Electrical Properties of The Heterojunction Diode Produced Based on IGZO Thin Film
Yıl 2021,
, 257 - 265, 30.04.2021
Serap Yiğit
Yasemin Gündoğdu
Hamdi Şükür Kılıç
In this study, IGZO thin films were deposited on SLG and p-Si wafer at room temperature, under oxygen gas pressure of 5×10-2 and 7×10-2 mbar, using PLD technique and these thin films were annealed at 300oC temperature. IGZO thin films were grown in amorphous structure. As the oxygen gas pressure was increased, the particle size in the thin films were increased. IGZO/p-Si heterojunction diode was produced based on IGZO thin film that was grown at oxygen gas pressure of 7×10-2 mbar and not annealed, and J-V curves of this diode in darkness and under the illumination condition were obtained and then its ideality factor and barrier height were calculated. In an illumination condition, n,〖 R〗_s and Ф_b values of IGZO/Si heterojunction diode were calculated by the conventional J-V, Cheung Cheung and Norde methods. Results obtained in this work have been interpreted as well as concluded to be close to each other.
Destekleyen Kurum
Selçuk Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinatörlüğü
Proje Numarası
14401025 and 16101007
Authors kindly would like to thank,
- Selçuk University, High Technology Research and Application Center and Selçuk University,
Selçuk University, Laser Induced Proton Therapy Application and Research Center for supplying with Infrastructure and
- Selçuk University, Scientific Research Projects Coordination (BAP) Unit for grands via projects with references of 14401025 and 16101007
- Altinkök, A., and Olutaş, M., 2020. Annealing temperature effects on surface morphology and optical properties of igzo thin films produced by thermal evaporation. Journal of Naval Sciences and Engineering, 16(1), 25-44.
- Azri, F., Labed, M., Meftah, A.F., Sengouga, N., and Meftah, A., 2016. Optical characterization of a-IGZO thin film for simulation of a-IGZO (n)/µ-Si (p) heterojunction solar cell. Optical and Quantum Electronics, 48(8), 391.
- Basman, N., 2017. Effect of a new methacrylic monomer on diode parameters of Ag/p-Si Schottky contact. Informacije MIDEM, 46(4), 190-96.
- Bedia, F.Z., Bedia, A., and Benyoucef, B., 2013. Electrical properties of ZnO/p-Si heterojunction for solar cell application. International Journal of Materials Engineering, 3(4), 59-65.
- Bedia, F.Z., Bedia, A., Benyoucef, B., and Hamzaoui, S., 2014. Electrical characterization of n-ZnO/p-Si heterojunction prepared by spray pyrolysis technique. Physics Procedia, 55, 61-67.
- He, B., Zhong Quan, M., Jing, X., Lei, Z., Nan Sheng, Z., Feng, L., Cheng, S., Ling, S., Cheng Yue, Z., and Zheng Shan, Y., 2009. Characterization of AZO/p-Si heterojunction prepared by DC magnetron sputtering. Materials science in semiconductor processing, 12(6), 248-52.
- Seong-Pil, C., and Byeong-Kwon, J., 2012. Ultraviolet and visible light detection characteristics of amorphous indium gallium zinc oxide thin film transistor for photodetector applications. International journal of advanced smart convergence, 1(1), 61-64.
- Chávez-Urbiola, I. R., Willars-Rodríguez, F. J., Bon, R. R., Vorobiev, P., and Vorobiev, Y. V., 2019. Development and characterization of photodiode n-ZnO/p-Si by Radio Frecuency Sputtering, a sensor with low voltage operation and its response to visible and UV light. Thin Solid Films, 669, 364-70.
- Chen, J., Wang, L., Su, X., Kong, L., Liu, G., and Zhang, X., 2010. InGaZnO semiconductor thin film fabricated using pulsed laser deposition. Optics Express, 18(2), 1398-405.
- Chen, X. F., He, G., Lv, J. G., Liu, M., Wang, P. H., Chen, X. S., and Sun, Z. Q., 2015. Modification of band offsets of InGaZnO4/Si heterojunction through nitrogenation treatment. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 647, 1035-39.
- Cheung, S. K., and Cheung, N. W., 1986. Extraction of Schottky diode parameters from forward current‐voltage characteristics. Applied Physics Letters, 49(2), 85-87.
- Cho, M. H., Seol, H., Yang, H., Yun, P. S., Bae, J. U., Park, K. S., and Jeong, J. K., 2018. High-performance amorphous indium gallium zinc oxide thin-film transistors fabricated by atomic layer deposition. IEEE Electron Device Letters, 39(5), 688-91.
- Chuang, C. S., Fung, T. C., Mullins, B. G., Nomura, K., Kamiya, T., Shieh, H. P. D, Hosono,H., and Kanicki, J., 2008. P‐13: Photosensitivity of Amorphous IGZO TFTs for Active‐Matrix Flat‐Panel Displays. In SID Symposium Digest of Technical Papers, 39(1), 1215-1218.
- Coetsee, E., 2010. Luminescent properties of Y2SiO5: Ce thin films', Doctoral dissertation, University of the Free State, 146.
- Craciun, V., Martin, C., Socol, G., Tanner, D., Swart, H. C., Becherescu, N., and Craciun, D., 2014. Optical properties of amorphous indium zinc oxide thin films synthesized by pulsed laser deposition. Applied surface science, 306, 52-55.
- Dhimmar, J. M., Desai, H. N., & Modi, B. P., 2016. Analysis of the Inhomogeneous Barrier in In/p-Si Schottky Contact and Modified Richardson Plot. Журнал нано-та електронної фізики. 8(2), 02006-1.
- Erken, Ö., CuxZn1-xS İnce Filmlerin Hazırlanması ve Fiziksel Karakterizasyonu: Güneş Pillerinde Tampon Tabaka Olarak Kullanılabilirliklerinin Araştırılması. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 20(5), 783-93.
- Gezgin, S. Y., Houimi, A., & Kılıç, H. Ş., 2019. Production and photovoltaic characterisation of n-Si/p-CZTS heterojunction solar cells based on a CZTS ultrathin active layers. Optik, 199, 163370.
- Gezgin, S. Y., Houimi, A., Mercimek, B., & Kiliç, H. Ş., 2020. The Effect of CZTS Ultrathin Film Thickness on the Electrical Characteristic of CZTS/Si Heterojunction Solar Cells in the Darkness and under the Illumination Conditions. Silicon, 1-13.
- Gezgin, S. Y., Kepceoğlu, A., Gündoğdu, Y., Zongo, S., Zawadzka, A., Kiliç, H. Ş., and Sahraoui, B., 2020. Effect of Ar Gas Pressure on LSPR Property of Au Nanoparticles: Comparison of Experimental and Theoretical Studies. Nanomaterials, 10(6), 1071.
- Gezgin, S. Y. and Kiliç, H. Ş., 2019a. Determination of electrical parameters of ITO/CZTS/CdS/Ag and ITO/CdS/CZTS/Ag heterojunction diodes in dark and illumination conditions. Optical and Quantum Electronics, 51(11), 360.
- Gezgin, S. Y., and Kılıç, H. Ş., 2019b. The electrical characteristics of ITO/CZTS/ZnO/Al and ITO/ZnO/CZTS/Al heterojunction diodes. Optik, 182, 356-71.
- Gupta, R. K., Ghosh, K., and Kahol, P. K., 2009. Fabrication and electrical characterization of Au/p-Si/STO/Au contact. Current Applied Physics, 9(5), 933-36.
- Gupta, R. K., Ghosh, K., and Kahol, P. K. 2010. Temperature dependence of current–voltage characteristics of gold–strontium titanate thin film Schottky diode. Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 42(5), 1509-12.
- Ikhmayies, S. J., 2017. Transparent Conducting Oxides for Solar Cell Applications. in, Mediterranean Green Buildings & Renewable Energy (Springer), 899-907.
- Ismail, R. A., Abeduljabbar, N. F., and Fatehi, M. W., 2019. Effect of dipping time on the properties of Sb2S3/Si heterojunction prepared by chemical bath deposition. Materials Research Express, 6(4), 045915.
- Jing-Jing, M., Ke-Xin, J., Bing-Cheng, L., Fei, F., Hui, X., Chao-Chao, Z., and Chang-Le, C., 2010. Rectifying and photovoltage properties of ZnO: A1/p-Si heterojunction. Chinese Physics Letters, 27(10), 107304.
- Koksal, N. E., Sbeta, M., and Yildiz, A., 2019. GZO/Si Photodiodes Exhibiting High Photocurrent-to-Dark-Current Ratio. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 66(5), 2238-42.
- Lee, K., Nomura, K., Yanagi, H., Kamiya, T., & Hosono, H., 2012. Photovoltaic properties of n-type amorphous In–Ga–Zn–O and p-type single crystal Si heterojunction solar cells: Effects of Ga content. Thin Solid Films, 520(10), 3808-12.
- Lee, M., and Dho, J., 2011. Controlling the electrical and the optical properties of amorphous IGZO films prepared by using pulsed laser deposition. Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 58(3), 492-97.
- Li, H. K., Chen, T. P., Hu, S. G., Li, X. D., Liu, Y., Lee, P. S., Wang, X.P., Li, H.Y. and Lo, G. Q., 2015. Highly spectrum-selective ultraviolet photodetector based on p-NiO/n-IGZO thin film heterojunction structure. Optics express, 23(21), 27683-89.
- Li, Y. T., Han, C. F., and Lin, J. F., 2019. Characterization of the electrical and optical properties for a-IGZO/Ag/a-IGZO triple-layer thin films with different thickness depositions on a curved glass substrate. Optical Materials Express, 9(8) 3414-31.
- Lin, C. W., Huang, K. L., Chang, K. W., Chen, J. H., Chen, K. L., and Wu, C. H., 2016. Ultraviolet photodetector and gas sensor based on amorphous In-Ga-Zn-O film. Thin Solid Films, 618, 73-76.
- Mistry, B. V., and Joshi, U. S., 2016. Amorphous indium gallium zinc oxide thin film grown by pulse laser deposition technique. In AIP Conference Proceedings, 1731(1), 080035.
- Marco, M., Carlos, E., Dias, C., Deuermeier, J., Pereira, M., Barquinha, P., Branquinho, R., Martins, R. and Fortunato, E., 2019. Tailoring IGZO composition for enhanced fully solution-based thin film transistors. Nanomaterials, 9(9), 1273.
- Norde, H., 1979. A modified forward I‐V plot for Schottky diodes with high series resistance. Journal of Applied Physics, 50(7), 5052-5053.
- Orak, İ., Kocyiğit, A., and Karataş, Ş., 2018. The Analysis of the Electrical and Photovoltaic Properties of Cr/p-Si Structures Using Current-Voltage Measurements. Silicon, 10(5), 2109-2116.
- Rajeswari, R., Venugopal, D., George, A., and Raj, A. D., 2020. Design, construction and performance of PN junction diode prepared with FeTiO2 thin films. Materials Letters, 281, 128604.
- Sheng, J,. Hong, T., Lee, H.M., Kim, K., Sasase, M., Kim, J., Hosono, H. and Park, J.S., 2019. Amorphous IGZO TFT with High Mobility of∼ 70 cm2/(V s) via Vertical Dimension Control Using PEALD. ACS applied materials & interfaces, 11(43), 40300-09.
- Sofi, A. H., Shah, M. A., and Asokan, K., 2018. Structural, optical and electrical properties of ITO thin films. Journal of Electronic Materials, 47(2), 1344-52.
- Soliman, H. S., Farag, A. A. M., Khosifan, N. M., and El-Nahass, M. M., 2008. Electrical transport mechanisms and photovoltaic characterization of cobalt phthalocyanine on silicon heterojunctions. Thin Solid Films, 516(23), 8678-83.
- Su, B. Y., Chu, S. Y., Juang, Y. D., and Chen, H. C.. 2013. High-performance low-temperature solution-processed InGaZnO thin-film transistors via ultraviolet-ozone photo-annealing. Applied Physics Letters, 102(19), 192101.
- Suda, Y., Ono, T., Akazawa, M., Sakai, Y., Tsujino, J., and Homma, N., 2002. Preparation of carbon nanoparticles by plasma-assisted pulsed laser deposition method—size and binding energy dependence on ambient gas pressure and plasma condition. Thin Solid Films, 415(1-2), 15-20.
- Suresh, A., Wellenius, P., and Muth, J. F., 2007. High performance transparent thin film transistors based on indium gallium zinc oxide as the channel material. In 2007 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting, 587-90.
- Wang, X. Z., Nishimoto, M., Fujii, T., Tominaga, K., Murai, K. I., Moriga, T., and Xu, Y. L., 2015. Deposition of IGZO or ITZO thin films by co-sputtering of IZO and GZO or ITO targets, In Advanced Materials Research, 1110, 197-202.
- Xie, Z. Y., Lu, H. L., Xu, S. S., Geng, Y., Sun, Q. Q., Ding, S. J., and Wei Zhang, D., 2012. Energy band alignment of InGaZnO4/Si heterojunction determined by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Applied Physics Letters, 101(25), 252111.
- Zeyrek, S., 2015. The Effect of Interface States and Series Resistance on Current-Voltage Characteristics in (MIS) Schottky Diodes, Afyon Kocatepe University Journal of Science & Engineering, 15(2).
- Zhang, Q., Xia, G., Li, L., Xia, W., Gong, H., & Wang, S., 2019. High-performance Zinc-Tin-Oxide thin film transistors based on environment friendly solution process. Current Applied Physics, 19(2), 174-81.
- Zhu, J., Lin, B., Sun, X., Yao, R., Shi, C., and Fu, Z. 2005. Heteroepitaxy of ZnO film on Si (111) substrate using a 3C–SiC buffer layer. Thin Solid Films, 478(1-2), 218-22.
IGZO İnce Filme Dayalı Olarak Üretilen Heteroeklem Diyotun Elektriksel Özellikleri
Yıl 2021,
, 257 - 265, 30.04.2021
Serap Yiğit
Yasemin Gündoğdu
Hamdi Şükür Kılıç
Bu çalışmada, PLD tekniği kullanarak oda sıcaklığındaki SLG ve p-Si wafer üzerine 5×10-2 ve 7×10-2 mbar oksijen gaz basıncı altında IGZO ince filmler üretilmiş ve 300o C sıcaklıkta tavlanmışlardır. IGZO ince filmler amorf yapıda büyümüşlerdir. Oksijen gaz basıncı artarken, ince filmi oluşturan parçacıkların boyutu büyümüştür. 7×10-2 mbar oksijen gaz basıncı altında büyütülmüş ve tavlanmamış IGZO ince filme dayalı olarak IGZO/Si heteroeklem diyotu üretilmiş ve bu diyotun karanlık ve aydınlık şartlarda J-V eğrileri elde edilmiş, ideality faktörleri ve bariyer yükseklikleri hesaplanmıştır. Aydınlık ortam için, J-V, Cheung Cheung ve Norde metotları ile IGZO/Si heteroeklem diyotun n,〖 R〗_s and Ф_b değerleri hesaplanmıştır. Bu çalışmadan elde edilen sonuçlar analiz edilmiş ve bulunan değerlerin birbirlerine yakın olduğu yorumu yapılmıştır.
Proje Numarası
14401025 and 16101007
- Altinkök, A., and Olutaş, M., 2020. Annealing temperature effects on surface morphology and optical properties of igzo thin films produced by thermal evaporation. Journal of Naval Sciences and Engineering, 16(1), 25-44.
- Azri, F., Labed, M., Meftah, A.F., Sengouga, N., and Meftah, A., 2016. Optical characterization of a-IGZO thin film for simulation of a-IGZO (n)/µ-Si (p) heterojunction solar cell. Optical and Quantum Electronics, 48(8), 391.
- Basman, N., 2017. Effect of a new methacrylic monomer on diode parameters of Ag/p-Si Schottky contact. Informacije MIDEM, 46(4), 190-96.
- Bedia, F.Z., Bedia, A., and Benyoucef, B., 2013. Electrical properties of ZnO/p-Si heterojunction for solar cell application. International Journal of Materials Engineering, 3(4), 59-65.
- Bedia, F.Z., Bedia, A., Benyoucef, B., and Hamzaoui, S., 2014. Electrical characterization of n-ZnO/p-Si heterojunction prepared by spray pyrolysis technique. Physics Procedia, 55, 61-67.
- He, B., Zhong Quan, M., Jing, X., Lei, Z., Nan Sheng, Z., Feng, L., Cheng, S., Ling, S., Cheng Yue, Z., and Zheng Shan, Y., 2009. Characterization of AZO/p-Si heterojunction prepared by DC magnetron sputtering. Materials science in semiconductor processing, 12(6), 248-52.
- Seong-Pil, C., and Byeong-Kwon, J., 2012. Ultraviolet and visible light detection characteristics of amorphous indium gallium zinc oxide thin film transistor for photodetector applications. International journal of advanced smart convergence, 1(1), 61-64.
- Chávez-Urbiola, I. R., Willars-Rodríguez, F. J., Bon, R. R., Vorobiev, P., and Vorobiev, Y. V., 2019. Development and characterization of photodiode n-ZnO/p-Si by Radio Frecuency Sputtering, a sensor with low voltage operation and its response to visible and UV light. Thin Solid Films, 669, 364-70.
- Chen, J., Wang, L., Su, X., Kong, L., Liu, G., and Zhang, X., 2010. InGaZnO semiconductor thin film fabricated using pulsed laser deposition. Optics Express, 18(2), 1398-405.
- Chen, X. F., He, G., Lv, J. G., Liu, M., Wang, P. H., Chen, X. S., and Sun, Z. Q., 2015. Modification of band offsets of InGaZnO4/Si heterojunction through nitrogenation treatment. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 647, 1035-39.
- Cheung, S. K., and Cheung, N. W., 1986. Extraction of Schottky diode parameters from forward current‐voltage characteristics. Applied Physics Letters, 49(2), 85-87.
- Cho, M. H., Seol, H., Yang, H., Yun, P. S., Bae, J. U., Park, K. S., and Jeong, J. K., 2018. High-performance amorphous indium gallium zinc oxide thin-film transistors fabricated by atomic layer deposition. IEEE Electron Device Letters, 39(5), 688-91.
- Chuang, C. S., Fung, T. C., Mullins, B. G., Nomura, K., Kamiya, T., Shieh, H. P. D, Hosono,H., and Kanicki, J., 2008. P‐13: Photosensitivity of Amorphous IGZO TFTs for Active‐Matrix Flat‐Panel Displays. In SID Symposium Digest of Technical Papers, 39(1), 1215-1218.
- Coetsee, E., 2010. Luminescent properties of Y2SiO5: Ce thin films', Doctoral dissertation, University of the Free State, 146.
- Craciun, V., Martin, C., Socol, G., Tanner, D., Swart, H. C., Becherescu, N., and Craciun, D., 2014. Optical properties of amorphous indium zinc oxide thin films synthesized by pulsed laser deposition. Applied surface science, 306, 52-55.
- Dhimmar, J. M., Desai, H. N., & Modi, B. P., 2016. Analysis of the Inhomogeneous Barrier in In/p-Si Schottky Contact and Modified Richardson Plot. Журнал нано-та електронної фізики. 8(2), 02006-1.
- Erken, Ö., CuxZn1-xS İnce Filmlerin Hazırlanması ve Fiziksel Karakterizasyonu: Güneş Pillerinde Tampon Tabaka Olarak Kullanılabilirliklerinin Araştırılması. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 20(5), 783-93.
- Gezgin, S. Y., Houimi, A., & Kılıç, H. Ş., 2019. Production and photovoltaic characterisation of n-Si/p-CZTS heterojunction solar cells based on a CZTS ultrathin active layers. Optik, 199, 163370.
- Gezgin, S. Y., Houimi, A., Mercimek, B., & Kiliç, H. Ş., 2020. The Effect of CZTS Ultrathin Film Thickness on the Electrical Characteristic of CZTS/Si Heterojunction Solar Cells in the Darkness and under the Illumination Conditions. Silicon, 1-13.
- Gezgin, S. Y., Kepceoğlu, A., Gündoğdu, Y., Zongo, S., Zawadzka, A., Kiliç, H. Ş., and Sahraoui, B., 2020. Effect of Ar Gas Pressure on LSPR Property of Au Nanoparticles: Comparison of Experimental and Theoretical Studies. Nanomaterials, 10(6), 1071.
- Gezgin, S. Y. and Kiliç, H. Ş., 2019a. Determination of electrical parameters of ITO/CZTS/CdS/Ag and ITO/CdS/CZTS/Ag heterojunction diodes in dark and illumination conditions. Optical and Quantum Electronics, 51(11), 360.
- Gezgin, S. Y., and Kılıç, H. Ş., 2019b. The electrical characteristics of ITO/CZTS/ZnO/Al and ITO/ZnO/CZTS/Al heterojunction diodes. Optik, 182, 356-71.
- Gupta, R. K., Ghosh, K., and Kahol, P. K., 2009. Fabrication and electrical characterization of Au/p-Si/STO/Au contact. Current Applied Physics, 9(5), 933-36.
- Gupta, R. K., Ghosh, K., and Kahol, P. K. 2010. Temperature dependence of current–voltage characteristics of gold–strontium titanate thin film Schottky diode. Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 42(5), 1509-12.
- Ikhmayies, S. J., 2017. Transparent Conducting Oxides for Solar Cell Applications. in, Mediterranean Green Buildings & Renewable Energy (Springer), 899-907.
- Ismail, R. A., Abeduljabbar, N. F., and Fatehi, M. W., 2019. Effect of dipping time on the properties of Sb2S3/Si heterojunction prepared by chemical bath deposition. Materials Research Express, 6(4), 045915.
- Jing-Jing, M., Ke-Xin, J., Bing-Cheng, L., Fei, F., Hui, X., Chao-Chao, Z., and Chang-Le, C., 2010. Rectifying and photovoltage properties of ZnO: A1/p-Si heterojunction. Chinese Physics Letters, 27(10), 107304.
- Koksal, N. E., Sbeta, M., and Yildiz, A., 2019. GZO/Si Photodiodes Exhibiting High Photocurrent-to-Dark-Current Ratio. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 66(5), 2238-42.
- Lee, K., Nomura, K., Yanagi, H., Kamiya, T., & Hosono, H., 2012. Photovoltaic properties of n-type amorphous In–Ga–Zn–O and p-type single crystal Si heterojunction solar cells: Effects of Ga content. Thin Solid Films, 520(10), 3808-12.
- Lee, M., and Dho, J., 2011. Controlling the electrical and the optical properties of amorphous IGZO films prepared by using pulsed laser deposition. Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 58(3), 492-97.
- Li, H. K., Chen, T. P., Hu, S. G., Li, X. D., Liu, Y., Lee, P. S., Wang, X.P., Li, H.Y. and Lo, G. Q., 2015. Highly spectrum-selective ultraviolet photodetector based on p-NiO/n-IGZO thin film heterojunction structure. Optics express, 23(21), 27683-89.
- Li, Y. T., Han, C. F., and Lin, J. F., 2019. Characterization of the electrical and optical properties for a-IGZO/Ag/a-IGZO triple-layer thin films with different thickness depositions on a curved glass substrate. Optical Materials Express, 9(8) 3414-31.
- Lin, C. W., Huang, K. L., Chang, K. W., Chen, J. H., Chen, K. L., and Wu, C. H., 2016. Ultraviolet photodetector and gas sensor based on amorphous In-Ga-Zn-O film. Thin Solid Films, 618, 73-76.
- Mistry, B. V., and Joshi, U. S., 2016. Amorphous indium gallium zinc oxide thin film grown by pulse laser deposition technique. In AIP Conference Proceedings, 1731(1), 080035.
- Marco, M., Carlos, E., Dias, C., Deuermeier, J., Pereira, M., Barquinha, P., Branquinho, R., Martins, R. and Fortunato, E., 2019. Tailoring IGZO composition for enhanced fully solution-based thin film transistors. Nanomaterials, 9(9), 1273.
- Norde, H., 1979. A modified forward I‐V plot for Schottky diodes with high series resistance. Journal of Applied Physics, 50(7), 5052-5053.
- Orak, İ., Kocyiğit, A., and Karataş, Ş., 2018. The Analysis of the Electrical and Photovoltaic Properties of Cr/p-Si Structures Using Current-Voltage Measurements. Silicon, 10(5), 2109-2116.
- Rajeswari, R., Venugopal, D., George, A., and Raj, A. D., 2020. Design, construction and performance of PN junction diode prepared with FeTiO2 thin films. Materials Letters, 281, 128604.
- Sheng, J,. Hong, T., Lee, H.M., Kim, K., Sasase, M., Kim, J., Hosono, H. and Park, J.S., 2019. Amorphous IGZO TFT with High Mobility of∼ 70 cm2/(V s) via Vertical Dimension Control Using PEALD. ACS applied materials & interfaces, 11(43), 40300-09.
- Sofi, A. H., Shah, M. A., and Asokan, K., 2018. Structural, optical and electrical properties of ITO thin films. Journal of Electronic Materials, 47(2), 1344-52.
- Soliman, H. S., Farag, A. A. M., Khosifan, N. M., and El-Nahass, M. M., 2008. Electrical transport mechanisms and photovoltaic characterization of cobalt phthalocyanine on silicon heterojunctions. Thin Solid Films, 516(23), 8678-83.
- Su, B. Y., Chu, S. Y., Juang, Y. D., and Chen, H. C.. 2013. High-performance low-temperature solution-processed InGaZnO thin-film transistors via ultraviolet-ozone photo-annealing. Applied Physics Letters, 102(19), 192101.
- Suda, Y., Ono, T., Akazawa, M., Sakai, Y., Tsujino, J., and Homma, N., 2002. Preparation of carbon nanoparticles by plasma-assisted pulsed laser deposition method—size and binding energy dependence on ambient gas pressure and plasma condition. Thin Solid Films, 415(1-2), 15-20.
- Suresh, A., Wellenius, P., and Muth, J. F., 2007. High performance transparent thin film transistors based on indium gallium zinc oxide as the channel material. In 2007 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting, 587-90.
- Wang, X. Z., Nishimoto, M., Fujii, T., Tominaga, K., Murai, K. I., Moriga, T., and Xu, Y. L., 2015. Deposition of IGZO or ITZO thin films by co-sputtering of IZO and GZO or ITO targets, In Advanced Materials Research, 1110, 197-202.
- Xie, Z. Y., Lu, H. L., Xu, S. S., Geng, Y., Sun, Q. Q., Ding, S. J., and Wei Zhang, D., 2012. Energy band alignment of InGaZnO4/Si heterojunction determined by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Applied Physics Letters, 101(25), 252111.
- Zeyrek, S., 2015. The Effect of Interface States and Series Resistance on Current-Voltage Characteristics in (MIS) Schottky Diodes, Afyon Kocatepe University Journal of Science & Engineering, 15(2).
- Zhang, Q., Xia, G., Li, L., Xia, W., Gong, H., & Wang, S., 2019. High-performance Zinc-Tin-Oxide thin film transistors based on environment friendly solution process. Current Applied Physics, 19(2), 174-81.
- Zhu, J., Lin, B., Sun, X., Yao, R., Shi, C., and Fu, Z. 2005. Heteroepitaxy of ZnO film on Si (111) substrate using a 3C–SiC buffer layer. Thin Solid Films, 478(1-2), 218-22.