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Benlik-Kavramı Temelinde Bir Turist Tipolojisi Önerisi

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 26 Sayı: 4, 2039 - 2062, 17.12.2024


Çalışmanın amacı; turistik deneyimlerin benlik-kavramı ile ilişkisi temelinde tasarlanan bir turist tipolojisinin ileri sürülmesi yoluyla turist deneyimi ve davranışı hakkındaki kavrayışın güçlendirilmesidir. Bu doğrultuda -konunun daha bütünsel ve somut bir şekilde ele alınabilmesi adına- turizmde kurumsallaşmanın X negatifte, turizmde kurumsallaşmamanın X pozitifte; aşinalık/konfor arayışı ve yapaylığa yönelimin Y negatifte, yenilik arayışı ve otantikliğe yönelimin Y pozitifte konumlandırıldığı bir koordinat sistemi araçsallaştırılmıştır. Durum çalışması ve maksimum çeşitlilik örneklemesi kapsamında, yarı yapılandırılmış 45 yüz-yüze mülakat aracılığıyla veri elde edilmiştir. Analiz süreci, nitel ve karma yöntemler için bilgisayar destekli bir veri analiz programı olan MAXQDA Analytics Pro v.18.2’den faydalanılarak yürütülmüştür. Bulgular doğrultusunda, koordinat sisteminde X ekseninin üstünde kalan kısım “benlik-kavramı zenginleştirici alan”, altında kalan kısım ise “öz-doğrulayıcı alan” olarak adlandırılmıştır. Sonuç olarak geliştirilen tipoloji kapsamında üç adet turist tipi ortaya konulmuştur. Benlik-kavramı zenginleştirici alanda yer alan ve koordinat sisteminin I. bölgesini temsil eden kategori “özümseyici turist”, II. bölgesini temsil eden kategori de “temkinli turist” olarak, öz-doğrulayıcı alanda yer alan ve koordinat sisteminin III. bölgesini temsil eden kategori ise “öz-yansıtıcı turist” olarak nitelendirilmiştir.


  • Adams, W. Y., and Adams, E. W. (2008). Archaeological typology and practical reality: A dialectical approach to artifact classification and sorting, digitally printed version (first published 1991), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Aktaş Polat, S. (2013). Turistlerin tatil dönemlerinde sergiledikleri geçici davranış değişiklikleri (liminoid) üzerine bir araştırma [A research on liminoid behaviours of tourists vacation periods]. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Sakarya Üniversitesi/Sakarya University, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü/Institute of Social Sciences, Sakarya.
  • Aktaş Polat, S. (2015). Turistlerin tatil dönemlerinde sergiledikleri liminoid davranışlar [Liminoid behaviours of tourists on vacation periods]. Sosyoekonomi, 23(26), 99-117.
  • Allport, G. W. (1961). Pattern and growth in personality, New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston Inc..
  • Altunel, M. C. ve Kahraman, N. (2012). Kültür turisti tipolojilerinin belirlenmesi: İstanbul Örneği [Identification of cultural tourist typologies: The case of Istanbul]. Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 23(1), 7-18.
  • Al-Zobaidi, S. (2009). Digital nomads: Between homepages and homelands, Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication, 2(2), 293-314. doi:
  • APA. (2023, Kasım 15). Self. Dictionary of psychology.
  • Aronson, E., Wilson, T. D., ve Akert, R. M. (2012). Sosyal psikoloji [Social psychology, 2010] (Okhan Gündüz, Çev.), 1. Basım, İstanbul: Kaknüs Yayınları.
  • Ayaz, N., ve Sorgun, T. (2020). Turist tipolojisi ve seyahat memnuniyeti ilişkisi: Ilgaz Kayak Merkezi örneği [The relationship between tourist typology and travel satisfaction: The case of Ilgaz Ski Center]. Seyahat ve Otel İşletmeciliği Dergisi/Journal of Travel and Hospitality Management, 17(2), 328-341.
  • Bailey, K. D. (1994). Typologies and taxonomies: An introduction to classification techniques (Series/Number: 07/102). Sage Publications.
  • Baymur, F. B. (2014). Genel psikoloji, 20. Basım, İstanbul: İnkılâp Kitabevi.
  • Bond, N., and Falk, J. (2013). Tourism and identity-related motivations why am I here (and not there)?. International Journal of Tourism Research, 15(5), 430-442.
  • Bosangit, C., Hibbert, S., and McCabe, S. (2015). “If I was going to die I should at least be having fun”: Travel blogs, meaning and tourist experience. Annals of Tourism Research, 55, 1-14.
  • Caruana, R., and Crane, A. (2011). Getting away from it all: Exploring freedom in tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 38(4), 1495-1515.
  • Cattell, R. B. (1950). Personality: A systematic theoretical and factual study, McGraw-Hill Book Company.
  • Celep, M., Kavlak, H. T., Gökçe, A., ve Altunöz, Ö. (2020). Kültür turisti tipolojilerinin belirlenmesi: Anadolu Medeniyetleri Müzesi örneği [Determination of cultural tourist typologies: Example of Museum of Anatolian Civilizations]. Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies, 8(2), 958-970. 10.21325/jotags.2020.589
  • Chen, G., and Huang, S. (2018). Understanding Chinese cultural tourists: Typology and profile. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 35(2), 162-177.
  • Cohen, E. (1972). Toward a sociology of international tourism. Social Research, 39(1), 164-182.
  • Cohen, E. (1979). A phenomenology of tourist experiences. Sociology, 13(2), 179-201.
  • Cohen, E. (2003). Backpacking: Diversity and change. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change, 1(2), 95-110.
  • Cohen, S. A. (2011). Lifestyle travellers: Backpacking as a way of life. Annals of Tourism Research, 38(4), 1535-1555.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2016). Nitel araştırma yöntemleri: Beş yaklaşıma göre nitel araştırma ve araştırma deseni [Qualitative inquiry & research design: Choosing among five approaches] (Mesut Bütün ve Selçuk Beşir, Çev. Ed.), 3. Basımdan Çeviri, Ankara: Siyasal Kitabevi.
  • Dai, T., Hein, C., and Zhang, T. (2019). Understanding how Amsterdam City tourism marketing addresses cruise tourists’ motivations regarding culture. Tourism Management Perspectives, 29, 157-165.
  • Dann, G. M. S. (1977). Anomie, ego-enhancement and tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 4(4), 184-194.
  • Desforges, L. (2000). Traveling the world: Identity and travel biography. Annals of Tourism Research, 27(4), 926-945.
  • Düzgün, E. ve Akın, A. (2022). Yeni bir turist tipolojisi önerisi: Dijital göçebelik [A new tourist typology proposal: Digital Nomad]. Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 8(2), 596-612. 10.31592/aeusbed.1095735
  • Fairhurst, A., Costello, C., and Holmes, A. F. (2016). An examination of shopping behavior of visitors to Tennessee according to tourist typologies. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 13(4), 311-320.
  • Geuens, M., Vantomme, D., and Brengman, M. (2004). Developing a typology of airport shoppers. Tourism Management, 25(5), 615-622.
  • Hannonen, O. (2020). In search of a digital nomad: Defining the phenomenon. Information Technology & Tourism, 22, 335-353.
  • Hilgard, E. R. (1962). Introduction to psychology, 3rd. Edition, New York & Burlingame: Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc..
  • Jacobsen, J. K. S. (2000). Anti-tourist attitudes: Mediterranean charter tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 27(2), 284-300.
  • James, W. (1890). The principles of psychology, Vol.: 1, New York, US: Henry Holt and Co.
  • Larsen, S. (2007). Aspects of a psychology of the tourist experience. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 7(1), 7-18.
  • Larsen, S., Øgaard, T., and Brun, W. (2011). Backpackers and mainstreamers: Realities and myths. Annals of Tourism Research, 38(2), 690-707.
  • Loker-Mruphy, L., and Pearce, P. L. (1995). Young budget travelers: Backpackers in Australia. Annals of Tourism Research, 22(4), 819-843.
  • López-Bonilla, L. M., and López-Bonilla, J. M. (2008). Postmodernism and heterogeneity of leisure tourist behavior patterns. Leisure Sciences, 31(1), 68-83.
  • Mack, R., Blose, J., and Maclaurin, T. (2009, 24-26 June). Segmenting the culinary tourist market: An American and Australian comparison. Proceedings of The 2009 Oxford Business & Economics Conference Program. Oxford University.
  • Makimoto, T., and Manners, D. (1997). Digital nomad, New York: Wiley.
  • Mannell, R. C., and Iso-Ahola, S. E. (1987). Psychological nature of leisure and tourism experience. Annals of Tourism Research, 14(3), 314-331.
  • McCabe, S. (2005). ‘Who is a tourist?’ A critical review. Tourist Studies, 5(1), 85-106.
  • McKercher, B. (2002). Towards a classification of cultural tourists. International Journal of Tourism Research, 4, 29-38. 10.1002/jtr.346
  • McKercher, B., and Du Cros, H. (2003). Testing a cultural tourism typology. International Journal of Tourism Research, 5(1), 45-58.
  • Mehmetoglu, M. (2004a). A typology of tourists from a different angle. International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration, 5(3), 69-90.
  • Mehmetoglu, M. (2004b). Tourist or traveller? A typological approach. Tourism Review, 59(3), 33-39.
  • Mo, C., Howard, D. R., and Havitz, M. E. (1993). Testing an international tourist role typology. Annals of Tourism Research, 20, 319-335.
  • Müller, A. (2016). The digital nomad: Buzzword or research category?. Transnational Social Review, 6(3), 344-348.
  • Murphy, P., Pritchard, M. P., and Smith, B. (2000). The destination product and its impact on traveller perceptions. Tourism Management, 21(1), 43-52.
  • Noy, C. (2004). This trip really changed me: Backpackers’ narratives of self-change. Annals of Tourism Research, 31(1), 78-102.
  • O’Reilly, C. C. (2006). From drifter to gap year tourist: Mainstreaming backpacker travel. Annals of Tourism Research, 33(4), 998-1017.
  • Pearce, P. L. (2010). New directions for considering tourists’ attitudes towards others, Tourism Recreation Research, 35(3), 251-258.
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  • Peter, S., and Anandkumar, V. (2016). Travel motivation-based typology of tourists who visit a shopping festival: An empirical study on the Dubai shopping festival. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 22(2), 142-153.
  • Phillips, J., and Brunt, P. (2013). Tourist differentiation: Developing a typology for the winter sports market. Tourism: An International Interdisciplinary Journal, 61(3), 219-243.
  • Pocock, N. J., and McIntosh, A. J. (2011). The return from travel: A new beginning?. Current Issues in Tourism, 14(7), 631-649.
  • Ryan, C. (2010). Ways of conceptualizing the tourist experience a review of literature. Tourism Recreation Research, 35(1), 37-46.
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A Tourist Typology Proposal Based on Self-Concept

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 26 Sayı: 4, 2039 - 2062, 17.12.2024


The purpose of the study; enhancing the comprehension of tourist experience and behaviour by presenting a tourist typology designed based on the relationship between tourism experiences and self-concept. In this direction -to approach the subject in a more holistic and concrete way- a coordinate system is instrumentalized in which institutionalization in tourism positioned at X-negative, non-institutionalization in tourism at X-positive; seeking familiarity/comfort and tendency towards artificiality is positioned at Y-negative and seeking novelty and tendency towards authenticity Y-positive. Within the case study and maximum diversity sampling, the data is obtained from semi-structured 45 face-to-face interviews. The analysis process is conducted via MAXQDA-Analytics-Pro-v.18.2, a computer-aided data analysis program for qualitative and mixed methods. In accordance with the findings, the section above the X-axis in the coordinate system is labelled as the “self-concept enriching area”, and the section below as the “self-verificative area”. As a result, three tourist types are presented within the developed typology. The category represents the I. region of the coordinate system and located in the self-concept enriching area is described as the “immersive tourist”, the category represents the II. region as the “cautious tourist”, and the category represents the III. region of the coordinate system and located in the self-verificative area is described as the “self-reflective tourist”.


  • Adams, W. Y., and Adams, E. W. (2008). Archaeological typology and practical reality: A dialectical approach to artifact classification and sorting, digitally printed version (first published 1991), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Aktaş Polat, S. (2013). Turistlerin tatil dönemlerinde sergiledikleri geçici davranış değişiklikleri (liminoid) üzerine bir araştırma [A research on liminoid behaviours of tourists vacation periods]. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Sakarya Üniversitesi/Sakarya University, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü/Institute of Social Sciences, Sakarya.
  • Aktaş Polat, S. (2015). Turistlerin tatil dönemlerinde sergiledikleri liminoid davranışlar [Liminoid behaviours of tourists on vacation periods]. Sosyoekonomi, 23(26), 99-117.
  • Allport, G. W. (1961). Pattern and growth in personality, New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston Inc..
  • Altunel, M. C. ve Kahraman, N. (2012). Kültür turisti tipolojilerinin belirlenmesi: İstanbul Örneği [Identification of cultural tourist typologies: The case of Istanbul]. Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 23(1), 7-18.
  • Al-Zobaidi, S. (2009). Digital nomads: Between homepages and homelands, Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication, 2(2), 293-314. doi:
  • APA. (2023, Kasım 15). Self. Dictionary of psychology.
  • Aronson, E., Wilson, T. D., ve Akert, R. M. (2012). Sosyal psikoloji [Social psychology, 2010] (Okhan Gündüz, Çev.), 1. Basım, İstanbul: Kaknüs Yayınları.
  • Ayaz, N., ve Sorgun, T. (2020). Turist tipolojisi ve seyahat memnuniyeti ilişkisi: Ilgaz Kayak Merkezi örneği [The relationship between tourist typology and travel satisfaction: The case of Ilgaz Ski Center]. Seyahat ve Otel İşletmeciliği Dergisi/Journal of Travel and Hospitality Management, 17(2), 328-341.
  • Bailey, K. D. (1994). Typologies and taxonomies: An introduction to classification techniques (Series/Number: 07/102). Sage Publications.
  • Baymur, F. B. (2014). Genel psikoloji, 20. Basım, İstanbul: İnkılâp Kitabevi.
  • Bond, N., and Falk, J. (2013). Tourism and identity-related motivations why am I here (and not there)?. International Journal of Tourism Research, 15(5), 430-442.
  • Bosangit, C., Hibbert, S., and McCabe, S. (2015). “If I was going to die I should at least be having fun”: Travel blogs, meaning and tourist experience. Annals of Tourism Research, 55, 1-14.
  • Caruana, R., and Crane, A. (2011). Getting away from it all: Exploring freedom in tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 38(4), 1495-1515.
  • Cattell, R. B. (1950). Personality: A systematic theoretical and factual study, McGraw-Hill Book Company.
  • Celep, M., Kavlak, H. T., Gökçe, A., ve Altunöz, Ö. (2020). Kültür turisti tipolojilerinin belirlenmesi: Anadolu Medeniyetleri Müzesi örneği [Determination of cultural tourist typologies: Example of Museum of Anatolian Civilizations]. Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies, 8(2), 958-970. 10.21325/jotags.2020.589
  • Chen, G., and Huang, S. (2018). Understanding Chinese cultural tourists: Typology and profile. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 35(2), 162-177.
  • Cohen, E. (1972). Toward a sociology of international tourism. Social Research, 39(1), 164-182.
  • Cohen, E. (1979). A phenomenology of tourist experiences. Sociology, 13(2), 179-201.
  • Cohen, E. (2003). Backpacking: Diversity and change. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change, 1(2), 95-110.
  • Cohen, S. A. (2011). Lifestyle travellers: Backpacking as a way of life. Annals of Tourism Research, 38(4), 1535-1555.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2016). Nitel araştırma yöntemleri: Beş yaklaşıma göre nitel araştırma ve araştırma deseni [Qualitative inquiry & research design: Choosing among five approaches] (Mesut Bütün ve Selçuk Beşir, Çev. Ed.), 3. Basımdan Çeviri, Ankara: Siyasal Kitabevi.
  • Dai, T., Hein, C., and Zhang, T. (2019). Understanding how Amsterdam City tourism marketing addresses cruise tourists’ motivations regarding culture. Tourism Management Perspectives, 29, 157-165.
  • Dann, G. M. S. (1977). Anomie, ego-enhancement and tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 4(4), 184-194.
  • Desforges, L. (2000). Traveling the world: Identity and travel biography. Annals of Tourism Research, 27(4), 926-945.
  • Düzgün, E. ve Akın, A. (2022). Yeni bir turist tipolojisi önerisi: Dijital göçebelik [A new tourist typology proposal: Digital Nomad]. Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 8(2), 596-612. 10.31592/aeusbed.1095735
  • Fairhurst, A., Costello, C., and Holmes, A. F. (2016). An examination of shopping behavior of visitors to Tennessee according to tourist typologies. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 13(4), 311-320.
  • Geuens, M., Vantomme, D., and Brengman, M. (2004). Developing a typology of airport shoppers. Tourism Management, 25(5), 615-622.
  • Hannonen, O. (2020). In search of a digital nomad: Defining the phenomenon. Information Technology & Tourism, 22, 335-353.
  • Hilgard, E. R. (1962). Introduction to psychology, 3rd. Edition, New York & Burlingame: Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc..
  • Jacobsen, J. K. S. (2000). Anti-tourist attitudes: Mediterranean charter tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 27(2), 284-300.
  • James, W. (1890). The principles of psychology, Vol.: 1, New York, US: Henry Holt and Co.
  • Larsen, S. (2007). Aspects of a psychology of the tourist experience. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 7(1), 7-18.
  • Larsen, S., Øgaard, T., and Brun, W. (2011). Backpackers and mainstreamers: Realities and myths. Annals of Tourism Research, 38(2), 690-707.
  • Loker-Mruphy, L., and Pearce, P. L. (1995). Young budget travelers: Backpackers in Australia. Annals of Tourism Research, 22(4), 819-843.
  • López-Bonilla, L. M., and López-Bonilla, J. M. (2008). Postmodernism and heterogeneity of leisure tourist behavior patterns. Leisure Sciences, 31(1), 68-83.
  • Mack, R., Blose, J., and Maclaurin, T. (2009, 24-26 June). Segmenting the culinary tourist market: An American and Australian comparison. Proceedings of The 2009 Oxford Business & Economics Conference Program. Oxford University.
  • Makimoto, T., and Manners, D. (1997). Digital nomad, New York: Wiley.
  • Mannell, R. C., and Iso-Ahola, S. E. (1987). Psychological nature of leisure and tourism experience. Annals of Tourism Research, 14(3), 314-331.
  • McCabe, S. (2005). ‘Who is a tourist?’ A critical review. Tourist Studies, 5(1), 85-106.
  • McKercher, B. (2002). Towards a classification of cultural tourists. International Journal of Tourism Research, 4, 29-38. 10.1002/jtr.346
  • McKercher, B., and Du Cros, H. (2003). Testing a cultural tourism typology. International Journal of Tourism Research, 5(1), 45-58.
  • Mehmetoglu, M. (2004a). A typology of tourists from a different angle. International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration, 5(3), 69-90.
  • Mehmetoglu, M. (2004b). Tourist or traveller? A typological approach. Tourism Review, 59(3), 33-39.
  • Mo, C., Howard, D. R., and Havitz, M. E. (1993). Testing an international tourist role typology. Annals of Tourism Research, 20, 319-335.
  • Müller, A. (2016). The digital nomad: Buzzword or research category?. Transnational Social Review, 6(3), 344-348.
  • Murphy, P., Pritchard, M. P., and Smith, B. (2000). The destination product and its impact on traveller perceptions. Tourism Management, 21(1), 43-52.
  • Noy, C. (2004). This trip really changed me: Backpackers’ narratives of self-change. Annals of Tourism Research, 31(1), 78-102.
  • O’Reilly, C. C. (2006). From drifter to gap year tourist: Mainstreaming backpacker travel. Annals of Tourism Research, 33(4), 998-1017.
  • Pearce, P. L. (2010). New directions for considering tourists’ attitudes towards others, Tourism Recreation Research, 35(3), 251-258.
  • Pearce, P. L., and Packer, J. (2013). Minds on the move: New links from psychology to tourism”, Annals of Tourism Research, 40, 386-411.
  • Peter, S., and Anandkumar, V. (2016). Travel motivation-based typology of tourists who visit a shopping festival: An empirical study on the Dubai shopping festival. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 22(2), 142-153.
  • Phillips, J., and Brunt, P. (2013). Tourist differentiation: Developing a typology for the winter sports market. Tourism: An International Interdisciplinary Journal, 61(3), 219-243.
  • Pocock, N. J., and McIntosh, A. J. (2011). The return from travel: A new beginning?. Current Issues in Tourism, 14(7), 631-649.
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Toplam 80 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Turist Davranışı ve Ziyaretçi Deneyimi
Bölüm Turizm

Çağrı Erdoğan 0000-0001-9308-0182

Said Kıngır 0000-0002-5459-3484

Yayımlanma Tarihi 17 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 4 Ekim 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 26 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Erdoğan, Ç., & Kıngır, S. (2024). Benlik-Kavramı Temelinde Bir Turist Tipolojisi Önerisi. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 26(4), 2039-2062.