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Epidemiology and Control of Fire Blight

Yıl 1990, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1-2, 25 - 38, 01.12.1990


Fire blight, caused by the bacterium Erwinia amylovara, was created an important epidemic since 1985 in Turkey. Some observations made in Korkuteli, Antalya were presented. The epidemiology, forecasting systems and control of fire blight were discussed. Based on the behaviour of the fire blight in other countries, it is expected to become established and constant control measures should be practice to minimize lossess.


  • Agrios.G.N., 1978. Plant Pathology. Academic Press, New York. 703 pp.
  • Barnes,M.M., Beutel.J.A., Davis, C.S., Deal,A.S., Madsen, H. F., O'Reilly,H. J., Schroth.M.R., Uriu.K. and Willson,E.E., 1964. Pest and disease control program for pears. Div. of Agric. Sci., Univ. of California. 10 pp. Beer.S.V. and Opgenorth.D.C., 1976. Erwinia amylovora on fire blight canker surfaces and blossoms in relation to disease occurence. Phytopathology 66: 317-322.
  • Beer,S.V., Shabi.E. and Zutra.D., 1986. Fireblight in Israel-1985. Observations and recommendations. Bull, OEPP/EPPO 16: 639-645.
  • Billing,E., 1974. The effect of temperature on the growth of the fireblight pathogen. J.Appl.Bacteriol. 37: 643-648.
  • Billing,E., 1979. Warning systems for fireblight. EPPO Bull. 9: 45-51.
  • Crosse,J.E. and Goodman,R.N., 1973. A selective medium for and a definitive colony characteristic of Erwinia amylovora. Phytopathology 63: 1425-1426.
  • European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization. 1972. Fire blight discovered in Turkey. European and Mediter. Plant Protect. Organ. Rpt. 357, 1 p.
  • Goodman,R.N. and White,J.A., 1981. Xylem parenchyma plasmolosis and vessel wall disorientation caused by Erwinia amylovora. Phytopathology 71: 844-852.
  • Hager,D., 1983. Fire blight. The Grower 5: 18-22.
  • Ishimaru.C. and Klos.E.J., 1984. New medium for detecting Erwinia amylovora and its use in epidemiological studies. Phytopathology 74: 1342-1345.
  • Karaca,İ., 1977. Fitobakteriyoloji ve Bakteriyel Hastalıklar. Ege Ü.Z.F.Yayın No: 294. Ege Üniv.Matbaası, Bornova, İzmir. 270 s.
  • Keil.H.L. and van der Zwet,T., 1972 a. Recovery of Erwinia amylovora from symptomless stems and shoots of Jonathan apple and Bartlett pear trees. Phytopathology 62: 39-42.
  • Keil.H.L. and van der Zwet.T., 1972 b. Aerials strands of Ervinia amylovora: structure and enhanced production by pesticide oil. Phytopathology 62: 335-361.
  • Miller,T.D. and Schroth.M.N., 1972. Monitoring the epiphytic population of Erwinia amylovora on pear with a selective medium. Phytopathology 62: 1175-1182.
  • Mills,W.D., 1955. Fire blight development on apple in Western New York. Plant Dis. Rep. 39: 206-207.
  • Momol.M.T., 1989. Bitki hastalıklarının tahmini ve sayısal tahmini. Uluslararası Bitki Korumada Tahmin ve Uyarı Simpozyumu. 6-8 Kasım, İzmir. Bildiri Özetleri, 1-6 s. TOKB, Zirai Mücadele Araştırma Ens.Yayın No: 1989-3. 50 s.
  • Öktem.Y.E. ve Benlioglu.K., 1988 a. Yumuşak çekirdekli meyve ağaçlarında görülen ateş yanıklığı hastalığı (Erwinia amylovora (Burr.) Winslow et al.) üzerinde çalışmalar. S.71. Türkiye Fitopatoloji Kongresi, 18-21 Ekim, Antalya, Bildiri özetleri, 123 s.
  • Öktem.Y.E. and Benlioğlu.K., 1988 b. Studies on fire blight (Erwinia amylovora (Burr.) Winslow et al.) of pome fruits. The Journal of Turkish Phytopathology 17(3): 106.
  • Schroth.M.N., Thomson,S.V., Hildebrand,D.C. and Moller.W.J., 1974. Epidemiology and control of fire blight. Annu.Rev.Phytopathol. 12: 389-412.
  • Thomson,S.V., Schroth.M.N., Moller.W.J. and Reil.W.O., 1975. Occurence of fire blight of pears in relation to weather and epiphytic populations of Erwinia amylovora. Phytopathology 65: 353-358.
  • Thomson,S.V., Schroth.M.N., Moller,W.J. and Reil,W.0., 1982. A forecasting model for fire blight of pear. Plant Dis. 66: 576-579.
  • Van der Zwet.T., 1969. Study of fire blight cankers and associated bacteria in pear. Phytopathology 59: 607-613.
  • Van der Zwet.T. and Keil.H.L., 1979. Fire blight - a bacterial disease of rosaceous plants. U.S.Oep. Agric.Handb. No: 510. 200 pp.
  • Van der Zwet.T. and van Buskirk.P.D., 1984. Detection of endophytic and epiphytic Ervinia amylovora in various pear and apple tissues. Acta Hortic. 151: 69-77.
  • Van der Zwet,T., Steiner,P., Barrat.J.G., Hickey,K.D. and Yoder,K.S., 1987. Development of a blossom blight prediction system for thr Appalachian fruit growing region. Acta Hortic. 217: 125-132.
  • Van der Zwet.T., Zoller.B.C. and Thomson,S.V., 1988. Controling fire blight of pear and apple by accurate prediction of the blossom blight phase. Plant Disease 72: 467-472.

Ateş Yanıklığının Epidemiyolojisi ve Mücadelesi

Yıl 1990, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1-2, 25 - 38, 01.12.1990


Erwinia amylovora tarafından meydana getirilen ateş yanıklığı, 1985'ten sonra Türkiye'de önemli bir epidemi yaratmıştır. Korkuteli-Antalya'da yapılan bazı gözlemler sunulmuştur. Ateş yanıklığının epidemiyolojisi, tahmin sistemleri ve mücadelesi tartışılmıştır. Ateş yanıklığının diğer ülkelerdeki davranışına bakılarak, hastalığın yerleşeceği beklenmektedir, kayıpları en aza indirmek için mücadele yöntemleri kesintisiz uygulanmalıdır.


  • Agrios.G.N., 1978. Plant Pathology. Academic Press, New York. 703 pp.
  • Barnes,M.M., Beutel.J.A., Davis, C.S., Deal,A.S., Madsen, H. F., O'Reilly,H. J., Schroth.M.R., Uriu.K. and Willson,E.E., 1964. Pest and disease control program for pears. Div. of Agric. Sci., Univ. of California. 10 pp. Beer.S.V. and Opgenorth.D.C., 1976. Erwinia amylovora on fire blight canker surfaces and blossoms in relation to disease occurence. Phytopathology 66: 317-322.
  • Beer,S.V., Shabi.E. and Zutra.D., 1986. Fireblight in Israel-1985. Observations and recommendations. Bull, OEPP/EPPO 16: 639-645.
  • Billing,E., 1974. The effect of temperature on the growth of the fireblight pathogen. J.Appl.Bacteriol. 37: 643-648.
  • Billing,E., 1979. Warning systems for fireblight. EPPO Bull. 9: 45-51.
  • Crosse,J.E. and Goodman,R.N., 1973. A selective medium for and a definitive colony characteristic of Erwinia amylovora. Phytopathology 63: 1425-1426.
  • European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization. 1972. Fire blight discovered in Turkey. European and Mediter. Plant Protect. Organ. Rpt. 357, 1 p.
  • Goodman,R.N. and White,J.A., 1981. Xylem parenchyma plasmolosis and vessel wall disorientation caused by Erwinia amylovora. Phytopathology 71: 844-852.
  • Hager,D., 1983. Fire blight. The Grower 5: 18-22.
  • Ishimaru.C. and Klos.E.J., 1984. New medium for detecting Erwinia amylovora and its use in epidemiological studies. Phytopathology 74: 1342-1345.
  • Karaca,İ., 1977. Fitobakteriyoloji ve Bakteriyel Hastalıklar. Ege Ü.Z.F.Yayın No: 294. Ege Üniv.Matbaası, Bornova, İzmir. 270 s.
  • Keil.H.L. and van der Zwet,T., 1972 a. Recovery of Erwinia amylovora from symptomless stems and shoots of Jonathan apple and Bartlett pear trees. Phytopathology 62: 39-42.
  • Keil.H.L. and van der Zwet.T., 1972 b. Aerials strands of Ervinia amylovora: structure and enhanced production by pesticide oil. Phytopathology 62: 335-361.
  • Miller,T.D. and Schroth.M.N., 1972. Monitoring the epiphytic population of Erwinia amylovora on pear with a selective medium. Phytopathology 62: 1175-1182.
  • Mills,W.D., 1955. Fire blight development on apple in Western New York. Plant Dis. Rep. 39: 206-207.
  • Momol.M.T., 1989. Bitki hastalıklarının tahmini ve sayısal tahmini. Uluslararası Bitki Korumada Tahmin ve Uyarı Simpozyumu. 6-8 Kasım, İzmir. Bildiri Özetleri, 1-6 s. TOKB, Zirai Mücadele Araştırma Ens.Yayın No: 1989-3. 50 s.
  • Öktem.Y.E. ve Benlioglu.K., 1988 a. Yumuşak çekirdekli meyve ağaçlarında görülen ateş yanıklığı hastalığı (Erwinia amylovora (Burr.) Winslow et al.) üzerinde çalışmalar. S.71. Türkiye Fitopatoloji Kongresi, 18-21 Ekim, Antalya, Bildiri özetleri, 123 s.
  • Öktem.Y.E. and Benlioğlu.K., 1988 b. Studies on fire blight (Erwinia amylovora (Burr.) Winslow et al.) of pome fruits. The Journal of Turkish Phytopathology 17(3): 106.
  • Schroth.M.N., Thomson,S.V., Hildebrand,D.C. and Moller.W.J., 1974. Epidemiology and control of fire blight. Annu.Rev.Phytopathol. 12: 389-412.
  • Thomson,S.V., Schroth.M.N., Moller.W.J. and Reil.W.O., 1975. Occurence of fire blight of pears in relation to weather and epiphytic populations of Erwinia amylovora. Phytopathology 65: 353-358.
  • Thomson,S.V., Schroth.M.N., Moller,W.J. and Reil,W.0., 1982. A forecasting model for fire blight of pear. Plant Dis. 66: 576-579.
  • Van der Zwet.T., 1969. Study of fire blight cankers and associated bacteria in pear. Phytopathology 59: 607-613.
  • Van der Zwet.T. and Keil.H.L., 1979. Fire blight - a bacterial disease of rosaceous plants. U.S.Oep. Agric.Handb. No: 510. 200 pp.
  • Van der Zwet.T. and van Buskirk.P.D., 1984. Detection of endophytic and epiphytic Ervinia amylovora in various pear and apple tissues. Acta Hortic. 151: 69-77.
  • Van der Zwet,T., Steiner,P., Barrat.J.G., Hickey,K.D. and Yoder,K.S., 1987. Development of a blossom blight prediction system for thr Appalachian fruit growing region. Acta Hortic. 217: 125-132.
  • Van der Zwet.T., Zoller.B.C. and Thomson,S.V., 1988. Controling fire blight of pear and apple by accurate prediction of the blossom blight phase. Plant Disease 72: 467-472.
Toplam 26 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Ziraat Mühendisliği
Bölüm Makaleler

M. Timur Momol Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 1990
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1990 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1-2

Kaynak Göster

APA Momol, M. T. (1990). Ateş Yanıklığının Epidemiyolojisi ve Mücadelesi. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, 3(1-2), 25-38.
AMA Momol MT. Ateş Yanıklığının Epidemiyolojisi ve Mücadelesi. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture. Aralık 1990;3(1-2):25-38.
Chicago Momol, M. Timur. “Ateş Yanıklığının Epidemiyolojisi Ve Mücadelesi”. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture 3, sy. 1-2 (Aralık 1990): 25-38.
EndNote Momol MT (01 Aralık 1990) Ateş Yanıklığının Epidemiyolojisi ve Mücadelesi. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture 3 1-2 25–38.
IEEE M. T. Momol, “Ateş Yanıklığının Epidemiyolojisi ve Mücadelesi”, Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, c. 3, sy. 1-2, ss. 25–38, 1990.
ISNAD Momol, M. Timur. “Ateş Yanıklığının Epidemiyolojisi Ve Mücadelesi”. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture 3/1-2 (Aralık 1990), 25-38.
JAMA Momol MT. Ateş Yanıklığının Epidemiyolojisi ve Mücadelesi. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture. 1990;3:25–38.
MLA Momol, M. Timur. “Ateş Yanıklığının Epidemiyolojisi Ve Mücadelesi”. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, c. 3, sy. 1-2, 1990, ss. 25-38.
Vancouver Momol MT. Ateş Yanıklığının Epidemiyolojisi ve Mücadelesi. Akdeniz University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture. 1990;3(1-2):25-38.