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Yıl 2010, Sayı: 14, 1 - 22, 01.12.2010


Bu çalışmanın amacı kriz yaşayan bir örgütün reaktif hakla ilişkiler yönetimi çerçevesinde mevcut söylemlerini imaj düzeltme stratejilerinden hangisi üzerinden yapılandırarak oluşturduğunu ortaya koymaktır. Nitekim imaj düzeltme stratejilerinin simetrik ya da asimetrik bir yaklaşımla ele alınması örgütlerin paydaşlarıyla olan ilişkilerini nasıl yönettiklerine işaret etmesi bakımından önemlidir. Bu doğrultuda Burger King’in yaşadığı “Virüslü Et Krizi”ne yönelik basında yer alan söylemleri Benoit’in (1995) imaj düzeltme stratejileri bağlamında analiz edilmiş ve Burger King’in asimetrik iletişim olarak belirtilen inkar ve olayın büyüklüğünü azaltma stratejilerini kullandığı tespit edilmiştir


  • Alkhafaji, Abbass F. (2003). Strategic Management Formulation, Implementation, and Control in a Dynamic Environment. The Haworth Press. New York.
  • Aydede, Ceyda (2001). Halkla İlişkiler Kampanyaları. Ankara: Media Cat Yayınları.
  • Baker, Gail E., (2001). “Race and Reputation Restoring Image Beyond the Crisis”. Handbook of Public Relations. (der.) içinde. Heath, Robert L., London: Sage Publications, 513-520.
  • Barich, Howard ve Kotler, Philip (1991). “A Framework for Marketing Image Management.” Sloan Management Revie, 32(2): 94-104.
  • Barton, Laurence (1993), Crisis in Organisations: Managing communications in the Heat of Chaos. South-Western Pub. Co., Cincinnati.
  • Benoit William L. ve Czerwinski, Anne (1997). “A Critical Analysis of USAIR’s Image Repair Discourse.” Business Communication Quarterly. Volume 60, Number 5: 38-57.
  • Benoit, William L ve McHale John P. (1999). “Kenneth Starr's image repair discourse viewed in 20/20.” Communication Quarterly, 47 (3): 265- 280.
  • Benoit, William L, ve Hanczor, Robert S. (1994). “The Tonya Harding controversy: An analysis of image restoration strategies.” Communication Quarterly, 42(4): 416.
  • Benoit, William L. (1995). “Sears' repair of its auto service image: Image restoration discourse in the corporate sector.” Communication Studies, 46 (1-2): 89-105.
  • Benoit, William L. (1997a). “Hugh Grant's image restoration discourse: An actor apologizes.” Communication Quarterly, 45(3): 251- 267.
  • Benoit, William L. (1997b). “Image Repair Discourse and Crisis Communication.” Public Relations Review. 23(2): 177- 186
  • Brinson, Susan L ve Benoit, William L. (1996). “Dow Corning's image repair strategies in the breast implant crisis.” Communication Quarterly, 44(1): 29 -30.
  • Brinson, Susan L ve Benoit, William L. (1999). “ The Tarnished Star: Restoring Texaco's Damaged Public Image.” Management Communication Quarterly, 12: 483- 510.
  • Brønn, Peggy S. ve Olson Erik L. (1999). “Mapping the Strategic Thinking of Public Relations Managers in a Crisis Situation: An Illustrative Example Using Conjoint Analysis.” Public Relations Review, 25(3):351-368.
  • Coombs, Timothy W. (1995). “Choosing the right words: The development of guidelines for the selection of the appropriate crisis response strategies.” Management Communication Quarterly, 8:447-476.
  • Coombs, Timothy W. (1999). Ongoing crisis communication:planning, managing and responding. Thousand Oaks. CA: Sage Publications. Coombs, Timothy W. (2007). “Protecting organization reputations during a crisis: The development and application of situational crisis communication theory.” Corporate Reputation Review, 10(3). 163- 176.
  • Dennard, Linda F. (1996). “The New Paradigm in Science and Public Administration”. Public Administration Review, 56(5): 495-499. Fearn-Banks, Kathleen (1996). Crisis communications: A casebook approach. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
  • Fearn-Banks, Kathleen (2001). “Crisis Communication A Review of Some Best Practices.” Handbook of Public Relations. (der.) içinde Heath, Robert L., London: Sage Publications. 479-485.
  • Goffman, Ervin (1971). Relations in public. New York: Basic Boks Inc. Gollner, Andrew (1984). “Interdependence and its impacts on public relations/public affairs.” Tips & Tactics. 22(14):1-2.
  • Gonzalez-Herrero, Alfonso ve Smith Suzanne (2008). “Crisis Communications Management on the Web: How Internet-Based Technologies are Changing the Way Public Relations Professionals Handle Business Crises.” Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, Volume 16(3):143-153.
  • Grunig, James E. ve Grunig Larissa (2005). “Halkla İlişkiler ve İletişim Modelleri”, Halkla İlişkilerde ve İletişim Yönetiminde Mükemmellik. (der.) içinde. Grunig, James E., Çeviri: Elif Özsayar. İstanbul: Rota. 307-349.
  • Grunig, Larissa (2005). “Eylemcilik: Örgütlerin Etkinliğini Nasıl Sınırlıyor ve Mükemmel Halkla İlişkiler Departmanları Nasıl Karşılık Vermeli.” Halkla İlişkilerde ve İletişim Yönetiminde Mükemmellik. (der.) içinde. Grunig, James E., çeviri: Elif Özsayar. İstanbul: Rota:527-557.
  • Grunig, James E. ve Repper, Fred C. (2005). “Stratejik Yönetim, Kamular ve Gündemler.” Halkla İlişkilerde ve İletişim Yönetiminde Mükemmellik. (der.) içinde. Grunig, James E., çeviri: Elif Özsayar. İstanbul: Rota:131-173.
  • Grunig, James E. ve White Jon (2005). “Halkla İlişkiler Kuram ve Uygulamasında Dünya Görüşlerinin Etkisi.” Halkla İlişkiler ve İletişim Yönetiminde Mükemmellik. (der.) içinde. Grunig, James E., çeviri: Elif Özsayar. İstanbul: Rota: 43-79.
  • Hagan, Linda M. (2007). “For Reputation’s Sake: Managing Crisis Communication.” The Future of Excellence in Public Relations and Communication Management Challenges for the Next Generation. (der.) içinde Toth, Elizabeth, L., London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers. 413-440.
  • Hiriyappa, B. (2008). Strategic Management Chartered Accountants. New Delhi: New Age International Publisher.
  • Huang, Yi-Hui ve Su, Shih-Hsin (2009). “Public Relations Autonomy, Legal Dominance, and Strategic Orientation as Predictors of Crisis Communicative Strategies.” Journal of Business Ethics. 86: 29-41.
  • Jaques, Tony (2010). “Embedding issue management as a strategic element of crisis prevention.” Disaster Prevention and Management. Vol. 19(4):469-482.
  • Kazancı, Metin (2006). Kamuda ve Özel Kesimde Halkla İlişkiler. Ankara: Turhan Kitabevi.
  • Kennedy, Kimberly A. ve Benoit, ve William L. (1997). “The Newt Gingrich book deal controversy: Self-defense rhetoric.” The Southern Communication Journal, 62(3): 197-216.
  • Kernisky, Debra A. (1997). “Proactive Crisis Management and Ethical Discourse: Dow Chemical’s İssues Management Bulletins 1979- 1990.”Journal of Business Ethics, 16(8): 843-853.
  • Khanfar, Mohannad (2007). “Visionary Approaches to Management of Corporate Communication Strategy and Its Implications.” The Business Review, 8(2):198-207.
  • Kim , Sora vd., (2009). “Are crisis communicators practicing what we preach?: An evaluation of crisis response strategy analyzed in public relations research from 1991 to 2009.” Public Relations Review, 35: 446-448.
  • Küçük, Ferit ve Bayuk, Nedim (2007). “Kriz Ortamında Bir Başarı Faktörü Olarak Çalışanların Kurum İmajı.” Journal of Yaşar University. 2(7): 795-808.
  • Lerbinger, Otto (1997). The crisis manager: Facing risk and responsibility. Mahwah NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc.
  • Massey, Joseph E. ve Larsen, John P. (2006). “Crisis Management in Real Time: How to Successfully Plan for and Respond to a Crisis.” Journal of Promotion Management, 12(3/4): 63-97.
  • Mitroff, Ian (2005). “Crisis leadership: Seven strategies of strength”. Leadership Excellence, 22(1): 11.
  • Mitroff, Ian (1987). “Effective Cirisis Management.” The Academy of Management Executive, 1(3).
  • Olaniran ve Williams (2001). “Anticipatory Model of Crisis Management A Vigilant Response to Technological Crises.” Handbook of Public Relations. (der.) içinde Heath, Robert L., London: Sage Publications. 487-500.
  • Olaniran, Bolanle (2007). “The Role of Perception in Crisis Management A Tale of Two Hurricanes.” Multicultural Education. (Winter):13-16.
  • Okumuş, Fevzi (2003). “İşletmelerde Kriz Yönetimi ve Krizlerin İşletmeler Üzerine Olası Etkileri.” İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 17. Sayı (1- 2): 203-212.
  • Paschall, Rod (1992). Critical incident management. Chicago, IL: Office of International Criminal Justice. University of Illinois.
  • Pauchant, Tierry C. and Mitroff, Ian (1992). Transforming the Crisis-Prone Organization: Preventing Individual, Organizational and Environmental Tragedies. Jossey-Bass Publication. San Francisco. CA.
  • Pavlik, John V. (Mayıs 1989). “The Concept of Symmetry in the Education of Public Relations Practitioners.” International Communication Association Bildiri Sunusu. San Francisco.
  • Pearson, Christine M., and Clair, Judith A. (1998). “Reframing crisis management”. Academy of Management Review, 23:59-76.
  • Peltekoğlu, Balta Filiz (2001). Halkla İlişkiler Nedir? İstanbul:Beta. Regester, Michael, & Larkin, Judy (2008). Risk issues and crisis management A casebook of best practice. London:Kogan Page.
  • Roux-Dufort, C. (2000). “Why organizations don’t learn from crises: the perverse power of normalization.” Review of Business, 21 (3/4):25-30.
  • Roux-Dufort, C. (2007). “A passion for imperfections: revisiting crisis management.” In Pearson, C.M., Roux-Dufort, C. ve Clair, J.A. (Eds).
  • International Handbook of Organizational Crisis Management. Sage. Thousand Oaks. CA. 221-52.
  • Scott, M, H, & Lyman, S. M. (1968). Accounts. American Sociological Review, 33: 46-62.
  • Seeger, Matthew W. vd., (2001). “Public Relations and Crisis Communication Organizing and Chaos.” Handbook of Public Relations. (der.) içinde Heath, Robert L., London: Sage Publications. 155-165.
  • Shrivastava, Paul (1995). Ecocentric management for a globally changing crisis society. In 54th Meeting of the Academy of Management Vancouver, BC, Canada.
  • Steyn, Benita ve Niemann, Lynne (2010). “Enterprise strategy A concept that explicates corporate communication’s strategic contribution at the macro-organisational level.” Journal of Communication Management, 14 (2):106-126.
  • Ströh, Ursula (2007). “An Alternative Postmodern Approach to Corporate Communication Strategy.” The Future of Excellence in Public Relations and Communication Management Challenges for the Next Generation. (der.) içinde Toth, Elizabeth, L., London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers. 199-220.
  • Sucu, Yaşar (2000). Kriz Yönetimi. Ankara: Elit.
  • Şatır, Çiğdem (2003). “Kurumsal İmaj ve Sembolik Form Olarak Metaforlar.” Akdeniz Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Dergisi,1: 252-255.
  • Treadwell, Donald F. ve Harrison, Teresa (1994). “Conceptualizing an Assessing Organizational Image: Model Image, commitment and communication.” Communication Association. 1-61.
  • “Burger King’e Virüslü Et Soruşturması Açıldı” (2010).
  • http://www.nethaber/ekonomi/16719.html. Erişim Tarihi: 19.11.2010.
  • “Dünyaca Ünlü Hamburgerci Burger King’e Virüslü Et Soruşturması” (2010). Erişim Tarihi 19.11.2010.
  • “Tab Gıda:Bakterili Et Konusunun Burger King İle Bir İlgisi Yoktur!”(2010). Erişim Tarihi: 19.11.2010.
  • “Burger King’in Başı Belada” (2010). TR/ebülten/2182_burger-kingin-basi-belada.aspx. Erişim Tarihi: 19.11.2010.


Yıl 2010, Sayı: 14, 1 - 22, 01.12.2010


The purpose of this study is to display image repair strategies of an organization facing crisis in terms of reactive public relations management. In fact, it is important that evaluating image repair strategies as symmetrical or asymmetrical approach indicates how an organization manages the relationships with its stakeholders. Accordingly Burger King’s discourse covered in media about contaminated meat crisis has been analysed within the context of Benoit’s (1995) image repair strategies, and it has been observed that Burger King has used denial strategy and reducing offensiveness of an event strategy, which are explained as asymmetric communication


  • Alkhafaji, Abbass F. (2003). Strategic Management Formulation, Implementation, and Control in a Dynamic Environment. The Haworth Press. New York.
  • Aydede, Ceyda (2001). Halkla İlişkiler Kampanyaları. Ankara: Media Cat Yayınları.
  • Baker, Gail E., (2001). “Race and Reputation Restoring Image Beyond the Crisis”. Handbook of Public Relations. (der.) içinde. Heath, Robert L., London: Sage Publications, 513-520.
  • Barich, Howard ve Kotler, Philip (1991). “A Framework for Marketing Image Management.” Sloan Management Revie, 32(2): 94-104.
  • Barton, Laurence (1993), Crisis in Organisations: Managing communications in the Heat of Chaos. South-Western Pub. Co., Cincinnati.
  • Benoit William L. ve Czerwinski, Anne (1997). “A Critical Analysis of USAIR’s Image Repair Discourse.” Business Communication Quarterly. Volume 60, Number 5: 38-57.
  • Benoit, William L ve McHale John P. (1999). “Kenneth Starr's image repair discourse viewed in 20/20.” Communication Quarterly, 47 (3): 265- 280.
  • Benoit, William L, ve Hanczor, Robert S. (1994). “The Tonya Harding controversy: An analysis of image restoration strategies.” Communication Quarterly, 42(4): 416.
  • Benoit, William L. (1995). “Sears' repair of its auto service image: Image restoration discourse in the corporate sector.” Communication Studies, 46 (1-2): 89-105.
  • Benoit, William L. (1997a). “Hugh Grant's image restoration discourse: An actor apologizes.” Communication Quarterly, 45(3): 251- 267.
  • Benoit, William L. (1997b). “Image Repair Discourse and Crisis Communication.” Public Relations Review. 23(2): 177- 186
  • Brinson, Susan L ve Benoit, William L. (1996). “Dow Corning's image repair strategies in the breast implant crisis.” Communication Quarterly, 44(1): 29 -30.
  • Brinson, Susan L ve Benoit, William L. (1999). “ The Tarnished Star: Restoring Texaco's Damaged Public Image.” Management Communication Quarterly, 12: 483- 510.
  • Brønn, Peggy S. ve Olson Erik L. (1999). “Mapping the Strategic Thinking of Public Relations Managers in a Crisis Situation: An Illustrative Example Using Conjoint Analysis.” Public Relations Review, 25(3):351-368.
  • Coombs, Timothy W. (1995). “Choosing the right words: The development of guidelines for the selection of the appropriate crisis response strategies.” Management Communication Quarterly, 8:447-476.
  • Coombs, Timothy W. (1999). Ongoing crisis communication:planning, managing and responding. Thousand Oaks. CA: Sage Publications. Coombs, Timothy W. (2007). “Protecting organization reputations during a crisis: The development and application of situational crisis communication theory.” Corporate Reputation Review, 10(3). 163- 176.
  • Dennard, Linda F. (1996). “The New Paradigm in Science and Public Administration”. Public Administration Review, 56(5): 495-499. Fearn-Banks, Kathleen (1996). Crisis communications: A casebook approach. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
  • Fearn-Banks, Kathleen (2001). “Crisis Communication A Review of Some Best Practices.” Handbook of Public Relations. (der.) içinde Heath, Robert L., London: Sage Publications. 479-485.
  • Goffman, Ervin (1971). Relations in public. New York: Basic Boks Inc. Gollner, Andrew (1984). “Interdependence and its impacts on public relations/public affairs.” Tips & Tactics. 22(14):1-2.
  • Gonzalez-Herrero, Alfonso ve Smith Suzanne (2008). “Crisis Communications Management on the Web: How Internet-Based Technologies are Changing the Way Public Relations Professionals Handle Business Crises.” Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, Volume 16(3):143-153.
  • Grunig, James E. ve Grunig Larissa (2005). “Halkla İlişkiler ve İletişim Modelleri”, Halkla İlişkilerde ve İletişim Yönetiminde Mükemmellik. (der.) içinde. Grunig, James E., Çeviri: Elif Özsayar. İstanbul: Rota. 307-349.
  • Grunig, Larissa (2005). “Eylemcilik: Örgütlerin Etkinliğini Nasıl Sınırlıyor ve Mükemmel Halkla İlişkiler Departmanları Nasıl Karşılık Vermeli.” Halkla İlişkilerde ve İletişim Yönetiminde Mükemmellik. (der.) içinde. Grunig, James E., çeviri: Elif Özsayar. İstanbul: Rota:527-557.
  • Grunig, James E. ve Repper, Fred C. (2005). “Stratejik Yönetim, Kamular ve Gündemler.” Halkla İlişkilerde ve İletişim Yönetiminde Mükemmellik. (der.) içinde. Grunig, James E., çeviri: Elif Özsayar. İstanbul: Rota:131-173.
  • Grunig, James E. ve White Jon (2005). “Halkla İlişkiler Kuram ve Uygulamasında Dünya Görüşlerinin Etkisi.” Halkla İlişkiler ve İletişim Yönetiminde Mükemmellik. (der.) içinde. Grunig, James E., çeviri: Elif Özsayar. İstanbul: Rota: 43-79.
  • Hagan, Linda M. (2007). “For Reputation’s Sake: Managing Crisis Communication.” The Future of Excellence in Public Relations and Communication Management Challenges for the Next Generation. (der.) içinde Toth, Elizabeth, L., London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers. 413-440.
  • Hiriyappa, B. (2008). Strategic Management Chartered Accountants. New Delhi: New Age International Publisher.
  • Huang, Yi-Hui ve Su, Shih-Hsin (2009). “Public Relations Autonomy, Legal Dominance, and Strategic Orientation as Predictors of Crisis Communicative Strategies.” Journal of Business Ethics. 86: 29-41.
  • Jaques, Tony (2010). “Embedding issue management as a strategic element of crisis prevention.” Disaster Prevention and Management. Vol. 19(4):469-482.
  • Kazancı, Metin (2006). Kamuda ve Özel Kesimde Halkla İlişkiler. Ankara: Turhan Kitabevi.
  • Kennedy, Kimberly A. ve Benoit, ve William L. (1997). “The Newt Gingrich book deal controversy: Self-defense rhetoric.” The Southern Communication Journal, 62(3): 197-216.
  • Kernisky, Debra A. (1997). “Proactive Crisis Management and Ethical Discourse: Dow Chemical’s İssues Management Bulletins 1979- 1990.”Journal of Business Ethics, 16(8): 843-853.
  • Khanfar, Mohannad (2007). “Visionary Approaches to Management of Corporate Communication Strategy and Its Implications.” The Business Review, 8(2):198-207.
  • Kim , Sora vd., (2009). “Are crisis communicators practicing what we preach?: An evaluation of crisis response strategy analyzed in public relations research from 1991 to 2009.” Public Relations Review, 35: 446-448.
  • Küçük, Ferit ve Bayuk, Nedim (2007). “Kriz Ortamında Bir Başarı Faktörü Olarak Çalışanların Kurum İmajı.” Journal of Yaşar University. 2(7): 795-808.
  • Lerbinger, Otto (1997). The crisis manager: Facing risk and responsibility. Mahwah NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc.
  • Massey, Joseph E. ve Larsen, John P. (2006). “Crisis Management in Real Time: How to Successfully Plan for and Respond to a Crisis.” Journal of Promotion Management, 12(3/4): 63-97.
  • Mitroff, Ian (2005). “Crisis leadership: Seven strategies of strength”. Leadership Excellence, 22(1): 11.
  • Mitroff, Ian (1987). “Effective Cirisis Management.” The Academy of Management Executive, 1(3).
  • Olaniran ve Williams (2001). “Anticipatory Model of Crisis Management A Vigilant Response to Technological Crises.” Handbook of Public Relations. (der.) içinde Heath, Robert L., London: Sage Publications. 487-500.
  • Olaniran, Bolanle (2007). “The Role of Perception in Crisis Management A Tale of Two Hurricanes.” Multicultural Education. (Winter):13-16.
  • Okumuş, Fevzi (2003). “İşletmelerde Kriz Yönetimi ve Krizlerin İşletmeler Üzerine Olası Etkileri.” İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 17. Sayı (1- 2): 203-212.
  • Paschall, Rod (1992). Critical incident management. Chicago, IL: Office of International Criminal Justice. University of Illinois.
  • Pauchant, Tierry C. and Mitroff, Ian (1992). Transforming the Crisis-Prone Organization: Preventing Individual, Organizational and Environmental Tragedies. Jossey-Bass Publication. San Francisco. CA.
  • Pavlik, John V. (Mayıs 1989). “The Concept of Symmetry in the Education of Public Relations Practitioners.” International Communication Association Bildiri Sunusu. San Francisco.
  • Pearson, Christine M., and Clair, Judith A. (1998). “Reframing crisis management”. Academy of Management Review, 23:59-76.
  • Peltekoğlu, Balta Filiz (2001). Halkla İlişkiler Nedir? İstanbul:Beta. Regester, Michael, & Larkin, Judy (2008). Risk issues and crisis management A casebook of best practice. London:Kogan Page.
  • Roux-Dufort, C. (2000). “Why organizations don’t learn from crises: the perverse power of normalization.” Review of Business, 21 (3/4):25-30.
  • Roux-Dufort, C. (2007). “A passion for imperfections: revisiting crisis management.” In Pearson, C.M., Roux-Dufort, C. ve Clair, J.A. (Eds).
  • International Handbook of Organizational Crisis Management. Sage. Thousand Oaks. CA. 221-52.
  • Scott, M, H, & Lyman, S. M. (1968). Accounts. American Sociological Review, 33: 46-62.
  • Seeger, Matthew W. vd., (2001). “Public Relations and Crisis Communication Organizing and Chaos.” Handbook of Public Relations. (der.) içinde Heath, Robert L., London: Sage Publications. 155-165.
  • Shrivastava, Paul (1995). Ecocentric management for a globally changing crisis society. In 54th Meeting of the Academy of Management Vancouver, BC, Canada.
  • Steyn, Benita ve Niemann, Lynne (2010). “Enterprise strategy A concept that explicates corporate communication’s strategic contribution at the macro-organisational level.” Journal of Communication Management, 14 (2):106-126.
  • Ströh, Ursula (2007). “An Alternative Postmodern Approach to Corporate Communication Strategy.” The Future of Excellence in Public Relations and Communication Management Challenges for the Next Generation. (der.) içinde Toth, Elizabeth, L., London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers. 199-220.
  • Sucu, Yaşar (2000). Kriz Yönetimi. Ankara: Elit.
  • Şatır, Çiğdem (2003). “Kurumsal İmaj ve Sembolik Form Olarak Metaforlar.” Akdeniz Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Dergisi,1: 252-255.
  • Treadwell, Donald F. ve Harrison, Teresa (1994). “Conceptualizing an Assessing Organizational Image: Model Image, commitment and communication.” Communication Association. 1-61.
  • “Burger King’e Virüslü Et Soruşturması Açıldı” (2010).
  • http://www.nethaber/ekonomi/16719.html. Erişim Tarihi: 19.11.2010.
  • “Dünyaca Ünlü Hamburgerci Burger King’e Virüslü Et Soruşturması” (2010). Erişim Tarihi 19.11.2010.
  • “Tab Gıda:Bakterili Et Konusunun Burger King İle Bir İlgisi Yoktur!”(2010). Erişim Tarihi: 19.11.2010.
  • “Burger King’in Başı Belada” (2010). TR/ebülten/2182_burger-kingin-basi-belada.aspx. Erişim Tarihi: 19.11.2010.
Toplam 62 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Research Article

Çiğdem Karakaya Şatır Bu kişi benim

Zuhal Gök Demir Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2010
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2010 Sayı: 14

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