How much is too much? J British Journal of Anaesthesia 2012; 109(1): 69-79.
  • Yogendran S, Asokumar B, Cheng DC, Chung F. A prospective randomized double-blinded study of the effect of intravenous fluid therapy on adverse outcomes on outpatient surgery. Anesth Analg 1995; 80:682-6.
  • Holte K, Klarskov B, Christensen DS, Lund C, Nielsen KG, Bie P, Kahlet H. Liberal versus restrictive fluid administration to improve recovery after laparascopic cholecystectomy: A randomized, double-blind study. Ann Surg 2004; 240:892-9.
  • Brandstrup B, Tonnesen H, Beier-Holgersen R, Hjortso E, Ording H, Lindorff-Larsen K, Ramussen MS, Lanng C, Wallin L, Iversen LH, Graungaard B, Pott F. Effect of intravenous fluid restriction on postoperative complications: Comparison of to perioperative fluid regimens: A randomized assessor-blinded multicenter trial. Ann Surg 2003; 238:641-8.
  • Bellamy MC. Wet, dry or something else? Br J Anaesth 2006; 97(6): 755-7.
  • TARD-Türk Anesteziyoloji ve Reanimasyon Derneği, Perioperatif Hedefe Yönelik Tedavi (PGDT) Kılavuzu, 2014.
  • Ghaferi AA, Birkmeyer JD, Dimick JB. Variation in hospital mortality associated with inpatient surgery. New England Journal of Medicine 2009; 361:1368-75.
  • Boltz MM, Hollenbeak CS, Ortenzi G, Dillon PW. Synergistic implications of multiple postoperative outcomes. Am J Med Qual 2012; 27(5): 383-90.
  • Lawson EH, Hall BL, Louie R, Ettner SL, Zingmond DS, Han L, Rapp M, Ko CY. Association between occurrence of a postoperative complication and readmission. Ann Surg 2013; 258(1): 10-8.
  • Khuri SF, Henderson WG, DePalma RG, Mosca C, Healey NA, Kumbhani DJ. Determinants of long term survival after major surgery and the adverse effect of postoperative complications. Ann Surg 2005; 242(3): 326- 41.
  • Marik PE, Cavallazzi R. Does the central venous pressure predict fluid responsiveness? An updated meta-analysis and a plea for some common sense. Crit Care Med 2013; 41(7): 1774-81.
  • Le Manach Y, Hofer CK, Lehot JJ, Vallet B, Goarin JP, Tavernier B, Cannesson M. Can changes in arterial pressure be used to detect changes in cardiac output during volume expansion in the perioperative period? Anesthesiology 2012; 117(6): 1165-74.
  • Williams EL, Hiltebrand KL, McCormick SA, Bedel MJ. The effect of intravenous lactated Ringer’s solution versus 0.9% sodium chloride solution on serum osmolality in human volunteers. Anesth Analg 1999; 88: 999-1003.
  • Lobo DN, Stanga Z, Simpson JA, Anderson JA, Rowlands BJ, Allison SP. Dilution and redistribution effects of rapid 2-litre infusions of 0.9% (w/v) saline and 5% (w/v) dextrose on haematological parameters and serum biochemistry in normal subjects: A double-blind crossover study. Clin Sci Lond 2001; 101: 173-9.
  • Reid F, Lobo DN, Williams RN, Rowlands BJ, Allison SP. (Ab)normal saline and physiological Hartmann’s solution: A randomized double-blind crossover study. Clin Sci Lond 2003; 104: 17-24.
  • Lobo DN, Stanga Z, Aloysius MM, Wicks C, Nunes QM, Ingram KL, Risch L, Allison SP. Effect of volume loading with 1 liter intravenous infusions of 0.9% saline, 4% succinylated gelatine (Gelofusine) and 6% hydroxyethyl starch (Voluven) on blood volume and endocrine responses: A randomized, three-way crossover study in healthy volunteers. Crit Care Med 2010; 38(2):464- 70.
  • Rehm M, Orth VH, Kreimeier U, Thiel M, Mayer S, Brechtelsbauer H, Finsterer U. Changes in blood volume during acute normovolemic hemodilution with 5% albumin or 6% hydroxyethylstarch and intraoperative retransfusion. Anaesthesist 2001; 50(8):569-79.
  • Hartog CS, Kohl M, Reinhart K. A systematic review of third generation hydroxyethyl starch (HES 130/0.4) in resuscitation: Safety not adequately addressed. Anesth Analg 2011; 112:635-45.
  • Azaklı AE. Sıvı ve Kan Ürünleri. In.Anesteziyoloji ve Reanimasyon Teorik Bilgiler El Kitapçığı. 2013. S.40-43.
  • Bundgaard-Nielsen M, Holte K, Secher NH, Kehlet H. Monitoring of peri- operative fluid administration by individualized goal-directed therapy. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2007; 51:331-40.
  • Lassen K, Soop M, Nygren J, Cox PB, Hendry PO, Spies C, Fearon KC, Revhaug A, Norderval S, Lobo DN, Dejong CH. Consensus review of optimal perioperative care in colorectal surgery: Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) Group recommendations. Arch Surg 2009; 144:961-9.
  • Sinclair S, James S, Singer M. Intraoperative intravascular volume optimisation and length of hospital stay after repair of proximal emoral fracture: Randomised controlled trial. Br Med J 1997; 315:909-12.
  • Abbas SM, Hill AG. Systematic review of the literature for the use of oesophageal Doppler monitor for fluid replacement in major abdominal surgery. Anaesthesia 2008; 63:44-51.
  • Becker BF, Chappell D, Jacob M. Endothelial glycocalyx and coronary vascular permeability: The fringe benefit. Basic Res Cardiol 2010; 105:687-701.
  • Cecconi M, Parsons AK, Rhodes A. What is a fluid challenge? Curr Opin Crit Care 2011; 17:290-5.
  • Gan TJ, Soppitt A, Maroof M, el-Moalem H, Robertson KM, Moretti E, Dwane P, Gless PS. Goal-directed intraoperative fluid administration reduces length of hospital stay after major surgery. Anesthesiology 2002; 97(4):820-6.
  • Pinsky MR. Hemodynamic evaluation and monitoring in the ICU. Chest 2007; 132(6):2020-9.
  • Roche AM, Miller TE, Gan TJ. Goal-directed fluid management with trans- oesophageal Doppler. Best Pract Res Clin Anaesthesiol 2009; 23:327-34.
  • Miller TE, Roche AM, Gan TJ. Poor adoption of hemodynamic optimization during major surgery: Are we practicing substandard care? Anesth Analg 2011; 112: 1274-6.
  • Miller TE, Roche AM, Mythen MMG. Fluid management and goal-directed therapy as an adjunct to Enhanced Recovery after Surgery (ERAS). Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia, Journal Canadian 2015; 62(2):158-68.
  • Cilingir D, Simsek P. Ameliyat sürecinde uygulanan sıvı tedavisi yöntemleri. HSP2017;4(1):50-56.
  • Gupta R, Gan TJ. Peri-operative fluid management to enhance recovery. Anaesthesia 2016; 71 Suppl 1:40-5.
  • Della Rocca G, Vetrugno L. Fluid therapy today: Where are we? Turk J Anaesth Reanim 2016; 44(5):233-5.
  • Rocca GD, Vetrugno L, Tripi G, Deana C, Barbariol F, Pompei L. Liberal or restricted fluid administration: Are we ready for a proposal of a restricted intraoperative approach? Bio Medical Central Anesthesiology 2014; 14: 62.
  • Nisanveich V, Feisenstein J, Almogy G, Weissman C, Einav S, Matot I. Effect of intraoperative fluid management on outcome after intraabdominal surgery. Anesthesiology 2005; 103:25-32.
  • Erbay RH. Perioperatif Sıvı Yönetimi. JCAM 4389:263- 89.
  • Aykaç ZZ, Arslantas MK. Sıvı Tedavisi ve Yönetimi(II). Monitorizasyon ve sıvı yanıtlılığının öngörülmesi. GKDA Derg 2018; 24(1):1-10.
  • De Aguilar-Nascimento JE, Diniz BN, do Carmo AV, Silveira EAO, Silva RM. Clinical benefits after the implementation of a protocol of restricted perioperative intravenous crystalloid fluids in major abdominal operations. World Journal of Surgery 2009; 33(5): 925-30.
  • Warrillow SJ, Weinberg L, Parker F, Calzavacca P, Licari E. Perioperative fluid prescription, complications, and outcomes in major elective open gastrointestinal surgery. Anaesth Intensive Care 2010; 38: 251-65.
  • Holte K, Kristensen BB, Valentiner L, Kehlet H. Liberal versus restrictive fluid management in knee arthroplasty: A randomized, double-blind study. Anesthesia and Analgesia 2007; 105(2):465-74.
  • Noblett SE, Snowden CP, Shenton BK, Horgan AF. Randomized clinical trial assessing the effect of Doppler- optimized fluid management on outcome after elective colorectal resection. Br J Surg 2006; 93(9):1069-76.
  • Perel A. Iatrogenic hemodilution: A possible cause for avoidable blood transfusions? Critical Care 2017; 21(1): 291.
  • Semler MW. Self WH, Wanderer JP, Ehrenfeld JM, Li Wang MS, Bryne DW, Stollings JL, Kumar AB, Hernandez A, May AK. Balanced Crystalloids versus Saline in Critically Ill Adults. The New England Journal of Medicine 2018; 378: 829-39.
  • Bundgaard-Nielsen M, Secher NH, Kehlet H. ‘Liberal’ vs. ‘restrictive’ perioperative fluid therapy-a critical assessment of the evidence. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2009; 53: 843-51.
  • MacKay G, Fearson K, McConnachie A, Serpell MG, Molloy RG, O’Dwyer PJ. Randomized clinical trial of the effect of postoperative intravenous fluid restriction on recovery after elective colorectal surgery. Br J Surg 2006; 93: 1469-74.
  • Holte K, Foss NB, Anderson J, Valentiner L, Lund C, Bie P, Kehlet H. Liberal or restrictive fluid administration in fast-track colonic surgery: a randomized, double-blind study. Br J Anaesth 2007; 99(4): 500-8.
  • Corcoran T, Rhodes JE, Clarke S, Myles PS, Ho KM. Perioperative fluid management strategies in major surgery: A stratified meta-analysis. Anesth Analg 2012; 114(3): 640-51.
Toplam 54 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Hakan Temel Bu kişi benim

Bilge Karslı Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Temel H, Karslı B. Sıvı Tedavisinde Güncel Uygulamalar: Dün ve Bugün. Akd Tıp D. 2020;6(3):334-40.