Research On The Usage Of R2O-RO-(ZrO2)-B2O3-Al2O3-SiO2 Glass-Ceramic Systems In The Single Fast-Fired Wall Tile Opaque Glazes
Yıl 2009,
Cilt: 9 Sayı: 3, 37 - 44, 01.12.2009
Keriman Pekkan
Bekir Karasu
- Eppler, R. A. and Eppler, D. R., Glazes and Glass Coatings, The American Ceramic Society, 1998.
- Karasu, B., Dölekçekiç, E., Taşpınar, B., Cömert, M., Özdemir, H., Zirkonla Opaklaştırılmış Yer Karolarında Zirkon Kullanımını Azaltıcı Önlemler, Tübitak Seramik Araştırma Merkezi (SAM) Proje Son Raporu, P/1999-07, 1997.
- Karasu, B. ve Kaya, G., ZrO2-CaO-MgO-SiO2 (ZrCMS) ve CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 (CMAS) Sistemi CamSeramikleri, Tübitak Seramik Araştırma Merkezi (SAM) Proje Son Raporu, P/ 2003-1, 2003.
- Karasu, B., Dolekcekic, E., Ozdemir, B., Compositional Modifications to Floor Tile Glazes Opacified with Zircon, Brit. Ceram. Trans., 100, 2, 81-85, 2001.
- Karasu, B., Kaya, G. and Taykurt, M., The Effects of Borax Wastes on the Final Properties and Microstructure of Fast Fired CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 (CMAS) Glass-Ceramic System Porcelain Tile Glazes, The Abstract Book of the 9th International Ceramic Processing Science Symposium, Coral Springs, Florida, ICPSS-044-2006, 24, 2006.
- Karasu, B., Kaya, G. and Taykurt, M., The Use of Borax Wastes in the Fast Fired ZrO2-CaO-MgO-SiO2 (ZrCMS) Glass-Ceramic System Porcelain Tile Glazes, The Abstract Book of the 9th International Ceramic Processing Science Symposium, Coral Springs, Florida, ICPSS-045-2006, 25, 2006.
- Karasu, B., Kaya, G. and Ozdemir, O., Use of Borax Solid Wastes in Diopside Based Glass-Ceramic Floor Tile Glaze, The Proceedings of Sohn International Symposium on Advanced Processing of Metals and Materials: Principles, Technologies and Industrial Practice, San Diego, 529-534, 2006.
- Karasu, B., Kaya, G., Taykurt, M., Cakir, A. and Kavas, T., Effects of Borax Solid Wastes on the Final Properties of Fast-Fired Porcelain Glass-Ceramic Glazes, The Proceeding Book of the III. International Boron Symposium, Ankara, 91-95, 2006.
- Kaya, G., Karasu, B. and Cakir, A. , Characterization of Diopside-Based Glass-Ceramic Porcelain Tile Glazes Containing Borax Solid Wastes, The Proceedings of the X. Conference and Exhibition of the European Ceramic Society, Silicates and Traditional Ceramics Section, Berlin, 1714-1718, 2008.
- Enrique, J. E., Amorós, J. L., Moreno, A., Evaluation of Ceramic Tile Glazes, Science of Whitewares, The American Ceramic Society, 1995.
- Limpens, M. J., Baay, W., 35 Years of Glaze Development, Interceram, 30 (3), 192-196, 1981.
- Garcia-Ten, J., Qereda, F., Sanz, V., Manrique, J., Garcia-Sainz, J., Bort, J., Improvement of Porcelain Tile Properties by Using Frits in the Body Composition, Proceedings of the VI. World Congress on Ceramic Tile Quality, Castellon, Spain, P. GI-351 367, 2000.
- Strnad, Z., Characteristics of Glass and Glass-Ceramic Materials, Glass Science and Technology 8, Elsevier Science Publishing Company Inc., 1986.
- Kingery, W. D., Bowen, H. K., Uhlmann, D. R., Introduction to Ceramics, John Wiley & Sons, 1975.
- Baldi, G., Generali, E., Leonelli, C., Pellecani, T. & Siligardi, C., Effect of Nucleating Agents on Diopsite Crystallisation in New Glass-Ceramic for Tile Glaze Application, Journal of Materials Science, 30, 3251- 3253, 1995.
- Quinterio, E., Boschi, A. O., Leonelli, C., Manfredini, T. & Siligardi, C., Glass-Ceramic Systems Compatible with the Firing Conditions Used in the Ceramic Tile Industry, Proceedings of the VII. World Congress on Ceramic Tile Quality, Castellon, Spain, P. GI-301 311, 2002.
- Pekkan, K. K., Karasu, B., and Onal, H. S., Decreasing of Zircon Content in Opaque Wall Tile Frits, The Proceedings of the X. Conference and Exhibition of the European Ceramic Society, Silicates and Traditional Ceramics Section, Berlin, 1602-1605, 2008.
- Karaveli, K., Karasu, B. ve Önal, H. Ş., ‘Zirkonsuz Opak Firit ve Firit-Bazlı Hızlı Tek Pişirim Duvar Karosu Sırı Üretimi ve Karakterizasyon’, IV. Uluslararası Katılımlı Seramik, Cam, Emaye, Sır ve Boya Semineri (SERES 2007) Bildiriler Kitabı, 808-814, 2007.
- Pekkan, K. K., Karasu, B., and Onal, H. S., Production of Zircon-Free Opaque Wall Tile Frits and Their Use in Ceramic Industry, The Proceeding Books of the Qualicer 2008, Castellon, 2 P.BC 43-49, 2008.
- Pekkan, K. K., Karasu, B. ve Onal, H. S., Hızlı Pişirim Duvar Karosu Cam-Seramik Sır Sistemlerinde Bor Oksidin Etkileri, II. Ulusal Bor Çalıştayı Bildiriler Kitabı, 325-331, 2008.
- Pekkan, K., & Karasu, B., Production of Opaque Frits with Low ZrO2 and ZnO Contents and Their Industrial Uses for Single Fast-Fired Wall Tile Glazes, Ceram. Int., 2008 (in review).
- Pekkan, K., & Karasu, B., Zircon-Free Frits Suitable for Single Fast-Firing Opaque Wall Tile Glazes and Their Industrial Productions, J. Euro. Ceram. Soc., 2008 (in review).
- Pekkan, K., & Karasu, B., Evaluation of Borax Solid Wastes in the Production of Frits Suitable for Single Fast-Fired Wall Tile Opaque Glass-Ceramic Glazes, Industrial Ceramics, 2008, (in review).
- Levitskii I. A. and Mazura N. V., Opacified Glazes Produced by High Temperature Firing for Sanitary Ceramicware, Glass and Ceramics, 62, 7-8, 2005.
- Kawamura, T., Hayashi, H., Inoko, N., Compositions for the Decoration of Ceramic Materials, United States Patent, US 6881690 B2, 2005.
- Taylor, J. R. and Bull, A. C., Ceramics Glaze Technology, Oxford, Pergamon Press, 30-35, 1986.
R2O-RO-(ZrO2)-B2O3-Al2O3-SiO2 Cam-Seramik Sistemlerinden Hızlı Pişirim Duvar Karosu Opak Sırı Olarak Faydalanılması
Yıl 2009,
Cilt: 9 Sayı: 3, 37 - 44, 01.12.2009
Keriman Pekkan
Bekir Karasu
Hızlı pişirim duvar karosu beyaz opak sırları, kullanılan firitlerin zirkonya (ZrO2) içerikleri sayesinde opaklaştırılmaktadır. Yer ve duvar karosu sırlarına servis koşullarında sergilemeleri beklenen özelliklerin kazandırılmasında önemli rol oynayan zirkonun (ZrSiO4) gerek yüksek maliyeti, gerekse rezervlerinin hızla tükeniyor olması yüzünden günümüzde yavaş yavaş kullanım miktarları azaltılmakta, hatta alternatif sır sistemleriyle kendisinden tamamen uzaklaşma yolları aranmaktadır. Hızlı pişirim duvar karosu opak sırının üretim maliyetini azaltmak amacıyla, R2O-RO-(ZrO2)-B2O3Al2O3-SiO2 cam-seramik sistemlerinde zirkonu önemli derecede düşürülmüş veya tamamen giderilmiş yeni firit reçeteleri geliştirilmiştir. Sırlı yüzeylerin renk ve parlaklık analizleri spektrofotometre ve parlaklık ölçüm cihazı ile yapılmıştır. Opaklık sağlamada zirkona alternatif olarak geliştirilen kristal fazlar X-ışını kırınım analizi (XRD), taramalı elektron mikroskobu (SEM) ve enerji saçınımlı Xışınları analizi (EDX) ile karakterize edilmiştir. Söz konusu yeni cam-seramik sistemlerinden elde edilen sırlar zirkon içerikli geleneksel sırlarla aynı yüzey özelliklerini sergilemiş ve duvar karosu opak sırının üretim maliyetini azaltmıştır
- Eppler, R. A. and Eppler, D. R., Glazes and Glass Coatings, The American Ceramic Society, 1998.
- Karasu, B., Dölekçekiç, E., Taşpınar, B., Cömert, M., Özdemir, H., Zirkonla Opaklaştırılmış Yer Karolarında Zirkon Kullanımını Azaltıcı Önlemler, Tübitak Seramik Araştırma Merkezi (SAM) Proje Son Raporu, P/1999-07, 1997.
- Karasu, B. ve Kaya, G., ZrO2-CaO-MgO-SiO2 (ZrCMS) ve CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 (CMAS) Sistemi CamSeramikleri, Tübitak Seramik Araştırma Merkezi (SAM) Proje Son Raporu, P/ 2003-1, 2003.
- Karasu, B., Dolekcekic, E., Ozdemir, B., Compositional Modifications to Floor Tile Glazes Opacified with Zircon, Brit. Ceram. Trans., 100, 2, 81-85, 2001.
- Karasu, B., Kaya, G. and Taykurt, M., The Effects of Borax Wastes on the Final Properties and Microstructure of Fast Fired CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 (CMAS) Glass-Ceramic System Porcelain Tile Glazes, The Abstract Book of the 9th International Ceramic Processing Science Symposium, Coral Springs, Florida, ICPSS-044-2006, 24, 2006.
- Karasu, B., Kaya, G. and Taykurt, M., The Use of Borax Wastes in the Fast Fired ZrO2-CaO-MgO-SiO2 (ZrCMS) Glass-Ceramic System Porcelain Tile Glazes, The Abstract Book of the 9th International Ceramic Processing Science Symposium, Coral Springs, Florida, ICPSS-045-2006, 25, 2006.
- Karasu, B., Kaya, G. and Ozdemir, O., Use of Borax Solid Wastes in Diopside Based Glass-Ceramic Floor Tile Glaze, The Proceedings of Sohn International Symposium on Advanced Processing of Metals and Materials: Principles, Technologies and Industrial Practice, San Diego, 529-534, 2006.
- Karasu, B., Kaya, G., Taykurt, M., Cakir, A. and Kavas, T., Effects of Borax Solid Wastes on the Final Properties of Fast-Fired Porcelain Glass-Ceramic Glazes, The Proceeding Book of the III. International Boron Symposium, Ankara, 91-95, 2006.
- Kaya, G., Karasu, B. and Cakir, A. , Characterization of Diopside-Based Glass-Ceramic Porcelain Tile Glazes Containing Borax Solid Wastes, The Proceedings of the X. Conference and Exhibition of the European Ceramic Society, Silicates and Traditional Ceramics Section, Berlin, 1714-1718, 2008.
- Enrique, J. E., Amorós, J. L., Moreno, A., Evaluation of Ceramic Tile Glazes, Science of Whitewares, The American Ceramic Society, 1995.
- Limpens, M. J., Baay, W., 35 Years of Glaze Development, Interceram, 30 (3), 192-196, 1981.
- Garcia-Ten, J., Qereda, F., Sanz, V., Manrique, J., Garcia-Sainz, J., Bort, J., Improvement of Porcelain Tile Properties by Using Frits in the Body Composition, Proceedings of the VI. World Congress on Ceramic Tile Quality, Castellon, Spain, P. GI-351 367, 2000.
- Strnad, Z., Characteristics of Glass and Glass-Ceramic Materials, Glass Science and Technology 8, Elsevier Science Publishing Company Inc., 1986.
- Kingery, W. D., Bowen, H. K., Uhlmann, D. R., Introduction to Ceramics, John Wiley & Sons, 1975.
- Baldi, G., Generali, E., Leonelli, C., Pellecani, T. & Siligardi, C., Effect of Nucleating Agents on Diopsite Crystallisation in New Glass-Ceramic for Tile Glaze Application, Journal of Materials Science, 30, 3251- 3253, 1995.
- Quinterio, E., Boschi, A. O., Leonelli, C., Manfredini, T. & Siligardi, C., Glass-Ceramic Systems Compatible with the Firing Conditions Used in the Ceramic Tile Industry, Proceedings of the VII. World Congress on Ceramic Tile Quality, Castellon, Spain, P. GI-301 311, 2002.
- Pekkan, K. K., Karasu, B., and Onal, H. S., Decreasing of Zircon Content in Opaque Wall Tile Frits, The Proceedings of the X. Conference and Exhibition of the European Ceramic Society, Silicates and Traditional Ceramics Section, Berlin, 1602-1605, 2008.
- Karaveli, K., Karasu, B. ve Önal, H. Ş., ‘Zirkonsuz Opak Firit ve Firit-Bazlı Hızlı Tek Pişirim Duvar Karosu Sırı Üretimi ve Karakterizasyon’, IV. Uluslararası Katılımlı Seramik, Cam, Emaye, Sır ve Boya Semineri (SERES 2007) Bildiriler Kitabı, 808-814, 2007.
- Pekkan, K. K., Karasu, B., and Onal, H. S., Production of Zircon-Free Opaque Wall Tile Frits and Their Use in Ceramic Industry, The Proceeding Books of the Qualicer 2008, Castellon, 2 P.BC 43-49, 2008.
- Pekkan, K. K., Karasu, B. ve Onal, H. S., Hızlı Pişirim Duvar Karosu Cam-Seramik Sır Sistemlerinde Bor Oksidin Etkileri, II. Ulusal Bor Çalıştayı Bildiriler Kitabı, 325-331, 2008.
- Pekkan, K., & Karasu, B., Production of Opaque Frits with Low ZrO2 and ZnO Contents and Their Industrial Uses for Single Fast-Fired Wall Tile Glazes, Ceram. Int., 2008 (in review).
- Pekkan, K., & Karasu, B., Zircon-Free Frits Suitable for Single Fast-Firing Opaque Wall Tile Glazes and Their Industrial Productions, J. Euro. Ceram. Soc., 2008 (in review).
- Pekkan, K., & Karasu, B., Evaluation of Borax Solid Wastes in the Production of Frits Suitable for Single Fast-Fired Wall Tile Opaque Glass-Ceramic Glazes, Industrial Ceramics, 2008, (in review).
- Levitskii I. A. and Mazura N. V., Opacified Glazes Produced by High Temperature Firing for Sanitary Ceramicware, Glass and Ceramics, 62, 7-8, 2005.
- Kawamura, T., Hayashi, H., Inoko, N., Compositions for the Decoration of Ceramic Materials, United States Patent, US 6881690 B2, 2005.
- Taylor, J. R. and Bull, A. C., Ceramics Glaze Technology, Oxford, Pergamon Press, 30-35, 1986.