Effect of Brief Osteoporosis Education on Knowledge and Awareness in Elderly
Yıl 2025,
Cilt: 11 Sayı: 1, 56 - 64, 24.01.2025
Selkin Yılmaz Muluk
Sevtap Badil Güloglu
Didem Özsüer
Objective: This study assessed the impact of a 20-minute osteoporosis education session on awareness and lifestyle changes in 76 elderly participants in senior day centers.
Material and Methods: In this single-group interventional study, participants completed the Osteoporosis Knowledge Assessment Tool (OKAT) before and after the educational session. Also one month follow up was conducted with 41 participants, in which the primary focus was on OKAT score changes and secondary outcomes related to dietary calcium intake, exercise, and sun exposure.
Results: The mean pre-education OKAT score was 9.76 (±3.40). It was higher in the highly-educated participants (p=0.04). The mean post-education OKAT score was 14.04 (±2.72), and the OKAT scores significantly improved following education (p<0.001). Scores decreased after 1 month (p=0.014) but were still higher than the pre-education scores (<0.001). After the education, a quarter of the participants embraced healthy habits, with dietary modifications being the most common, followed by increased physical activity and sun exposure (31.17%, 24.39%, and 24.39%, respectively).
Conclusion: Education improved knowledge and awareness of osteoporosis in middle-aged and older adults, and this improvement lasted for a medium timeframe. This study showed that brief education led by a professional was beneficial for senior day center participants, and that these centers may be ideal places for preventive education.
- 1. Xiao PL, Cui AY, Hsu CJ, Peng R, Jiang N, Xu XH, Ma YG, Liu D, Lu HD. Global, regional prevalence, and risk factors of osteoporosis according to the World Health Organization diagnostic criteria: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Osteoporos Int 2022; 33(10):2137-53.
- 2. Salari N, Darvishi N, Bartina Y, Larti M, Kiaei A, Hemmati M, Shohaimi S, Mohammadi M. Global prevalence of osteoporosis among the world older adults: a comprehensive systematic review and meta-analysis. J Orthop Surg Res 2021; 16(1):669.
- 3. Johnell O, Kanis JA. An estimate of the worldwide prevalence and disability associated with osteoporotic fractures. Osteoporos Int 2006; 17(12):1726-33.
- 4. Gullberg B, Johnell O, Kanis JA. World-wide projections for hip fracture. Osteoporos Int 1997; 7(5):407-13.
- 5. Johnell O, Kanis JA. An estimate of the worldwide prevalence and disability associated with osteoporotic fractures. Osteoporos Int 2006 ; 17(12):1726-33.
- 6. Raybould G, Babatunde O, Evans AL, Jordan JL, Paskins Z. Expressed information needs of patients with osteoporosis and/or fragility fractures: a systematic review. Arch Osteoporos 2018; 13(1):55.
- 7. Gai QY, Lv H, Li YP, Fu QM, Li P. Education intervention for older adults with osteoporosis: a systematic review. Osteoporos Int 2020; 31(4):625-35.
- 8. Pardasani M, Berkman C. New York City Senior Centers: Who Participates and Why? J Appl Gerontol 2021; 40(9):985-96.
- 9. Hersh WR, Junium K, Mailhot M, Tidmarsh P. Implementation and evaluation of a medical informatics distance education program. J Am Med Inform Assoc 2001; 8(6):570-84.
- 10. Stuart J, Rutherford RJ. Medical student concentration during lectures. Lancet 1978; 2(8088):514-6.
- 11. Kim KK, Horan ML,Gendler P. Osteoporosis knowledge tests, osteoporosis health belief scale, and osteoporosis self-efficacy scale. Allendale, MI: Grand Valley State University, 1991.
- 12. Kılıç D, Erci B. Osteoporoz saglık inanç ölçegi, osteoporoz öz-etkililik/yeterlik ölçegi ve osteoporoz bilgi testi’nin geçerlilik ve güvenirligi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi 2004; 7(2): 89-102.
- 13. Winzenberg TM, Oldenburg B, Frendin S, Jones G. The design of a valid and reliable questionnaire to measure osteoporosis knowledge in women: the Osteoporosis Knowledge Assessment Tool (OKAT). BMC Musculoskelet Disord 2003; 4:17.
- 14. Tabor E, Grodzki A, Pluskiewicz W. Higher education and better knowledge of osteoporosis improve bone health in Polish postmenopausal women. Endokrynol Pol 2022; 73(5):831-6.
- 15. Etemadifar MR, Nourian SM, Fereidan-Esfahani M, Shemshaki H, Nourbakhsh M, Zarezadeh A. Relationship of knowledge about osteoporosis with education level and life habits. World J Orthop 2013; 4(3):139-43.
- 16. Gai QY, Lv H, Li YP, Fu QM, Li P. Education intervention for older adults with osteoporosis: a systematic review. Osteoporos Int 2020; 31(4):625-35.
- 17. Endicott RD. Knowledge, Health Beliefs, and Self-Efficacy regarding Osteoporosis in Perimenopausal Women. J Osteoporos 2013; 2013:853531.
- 18. Winzenberg TM, Oldenburg B, Frendin S, De Wit L, Jones G. Effects of bone density feedback and group education on osteoporosis knowledge and osteoporosis self-efficacy in premenopausal women: a randomized controlled trial. J Clin Densitom 2005; 8(1):95-103.
- 19. Rubæk M, Hitz MF, Holmberg T, Schønwandt BMT, Andersen S. Effectiveness of patient education for patients with osteoporosis: a systematic review. Osteoporos Int 2022; 33(5):959-77.
- 20. Gül S, Büyükbayram Z. "A natural consequence of aging in women?": A mixed-method exploration on osteoporosis self-efficacy in Turkey. Arch Osteoporos 2023; 18(1):47.
- 21. Babatunde OT, Himburg SP, Newman FL, Campa A, Dixon Z. Theory-driven intervention improves calcium intake, osteoporosis knowledge, and self-efficacy in community-dwelling older Black adults. J Nutr Educ Behav 2011; 43(6):434-40.
- 22. Qi BB, Resnick B, Smeltzer SC, Bausell B. Self-efficacy program to prevent osteoporosis among Chinese immigrants: a randomized controlled trial. Nurs Res 2011; 60(6):393-404.
- 23. Jensen AL, Lomborg K, Wind G, Langdahl BL. Effectiveness and characteristics of multifaceted osteoporosis group education--a systematic review. Osteoporos Int 2014; 25(4):1209-24.
Yaşlılarda Kısa Osteoporoz Eğitiminin Bilgi ve Farkındalığa Etkisi
Yıl 2025,
Cilt: 11 Sayı: 1, 56 - 64, 24.01.2025
Selkin Yılmaz Muluk
Sevtap Badil Güloglu
Didem Özsüer
Amaç: Bu çalışma, yaşlı merkezlerindeki 76 katılımcıda 20 dakikalık bir osteoporoz eğitim oturumunun farkındalık ve yaşam tarzı değişiklikleri üzerindeki etkisini değerlendirdi.
Gereç ve Yöntemler: Bu tek gruplu girişimsel çalışmada katılımcılar eğitim oturumundan önce ve sonra Osteoporoz Bilgi Değerlendirme Aracını (OKAT) doldurdular. Kırk bir katılımcıyla 1 aylık takip de yapıldı, bu takipte birincil odak noktası OKAT skoru değişiklikleriydi ve ikincil sonuçlar diyet ile kalsiyumu alımı, egzersiz ve güneşe maruz kalma ile ilgiliydi.
Bulgular: Eğitim öncesi ortalama OKAT puanı 9,76 (±3.40) idi. Bu ortalama yüksek eğitimli katılımcılarda daha yüksekti (p=0.04). Eğitim sonrası ortalama OKAT puanı 14,04 (±2.72) olup, eğitim sonrasında OKAT puanlarında anlamlı iyileşme yaşandı (p<0.001). Puanlar 1 ay sonra azaldı (p=0.01) ancak hala başlangıçtaki puanlardan yüksekti (<0.001). Eğitim müdahalesinden sonra, katılımcıların dörtte biri sağlıklı alışkanlıklar benimsedi; en yaygın olanı beslenme değişiklikleriydi, bunu artan fiziksel aktivite ve güneşlenme takip ediyordu (sırasıyla %31.17, %24.39 ve %24.39).
Sonuç: Eğitim, orta yaşlı ve yaşlılarda osteoporoza ilişkin bilgi ve farkındalığı artırdı ve bu farkındalık orta bir zaman dilimi boyunca devam etti. Bu çalışma profesyonel tarafından yapılan kısa eğitimin yaşlı gündüz merkezlerinin katılımcıları için faydalı olduğunu ve bu merkezlerin önleyici eğitim için ideal yerler olabileceğini gösterdi.
Etik Beyan
08/06/2023 tarihli, Karar No:8/18 olan Etik Kurul Onayı Antalya Atatürk Eğitim Araştırma Hastanesi Klinik Araştırmalar Etik Kurulu'ndan alınmıştır
Destekleyen Kurum
Antalya Atatürk Eğitim Araştırma Hastanesi
Muratpaşa Belediyesi Yaşlı Evleri Eğitim Birimi'ne teşekkürü borç biliriz.
- 1. Xiao PL, Cui AY, Hsu CJ, Peng R, Jiang N, Xu XH, Ma YG, Liu D, Lu HD. Global, regional prevalence, and risk factors of osteoporosis according to the World Health Organization diagnostic criteria: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Osteoporos Int 2022; 33(10):2137-53.
- 2. Salari N, Darvishi N, Bartina Y, Larti M, Kiaei A, Hemmati M, Shohaimi S, Mohammadi M. Global prevalence of osteoporosis among the world older adults: a comprehensive systematic review and meta-analysis. J Orthop Surg Res 2021; 16(1):669.
- 3. Johnell O, Kanis JA. An estimate of the worldwide prevalence and disability associated with osteoporotic fractures. Osteoporos Int 2006; 17(12):1726-33.
- 4. Gullberg B, Johnell O, Kanis JA. World-wide projections for hip fracture. Osteoporos Int 1997; 7(5):407-13.
- 5. Johnell O, Kanis JA. An estimate of the worldwide prevalence and disability associated with osteoporotic fractures. Osteoporos Int 2006 ; 17(12):1726-33.
- 6. Raybould G, Babatunde O, Evans AL, Jordan JL, Paskins Z. Expressed information needs of patients with osteoporosis and/or fragility fractures: a systematic review. Arch Osteoporos 2018; 13(1):55.
- 7. Gai QY, Lv H, Li YP, Fu QM, Li P. Education intervention for older adults with osteoporosis: a systematic review. Osteoporos Int 2020; 31(4):625-35.
- 8. Pardasani M, Berkman C. New York City Senior Centers: Who Participates and Why? J Appl Gerontol 2021; 40(9):985-96.
- 9. Hersh WR, Junium K, Mailhot M, Tidmarsh P. Implementation and evaluation of a medical informatics distance education program. J Am Med Inform Assoc 2001; 8(6):570-84.
- 10. Stuart J, Rutherford RJ. Medical student concentration during lectures. Lancet 1978; 2(8088):514-6.
- 11. Kim KK, Horan ML,Gendler P. Osteoporosis knowledge tests, osteoporosis health belief scale, and osteoporosis self-efficacy scale. Allendale, MI: Grand Valley State University, 1991.
- 12. Kılıç D, Erci B. Osteoporoz saglık inanç ölçegi, osteoporoz öz-etkililik/yeterlik ölçegi ve osteoporoz bilgi testi’nin geçerlilik ve güvenirligi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi 2004; 7(2): 89-102.
- 13. Winzenberg TM, Oldenburg B, Frendin S, Jones G. The design of a valid and reliable questionnaire to measure osteoporosis knowledge in women: the Osteoporosis Knowledge Assessment Tool (OKAT). BMC Musculoskelet Disord 2003; 4:17.
- 14. Tabor E, Grodzki A, Pluskiewicz W. Higher education and better knowledge of osteoporosis improve bone health in Polish postmenopausal women. Endokrynol Pol 2022; 73(5):831-6.
- 15. Etemadifar MR, Nourian SM, Fereidan-Esfahani M, Shemshaki H, Nourbakhsh M, Zarezadeh A. Relationship of knowledge about osteoporosis with education level and life habits. World J Orthop 2013; 4(3):139-43.
- 16. Gai QY, Lv H, Li YP, Fu QM, Li P. Education intervention for older adults with osteoporosis: a systematic review. Osteoporos Int 2020; 31(4):625-35.
- 17. Endicott RD. Knowledge, Health Beliefs, and Self-Efficacy regarding Osteoporosis in Perimenopausal Women. J Osteoporos 2013; 2013:853531.
- 18. Winzenberg TM, Oldenburg B, Frendin S, De Wit L, Jones G. Effects of bone density feedback and group education on osteoporosis knowledge and osteoporosis self-efficacy in premenopausal women: a randomized controlled trial. J Clin Densitom 2005; 8(1):95-103.
- 19. Rubæk M, Hitz MF, Holmberg T, Schønwandt BMT, Andersen S. Effectiveness of patient education for patients with osteoporosis: a systematic review. Osteoporos Int 2022; 33(5):959-77.
- 20. Gül S, Büyükbayram Z. "A natural consequence of aging in women?": A mixed-method exploration on osteoporosis self-efficacy in Turkey. Arch Osteoporos 2023; 18(1):47.
- 21. Babatunde OT, Himburg SP, Newman FL, Campa A, Dixon Z. Theory-driven intervention improves calcium intake, osteoporosis knowledge, and self-efficacy in community-dwelling older Black adults. J Nutr Educ Behav 2011; 43(6):434-40.
- 22. Qi BB, Resnick B, Smeltzer SC, Bausell B. Self-efficacy program to prevent osteoporosis among Chinese immigrants: a randomized controlled trial. Nurs Res 2011; 60(6):393-404.
- 23. Jensen AL, Lomborg K, Wind G, Langdahl BL. Effectiveness and characteristics of multifaceted osteoporosis group education--a systematic review. Osteoporos Int 2014; 25(4):1209-24.