Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2017, Cilt: 19 Sayı: 2, 107 - 125, 29.12.2017


Bireyler, kişilik ve değerlerinin etkisiyle prososyal davranışlara yönelebilir. Bu davranışlar yalnızca sosyal çevre ile sınırlı değildir. Birey zamanının önemli bir bölümünü harcadığı iş yaşamında da karşılıksız ve çıkarsız biçimde prososyal davranışlar geliştirebilir. Dönüştürücü liderler ise, örgütlerde prososyal davranışların geliştirilmesine ve bu davranışların örgüt ve toplum adına değer yaratabilecek sürekli davranışlara dönüşmesine katkı sağlayabilirler. Çalışma, bu düşünceden hareket ile örgütlerde dönüştürücü liderliğin prososyal davranışlar ile olan ilişkisini araştırmayı ve prososyal örgütsel davranışı geliştirmede nasıl bir etkisinin olduğunu ortaya koymayı amaçlamıştır. Araştırmada veri toplama aracı olarak, çok faktörlü liderlik ölçeğinin dönüştürücü liderlik boyutları ve prososyal davranış ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Ölçekler, 6 imalat işletmesindeki 210 çalışana uygulanmıştır. Veriler, istatistiksel analizler ile değerlendirilerek, dönüştürücü liderlik ve prososyal davranış arasında pozitif yönlü bir ilişki olduğu ve dönüştürücü liderlerin prososyal davranışı etkilediği belirlenmiştir. 


  • Ackfeldt, L.A. ve Wong, V.,(2006), The Antecendents of Prosocial Service Behaviors: An Emprical Investigation, The Service Industries Journal, 26 (7), 727-745.
  • Akhigbe, O.J., vd., (2014), Prosocial Behaviour and Organisational Commitment in the Nigerian Public Sector, Journal of Emerging Trends in Economics and Management Sciences (JETEMS) 5(2):154-165.
  • Altunışık, R., vd,, (2005), Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştırma Yöntemleri, Sakarya Yayınevi, Adapazarı.
  • Avolio, B.J. , Bass, B. M. & Jung, D.I. (1999). Re-examining the components of transformational and transactional leadership usingthe Multifactor Questionnaire, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 72, 441-462.
  • Bass, B.M., (1990), From Transactional to Transformational Leadership: Learning to Share the Vision. Organizational Dynamics. 18, 19-31.
  • Bass, B. M.and Avolio, B.J. (1995). Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire for Research. Palo Alto Redwood, CA: Mind Garden.
  • Bass, B.M., ve Riggio, R.,(2006), Transformational Leadership, Lawrance Erlbaum Associates Publisher, London.
  • Bierhoff, H.W.,(2005), Prosocial Behavior, Taylor & Francis, Psychology Group, New York.
  • Bierhoff, H.W., Klien, R. & Kramp, P. (1991). Evidence for the altruistic personality from data on accident research . Journal of Personality, 59, 263-280.
  • Bolino, M.C., (2016), The Bright Side of Being Prosocial at Work and the Dark Side, Academy of Management Annals,
  • Brief, Arthur P., & Motowidlo, Stephan J. (1986). Prosocial organizational behaviors. Academy of Management Review 11 (4), pp. 710-725.
  • Bülbül, A., (2014), Social Work Design and Prosocial Organizational Behaviors, Umiversal Journal of Psychology, 2 (2), 47-58.
  • Cremer, D.D. vd., (2009), When Does Self-Sacrificial Leadership Motivate Prosocial Behavior? It Depends on Followers’ Prevention Focus, Journal of Applied Psychology, 94(4), 887-899.
  • Ewest, T., (2015), The Relationship Between Transformational Leadership Pratices and Global Social Responsibility, Journal of Leadership Studies, 9 (1), 19-28.
  • Ewest, T., (2016), Does Prosocial Behavior, The Concern for the Welfare of the Other, Limit A Leaders’s Ability To Innovate, Journal of Leadership Studies, 9 (3), 53-54.
  • Ewest, T., (2017), Prosocial Ledarship Understanding the Development of Prosocial Behavior, Palgrave Mc Millan, New York.
  • Goethal, G.R., (2004), The Psychodynamics of Leadership: Freud's Insights and Their Vicissitudes, Messick, D., ve Kramer, R. (Editors), The Psychology of Leadership, Lawrence Elbraum Associates, London.
  • Graham, J.W. (1995). Leadership, moral development,and citizenship behavior. Business Ethics Quarterly,Vol. 5, pp. 43- 54. Grant, A., (2007), Relational Job Design and the Motivation To Make A Prosocial Difference, Academy of Management Review, 32 (2), 393- 417.
  • Grant, A., (2008), Designing Jobs to do Good: Dimensions and Psychological Consequences of Prosocial Job Characteristics, Journal of Positive Psychology, 3 (1), 19-39.
  • Grant, A. (2012), Leading With Meaning: Beneficiary Contact, Prosocial Impact, And The Performance Effects of Transformational Leadership, Academy of Management Journal, 55 (2), 458-476.
  • Graves, L. ve Sarkis, J., (2011), Fostering Employee Proenvironmental Behavior: Impact of Leadership and Motivation,In: Environmental Leadership: A Reference Handbook,D. R. Gallagher, N. Christensen, & R. N. L. Andrews (Eds.), Sage Publication, 161-171.
  • Güriş, S. ve Astar, M., (2014), SPSS İstatistik, Der Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Hannah, S., Avolio, B., & Walumbwa, F. (2011). Relationships between authentic leadership, moral courage, and ethical and prosocial behaviors, 21 (4), 555-578.
  • Harrel, A. ve Simphson, B., (2016), The Dynamics of Prosocial Leadership: Power and Influence in Collective Action Groups, Social Forces, 94 (3), 1283-1308.
  • Hartog, D.N. vd., (1997), Transactional Versus Transformational Leadership: An Analysis of the MLQ, Journal of Occuational and Organizational Psychology, 70, 19-34.
  • Hater, J.J., and Bass, B.M. (1988), "Superiors’evaluations and subordinates’ perceptions of transformational and transactional leadership." Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 73, pp. 692-702.
  • Hazzi, O. ve Maldaon, I., (2012), Prosocial Organizational Behaviors: The Lifeline of Organizations, European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences, 54, 106-114.
  • Hill, S.L., (2011), Registered Nurses' Perception of Prosocial Voice, Self-Monitoring Behavior, and Patient-Safety Culture in a Hospital Setting, Doctor of Philosophy, Dissertation Submitted to Northcentral University, Arizona.
  • Judge, T. ve Piccolo, R., (2004), Transformational and Transactional Leadership: A Meta-Analytic Test of Their Relative Validity, Journal of Applied Psychology, 89 (5), 755-768.
  • Kalaycı, Ş., (2005), SPSS Uygulamalı Çok Değişkenli İstatistik Teknikleri, Asil Yayın Dağıtım, Ankara.
  • Kınacı, İ. ve Genç, A., (2002), Hataları Değişen ve Otokorelanslı Lineer Olmayan Regresyonda Parametre Tahmini, SÜ Fen ve Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 20, 55-68.
  • Lee, C. (1995). Prosocial organizational behaviors: Th e roles of workplace justice, achievement striving and pay satisfaction. Journal of Business & Psychology, 10 (2), 197-206.
  • Leroy, H., Palanski, M., ve SImons, T. (2012),Authentic Leadership and Behavioral Integrity as Drivers of Follower Commitment and Performance,Journal of Business Ethics, 10 (7), 255-264.
  • Li, C. ve Wu K., (2015), Investigation of Motive Between Transformational Leadership and Pro-Social Voice: An Empirical Study in China, International of Leadership Studies, 9 (1), 115-130.
  • Luthans, F. ve Youssef, C., (2007), Emerging Positive Organizational Behavior, Journal of Management, 33 (3), 321-349.
  • Miner, J., (2006), Organizational Behavior: Historical Origins, Theoritical Foundations and the Future, M. E., Sharpe, New York.
  • Moeidh, A., Shah, F.A. ve Al Malari, E.M, (2015), The Relationship between Prosocial Voice and the Patient Safety Culture in the Saudi Public Hospitals, Asian Social Sciences, 11 (6), 267-277.
  • Odumeru, J.A. ve Ifeanyi, G.O., (2013), Transformational vs. Transactional Leadership Theories: Evidence in Literature, International Review of Management and Business Research, 2 (2), 355-361.
  • Oynishi, I., (2012), Abusive Supervision Prosocial Organizational Behavior, The African Symposium: An online journal of the African Educational Research Network, 12 (2), 96-103.
  • Penner, L.A., Dovidio, J.F., Piliavin, J.A. & Schroeder, D.A. (2005). Prosocial behavior: Multilevel perspectives. Annual Review of Psychology, 56, 365-392.
  • Robbins, S., ve Judge, T., (2013), Organizational Behavior, Person Education, Boston.
  • Sennett, R., (2012), Beraber, (Çev: Özküralpli, İ), Ayrıntı Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Staw, B., (1984), Organizational Behavior: A Review and Formulation of the Field’s Outcome Variables, Annual Review of Psychology, 35, 627-666.
  • Svandara, J. (2015), The Role of Prosocial Job Characteristics and Prosocial Motivation in Facilitating Employee Work Engagement, University of LJubljana, Faculty of Economics, Master’s Thesis.
  • Van, L. vd., (2007). From Games to Living: Social Value Orientation Predicts Donations to Noble Causes, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 29:375-84.
  • Work, J., (2000), Çeşitli İş gücünün Yönetimi”, Hesselbein, F. ve Diğerleri, (Editors), Geleceğin Lideri, Form Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Youli, H., Xixi, L. ve Xi, Wang, (2014), The Effects of Transformational Leadership on Employee’s Pro-Social Rule Breaking, Canadian Social Sciences, 10 (1), 128-134.
  • Zhu, Y. ve Akhtar, S., (2014), How transformational leadership influences follower helping behavior: The role of trust and prosocial motivation, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 35, 373-392.


Yıl 2017, Cilt: 19 Sayı: 2, 107 - 125, 29.12.2017


Individuals can be directed to prosocial behavior by the influence of their personality and values. These behaviors are not limited to the social environment. As an emotional and social entity, a person can develop prosocial behaviors in unrequited manner even in a working environment where a significant portion of his or her life is spent. Transformational leaders can contribute to the development of prosocial behaviors in organizations and to the transformation of these behaviors into continuous behaviors that can create value in the for organization and society. This study, aimed to research the relationship of between transformational leadership and prosocial behaviors in organizations, and to expose the effects of transformational leadership on prosocial behavior. To collect data were used multi-factor leadership scale (transformational leadership dimensions) and prosocial behavior scale in the research. Scales were applied to 210 employees in 6 industrial companies. The findings were evaluated by statistical, and the results show that there is the relationship between transformational leadership and prosocial behavior. 


  • Ackfeldt, L.A. ve Wong, V.,(2006), The Antecendents of Prosocial Service Behaviors: An Emprical Investigation, The Service Industries Journal, 26 (7), 727-745.
  • Akhigbe, O.J., vd., (2014), Prosocial Behaviour and Organisational Commitment in the Nigerian Public Sector, Journal of Emerging Trends in Economics and Management Sciences (JETEMS) 5(2):154-165.
  • Altunışık, R., vd,, (2005), Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştırma Yöntemleri, Sakarya Yayınevi, Adapazarı.
  • Avolio, B.J. , Bass, B. M. & Jung, D.I. (1999). Re-examining the components of transformational and transactional leadership usingthe Multifactor Questionnaire, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 72, 441-462.
  • Bass, B.M., (1990), From Transactional to Transformational Leadership: Learning to Share the Vision. Organizational Dynamics. 18, 19-31.
  • Bass, B. M.and Avolio, B.J. (1995). Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire for Research. Palo Alto Redwood, CA: Mind Garden.
  • Bass, B.M., ve Riggio, R.,(2006), Transformational Leadership, Lawrance Erlbaum Associates Publisher, London.
  • Bierhoff, H.W.,(2005), Prosocial Behavior, Taylor & Francis, Psychology Group, New York.
  • Bierhoff, H.W., Klien, R. & Kramp, P. (1991). Evidence for the altruistic personality from data on accident research . Journal of Personality, 59, 263-280.
  • Bolino, M.C., (2016), The Bright Side of Being Prosocial at Work and the Dark Side, Academy of Management Annals,
  • Brief, Arthur P., & Motowidlo, Stephan J. (1986). Prosocial organizational behaviors. Academy of Management Review 11 (4), pp. 710-725.
  • Bülbül, A., (2014), Social Work Design and Prosocial Organizational Behaviors, Umiversal Journal of Psychology, 2 (2), 47-58.
  • Cremer, D.D. vd., (2009), When Does Self-Sacrificial Leadership Motivate Prosocial Behavior? It Depends on Followers’ Prevention Focus, Journal of Applied Psychology, 94(4), 887-899.
  • Ewest, T., (2015), The Relationship Between Transformational Leadership Pratices and Global Social Responsibility, Journal of Leadership Studies, 9 (1), 19-28.
  • Ewest, T., (2016), Does Prosocial Behavior, The Concern for the Welfare of the Other, Limit A Leaders’s Ability To Innovate, Journal of Leadership Studies, 9 (3), 53-54.
  • Ewest, T., (2017), Prosocial Ledarship Understanding the Development of Prosocial Behavior, Palgrave Mc Millan, New York.
  • Goethal, G.R., (2004), The Psychodynamics of Leadership: Freud's Insights and Their Vicissitudes, Messick, D., ve Kramer, R. (Editors), The Psychology of Leadership, Lawrence Elbraum Associates, London.
  • Graham, J.W. (1995). Leadership, moral development,and citizenship behavior. Business Ethics Quarterly,Vol. 5, pp. 43- 54. Grant, A., (2007), Relational Job Design and the Motivation To Make A Prosocial Difference, Academy of Management Review, 32 (2), 393- 417.
  • Grant, A., (2008), Designing Jobs to do Good: Dimensions and Psychological Consequences of Prosocial Job Characteristics, Journal of Positive Psychology, 3 (1), 19-39.
  • Grant, A. (2012), Leading With Meaning: Beneficiary Contact, Prosocial Impact, And The Performance Effects of Transformational Leadership, Academy of Management Journal, 55 (2), 458-476.
  • Graves, L. ve Sarkis, J., (2011), Fostering Employee Proenvironmental Behavior: Impact of Leadership and Motivation,In: Environmental Leadership: A Reference Handbook,D. R. Gallagher, N. Christensen, & R. N. L. Andrews (Eds.), Sage Publication, 161-171.
  • Güriş, S. ve Astar, M., (2014), SPSS İstatistik, Der Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Hannah, S., Avolio, B., & Walumbwa, F. (2011). Relationships between authentic leadership, moral courage, and ethical and prosocial behaviors, 21 (4), 555-578.
  • Harrel, A. ve Simphson, B., (2016), The Dynamics of Prosocial Leadership: Power and Influence in Collective Action Groups, Social Forces, 94 (3), 1283-1308.
  • Hartog, D.N. vd., (1997), Transactional Versus Transformational Leadership: An Analysis of the MLQ, Journal of Occuational and Organizational Psychology, 70, 19-34.
  • Hater, J.J., and Bass, B.M. (1988), "Superiors’evaluations and subordinates’ perceptions of transformational and transactional leadership." Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 73, pp. 692-702.
  • Hazzi, O. ve Maldaon, I., (2012), Prosocial Organizational Behaviors: The Lifeline of Organizations, European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences, 54, 106-114.
  • Hill, S.L., (2011), Registered Nurses' Perception of Prosocial Voice, Self-Monitoring Behavior, and Patient-Safety Culture in a Hospital Setting, Doctor of Philosophy, Dissertation Submitted to Northcentral University, Arizona.
  • Judge, T. ve Piccolo, R., (2004), Transformational and Transactional Leadership: A Meta-Analytic Test of Their Relative Validity, Journal of Applied Psychology, 89 (5), 755-768.
  • Kalaycı, Ş., (2005), SPSS Uygulamalı Çok Değişkenli İstatistik Teknikleri, Asil Yayın Dağıtım, Ankara.
  • Kınacı, İ. ve Genç, A., (2002), Hataları Değişen ve Otokorelanslı Lineer Olmayan Regresyonda Parametre Tahmini, SÜ Fen ve Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 20, 55-68.
  • Lee, C. (1995). Prosocial organizational behaviors: Th e roles of workplace justice, achievement striving and pay satisfaction. Journal of Business & Psychology, 10 (2), 197-206.
  • Leroy, H., Palanski, M., ve SImons, T. (2012),Authentic Leadership and Behavioral Integrity as Drivers of Follower Commitment and Performance,Journal of Business Ethics, 10 (7), 255-264.
  • Li, C. ve Wu K., (2015), Investigation of Motive Between Transformational Leadership and Pro-Social Voice: An Empirical Study in China, International of Leadership Studies, 9 (1), 115-130.
  • Luthans, F. ve Youssef, C., (2007), Emerging Positive Organizational Behavior, Journal of Management, 33 (3), 321-349.
  • Miner, J., (2006), Organizational Behavior: Historical Origins, Theoritical Foundations and the Future, M. E., Sharpe, New York.
  • Moeidh, A., Shah, F.A. ve Al Malari, E.M, (2015), The Relationship between Prosocial Voice and the Patient Safety Culture in the Saudi Public Hospitals, Asian Social Sciences, 11 (6), 267-277.
  • Odumeru, J.A. ve Ifeanyi, G.O., (2013), Transformational vs. Transactional Leadership Theories: Evidence in Literature, International Review of Management and Business Research, 2 (2), 355-361.
  • Oynishi, I., (2012), Abusive Supervision Prosocial Organizational Behavior, The African Symposium: An online journal of the African Educational Research Network, 12 (2), 96-103.
  • Penner, L.A., Dovidio, J.F., Piliavin, J.A. & Schroeder, D.A. (2005). Prosocial behavior: Multilevel perspectives. Annual Review of Psychology, 56, 365-392.
  • Robbins, S., ve Judge, T., (2013), Organizational Behavior, Person Education, Boston.
  • Sennett, R., (2012), Beraber, (Çev: Özküralpli, İ), Ayrıntı Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Staw, B., (1984), Organizational Behavior: A Review and Formulation of the Field’s Outcome Variables, Annual Review of Psychology, 35, 627-666.
  • Svandara, J. (2015), The Role of Prosocial Job Characteristics and Prosocial Motivation in Facilitating Employee Work Engagement, University of LJubljana, Faculty of Economics, Master’s Thesis.
  • Van, L. vd., (2007). From Games to Living: Social Value Orientation Predicts Donations to Noble Causes, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 29:375-84.
  • Work, J., (2000), Çeşitli İş gücünün Yönetimi”, Hesselbein, F. ve Diğerleri, (Editors), Geleceğin Lideri, Form Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Youli, H., Xixi, L. ve Xi, Wang, (2014), The Effects of Transformational Leadership on Employee’s Pro-Social Rule Breaking, Canadian Social Sciences, 10 (1), 128-134.
  • Zhu, Y. ve Akhtar, S., (2014), How transformational leadership influences follower helping behavior: The role of trust and prosocial motivation, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 35, 373-392.
Toplam 48 adet kaynakça vardır.


Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Hülya Öcal

Ahmet Sarnıç Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Aralık 2017
Gönderilme Tarihi 5 Kasım 2017
Kabul Tarihi 29 Kasım 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Cilt: 19 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Öcal, H., & Sarnıç, A. (2017). DÖNÜŞTÜRÜCÜ LİDERLİĞİN PROSOSYAL ÖRGÜTSEL DAVRANIŞ ÜZERİNDEKİ ETKİLERİ VE İMALAT ENDÜSTRİSİNDE BİR ARAŞTIRMA. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 19(2), 107-125.