Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2021, Sayı: 10, 9 - 31, 17.12.2021


Bu makale, uluslararası öğrencilerin sosyal medya influencer (fenomen) pazarlama algısını etkileyen faktörleri, kaynak güvenilirlik modelinin etkililiğine ve algılanan çekicilik, uzmanlık ve güvenilirlikteki bağımsız değişkenlerinin satın alma niyetinde bağımlı değişkenini nasıl etkileyebileceğine vurgu yaparak incelemeyi amaçlamıştır. Çalışma, bir anket anketi şeklinde nicel bir araştırma yöntemi kullanmaktadır. Bu araştırmanın evreni Akdeniz Üniversitesi'nde öğrenim gören uluslararası öğrencilerdir. Araştırmanın katılımcıları kartopu örnekleme yöntemi kullanılarak seçilmiştir. Kartopu örnekleme, araştırmaya katılacak diğer katılımcıları belirlemeye yardımcı olmak için birkaç katılımcıyı kullanan ve böylece örnek boyutunu genişleten bir olasılıksız örnekleme yöntemidir. Sonuçlar, algılanan çekiciliğin, uzmanlığın ve güvenilirliğin satın alma niyetini olumlu etkilemediğini göstermiştir. Araştırmanın uluslararası bir örneklem üzerinde gerçekleştirilmiş olması nedeniyle, uluslararası öğrenciler tarafından influencer pazarlama uygulamasının kabul edilmediği ortaya çıkmıştır.

Destekleyen Kurum

Akdeniz Üniversitesi

Proje Numarası



Tüm katılan öğrencilerin


  • Abidin, C. (2016). Visibility Labour: Engaging with Influencers’ Fashion Brands and #OOTD Advertorial Campaigns on Instagram, Media International Australia. 161(1), 86-100, DOI: 10.1177/1329878X16665177.
  • Balaban, D. & Mustãtea, M. (2019). Users’ Perspective on the Credibility of Social Media Influencers in Romania and Germany. Romanian Journal of Communication and Public Relations, 21 (46) 31-46,
  • Berlo, D. K., Lemert, J. B. & Mertz, R. J. (1969). Dimensions for evaluating the acceptability of message sources. The Public Opinion Quarterly, 33, 563–576,
  • Brown, D. & Hayes, N. (2008). Influencer Marketing: Who Really Influences Your Customers?. London: Routledge.
  • Büttner, O.B. & Göritz, A.S. (2008). Perceived Trustworthiness of Online Shops. Journal of Consumer Behaviour 7, 35–50, DOI: 10.1002/cb.235.
  • Carpenter, C. C., Lemon, L.L., & Hoy, M.G. (2018). #Sponsored #Ad: Agency Perspective on Influencer Marketing Campaigns. Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising. 40(1):1-17.
  • Cosenza, T.R., Solomon, M.R. & Kwon, W.S. (2015). Credibility in the Blogosphere: A Study Of Measurement and Influence of Wine Blogs as an Information Source. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 14, 71–91. DOI: 10.1002/cb.1496.
  • Černikovaitė, M. (2019). The Impact of Influencer Marketing on Consumer Buying Behaviour in Social Networks. Contemporary Issues in Business, Management and Economics Engineering, (2019).
  • De Veirman, M., Cauberghe, V. & Hudders, L. (2017). Marketing through Instagram Influencers: the Impact of Number of Followers and Product Divergence on Brand Attitude. International Journal of Advertising, 36 (5) 798-828. DOI: 10.1080/02650487.2017.1348035.
  • European Commission (2018). Behavioural study on Advertising and marketing Practices in Online Social Media – Final Report. European Commission, GfK Consortium, (2018), Doi: 10.2818/290217.
  • Erdoğan, B.Z. (1999). Celebrity Endorsement: A Literature Review. Journal of Marketing Management, 41(3), 291-314.
  • Etikan I, Alkassim R. & Abubakar S.(2016). Comparison of Snowball Sampling and Sequential Sampling Technique. Biom Biostat International Journal, 3(1):6‒7. DOI: 10.15406/bbij.2016.03.00055.
  • Freberg, K., Graham, K., McGaughey, K. & Freberg, L.A.(2011). Who are the Social Media Influencers? A study of Public Perceptions of Personality. Public Relations Review (2010),
  • Groves, R.M., Flower, F.J., Couper, M.P., Lepkowski, J.M., Singer, E. & Tourangeau, R. (2004). Survey Methodology. New Jersey: J. Wiley & Sons.
  • Gupta, R., Kishore, N. & Verma, DPS. (2015). Impact of Celebrity Endorsements on Consumers’ Purchase Intention: A Study of Indian Consumers. Australian Journal of Business and Management Research, 5(3) 1-15.
  • Hall, H.K. & Sivakumaran, T. (2014). Social Media Use among International Students. International Student Experience Journal. 2(1).
  • Hye Park, J. & Stoel, L. (2002). Apparel shopping on the Internet: Information Availability on US Apparel Merchant Web Sites. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 6(2):158-176. DOI: 10.1108/13612020210429908.
  • Kahle, L.R. & Homer, P. (1985), Physical Attractiveness of the Celebrity Endorser: A Social Adaptation Perspective. Journal of Consumer Research, 11(4), 954–961.
  • Lim, J.L., Radzol, A.R.M., Cheah, J.H. & Wong, M.W. (2017). The Impact of Social Media Influencers on Purchase Intention and the Mediation Effect of Customer Attitude. Asian Journal of Business Research. 7 (2) 2017. DOI: 10.14707/ajbr.170035.
  • Lyons, B. & Henderson, K. (2005). Opinion Leadership in a Computer‐mediated Environment. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 4 (5) 319-329.
  • Ohanian, R. (1990). Construction and Validation of a Scale to Measure Celebrity Endorsers' Perceived Expertise, Trustworthiness, and Attractiveness. Journal of Advertising, 19 (3), 39-52.
  • Ohanian, R. (1991). The Impact of Celebrity Spokespersons’ Perceived Image on Consumers’ Intention to Purchase. Journal of Advertising Research, 31(1), 46-54.
  • Plotkina, D. & Munzel, A. (2016). Delight the Experts, but Never Dissatisfy Your Customers! A Multi-Category Study on the Effects of Online Review Source on Intention to Buy a New Product. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 29, 1-11. DOI: 10.1016/j.jretconser.2015.11.002
  • Pornpitakpan, C. (2003). Validation of the Celebrity Endorsers' Credibility Scale: Evidence from Asians. Journal of Marketing Management, 19(1-2), 179-195. DOI: 10.1080/0267257X.2003.9728206.
  • Schmidt, S. H., Shreffler, M. B., Hambrick, M. E. & Gordon, B. S. (2018). An Experimental Examination of Activist Type and Effort on Brand Image and Purchase Intentions. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 27(1), 31-43. DOI: 10.32731/SMQ.271.032018.03.
  • Sertoglu, A. E., Catlı, O. & Korkmaz, S. (2014). Examining the Effect of Endorser Credibility on the Consumers' Buying Intentions: An Empirical Study in Turkey. International Review of Management and Marketing, 4 (1) 66-77.
  • Singh, S. & Diamond, S. (2012). Social Media Marketing for Dummies. Ontario, John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd.
  • Smith, R. G. (1973), Source Credibility Context Effects. Speech Monographs, 40, 303-309.
  • Sudha, M. & Sheena, K. (2017) ‘Impact of Influencers in Consumer Decision Process: The Fashion Industry. School of Communication and Management Studies Journal of Indian Management, 14(3)14-30. DOI:10.19184/IJL.V1I1.19146.
  • Taylor, C.R. (2020). The Urgent Need for More Research on Influencer Marketing, International Journal of Advertising, 39(7), 889-891,
  • Taherdoost, H. (2016). Sampling Methods in Research Methodology; How to Choose a Sampling Technique for Research. International Journal of Academic Research in Management, 5(2) 18-27, DOI:10.2139/SSRN.3205035.
  • Till, B. D. & Busler, M. (2000), The Matchup Hypothesis: Physical Attractiveness, Expertise and the Role of Fit on Brand Attitude, Purchase Intent and Brand Beliefs, Journal of Advertising, 29 (3) 1-13.
  • Van der Waldt, D., Van Loggerenberg, M. & Wehmeyer, L. (2009), Celebrity Endorsements versus Created Spokespersons in Advertising: A Survey among Students. South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences 12(1). DOI: 10.4102/sajems.v12i1.263.
  • Wang, S. W. & Scheinbaum, A. C. (2018). Enhancing Brand Credibility via Celebrity Endorsement: Trustworthiness Trumps Attractiveness and Expertise. Journal of Advertising Research, 58(1), 16-31. Doi: 10.2501/JAR-2017-042.
  • Wathen, C.N. & Burkell, J. (2002). Believe It Or Not: Factors Influencing Credibility on the Web. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 53 (2), 134–144.
  • Younus, S., Rasheed, F. & Zia, A. (2015). Identifying the Factors Affecting Customer Purchase Intention. Global Journal of Management and Business Research (A) XV (II) I.0 (2015).
  • A&E. (2020). Effect of the Pandemic on Influencer Marketing Study. Accessed on 25.05.2021 from,
  • Frost, J. (2021). How To Interpret R-squared in Regression Analysis. Accessed on 28.08.2021 from
  • Influencer Marketing Hub, & Upfluence. (2021). Influencer Marketing Benchmark Report 2021. Accessed on 25.05.2021 from,
  • Interactive Advertising Bureau (2018). Inside Influence, Accessed on 20.06.2021 from,
  • Letang, V. & Stillman, L. (2020). Magna Global Advertising Forecast (Winter Update December 7, 2020). Accessed on 27.03.2021 from,
  • Obviously. (2020). Trends Report: The Impact of Coronavirus on Influencer Marketing. Accessed on 20.06.2021 from,
  • Solis, B. & Webber, A. (2012). The Rise of Digital Influence: A ‘’How to’’ Guide for Business to Spark Desirable Effects and Outcomes through Social Media Influence. Accessed on 5.12.2020, from
  • Tobin, J. (2019). Three influencer Marketing Problems that Brands Themselves Can Be Created. Accessed on 17.05.2021 from,
  • YPulse. (2020). 3 Stats that Show Influencers are as Influential as Ever. YPulse daily. New York: YPulse. Accessed on 15.03.2021 from,


Yıl 2021, Sayı: 10, 9 - 31, 17.12.2021


The paper aimed to examine the factors that influenced international students' perception of social media influencer marketing, with an emphasis on the effectiveness of the source credibility model and how its independent variables in perceived attractiveness, expertise and trustworthiness can influence its dependent variable in purchase intention. The study employs a quantitative research method in the form of a survey questionnaire. The population of this study is the international students studying at Akdeniz University. The study's participants were selected using a snowball sampling method. Snowball sampling is a type of nonprobability sampling method that employs a few participants to help identify other participants to participate in the research, thus enlarging the sample size. The results showed that perceived attractiveness, expertise, and trustworthiness did not positively affect purchase intention. Owing to the fact that the study was conducted on an international sample, the study revealed that the practice of influencer marketing is not accepted by international students.

Proje Numarası



  • Abidin, C. (2016). Visibility Labour: Engaging with Influencers’ Fashion Brands and #OOTD Advertorial Campaigns on Instagram, Media International Australia. 161(1), 86-100, DOI: 10.1177/1329878X16665177.
  • Balaban, D. & Mustãtea, M. (2019). Users’ Perspective on the Credibility of Social Media Influencers in Romania and Germany. Romanian Journal of Communication and Public Relations, 21 (46) 31-46,
  • Berlo, D. K., Lemert, J. B. & Mertz, R. J. (1969). Dimensions for evaluating the acceptability of message sources. The Public Opinion Quarterly, 33, 563–576,
  • Brown, D. & Hayes, N. (2008). Influencer Marketing: Who Really Influences Your Customers?. London: Routledge.
  • Büttner, O.B. & Göritz, A.S. (2008). Perceived Trustworthiness of Online Shops. Journal of Consumer Behaviour 7, 35–50, DOI: 10.1002/cb.235.
  • Carpenter, C. C., Lemon, L.L., & Hoy, M.G. (2018). #Sponsored #Ad: Agency Perspective on Influencer Marketing Campaigns. Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising. 40(1):1-17.
  • Cosenza, T.R., Solomon, M.R. & Kwon, W.S. (2015). Credibility in the Blogosphere: A Study Of Measurement and Influence of Wine Blogs as an Information Source. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 14, 71–91. DOI: 10.1002/cb.1496.
  • Černikovaitė, M. (2019). The Impact of Influencer Marketing on Consumer Buying Behaviour in Social Networks. Contemporary Issues in Business, Management and Economics Engineering, (2019).
  • De Veirman, M., Cauberghe, V. & Hudders, L. (2017). Marketing through Instagram Influencers: the Impact of Number of Followers and Product Divergence on Brand Attitude. International Journal of Advertising, 36 (5) 798-828. DOI: 10.1080/02650487.2017.1348035.
  • European Commission (2018). Behavioural study on Advertising and marketing Practices in Online Social Media – Final Report. European Commission, GfK Consortium, (2018), Doi: 10.2818/290217.
  • Erdoğan, B.Z. (1999). Celebrity Endorsement: A Literature Review. Journal of Marketing Management, 41(3), 291-314.
  • Etikan I, Alkassim R. & Abubakar S.(2016). Comparison of Snowball Sampling and Sequential Sampling Technique. Biom Biostat International Journal, 3(1):6‒7. DOI: 10.15406/bbij.2016.03.00055.
  • Freberg, K., Graham, K., McGaughey, K. & Freberg, L.A.(2011). Who are the Social Media Influencers? A study of Public Perceptions of Personality. Public Relations Review (2010),
  • Groves, R.M., Flower, F.J., Couper, M.P., Lepkowski, J.M., Singer, E. & Tourangeau, R. (2004). Survey Methodology. New Jersey: J. Wiley & Sons.
  • Gupta, R., Kishore, N. & Verma, DPS. (2015). Impact of Celebrity Endorsements on Consumers’ Purchase Intention: A Study of Indian Consumers. Australian Journal of Business and Management Research, 5(3) 1-15.
  • Hall, H.K. & Sivakumaran, T. (2014). Social Media Use among International Students. International Student Experience Journal. 2(1).
  • Hye Park, J. & Stoel, L. (2002). Apparel shopping on the Internet: Information Availability on US Apparel Merchant Web Sites. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 6(2):158-176. DOI: 10.1108/13612020210429908.
  • Kahle, L.R. & Homer, P. (1985), Physical Attractiveness of the Celebrity Endorser: A Social Adaptation Perspective. Journal of Consumer Research, 11(4), 954–961.
  • Lim, J.L., Radzol, A.R.M., Cheah, J.H. & Wong, M.W. (2017). The Impact of Social Media Influencers on Purchase Intention and the Mediation Effect of Customer Attitude. Asian Journal of Business Research. 7 (2) 2017. DOI: 10.14707/ajbr.170035.
  • Lyons, B. & Henderson, K. (2005). Opinion Leadership in a Computer‐mediated Environment. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 4 (5) 319-329.
  • Ohanian, R. (1990). Construction and Validation of a Scale to Measure Celebrity Endorsers' Perceived Expertise, Trustworthiness, and Attractiveness. Journal of Advertising, 19 (3), 39-52.
  • Ohanian, R. (1991). The Impact of Celebrity Spokespersons’ Perceived Image on Consumers’ Intention to Purchase. Journal of Advertising Research, 31(1), 46-54.
  • Plotkina, D. & Munzel, A. (2016). Delight the Experts, but Never Dissatisfy Your Customers! A Multi-Category Study on the Effects of Online Review Source on Intention to Buy a New Product. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 29, 1-11. DOI: 10.1016/j.jretconser.2015.11.002
  • Pornpitakpan, C. (2003). Validation of the Celebrity Endorsers' Credibility Scale: Evidence from Asians. Journal of Marketing Management, 19(1-2), 179-195. DOI: 10.1080/0267257X.2003.9728206.
  • Schmidt, S. H., Shreffler, M. B., Hambrick, M. E. & Gordon, B. S. (2018). An Experimental Examination of Activist Type and Effort on Brand Image and Purchase Intentions. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 27(1), 31-43. DOI: 10.32731/SMQ.271.032018.03.
  • Sertoglu, A. E., Catlı, O. & Korkmaz, S. (2014). Examining the Effect of Endorser Credibility on the Consumers' Buying Intentions: An Empirical Study in Turkey. International Review of Management and Marketing, 4 (1) 66-77.
  • Singh, S. & Diamond, S. (2012). Social Media Marketing for Dummies. Ontario, John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd.
  • Smith, R. G. (1973), Source Credibility Context Effects. Speech Monographs, 40, 303-309.
  • Sudha, M. & Sheena, K. (2017) ‘Impact of Influencers in Consumer Decision Process: The Fashion Industry. School of Communication and Management Studies Journal of Indian Management, 14(3)14-30. DOI:10.19184/IJL.V1I1.19146.
  • Taylor, C.R. (2020). The Urgent Need for More Research on Influencer Marketing, International Journal of Advertising, 39(7), 889-891,
  • Taherdoost, H. (2016). Sampling Methods in Research Methodology; How to Choose a Sampling Technique for Research. International Journal of Academic Research in Management, 5(2) 18-27, DOI:10.2139/SSRN.3205035.
  • Till, B. D. & Busler, M. (2000), The Matchup Hypothesis: Physical Attractiveness, Expertise and the Role of Fit on Brand Attitude, Purchase Intent and Brand Beliefs, Journal of Advertising, 29 (3) 1-13.
  • Van der Waldt, D., Van Loggerenberg, M. & Wehmeyer, L. (2009), Celebrity Endorsements versus Created Spokespersons in Advertising: A Survey among Students. South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences 12(1). DOI: 10.4102/sajems.v12i1.263.
  • Wang, S. W. & Scheinbaum, A. C. (2018). Enhancing Brand Credibility via Celebrity Endorsement: Trustworthiness Trumps Attractiveness and Expertise. Journal of Advertising Research, 58(1), 16-31. Doi: 10.2501/JAR-2017-042.
  • Wathen, C.N. & Burkell, J. (2002). Believe It Or Not: Factors Influencing Credibility on the Web. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 53 (2), 134–144.
  • Younus, S., Rasheed, F. & Zia, A. (2015). Identifying the Factors Affecting Customer Purchase Intention. Global Journal of Management and Business Research (A) XV (II) I.0 (2015).
  • A&E. (2020). Effect of the Pandemic on Influencer Marketing Study. Accessed on 25.05.2021 from,
  • Frost, J. (2021). How To Interpret R-squared in Regression Analysis. Accessed on 28.08.2021 from
  • Influencer Marketing Hub, & Upfluence. (2021). Influencer Marketing Benchmark Report 2021. Accessed on 25.05.2021 from,
  • Interactive Advertising Bureau (2018). Inside Influence, Accessed on 20.06.2021 from,
  • Letang, V. & Stillman, L. (2020). Magna Global Advertising Forecast (Winter Update December 7, 2020). Accessed on 27.03.2021 from,
  • Obviously. (2020). Trends Report: The Impact of Coronavirus on Influencer Marketing. Accessed on 20.06.2021 from,
  • Solis, B. & Webber, A. (2012). The Rise of Digital Influence: A ‘’How to’’ Guide for Business to Spark Desirable Effects and Outcomes through Social Media Influence. Accessed on 5.12.2020, from
  • Tobin, J. (2019). Three influencer Marketing Problems that Brands Themselves Can Be Created. Accessed on 17.05.2021 from,
  • YPulse. (2020). 3 Stats that Show Influencers are as Influential as Ever. YPulse daily. New York: YPulse. Accessed on 15.03.2021 from,
Toplam 45 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Bılal Conteh 0000-0001-6149-7645

Proje Numarası E-39189507-302.99-75746
Yayımlanma Tarihi 17 Aralık 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 21 Eylül 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Sayı: 10

Kaynak Göster

APA Conteh, B. (2021). INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS PERCEPTION ON SOCIAL MEDIA INFLUENCER MARKETING. Akdeniz Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi(10), 9-31.

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