Araştırma Makalesi
BibTex RIS Kaynak Göster
Yıl 2023, , 903 - 924, 29.10.2023


Destekleyen Kurum


Proje Numarası



  • Aslıtürk, A., & Ekşioğlu, S. (2020). The relationship between secondary school students lifelong learning tendencies and attitudes towards English lesson as a foreign language. Sakarya University Journal of Education, 10(3), 609–622.
  • Auernheimer, G. (2005). Interkulturelle kommunikation und kompetenz. Migration und Soziale Arbeit, 27(1), 15-22.
  • Aydoğmuş, M., & Kurnaz, A. (2017). Ortaokul İngilizce dersi tutum ölçeğinin geçerlik ve güvenirliği [Validity and reliability of middle school English course attitude scale]. Journal of Research in Education, Science and Technology, 2(2), 14- 24.
  • Baker, W. (2009). Intercultural awareness and intercultural communication through English: an investigation of Thai English language users in higher education [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. University of Southampton School of Humanities, United Kingdom.
  • Baş, G., & Beyhan, Ö. (2013). Effects of learning styles based instruction on academic achievement, retention level and attitudes towards English course. Ankara University Journal of Faculty of Educational Sciences (JFES), 46(2), 133-158 .
  • Başbay, A., Dimici, K., & Yıldız, B. (2018). Hazırlık sınıfı İngilizce ders kitabının çokkültürlülük açısından incelenmesi: “English File” örneği [An analysis of an English coursebook (English file) in terms of multiculturalism]. Journal of Language Education and Research, 4(3), 175-200.
  • Burwitz-Melzer, E. (2012). Kulturelle und interkulturelle kompetenzen im fremdsprachenunterricht erwerben-Ein Plädoyer. Babylonia, 2, 12-17.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş., Kılıç Çakmak, E., Akgün, Ö. E., Karadeniz, Ş. & Demirel, F. (2020). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri [Scientific methods of research] (28. Baskı). Pegem Akademi.
  • Byram, M. (1997). Teaching and assessing intercultural communicative competence. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
  • Cardona, L., Rico, C., & Sarmiento, S. (2015). Developing cultural awareness: The text-driven approach as evidence of a good language teaching practice. Creative Education, 6, 1360-1385.
  • Chen, G. M. (1997). A Review of the concept of intercultural sensitivity. Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC).
  • Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL). (2021). Framework for systemic social and emotional learning.
  • Csizer, K., & Dörnyei, Z. (2005). Language learners’ motivational profiles and their motivated learning behavior. Language Learning, 55(4), 613-659. https://doi:10.1111/j.0023-8333.2005.00319.x
  • Çakıcı, D. (2007). The attitudes of university students towards English within the scope of common compulsory courses. Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 27(3), 21-35.
  • De Boer, H. (2008). Bildung sozialer, emotionaler und kommunikativer Kompetenzen: ein komplexer Prozess. In C. Rohlfs, M. Harring & C. Palentien (Eds.), Kompetenz-Bildung (pp. 19-33). VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
  • Demirtaş-Madran, H. A. (2012). Tutum, tutum değişimi ve ikna: Temel kavram, kuram ve araştırmalar [Attitude, attitude change and persuasion: Basic concepts, theories and research]. Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık.
  • Derer, Ö. K., & Berkant, H. G. (2020). The effect of puzzle-based learning on secondary school students’ attitudes toward English lesson and self-efficacy beliefs in English. Journal of Theoretical Educational Science, 13(1), 205-231.
  • Dittrich, I. (2022). Soziale und emotionale Kompetenzen in der Frühpädagogik. In H. Reinders, D. Bergs-Winkels, A. Prochnow & I. Post (Eds.), Empirische bildungsforschung (pp. 537-555). Springer VS.
  • Ertanir, B., Kaiser-Kratzmann, J., & Sachse, S. (2021). Long-term interrelations between socio-emotional and language competencies among preschool dual language learners in Germany. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 91, 735-754.
  • Fahim, M., & Pishghadam, R. (2007). On the role of emotional, psychometric, and verbal intelligences in the academic achievement of university students majoring in English language. Asian EFL Journal, 9, 240– 253. Feldman, S. R. (1996). Understanding psychology. McGraw-Hill.
  • Filiz, B., & Durnalı, M. (2019). Delaware sosyal-duygusal yeterlik ölçeğinin (DSDY-Ö) Türk diline uyarlanması. [Adaptation of the Delaware Social-Emotional Competency (DSECS-S) Scale into Turkish Language]. Journal of Theoretical Educational Science, 12(3), 962-977.
  • Gay, P., Pogranova, S., Mauroux, L., Trisconi, E., Rankin, E., & Shankland, R. (2022). Developing students’ emotional competencies in English language classes: Reciprocal benefits and practical implications. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(11), 6469. doi: 10.3390/ijerph19116469.
  • Goleman, D. (2021). Duygusal zekâ neden IQ’den daha önemlidir. [Emotional Intelligence (Why it can matter more than IQ)] (Çev: Banu Seçkin Yüksel). (Orijinal çalışmanın basım tarihi 1995). Varlık Yayınları
  • Gut, J., Reimann, G., & Grob, A. (2012). Kognitive, sprachliche, mathematische und sozial-emotionale Kompetenzen als Prädiktoren späterer schulischer Leistungen. Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie, 26, 213–230.
  • Güleç, E. (2014). Aktif öğrenme modeliyle oluşturulan öğrenme ortamının ortaokul öğrencilerinin akademik başarısına ve İngilizce dersine yönelik tutumlarına etkisi [The effect of learning environment formed by active learning model to middle school students’ academic success and attitudes towards English lesson] [Unpublished master’s thesis]. Afyon Kocatepe University.
  • Güneyli, T. (2016). 6.sınıf öğrencilerinin öz-düzenleyici öğrenme stratejileri ile İngilizceye yönelik tutum ve başarıları arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi [ Examination of the relationship between self-regulated learning strategies and attitudes of sixth graders towards English and their English achievement] [Unpublished master’s thesis]. Afyon Kocatepe University.
  • Hancı-Yanar, B. (2008). Yabancı dil hazırlık eğitimi alan ve almayan anadolu lisesi öğrencilerinin yabancı dil özyeterlik algılarının ve ingilizce dersine yönelik tutumlarının incelenmesi [Investigation of the attitudes toward english lesson and perceptions of foreign language self-efficacy of anatolian high school students who have taken preparatory class and those who have not] [Unpublished master’s thesis]. Ege University.
  • Kadan, Ö. F. (2013). Yaratıcı drama yönteminin ortaokul 7. sınıf öğrencilerinin İngilizce dersindeki başarı, tutum ve motivasyonlarına etkisi [The effects of creative drama method on achievement, attitude and motivation levels of the 7th grade students in English course] [Unpublished master’s thesis]. Mustafa Kemal University.
  • Kafa, S. (2016). The effect of using ELF materials on the development of intercultural awareness and the attitudes of language learners [Unpublished master’s thesis]. Erciyes University.
  • Karagül, A., & Aşılıoğlu, B. (2018). İngilizce mizah metinlerinin 9 sınıf öğrencilerinin İngilizce dersine yönelik tutumlarına etkisinin incelenmesi. [Investigating the effects of English humour texts on the 9th grade students’ attitudes towards English course]. Electronic Journal of Education Sciences, 7(14), 213–227.
  • Knapp, A. (2010). Interkulturelle kompetenz: eine sprachwissenschaftliche perspektive. In G. Auernheimer (Ed.), Interkulturelle kompetenz und pädagogische professionalität (pp. 81-97). VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
  • Kramsch, C. (1998). The privilege of the intercultural speaker. In M. Byram & M. Fleming (Eds.), Language learning in intercultural perspective: Approaches through Drama and Ethnography. Cambridge University Press.
  • Melani, B. Z., Roberts, S., & Taylor, J. (2020). Social emotional learning practices in learning English as a second language. Journal of English Learner Education, 10(1), 3.
  • Orakcı, Ş., & Gelişli, Y. (2019). The effect of the application of learning activities based on learner autonomy on the 6th grade students English achievements attitudes and learner autonomy. International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction, 11(1), 269–292.
  • Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). (2015). Skills for social progress: The power of social and emotional skills. OECD Publishing: Paris.
  • Özer, B. & Korkmaz, C. (2016). Yabancı dil öğretiminde öğrenci başarısını etkileyen unsurlar [Factors affecting student achievement in foreign language teaching]. EKEV Akademi Dergisi, 67, 59-84.
  • Pishghadam, R. (2009). Emotional and verbal intelligences in language learning. Iranian Journal of Language Studies, 3, 43–64.
  • Savignon, S. J. (1983). Communicative competence: Theory and classroom practice: texts and contexts in second language learning. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company
  • Sevimbay, A. (2016). 11. sınıf öğrencilerinin İngilizce dersine yönelik tutumları ve özyeterlik inançları arasındaki ilişkiler [The relationships between attitudes and self-efficacy beliefs of 11th grade students towards English lesson] [Unpublished master’s thesis]. Bartın University.
  • Sewbihon Getie, A. G. (2020). Factors affecting the attitudes of students towards learning English as a foreign language. Cogent Education, 7(1). https://doi:10.1080/2331186X.2020.1738184
  • Slot, P. L., Bleses, D., & Jensen, P. (2020). Infants’ and toddlers’ language, math, and socio-emotional development: Evidence for reciprocal relations and differential gender and age effects. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 580297.
  • Şahin, C. (2016). Hikayelerle desteklenmiş yabancı dil öğretiminin 5 ve 8. sınıflar düzeylerinde kelime dağarcığı, okuduğunu anlama ve yabancı dile karşı tutumuna etkisi [The effect of foreign language teaching through stories on 5th and 8th grade students’ vocabulary knowledge, reading comprehension and attitude] [Unpublished master’s thesis]. Ahi Evran University.
  • Tavşancıl, E. (2010). Tutumların ölçülmesi ve SPSS veri analizi. [Measuring attitudes and SPSS data analysis]. Nobel Yayın Dağıtım.
  • Tomlinson, B. (2001). Seeing more between the lines. The Guardian Weekly, 5(2), 21- 27.
  • Türk Sanayicileri ve İş İnsanları Derneği [Turkish Industry and Business Association] [TÜSİAD] (2019). Sosyal ve duygusal öğrenme becerileri [Social and Emotional Learning Skills].
  • Yalçın, E. (2020). İngilizce ağırlıklı ve normal İngilizce öğretim programlarında öğrenim gören ortaokul öğrencilerinin yabancı dil kaygı ve tutumları arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi [Investigation of the relationship between foreign language anxiety and attitudes of secondary school students in intensive English and normal English teaching programs] [Unpublished master’s thesis]. Sabahattin Zaim University.
  • Young, T. J., & Sachdev, I. (2011). Intercultural communicative competence: Exploring English language teachers’ beliefs and practices. Language Awareness, 20(2), 81-98.
  • Zhu, H. (2011). From intercultural awareness to intercultural empathy. English Language Teaching, 4(1), 116-119.
  • Zorba, M., G. (2019). Raising intercultural awareness of the 7th grade students through practical English activities [Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation]. Gazi University.

Prediction of Attitudes Towards the English Course by Social-Emotional Competence and Intercultural Awareness of Students

Yıl 2023, , 903 - 924, 29.10.2023


The objective of this study is to examine how secondary school students' beliefs about their social-emotional skills and intercultural understanding can forecast their attitudes towards the English course. This study was developed with a focus on the connection between language and culture, as well as the correlation between social-emotional competence and communication abilities. The research model employed in this study follows the relational survey approach, which falls within the realm of quantitative research methods. To gather data, the researchers utilized the Attitude towards English Language Teaching Scale, the Intercultural Awareness Scale, and the Delaware Social Emotional Competence Scale. The study involved students in the 6th, 7th, and 8th grades as participants. By employing the stratified sampling technique, data were gathered from a sample of 1864 students, with 639 students from the 6th grade, 620 students from the 7th grade, and 605 students from the 8th gradeThe collected data were analyzed using two statistical methods: "simple linear regression" and "multiple linear regression" analyses. The results indicated that when considering intercultural awareness and social-emotional competence variables together, they accounted for approximately 24% of the overall variation in students' attitudes towards the English course. The students' perspectives on intercultural awareness and social-emotional competence emerged as significant predictors of their attitude towards the English course.

Proje Numarası



  • Aslıtürk, A., & Ekşioğlu, S. (2020). The relationship between secondary school students lifelong learning tendencies and attitudes towards English lesson as a foreign language. Sakarya University Journal of Education, 10(3), 609–622.
  • Auernheimer, G. (2005). Interkulturelle kommunikation und kompetenz. Migration und Soziale Arbeit, 27(1), 15-22.
  • Aydoğmuş, M., & Kurnaz, A. (2017). Ortaokul İngilizce dersi tutum ölçeğinin geçerlik ve güvenirliği [Validity and reliability of middle school English course attitude scale]. Journal of Research in Education, Science and Technology, 2(2), 14- 24.
  • Baker, W. (2009). Intercultural awareness and intercultural communication through English: an investigation of Thai English language users in higher education [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. University of Southampton School of Humanities, United Kingdom.
  • Baş, G., & Beyhan, Ö. (2013). Effects of learning styles based instruction on academic achievement, retention level and attitudes towards English course. Ankara University Journal of Faculty of Educational Sciences (JFES), 46(2), 133-158 .
  • Başbay, A., Dimici, K., & Yıldız, B. (2018). Hazırlık sınıfı İngilizce ders kitabının çokkültürlülük açısından incelenmesi: “English File” örneği [An analysis of an English coursebook (English file) in terms of multiculturalism]. Journal of Language Education and Research, 4(3), 175-200.
  • Burwitz-Melzer, E. (2012). Kulturelle und interkulturelle kompetenzen im fremdsprachenunterricht erwerben-Ein Plädoyer. Babylonia, 2, 12-17.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş., Kılıç Çakmak, E., Akgün, Ö. E., Karadeniz, Ş. & Demirel, F. (2020). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri [Scientific methods of research] (28. Baskı). Pegem Akademi.
  • Byram, M. (1997). Teaching and assessing intercultural communicative competence. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
  • Cardona, L., Rico, C., & Sarmiento, S. (2015). Developing cultural awareness: The text-driven approach as evidence of a good language teaching practice. Creative Education, 6, 1360-1385.
  • Chen, G. M. (1997). A Review of the concept of intercultural sensitivity. Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC).
  • Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL). (2021). Framework for systemic social and emotional learning.
  • Csizer, K., & Dörnyei, Z. (2005). Language learners’ motivational profiles and their motivated learning behavior. Language Learning, 55(4), 613-659. https://doi:10.1111/j.0023-8333.2005.00319.x
  • Çakıcı, D. (2007). The attitudes of university students towards English within the scope of common compulsory courses. Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 27(3), 21-35.
  • De Boer, H. (2008). Bildung sozialer, emotionaler und kommunikativer Kompetenzen: ein komplexer Prozess. In C. Rohlfs, M. Harring & C. Palentien (Eds.), Kompetenz-Bildung (pp. 19-33). VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
  • Demirtaş-Madran, H. A. (2012). Tutum, tutum değişimi ve ikna: Temel kavram, kuram ve araştırmalar [Attitude, attitude change and persuasion: Basic concepts, theories and research]. Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık.
  • Derer, Ö. K., & Berkant, H. G. (2020). The effect of puzzle-based learning on secondary school students’ attitudes toward English lesson and self-efficacy beliefs in English. Journal of Theoretical Educational Science, 13(1), 205-231.
  • Dittrich, I. (2022). Soziale und emotionale Kompetenzen in der Frühpädagogik. In H. Reinders, D. Bergs-Winkels, A. Prochnow & I. Post (Eds.), Empirische bildungsforschung (pp. 537-555). Springer VS.
  • Ertanir, B., Kaiser-Kratzmann, J., & Sachse, S. (2021). Long-term interrelations between socio-emotional and language competencies among preschool dual language learners in Germany. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 91, 735-754.
  • Fahim, M., & Pishghadam, R. (2007). On the role of emotional, psychometric, and verbal intelligences in the academic achievement of university students majoring in English language. Asian EFL Journal, 9, 240– 253. Feldman, S. R. (1996). Understanding psychology. McGraw-Hill.
  • Filiz, B., & Durnalı, M. (2019). Delaware sosyal-duygusal yeterlik ölçeğinin (DSDY-Ö) Türk diline uyarlanması. [Adaptation of the Delaware Social-Emotional Competency (DSECS-S) Scale into Turkish Language]. Journal of Theoretical Educational Science, 12(3), 962-977.
  • Gay, P., Pogranova, S., Mauroux, L., Trisconi, E., Rankin, E., & Shankland, R. (2022). Developing students’ emotional competencies in English language classes: Reciprocal benefits and practical implications. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(11), 6469. doi: 10.3390/ijerph19116469.
  • Goleman, D. (2021). Duygusal zekâ neden IQ’den daha önemlidir. [Emotional Intelligence (Why it can matter more than IQ)] (Çev: Banu Seçkin Yüksel). (Orijinal çalışmanın basım tarihi 1995). Varlık Yayınları
  • Gut, J., Reimann, G., & Grob, A. (2012). Kognitive, sprachliche, mathematische und sozial-emotionale Kompetenzen als Prädiktoren späterer schulischer Leistungen. Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie, 26, 213–230.
  • Güleç, E. (2014). Aktif öğrenme modeliyle oluşturulan öğrenme ortamının ortaokul öğrencilerinin akademik başarısına ve İngilizce dersine yönelik tutumlarına etkisi [The effect of learning environment formed by active learning model to middle school students’ academic success and attitudes towards English lesson] [Unpublished master’s thesis]. Afyon Kocatepe University.
  • Güneyli, T. (2016). 6.sınıf öğrencilerinin öz-düzenleyici öğrenme stratejileri ile İngilizceye yönelik tutum ve başarıları arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi [ Examination of the relationship between self-regulated learning strategies and attitudes of sixth graders towards English and their English achievement] [Unpublished master’s thesis]. Afyon Kocatepe University.
  • Hancı-Yanar, B. (2008). Yabancı dil hazırlık eğitimi alan ve almayan anadolu lisesi öğrencilerinin yabancı dil özyeterlik algılarının ve ingilizce dersine yönelik tutumlarının incelenmesi [Investigation of the attitudes toward english lesson and perceptions of foreign language self-efficacy of anatolian high school students who have taken preparatory class and those who have not] [Unpublished master’s thesis]. Ege University.
  • Kadan, Ö. F. (2013). Yaratıcı drama yönteminin ortaokul 7. sınıf öğrencilerinin İngilizce dersindeki başarı, tutum ve motivasyonlarına etkisi [The effects of creative drama method on achievement, attitude and motivation levels of the 7th grade students in English course] [Unpublished master’s thesis]. Mustafa Kemal University.
  • Kafa, S. (2016). The effect of using ELF materials on the development of intercultural awareness and the attitudes of language learners [Unpublished master’s thesis]. Erciyes University.
  • Karagül, A., & Aşılıoğlu, B. (2018). İngilizce mizah metinlerinin 9 sınıf öğrencilerinin İngilizce dersine yönelik tutumlarına etkisinin incelenmesi. [Investigating the effects of English humour texts on the 9th grade students’ attitudes towards English course]. Electronic Journal of Education Sciences, 7(14), 213–227.
  • Knapp, A. (2010). Interkulturelle kompetenz: eine sprachwissenschaftliche perspektive. In G. Auernheimer (Ed.), Interkulturelle kompetenz und pädagogische professionalität (pp. 81-97). VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
  • Kramsch, C. (1998). The privilege of the intercultural speaker. In M. Byram & M. Fleming (Eds.), Language learning in intercultural perspective: Approaches through Drama and Ethnography. Cambridge University Press.
  • Melani, B. Z., Roberts, S., & Taylor, J. (2020). Social emotional learning practices in learning English as a second language. Journal of English Learner Education, 10(1), 3.
  • Orakcı, Ş., & Gelişli, Y. (2019). The effect of the application of learning activities based on learner autonomy on the 6th grade students English achievements attitudes and learner autonomy. International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction, 11(1), 269–292.
  • Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). (2015). Skills for social progress: The power of social and emotional skills. OECD Publishing: Paris.
  • Özer, B. & Korkmaz, C. (2016). Yabancı dil öğretiminde öğrenci başarısını etkileyen unsurlar [Factors affecting student achievement in foreign language teaching]. EKEV Akademi Dergisi, 67, 59-84.
  • Pishghadam, R. (2009). Emotional and verbal intelligences in language learning. Iranian Journal of Language Studies, 3, 43–64.
  • Savignon, S. J. (1983). Communicative competence: Theory and classroom practice: texts and contexts in second language learning. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company
  • Sevimbay, A. (2016). 11. sınıf öğrencilerinin İngilizce dersine yönelik tutumları ve özyeterlik inançları arasındaki ilişkiler [The relationships between attitudes and self-efficacy beliefs of 11th grade students towards English lesson] [Unpublished master’s thesis]. Bartın University.
  • Sewbihon Getie, A. G. (2020). Factors affecting the attitudes of students towards learning English as a foreign language. Cogent Education, 7(1). https://doi:10.1080/2331186X.2020.1738184
  • Slot, P. L., Bleses, D., & Jensen, P. (2020). Infants’ and toddlers’ language, math, and socio-emotional development: Evidence for reciprocal relations and differential gender and age effects. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 580297.
  • Şahin, C. (2016). Hikayelerle desteklenmiş yabancı dil öğretiminin 5 ve 8. sınıflar düzeylerinde kelime dağarcığı, okuduğunu anlama ve yabancı dile karşı tutumuna etkisi [The effect of foreign language teaching through stories on 5th and 8th grade students’ vocabulary knowledge, reading comprehension and attitude] [Unpublished master’s thesis]. Ahi Evran University.
  • Tavşancıl, E. (2010). Tutumların ölçülmesi ve SPSS veri analizi. [Measuring attitudes and SPSS data analysis]. Nobel Yayın Dağıtım.
  • Tomlinson, B. (2001). Seeing more between the lines. The Guardian Weekly, 5(2), 21- 27.
  • Türk Sanayicileri ve İş İnsanları Derneği [Turkish Industry and Business Association] [TÜSİAD] (2019). Sosyal ve duygusal öğrenme becerileri [Social and Emotional Learning Skills].
  • Yalçın, E. (2020). İngilizce ağırlıklı ve normal İngilizce öğretim programlarında öğrenim gören ortaokul öğrencilerinin yabancı dil kaygı ve tutumları arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi [Investigation of the relationship between foreign language anxiety and attitudes of secondary school students in intensive English and normal English teaching programs] [Unpublished master’s thesis]. Sabahattin Zaim University.
  • Young, T. J., & Sachdev, I. (2011). Intercultural communicative competence: Exploring English language teachers’ beliefs and practices. Language Awareness, 20(2), 81-98.
  • Zhu, H. (2011). From intercultural awareness to intercultural empathy. English Language Teaching, 4(1), 116-119.
  • Zorba, M., G. (2019). Raising intercultural awareness of the 7th grade students through practical English activities [Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation]. Gazi University.
Toplam 49 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Alan Eğitimleri
Bölüm Makaleler

Fatma Sarıkayış 0000-0003-1450-7120

İbrahim Tuncel 0000-0002-6533-6352

Proje Numarası yok
Erken Görünüm Tarihi 27 Ekim 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Ekim 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 30 Mayıs 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Sarıkayış, F., & Tuncel, İ. (2023). Prediction of Attitudes Towards the English Course by Social-Emotional Competence and Intercultural Awareness of Students. Journal of Theoretical Educational Science, 16(4), 903-924.