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Yıl 2021, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 23, 61 - 86, 10.01.2021


Monotheistic Judaism, which emphasizes more concrete, more mundane and more rational arguments among the divine religions, explains the basic elements of religion, including the corpus of scriptures, in reconciliation with ethnic reason, while the Talmud / Rabbinic tradition interprets this corpus in order to convince the rational evidence in accordance with the philosophical world of their time it used it to reinforce the dogmatic nature of faith.In later periods, the Jewish religious reason, which entered into syncretism with newly emerged modern philosophical currents, gained a multidimensional intellectual form and pursued a dynamically rationalized tradition in cult and intellectual community typologies such as Reformist, Orthodox, Conservative, Reconstructionist and Renewal, even the Haskala Movement, based on the arguments of modernity. Lastly, The postmodern Jewish mind, on the other hand, tends towards more multi-cultural understandings, more complicated and mixed, even pluralist theologies, aims to infiltrate to the "multiple, short-lived, worlds of mentality built by local histories, thereby leaving its traditional abstractive and elite sacred idea of liberation history in order to give rise to more ethnic sacrednesses.


  • Adam, Baki. Yahudi Kaynaklarına Göre Tevrat, Pınar Yayınları, İstanbul: 2001.
  • Alıcı, Mustafa; “Post-Religio et Ratio: Postmodern Dönemde Akıl-Din İlişkisi”. Akra Kültür Sanat ve Edebiyat Dergisi 20/8 (2020), 15-44.
  • Altuncu, Abdullah; “Haskala Sırasında Din–Bilim Çatışması: Onay Belgeleri Bilim Kitapları ve Rabbani Din Adamları”. AÜİFD 59/2 (2018), 113-138.
  • Batnitzky, Leora; “Religion as Reason and Separation from the Politics”. How Judaism Become Religion. Princeton: Princeto University Press, 2011, 52-72.
  • Bergman, Samuel Hugo; Faith and Reason-An Introduction to Modern Jewish Thought, çev. Alfred Jospe. New York: Schocken Books, 1963.
  • Cohen, Ayelet; Linguistic Comments in Saadia’s Biblical Commentary. Haifah: Haifah University Press, 2017.
  • Friedenwald, Harry; The Jews and Medicine. Baltimore: The John Hopkins Press, 1944.
  • Katzenellgoben, R.; “Maimonides’ Rationalisation of the Divine Commentments”. Six Talks on Maimonides. ed. Aryeh Newman. 22- 27. Jerusalem: 1955.
  • Davidson, Herbert A.; Moses Maimonides: The Man and His Works. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005.
  • Doğan, Hatice; Musa Bin Meymun-Rambam: Maymonides’in Hayatı ve Eserleri Delaletü’l- Hairîn More Nevuhim. İstanbul: Gözlem Gazetecilik Basın Yayın, 2010.
  • Eliade, Mircea - Couliano, Ioan P.; Dinler Tarihi Sözlüğü. çev. Ali Erbaş. İstanbul: İnsan Yayınları, 1997.
  • Greenberg, Yudit Kornberg; “Gene Borowitz’ Renewing the Covenant: A Theology for the Postmodern Jew”, Renewing the Covenant-Eugene Borowitz and Postmodern Renewal of Jewish Theology. ed. Peter Ochs. 49-59. New York: State University of New York Press, 2000.
  • Hare, J. E. ; “History of Christian Ethics”. The New Dictionary of Ethics and Pastoral Theology. ed. David J. Atkinson - David F. Field. 38-45. Leicester: Intervarsity Press, 1995. Idel, Moshe; Absorbing Perfections:Kabbalah and Interpretation. New Haven: 2000.
  • Lambert, Yves; “Religion in Modernity as a New Axial Age: Secularization or New Religious Forms?”. Sociology of Religion 60/3 (1999), 303-333.
  • Levin, Meyer; Beginnings of Jewish Philosophy. New York: Behrman House, 1971.
  • Karaman, Hüseyin; “İbn Meymun Düşüncesinde Aklın Sınırları ve Din-Felsefe İlişkisi”. Din Bilimleri Akademik Araştırma Dergisi VI/4 (2006), 153-173.
  • Kepnes, Steven; “Postmodern Interpretation of Judaism: Deconstructive and Constructive Approaches”. Interpreting Judaism in the Postmodern Age. ed. Steven Kepnes. New York: New York University Press, 1996.
  • Kurt, Ali Osman; “Yahudi Aydınlanma Hareketi: Haskala”. Milel ve Nihal 7/1 (2010), 33-59.
  • Kurtz, Lester R.; Gods in the Global Village-Religions in Sociological Perspective. London: Sage Publication, 2012.
  • Maimonides, Moses; The Guide For The Perplexed, çev. Shlomo Pines - Leo Strauss, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1963, I-III.
  • Maimonides, Moses; Mishneh im Perush R. Moshe ben Maimon, with Arabic Original and Hebrew Translation, ed. J. Kafah. Jerusalem: 1963.
  • Nuesner, Jaco; Rabbinic Judaism-Structure and System. Minniapolis: Fortress Press, 1995.
  • Nuesner, Jacob; “Rabbanic Judaism in Late Antiquity”. Encyclopedia of Religion. ed. Mircea Eliade. XII/185-192. New York-London: MacMillan Publication, 1987.
  • Ochs, Peter; “Compassionate Postmodernism: An Introduction to Postmodern Jewish Philosophy”. The European Legacy 2/1 (2008), 74-79.
  • Peters, F. E.; Judaism, Christianity and Islam-The Classical Texts and Their Interpretation. New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1990, I-II.
  • Pines, Shlomo; “Translator’s Introduction: The Philospohical Sources of the The Guide of the Perplexed”. The Guide of the Perplexed. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1963, I-VII.
  • Robinson, Ira; “American Jewish Views of Evolution and Intelligent Design”. Modern Judaism 27 /2 (2007), 173-192.
  • Rodriguez, Angel Manuel; Human Reason and Biblical Hermeneutics: An Introduction”. Journal of the Adventist Theological Society 27/1-2 (2016), 85-97.
  • Satlow, Michael L.; Creating Judaism: History, Tradition, Practice. Columbia: Colombia University Press, 2016.
  • Scheindlin, Raymond P.; A Short History of the Jeiwsh People: From Legendary Times to Modern Statehood. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000.
  • Spinoza, Baruch; Ethics. ed. G.H.R. Parkinson. London: J.M. Dent and Sons Everyman Library, 1989.
  • Spinoza, Baruch; Teolojik-Politik İnceleme. çev. Cemal Bâli Akal - Reyda Ergün, Ankara: Dost Kitabevi, 2016.
  • Sterman, Baruch; “Judaism and Darwinian Evolution”. A Journal of Orthodox Jewish Thought 29/1, (1994), 48-75.
  • Swinburne, Richard; Faith and Reason, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2005.
  • Tarakçı, Muhammet; “Eski Ahit’in Apokrif Kitapları”. Uludağ Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 12/2 (2003), 384-411.
  • Wolf, Arnold Jacob; “Rabbanite”. Encyclopedia of Religion. ed. Mircea Eliade, XII/181-185. New York-London: McMillan Publication, 1987.
  • Shear-Yashuv, Aharon, “Jewish Philosophers on Reason and Revelation”, (09.09.2020).


Yıl 2021, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 23, 61 - 86, 10.01.2021


İlahi dinler arasında daha somut, daha dünyevi ve daha akılcı argümanları öne çıkaran monoteist Yahudilik, kutsal kitap külliyatı olmak üzere dinin temel unsurlarını etnik akıl ile uzlaşı içinde izah ederken bu külliyatı yorumlayan Talmud/Rabbani geleneği rasyonel delilleri kendi dönemlerinin felsefi zihin dünyasına uygun olarak ikna ve imanın dogmatik yapısını güçlendirmek için kullanmıştı. Daha sonraki dönemlerde yeni, modern felsefi akımlarla senktretik eylemlere giren Yahudi dindar aklı, çok boyutlu entelektüel bir form kazanıp modernitenin argümanlarına dayanarak Reformist, Ortodoks, Muhafazakâr, Yeniden Yapılanmacı ve Yenileyici hatta Haskala Hareketi gibi kült ve düşünsel cemaat tipolojilerinde dinamik olarak rasyonelize olmuş bir gelenek peşinde oldu. Son olarak Postmodern Yahudi aklı ise daha fazla çoklu kültürel anlayışlara, daha çetrefilli ve karma hatta çoğulcu teolojilere yönelmekte böylelikle daha fazla etnik kutsallıklara meydan verecek şekilde geleneksel soyutlayıcı ve elit kutsal kurtuluş tarih fikrinden sıyrılıp mahallî tarihlerin” inşa etmiş olduğu çoklu, kıssacı, zihinsel dünyalara sızmayı hedeflemektedir.


  • Adam, Baki. Yahudi Kaynaklarına Göre Tevrat, Pınar Yayınları, İstanbul: 2001.
  • Alıcı, Mustafa; “Post-Religio et Ratio: Postmodern Dönemde Akıl-Din İlişkisi”. Akra Kültür Sanat ve Edebiyat Dergisi 20/8 (2020), 15-44.
  • Altuncu, Abdullah; “Haskala Sırasında Din–Bilim Çatışması: Onay Belgeleri Bilim Kitapları ve Rabbani Din Adamları”. AÜİFD 59/2 (2018), 113-138.
  • Batnitzky, Leora; “Religion as Reason and Separation from the Politics”. How Judaism Become Religion. Princeton: Princeto University Press, 2011, 52-72.
  • Bergman, Samuel Hugo; Faith and Reason-An Introduction to Modern Jewish Thought, çev. Alfred Jospe. New York: Schocken Books, 1963.
  • Cohen, Ayelet; Linguistic Comments in Saadia’s Biblical Commentary. Haifah: Haifah University Press, 2017.
  • Friedenwald, Harry; The Jews and Medicine. Baltimore: The John Hopkins Press, 1944.
  • Katzenellgoben, R.; “Maimonides’ Rationalisation of the Divine Commentments”. Six Talks on Maimonides. ed. Aryeh Newman. 22- 27. Jerusalem: 1955.
  • Davidson, Herbert A.; Moses Maimonides: The Man and His Works. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005.
  • Doğan, Hatice; Musa Bin Meymun-Rambam: Maymonides’in Hayatı ve Eserleri Delaletü’l- Hairîn More Nevuhim. İstanbul: Gözlem Gazetecilik Basın Yayın, 2010.
  • Eliade, Mircea - Couliano, Ioan P.; Dinler Tarihi Sözlüğü. çev. Ali Erbaş. İstanbul: İnsan Yayınları, 1997.
  • Greenberg, Yudit Kornberg; “Gene Borowitz’ Renewing the Covenant: A Theology for the Postmodern Jew”, Renewing the Covenant-Eugene Borowitz and Postmodern Renewal of Jewish Theology. ed. Peter Ochs. 49-59. New York: State University of New York Press, 2000.
  • Hare, J. E. ; “History of Christian Ethics”. The New Dictionary of Ethics and Pastoral Theology. ed. David J. Atkinson - David F. Field. 38-45. Leicester: Intervarsity Press, 1995. Idel, Moshe; Absorbing Perfections:Kabbalah and Interpretation. New Haven: 2000.
  • Lambert, Yves; “Religion in Modernity as a New Axial Age: Secularization or New Religious Forms?”. Sociology of Religion 60/3 (1999), 303-333.
  • Levin, Meyer; Beginnings of Jewish Philosophy. New York: Behrman House, 1971.
  • Karaman, Hüseyin; “İbn Meymun Düşüncesinde Aklın Sınırları ve Din-Felsefe İlişkisi”. Din Bilimleri Akademik Araştırma Dergisi VI/4 (2006), 153-173.
  • Kepnes, Steven; “Postmodern Interpretation of Judaism: Deconstructive and Constructive Approaches”. Interpreting Judaism in the Postmodern Age. ed. Steven Kepnes. New York: New York University Press, 1996.
  • Kurt, Ali Osman; “Yahudi Aydınlanma Hareketi: Haskala”. Milel ve Nihal 7/1 (2010), 33-59.
  • Kurtz, Lester R.; Gods in the Global Village-Religions in Sociological Perspective. London: Sage Publication, 2012.
  • Maimonides, Moses; The Guide For The Perplexed, çev. Shlomo Pines - Leo Strauss, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1963, I-III.
  • Maimonides, Moses; Mishneh im Perush R. Moshe ben Maimon, with Arabic Original and Hebrew Translation, ed. J. Kafah. Jerusalem: 1963.
  • Nuesner, Jaco; Rabbinic Judaism-Structure and System. Minniapolis: Fortress Press, 1995.
  • Nuesner, Jacob; “Rabbanic Judaism in Late Antiquity”. Encyclopedia of Religion. ed. Mircea Eliade. XII/185-192. New York-London: MacMillan Publication, 1987.
  • Ochs, Peter; “Compassionate Postmodernism: An Introduction to Postmodern Jewish Philosophy”. The European Legacy 2/1 (2008), 74-79.
  • Peters, F. E.; Judaism, Christianity and Islam-The Classical Texts and Their Interpretation. New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1990, I-II.
  • Pines, Shlomo; “Translator’s Introduction: The Philospohical Sources of the The Guide of the Perplexed”. The Guide of the Perplexed. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1963, I-VII.
  • Robinson, Ira; “American Jewish Views of Evolution and Intelligent Design”. Modern Judaism 27 /2 (2007), 173-192.
  • Rodriguez, Angel Manuel; Human Reason and Biblical Hermeneutics: An Introduction”. Journal of the Adventist Theological Society 27/1-2 (2016), 85-97.
  • Satlow, Michael L.; Creating Judaism: History, Tradition, Practice. Columbia: Colombia University Press, 2016.
  • Scheindlin, Raymond P.; A Short History of the Jeiwsh People: From Legendary Times to Modern Statehood. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000.
  • Spinoza, Baruch; Ethics. ed. G.H.R. Parkinson. London: J.M. Dent and Sons Everyman Library, 1989.
  • Spinoza, Baruch; Teolojik-Politik İnceleme. çev. Cemal Bâli Akal - Reyda Ergün, Ankara: Dost Kitabevi, 2016.
  • Sterman, Baruch; “Judaism and Darwinian Evolution”. A Journal of Orthodox Jewish Thought 29/1, (1994), 48-75.
  • Swinburne, Richard; Faith and Reason, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2005.
  • Tarakçı, Muhammet; “Eski Ahit’in Apokrif Kitapları”. Uludağ Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 12/2 (2003), 384-411.
  • Wolf, Arnold Jacob; “Rabbanite”. Encyclopedia of Religion. ed. Mircea Eliade, XII/181-185. New York-London: McMillan Publication, 1987.
  • Shear-Yashuv, Aharon, “Jewish Philosophers on Reason and Revelation”, (09.09.2020).
Toplam 37 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Kültürel çalışmalar
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Mustafa Alıcı 0000-0002-8070-8425

Yayımlanma Tarihi 10 Ocak 2021
Kabul Tarihi 8 Aralık 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 9 Sayı: 23

Kaynak Göster

APA Alıcı, M. (2021). EERIE RESONANCE VEYA İNSANLIK ADINA DEHŞET VERİCİ YANKI: YAHUDİ AKLI. AKRA Kültür Sanat Ve Edebiyat Dergisi, 9(23), 61-86.

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