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Identification of Bacillus Species Isolated From Ropey Breads Both With Classical Methods And API Identification Kits

Yıl 2009, Cilt: 22 Sayı: 2, 201 - 210, 01.12.2009


In this study, white and whole meal breads baked at laboratory conditions were stored at 37 ºC for 7 days to isolate and identify the Bacillus species responsible for the development of rope spoilage which is the most important bacterial problem in breads. The Bacillus species which were isolated from ropey breads were identified by using classical methods and API identification kits. It was understood that definite identification of some of the isolates using these methods was not possible and these strains could only be identified as being most likely a certain species. Isolates from white bread were identified as B. subtilis, B. megaterium, B. licheniformis, B. coagulans and B. pumilus; and isolates from whole meal bread were identified as B. subtilis, B. megaterium, B. licheniformis using biochemical tests. Using the API identification kits, on the other hand, resulted in the identification of B. licheniformis, B. pumilus, B. subtilis/amyloliquefaciens, ‘most likely’ B. megaterium in white breads and B. licheniformis, B. subtilis/amyloliquefaciens, ‘most likely’ B. megaterium, ‘most likely’ B. thuringiensis and Bacillus spp. in whole meal breads. According to the results of the classical methods B. subtilis was the most abundant species in both white and whole meal breads. API kits, on the other hand, confirmed B. licheniformis as the predominant species.


  • Bailey, C. P. and von Holy, A. 1993. Bacillus spore contamination associated with commercial bread manufacture. Food Microbiology 10, 287-294.
  • Berkeley, R. C. W., Logan, N. A., Shute, L. A. and Capey, A. G. 1984. In: Berkeley, R. C. W. (Ed.), Methods in Microbiology, vol 16, chap. 12, Academic Press, London, pp 292-323.
  • Collins, N. E., Kirschner, L. A. M. and von Holy, A. 1991. Characterization of Bacillus isolates from ropey bread, bakery equipment and raw materials. South African Journal of Science 87, 62-66.
  • Fritze, D. 2002. Bacillus Identification-Traditional Approaches. In: Berkeley, R., Heyndrickx, M., Logan, N. and Vos, P. (Eds.), Applications and Systematics of Bacillus and Relatives, Blackwell Publishing, Cambridge, pp 100-123.
  • Gordon, R. E., Haynes, W. C. and Pang, C. H.-N. 1973. The genus Bacillus. United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Handbook No. 427, Washington, DC.
  • Katina, K., Sauri, M., Alakomi, H. L. and MattilaSandholm, T. 2002. Potential of lactic acid bacteria to inhibit rope spoilage in wheat sourdough bread. Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft und Technologie, 35, 38-45.
  • Kirschner, L. A. M. and von Holy, A. 1989. Rope spoilage of bread. South African Journal of Science 85, 425-427.
  • Leuschner, R. G. K., O’Callaghan, M. J. A. and Arendt, E. K. 1998. Bacilli spoilage in partbaked and rebaked brown soda bread. Journal of Food Science 63, 915-918.
  • Logan, N. A. and Berkeley, R. C. W. 1984. Identification of Bacillus strains using the API system. Journal of General Microbiology 130, 1871-1882.
  • Marshall, D. G. and Odame-Darkwah, J. K. 1994. Mechanism of inhibited growth of Bacillus pumilus by Propionibacterium freudenreichii subsp. shermanii. International Journal of Food Microbiology 22, 11-22.
  • Menteş, Ö., Ercan, R. and Akçelik, M. 2007. Inhibitor activities of two Lactobacillus strains, isolated from sourdough, against rope-forming Bacillus strains. Food Control 18, 359-363.
  • Odame-Darkwah, J. K. and Marshall D. L. 1993. Interactive behavior of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Bacillus pumilus and Propionibacterium freudenreichii subsp. shermanii. International Journal of Food Microbiology 19, 259-269.
  • Pattison, T. L., Lindsay, D. and von Holy, A. 2004. Natural antimicrobials as potential replacements for calcium propionate in bread. South African Journal of Science 100, 342-348.
  • Pepe, O., Blaiotta, G., Moschetti, G., Greco, T. and Villani, F. 2003. Rope-producing strains of Bacillus spp. from wheat bread and strategy for their control by lactic acid bacteria. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 69, 2321-2329.
  • Rosenkvist, H. and Hansen, A. 1995. Contamination profiles and characterization of Bacillus species in wheat bread and raw materials for bread production. International Journal of Food Microbiology 26, 353-363.
  • Rosenquist, H. and Hansen, A. 1998. The antimicrobial effect of organic acids, sour dough and nisin against Bacillus subtilis and B. licheniformis isolated from wheat bread. Journal of Applied Microbiology 85, 621-631.
  • Smith, J. P., Dafias, D. P., El-Khoury, W., Koukoutsis, J. and El-Khoury, A. 2004. Shelf life and safety concerns of bakery products – a review. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 44, 19- 55.
  • Sneath, P. H. A. (1984). Endospore forming GramPositive Rods and Cocci. In: Sneath, P. H. A (Editor), Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology Volume 2. Williams&Wilkins. Baltimore, pp 1104-1139.
  • Sorokulova, I. B., Reva, O. N., Smirnov, V. V., Lapa, S. V. and Urdaci, M. C. 2003. Genetic diversity and involvement in bread spoilage of Bacillus strains isolated from flour and ropy bread. Letters in Applied Microbiology 37, 169-173.
  • Thompson, J. M., Dodd, C. E. R. and Waites, W. M. 1993. Spoilage of bread by Bacillus. International Biodeterioration and Biodegredation 32, 55-66.
  • Thompson, J. M., Waites, W. M. and Dodd, C. E. R. 1998. Detection of rope spoilage in bread caused by Bacillus species. Journal of Applied Microbiology 85, 481-486.
  • Volavsek, P. J. A., Kirschner, L. A. M. and von Holy, A. 1992. Accelerated methods to predict the rope-inducing potential of bread raw materials. South African Journal of Science 88, 99-102.
  • Voysey, P. A. 1989. Rope: a problem for bakers. Journal of Applied Bacteriology 67, xxv-xxvi.

Sünmüş Ekmekten İzole Edilen Bacillus Türlerinin Klasik Yöntemler ve API Kitleri ile Tanılanması

Yıl 2009, Cilt: 22 Sayı: 2, 201 - 210, 01.12.2009


Bu çalışmada, ekmeklerdeki bakteriyel bozulmaların en önemlisi olan sünme hastalığından sorumlu Bacillus türlerini izole etmek ve tanılamak için normal ve kepekli ekmekler, laboratuvar koşullarında pişirilmiş ve 37 ºC’de 7 gün boyunca muhafaza edilmiştir. Sünmüş ekmeklerden izole edilen Bacillus türleri klasik yöntemler ve API kitleri kullanılarak tanılanmıştır. İzole edilen bazı suşların kesin olarak tanılanmasının bu yöntemlerle mümkün olmadığı, bu suşların ancak muhtemelen tanılanabildiği anlaşılmıştır. Biyokimyasal testler ile normal ekmeklerden izole edilen suşlar B. subtilis, B. megaterium, B. licheniformis, B. coagulans ve B. pumilus; kepekli ekmeklerden izole edilen suşlar B. subtilis, B. megaterium, B. licheniformis olarak tanılanmıştır. API tanılama kitleri kullanıldığında ise tanılama, normal ekmekler için B. licheniformis, B. pumilus, B. subtilis/amyloliquefaciens, muhtemelen B. megaterium; kepekli ekmekler için B. licheniformis, B. subtilis/amyloliquefaciens, muhtemelen B. megaterium, muhtemelen B. thuringiensis ve Bacillus spp. şeklinde sonuçlanmıştır. Biyokimyasal test sonuçlarına göre hem normal hem de kepekli ekmeklerde B. subtilis en fazla bulunan tür olarak belirlenirken; API kitleri ile B. licheniformis’in baskın tür olduğu saptanmıştır


  • Bailey, C. P. and von Holy, A. 1993. Bacillus spore contamination associated with commercial bread manufacture. Food Microbiology 10, 287-294.
  • Berkeley, R. C. W., Logan, N. A., Shute, L. A. and Capey, A. G. 1984. In: Berkeley, R. C. W. (Ed.), Methods in Microbiology, vol 16, chap. 12, Academic Press, London, pp 292-323.
  • Collins, N. E., Kirschner, L. A. M. and von Holy, A. 1991. Characterization of Bacillus isolates from ropey bread, bakery equipment and raw materials. South African Journal of Science 87, 62-66.
  • Fritze, D. 2002. Bacillus Identification-Traditional Approaches. In: Berkeley, R., Heyndrickx, M., Logan, N. and Vos, P. (Eds.), Applications and Systematics of Bacillus and Relatives, Blackwell Publishing, Cambridge, pp 100-123.
  • Gordon, R. E., Haynes, W. C. and Pang, C. H.-N. 1973. The genus Bacillus. United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Handbook No. 427, Washington, DC.
  • Katina, K., Sauri, M., Alakomi, H. L. and MattilaSandholm, T. 2002. Potential of lactic acid bacteria to inhibit rope spoilage in wheat sourdough bread. Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft und Technologie, 35, 38-45.
  • Kirschner, L. A. M. and von Holy, A. 1989. Rope spoilage of bread. South African Journal of Science 85, 425-427.
  • Leuschner, R. G. K., O’Callaghan, M. J. A. and Arendt, E. K. 1998. Bacilli spoilage in partbaked and rebaked brown soda bread. Journal of Food Science 63, 915-918.
  • Logan, N. A. and Berkeley, R. C. W. 1984. Identification of Bacillus strains using the API system. Journal of General Microbiology 130, 1871-1882.
  • Marshall, D. G. and Odame-Darkwah, J. K. 1994. Mechanism of inhibited growth of Bacillus pumilus by Propionibacterium freudenreichii subsp. shermanii. International Journal of Food Microbiology 22, 11-22.
  • Menteş, Ö., Ercan, R. and Akçelik, M. 2007. Inhibitor activities of two Lactobacillus strains, isolated from sourdough, against rope-forming Bacillus strains. Food Control 18, 359-363.
  • Odame-Darkwah, J. K. and Marshall D. L. 1993. Interactive behavior of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Bacillus pumilus and Propionibacterium freudenreichii subsp. shermanii. International Journal of Food Microbiology 19, 259-269.
  • Pattison, T. L., Lindsay, D. and von Holy, A. 2004. Natural antimicrobials as potential replacements for calcium propionate in bread. South African Journal of Science 100, 342-348.
  • Pepe, O., Blaiotta, G., Moschetti, G., Greco, T. and Villani, F. 2003. Rope-producing strains of Bacillus spp. from wheat bread and strategy for their control by lactic acid bacteria. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 69, 2321-2329.
  • Rosenkvist, H. and Hansen, A. 1995. Contamination profiles and characterization of Bacillus species in wheat bread and raw materials for bread production. International Journal of Food Microbiology 26, 353-363.
  • Rosenquist, H. and Hansen, A. 1998. The antimicrobial effect of organic acids, sour dough and nisin against Bacillus subtilis and B. licheniformis isolated from wheat bread. Journal of Applied Microbiology 85, 621-631.
  • Smith, J. P., Dafias, D. P., El-Khoury, W., Koukoutsis, J. and El-Khoury, A. 2004. Shelf life and safety concerns of bakery products – a review. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 44, 19- 55.
  • Sneath, P. H. A. (1984). Endospore forming GramPositive Rods and Cocci. In: Sneath, P. H. A (Editor), Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology Volume 2. Williams&Wilkins. Baltimore, pp 1104-1139.
  • Sorokulova, I. B., Reva, O. N., Smirnov, V. V., Lapa, S. V. and Urdaci, M. C. 2003. Genetic diversity and involvement in bread spoilage of Bacillus strains isolated from flour and ropy bread. Letters in Applied Microbiology 37, 169-173.
  • Thompson, J. M., Dodd, C. E. R. and Waites, W. M. 1993. Spoilage of bread by Bacillus. International Biodeterioration and Biodegredation 32, 55-66.
  • Thompson, J. M., Waites, W. M. and Dodd, C. E. R. 1998. Detection of rope spoilage in bread caused by Bacillus species. Journal of Applied Microbiology 85, 481-486.
  • Volavsek, P. J. A., Kirschner, L. A. M. and von Holy, A. 1992. Accelerated methods to predict the rope-inducing potential of bread raw materials. South African Journal of Science 88, 99-102.
  • Voysey, P. A. 1989. Rope: a problem for bakers. Journal of Applied Bacteriology 67, xxv-xxvi.
Toplam 23 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Ziraat Mühendisliği
Bölüm Makaleler

F. Erem

M. Certel Bu kişi benim

B. Karakaş Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2009
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2009 Cilt: 22 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Erem, F., Certel, M., & Karakaş, B. (2009). Sünmüş Ekmekten İzole Edilen Bacillus Türlerinin Klasik Yöntemler ve API Kitleri ile Tanılanması. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, 22(2), 201-210.
AMA Erem F, Certel M, Karakaş B. Sünmüş Ekmekten İzole Edilen Bacillus Türlerinin Klasik Yöntemler ve API Kitleri ile Tanılanması. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture. Aralık 2009;22(2):201-210.
Chicago Erem, F., M. Certel, ve B. Karakaş. “Sünmüş Ekmekten İzole Edilen Bacillus Türlerinin Klasik Yöntemler Ve API Kitleri Ile Tanılanması”. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture 22, sy. 2 (Aralık 2009): 201-10.
EndNote Erem F, Certel M, Karakaş B (01 Aralık 2009) Sünmüş Ekmekten İzole Edilen Bacillus Türlerinin Klasik Yöntemler ve API Kitleri ile Tanılanması. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture 22 2 201–210.
IEEE F. Erem, M. Certel, ve B. Karakaş, “Sünmüş Ekmekten İzole Edilen Bacillus Türlerinin Klasik Yöntemler ve API Kitleri ile Tanılanması”, Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, c. 22, sy. 2, ss. 201–210, 2009.
ISNAD Erem, F. vd. “Sünmüş Ekmekten İzole Edilen Bacillus Türlerinin Klasik Yöntemler Ve API Kitleri Ile Tanılanması”. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture 22/2 (Aralık 2009), 201-210.
JAMA Erem F, Certel M, Karakaş B. Sünmüş Ekmekten İzole Edilen Bacillus Türlerinin Klasik Yöntemler ve API Kitleri ile Tanılanması. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture. 2009;22:201–210.
MLA Erem, F. vd. “Sünmüş Ekmekten İzole Edilen Bacillus Türlerinin Klasik Yöntemler Ve API Kitleri Ile Tanılanması”. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, c. 22, sy. 2, 2009, ss. 201-10.
Vancouver Erem F, Certel M, Karakaş B. Sünmüş Ekmekten İzole Edilen Bacillus Türlerinin Klasik Yöntemler ve API Kitleri ile Tanılanması. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture. 2009;22(2):201-10.