The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between pre-service teachers' academic self-efficacy levels and professional self-esteem. The research was conducted in accordance with the relational screening model. The working group consists of 370 participants in total. As a result of the research, it was concluded that the academic self-efficacy levels of the teacher candidates were "moderately sufficient" and their professional self-esteem was "sufficient". In addition, it was concluded that the participants' academic self-efficacy and professional self-esteem did not differ significantly according to their gender, but differed significantly according to their grade levels. As a result of the correlation analysis, it was concluded that there was a "moderate" relationship between the participants' "academic self-efficacy" and "professional self-perception". In addition, it was concluded that there was a "moderate" relationship between the participants' academic self-efficacy and the "professional acceptance", "value of the profession" and "belief in the functionality of the profession" sub-dimensions of the professional self-esteem scale. Finally, it was found that the academic self-efficacy of teacher candidates significantly predicted their professional self-esteem.