The Impact of Extensive Listening on Listening Anxiety, Listening Skills and Attitude towards English Courses
Yıl 2024,
Cilt: 6 Sayı: 2, 194 - 211, 30.09.2024
Nilüfer Aybirdi
Turgay Han
Pembe Töngel
This study aimed to explore the effects of extensive listening (EL) to podcasts on English as a foreign language (EFL) learners’ listening anxiety, listening proficiency and attitudes towards English school lessons. Two intact classes with a total of 45 female tenth graders were assigned as the experimental and control group of the study. At the outset of the study, the participants’ level of listening competence was measured through the Key English Test (KET) developed by the Cambridge University. The “Foreign Language Listening Anxiety Scale” (FLLAS) and the “Scale of Attitudes towards English Courses” (SATEC) were administered subsequently to both groups. The experimental group received the treatment including 15 podcasts for EL practice. All the quantitative measurements were repeated after the treatment. Quantitative data was triangulated through semi-structured interviews with a sub-sample of 10 students. The results demonstrated that the students in the experimental group significantly improved their listening comprehension skills. The treatment reduced students’ listening anxiety while the reverse was true for the students in the control group receiving traditional second/foreign language (L2) instruction only. The findings of the study encourage L2 teachers to consider authentic input, namely podcasts, as a source of reducing students’ listening anxiety and improving listening proficiency. That students’ attitudes remained stable in both groups provides guidance for future research.
- Alm, A. (2013). Extensive listening 2.0 with foreign language podcasts. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 7(3), 266-280.
- Bhattacherjee, A. & Premkumar, G. (2004). Understanding changes in belief and attitude toward information technology usage: A theoretical model and longitudinal test. MIS Quarterly, 28(2), 229-254.
- Buckingham, L. (2017). Promoting speaking proficiency and willingness to communicate in Turkish young learners of English through asynchronous computer-mediated practice. System, 65, 25-37.
- Brown, R., Waring, R. &. Donkaewbua, S. (2008). Incidental vocabulary acquisition from reading, reading-while-listening, and listening to stories. Reading in a Foreign Language, 20(2), 136-163. 5/
- Cameron, R. (2009). A sequential mixed model research design: Design, analytical and display issues. International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches, 3(2), 140-152.
- Chang, C.S. (2009). Gains to L2 listeners from reading while listening vs. listening only in comprehending short stories. System, 37(4), 652-663.
- Chang, C.S. (2010). Second-language listening anxiety before and after a 1-yr. Intervention in extensive listening compared with Standard foreign language instruction. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 110(2), 355-365.
- Chang, C.S. & Millett, S. (2016). Developing L2 listening fluency through extended listening-focusedactivities in an extensive listening programme. RELC Journal, 47(3), 349–362.
- Creswell, J. W. (2012). Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill Prentice Hall.
- Danan, M. (2016). Enhancing listening with captions and transcripts: Exploring learner differences. Applied Language Learning, 26(2), 1-24.
- Davis, F.D. (1989). Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance of information technology. MIS Quarterly, 13(3). 319-340.
- Dörnyei, Z. (2007). Research methods in applied linguistics. New York: Oxford University Press.
- Elley, W. (1991). Acquiring literacy in a second language: The effect of book-based programs. Language Learning, 41, 375–411.
- Evans, C. (2008). The effectiveness of m-learning in the form of podcast revision lectures in higher education. Computers & Education, 50, 491-498.
- Fisher, A. (2009). A story of engagement the British Council 1934-2009, counterpoint, British Council, 75 Years of cultural relations.
- Gavenila, E.I., Wulandari, M. & Renandya, W. A. (2021). Using TED talks for extensive listening. PASAA, 61.
- Geisler, C. & Swarts, J. (2019). Coding streams of language: Techniques for the systematic coding of text, talk, and other verbal data. The WAC Clearinghouse, University Press of Colorado (Chapter 5).
- Glaser, B.G. & Strauss, A.L. (1967). The discovery of Grounded Theory: Strategies for qualitative research. Chicago: Aldine.
- Gönülal, T. (2020). Improving listening skills with extensive listening using podcasts and vodcasts. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 7(1), 311-320.
- Horwitz, E. (2001). Language anxiety and achievement. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 21, 112–126.
- Ivone, F. M. & Renandya, W. A. (2019). Extensive listening and viewing in ELT. TEFLIN Journal, 30, 237-256.
- Karlin, O. & Karlin, S. (2021). Comparing the effectiveness of L2 extensive and intensive listening approaches. English as a Foreign Language International Journal,25(4), 26-54.
- Kazazoğlu, S. (2013). The effect of attitudes towards Turkish and English courses on academic achievement. Education and Science, 38(170). 294-307.
- Kimura, H. (2017) Foreign language listening anxiety: A self-presentational view, International Journal of Listening, 31(3), 142-162.
- Koizumi, R. & Matsuo, K. (1993). A longitudinal study of attitudes and motivation in learning English among Japanese seventh-grade students. Japanese Psychological Research, 35(1), 1-11.
- Krashen, S. (1982). Principles and practice in second language acquisition. Pergamon Press, 9-37.
- Lamb, M. (2007). The impact of school on EFL learning motivation: An Indonesian case study. TESOL Quarterly, 41(4), 757-780.
- Lee, Y. J. & Cha, K. W. (2017) Listening logs for extensive listening in a self-regulated environment. Asia-Pacific Edu Res 26, 271–279.
- O’Bryan, A. & Hegelheimer, V. (2007). Integrating CALL into the classroom: The role of podcasting in an ESL listening strategies course. ReCALL, 19(2), 162-180.
- Pigada, M., & Schmitt, N. (2006). Vocabulary acquisition from extensive reading: A case study. Reading in a Foreign Language, 18, 1–28.
- Polat, M. & Erişti, B. (2018). Development of a foreign language listening anxiety scale. Turkish Studies International Periodical for the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic, 13(11), 1113- 1138.
- Polat, M. (2019). The effects of authentic videos on foreign language listening skill development and foreign language listening anxiety at different levels of English proficiency. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Anadolu University, Turkey.
- Rahimi, M. & Soleymani, E. (2015). The impact of mobile learning on listening anxiety and listening comprehension. English Language Teaching, 8(10).
- Reinders, H., & Cho, M. Y. (2010). Extensive listening practice and input-enhancement using mobile phones: Encouraging out-of-class learning with mobile phones. TESL-EJ: The Electronic Journal for English as a Second Language, 14(2), 1–7.
- Renandya, W. A., & Jacobs, G. M. (2016). Extensive reading and listening in the L2 classroom. In W. A. Renandya, & Handoyo, P. (Eds.), English language teaching today, 97-110. New York, NY: Routledge.
- Rodgers, M.P.H. (2016). Extensive listening and viewing: The benefits of audio books and television. The European Journal of Applied Linguistics and TEFL, 5(2), 43-57.
- Saeedakhtar, A., Haqju, R. &Rouhi, A. (2021). The impact of collaborative listening to podcasts on high school learners’ listening comprehension and vocabulary learning. System, 101, 102588.
- Scharle, Á. & Szabó, A. (2000). Learner autonomy: A guide to developing learner responsibility. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Shiri, S. (2015). The application of podcasting as a motivational strategy to Iranian EFL learners of English: A view toward listening comprehension. Advances in Language and Literary Studies, 6(3), 155-165.
- Siegel, J. (2013). Second language learners' perceptions of listening strategy instruction, Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 7(1), 1-18.
- Stanley, G. (2006) Podcasting: Audio on the internet comes of age. TESL-EJ, 9(4), 1-7.
- Şendağ, S., Gedik, N., Caner, M. & Toker, S. (2019). Use of podcasts in mobile assisted language learning: Instructor-led intensive listening and mobile extensive listening. Mersin University Journal of the Faculty of Education, 15(1), 1-27.
- Şengül, M. (2014). Effects of podcasts on 9th grade students’ attitudes towards foreign language learning and their listening skills in Hatay. Unpublished master’s thesis. Mustafa Kemal University, Turkey.
- Tryanti, A., Basalama, N., & Widodo, M. R. (2018). The impact of podcasts on EFL students' listening comprehension. International Journal of Language Education, 2(2), 23-33.
- Vonkova, H., Jones, J., Moore, A., Altinkalp, I. & Selcuk, H. (2021). A review of recent research in EFL motivation: Research trends, emerging methodologies, and diversity of researched populations. System, 103.
Kapsamlı Dinlemenin Dinleme Kaygısı, Dinleme Becerisi ve İngilizce Dersine Yönelik Tutum üzerindeki Etkisi
Yıl 2024,
Cilt: 6 Sayı: 2, 194 - 211, 30.09.2024
Nilüfer Aybirdi
Turgay Han
Pembe Töngel
Bu çalışma, podcast'leri kapsamlı dinleme olarak uygulamanın, yabancı dil olarak İngilizce öğrenen öğrencilerin dinleme kaygısı, dinleme yeterliliği ve İngilizce okul derslerine yönelik tutumları üzerindeki etkilerini araştırmayı amaçlamıştır. Araştırmanın deney ve kontrol grubuna toplam 45 onuncu sınıf öğrencisinin bulunduğu iki sınıf atanmıştır. Araştırmanın başlangıcında katılımcıların dinleme yeterliliği düzeyi Cambridge Üniversitesi tarafından geliştirilen Key English Test ile ölçülmüştür. Daha sonra her iki gruba da “Yabancı Dil Dinleme Kaygısı Ölçeği” ve “İngilizce Derslerine Yönelik Tutum Ölçeği” uygulanmıştır. Deney grubundan okul dışında 15 podcast dinlemeleri istenmiştir. Uygulamadan sonra tüm nicel ölçümler tekrarlandı. Üçgenleme yöntemi nicel verilerin 10 öğrenciden oluşan bir alt örneklemle yapılan yarı yapılandırılmış görüşmeler yoluyla gerçekleştirildi. Sonuçlar, deney grubundaki öğrencilerin dinlediğini anlama becerilerini önemli ölçüde geliştirdiklerini gösterdi. Uygulama öğrencilerin dinleme kaygısını azaltırken, yalnızca geleneksel ikinci/yabancı dil eğitimi alan kontrol grubundaki öğrenciler için bunun tersi geçerliydi. Araştırmanın bulguları ikinci dil öğretmenlerini, öğrencilerin dinleme kaygısını azaltacak ve dinleme yeterliliğini geliştirecek bir kaynak olarak podcast'ler gibi özgün girdileri dikkate almaya teşvik etmektedir. Öğrencilerin tutumlarının her iki grupta da sabit kalması gelecekteki araştırmalar için yol gösterici niteliktedir.
- Alm, A. (2013). Extensive listening 2.0 with foreign language podcasts. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 7(3), 266-280.
- Bhattacherjee, A. & Premkumar, G. (2004). Understanding changes in belief and attitude toward information technology usage: A theoretical model and longitudinal test. MIS Quarterly, 28(2), 229-254.
- Buckingham, L. (2017). Promoting speaking proficiency and willingness to communicate in Turkish young learners of English through asynchronous computer-mediated practice. System, 65, 25-37.
- Brown, R., Waring, R. &. Donkaewbua, S. (2008). Incidental vocabulary acquisition from reading, reading-while-listening, and listening to stories. Reading in a Foreign Language, 20(2), 136-163. 5/
- Cameron, R. (2009). A sequential mixed model research design: Design, analytical and display issues. International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches, 3(2), 140-152.
- Chang, C.S. (2009). Gains to L2 listeners from reading while listening vs. listening only in comprehending short stories. System, 37(4), 652-663.
- Chang, C.S. (2010). Second-language listening anxiety before and after a 1-yr. Intervention in extensive listening compared with Standard foreign language instruction. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 110(2), 355-365.
- Chang, C.S. & Millett, S. (2016). Developing L2 listening fluency through extended listening-focusedactivities in an extensive listening programme. RELC Journal, 47(3), 349–362.
- Creswell, J. W. (2012). Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill Prentice Hall.
- Danan, M. (2016). Enhancing listening with captions and transcripts: Exploring learner differences. Applied Language Learning, 26(2), 1-24.
- Davis, F.D. (1989). Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance of information technology. MIS Quarterly, 13(3). 319-340.
- Dörnyei, Z. (2007). Research methods in applied linguistics. New York: Oxford University Press.
- Elley, W. (1991). Acquiring literacy in a second language: The effect of book-based programs. Language Learning, 41, 375–411.
- Evans, C. (2008). The effectiveness of m-learning in the form of podcast revision lectures in higher education. Computers & Education, 50, 491-498.
- Fisher, A. (2009). A story of engagement the British Council 1934-2009, counterpoint, British Council, 75 Years of cultural relations.
- Gavenila, E.I., Wulandari, M. & Renandya, W. A. (2021). Using TED talks for extensive listening. PASAA, 61.
- Geisler, C. & Swarts, J. (2019). Coding streams of language: Techniques for the systematic coding of text, talk, and other verbal data. The WAC Clearinghouse, University Press of Colorado (Chapter 5).
- Glaser, B.G. & Strauss, A.L. (1967). The discovery of Grounded Theory: Strategies for qualitative research. Chicago: Aldine.
- Gönülal, T. (2020). Improving listening skills with extensive listening using podcasts and vodcasts. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 7(1), 311-320.
- Horwitz, E. (2001). Language anxiety and achievement. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 21, 112–126.
- Ivone, F. M. & Renandya, W. A. (2019). Extensive listening and viewing in ELT. TEFLIN Journal, 30, 237-256.
- Karlin, O. & Karlin, S. (2021). Comparing the effectiveness of L2 extensive and intensive listening approaches. English as a Foreign Language International Journal,25(4), 26-54.
- Kazazoğlu, S. (2013). The effect of attitudes towards Turkish and English courses on academic achievement. Education and Science, 38(170). 294-307.
- Kimura, H. (2017) Foreign language listening anxiety: A self-presentational view, International Journal of Listening, 31(3), 142-162.
- Koizumi, R. & Matsuo, K. (1993). A longitudinal study of attitudes and motivation in learning English among Japanese seventh-grade students. Japanese Psychological Research, 35(1), 1-11.
- Krashen, S. (1982). Principles and practice in second language acquisition. Pergamon Press, 9-37.
- Lamb, M. (2007). The impact of school on EFL learning motivation: An Indonesian case study. TESOL Quarterly, 41(4), 757-780.
- Lee, Y. J. & Cha, K. W. (2017) Listening logs for extensive listening in a self-regulated environment. Asia-Pacific Edu Res 26, 271–279.
- O’Bryan, A. & Hegelheimer, V. (2007). Integrating CALL into the classroom: The role of podcasting in an ESL listening strategies course. ReCALL, 19(2), 162-180.
- Pigada, M., & Schmitt, N. (2006). Vocabulary acquisition from extensive reading: A case study. Reading in a Foreign Language, 18, 1–28.
- Polat, M. & Erişti, B. (2018). Development of a foreign language listening anxiety scale. Turkish Studies International Periodical for the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic, 13(11), 1113- 1138.
- Polat, M. (2019). The effects of authentic videos on foreign language listening skill development and foreign language listening anxiety at different levels of English proficiency. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Anadolu University, Turkey.
- Rahimi, M. & Soleymani, E. (2015). The impact of mobile learning on listening anxiety and listening comprehension. English Language Teaching, 8(10).
- Reinders, H., & Cho, M. Y. (2010). Extensive listening practice and input-enhancement using mobile phones: Encouraging out-of-class learning with mobile phones. TESL-EJ: The Electronic Journal for English as a Second Language, 14(2), 1–7.
- Renandya, W. A., & Jacobs, G. M. (2016). Extensive reading and listening in the L2 classroom. In W. A. Renandya, & Handoyo, P. (Eds.), English language teaching today, 97-110. New York, NY: Routledge.
- Rodgers, M.P.H. (2016). Extensive listening and viewing: The benefits of audio books and television. The European Journal of Applied Linguistics and TEFL, 5(2), 43-57.
- Saeedakhtar, A., Haqju, R. &Rouhi, A. (2021). The impact of collaborative listening to podcasts on high school learners’ listening comprehension and vocabulary learning. System, 101, 102588.
- Scharle, Á. & Szabó, A. (2000). Learner autonomy: A guide to developing learner responsibility. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Shiri, S. (2015). The application of podcasting as a motivational strategy to Iranian EFL learners of English: A view toward listening comprehension. Advances in Language and Literary Studies, 6(3), 155-165.
- Siegel, J. (2013). Second language learners' perceptions of listening strategy instruction, Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 7(1), 1-18.
- Stanley, G. (2006) Podcasting: Audio on the internet comes of age. TESL-EJ, 9(4), 1-7.
- Şendağ, S., Gedik, N., Caner, M. & Toker, S. (2019). Use of podcasts in mobile assisted language learning: Instructor-led intensive listening and mobile extensive listening. Mersin University Journal of the Faculty of Education, 15(1), 1-27.
- Şengül, M. (2014). Effects of podcasts on 9th grade students’ attitudes towards foreign language learning and their listening skills in Hatay. Unpublished master’s thesis. Mustafa Kemal University, Turkey.
- Tryanti, A., Basalama, N., & Widodo, M. R. (2018). The impact of podcasts on EFL students' listening comprehension. International Journal of Language Education, 2(2), 23-33.
- Vonkova, H., Jones, J., Moore, A., Altinkalp, I. & Selcuk, H. (2021). A review of recent research in EFL motivation: Research trends, emerging methodologies, and diversity of researched populations. System, 103.