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Yıl 2013, Cilt: 24 Sayı: 1, 46 - 52, 28.07.2013


In the rearing calvesnursing, nutrition, environmental conditions, health services, shelter and hygiene are very important issues factors. In which the environment is important to ensure healthy growth and development of calves. In the Calf shelters the most important conditions that must be the dry ground, draft-free ventilation, easy access to feed and water, is the possibility of easy cleaning, hygienic environment, freedem of movement, stress-free environment supply. In recent years, many companies make of the wood, plastic and metal as well as other materials of different types and sizes, into which shelters with different ventilation systems. With this study ıt is purposed to compile that studies on the relationship between calf housing for reduce morbidity, mortality and optimal development of calves.


  • A.S. Macaulay, G.L. Hahn, D.H. Clark, D.V. Sisson, 1995. Comparison of Calf Housing Type sand Tympanic Temperature Rhythms in Holstein Calves Journal of Dairy Science Volume 78, Issue4 , Pages 856-862.
  • Ağaoğlu, Ö. K., Ağaoğlu, A. R., 2012. Süt Sığırı Yetiştiriciliğinde Doğum Localarının Önemi. Erciyes ÜnivVet Fak Derg 9(1) 43-50.
  • Alexander, G. L 1954. Rearing dairy calves. Aust. Vet. J. 30:68.
  • Andrighetto, I.,Gottardo, F., Andreoli, D., Cozzi, G., 1999. Effect of type of housing on veal calf growth performance, behaviour and meat quality. Livestock Production Science 57 (1999) 137– 145
  • Appleman, R. D,,and F. G. Owen. 1973. Managing the young dairy ealf. Page 306 in Prec. Nat. Dairy Housing Conf. Spee. Pub. 01-73. Amer. See. ofAgr. Eng., St. Joseph, Michigan.
  • Appleman, R. D. and Owen, F. G.,1974. Breeding, Housing and Feeding Management. Journal of Dairy Science, Vol, 58, No 3.
  • Bascom S. S. Jersey calf management, mortality, and body composition. Thesis (Doctor of Philosophy) 2002. Faculty of Virginia Polytechnic State Institute, Blacksburg, VA, U.S.A.
  • Bokkers E., A., M., Koene P. Activity, 2001. Oral Behaviour and Slaughter Data as Welfare İndicators in Veal Calves: A Comparison of Three HousingSystems. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 75:1–15 Bokkers, E.A.M. and Koene, P., 2001. Activity, oral behaviourandslaugh ter data as welfare indicators in vealcalves: a comparison of three housing sytems. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 75 1Croney, C., J. Gordon, K. Higgs, J. Krahn, A. Sandeen, and M. Wustenberg. 2009. Animal care and welfare.
  • Curtis CR, Scarlett JM, Erb HN, White ME. 1988. Path model for individual-calf risk factors for calf hood morbidity and mortality in New York Holstein herds. Prev Vet Med, 6: 43–62.
  • Dale A. Moore, Katy Heaton, Sandra Poisson, and William M. Sischo. 2007. Dairy Calf Housing and Environment: The Science Behind Housing and On-Farm Assessments. National Integrated Food Safety Initiative 2007-01877.
  • Davis, C.L. and Drackley, J.K. 1998. Housing forthe young calf. In the development, nutrition, and management of the young calf. Ames: Iowa University Press.
  • Davis, L. R.,Autrey, M., Herlıch, H., Hawkins, G. E., 1954. Out door ındıvidual portable pens compared with conventional housing for raising dairy calves. Journal of Dairy Science, Volume 37, Issue 5, May 1954 , Pages 562-570.
  • Erb, R. E.,Gilden, R. O., Goodwin, M. M., Millard, J. B., and Murdock, F. R. 1951. Open Shed Versus Conventional Housing for Dairy Calves. Washington Agr. Exp. Sta.,Tech. Bull. 3.
  • Giddes, H. J. 1950. Animal husbandry aspects of calf rearing. Aust. Vet. J. 26:233.
  • Graves, R E., R. Engle, and J.T. Tyson. 2006. “Design information for housing special dairy cows.” Paper No. 064034 presented at theAmerican Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) Meeting, July 9-12.
  • Harrison, R. 1966. Animal machines: the new factory farming industry. New York: Ballantine Books. Hartman DA, Everett RW, Slack ST, Warner RG. 1974 Calf mortality. J Dairy Res 57: 576 -8.
  • Heinrichs, A. J., R. E. Graves, and N. E. Kiernan. 1987. Survey of calf and heifer housing on Pennsylvania dairy farms. J. DairySci. 70:1952–1957.
  • James, R. E., M. L. Mc Gilliard, and D. A. Hartman. 1984. Calf mortality in Virginia dairy herd improvement herds. J. DairySci. 67:908–911.
  • Jorgensen, L. J., N. A. Jorgensen, D. J. Schingoethe, and M. J. Owens. 1970. Indoor versus outdoor calf rearing at three weaning ages. J. DairySci. 53:813–816.
  • Jorgenson, L. J.;Jorgensen, N. A.; Schıngoethe, D. J.; Owens, M. J. 1969.Indoor versus outdoor calf rearing at three weaning ages. Journal of Dairy Science 1970 Vol. 53 pp. 813-816
  • Kammel, D.W. and R.E. Graves. 2007. “Planning and design considerations for transition and special needs cow housing.” In The Proceedings of the Sixth International Dairy Housing Conference. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) St. Joseph, MI.
  • Kelley, K. W. 1980. Stress and immune function: A bibliographic review. Ann. Rech. Vet. 11:445.
  • Le Neindre, P. 1993. “Evaluating housing systems for veal calves.” Journal of Animal Science 71: 1345-5
  • Martin, S. W., C. W. Schwabe, and C. E. Franti. 1975. Dairy calf mortality rate: Influence of management and housing factors on calf mortality rate in Tulare County, California. Am. J. Vet. Res. 36:1111–1114.
  • McKnight, D. R. 1978. Performance of new born dairy calves in hutch housing. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 58:518–520.
  • Moore, M. and E.M. Gildow. 1953. Developing a profitable dairy herd. Chicago: Windsor Press.
  • Murley, W. R. And Culvahouse, E . W. 1958. Open shedandportable pens versus conventional housing for young daıry calves. Journal of Dairy Science, Volume 41, Issue 7, July1958 , Pages 977-98
  • Otterby, D.E. and L.G. Linn. 1981. “Advances in nutrition and management of calves and heifers.” Journal of Dairy Science 64: 1365-1377.
  • Porter, G.H., L.S Mix, and W.D. Lashbrook. 1961. Profitable dairy management. New York: The Beacon Milling Co.
  • Razzaque, M. A. Abbas, S. Al-mutawa T. And Bedaır. M. 2009. Performance of pre-weaned female calves confıned ıgn housıng and open envıronment hutchesın kuwaıt. Pakistan Vet. J., 29(1): 1
  • S.M. Neal, J.A. Pempek, M.L. Eastridge, N.A. Botheras, C.C. Croney, and W.S. 2011 Bowen Effects of Alternative Housing and Feeding Systems on the Behavior and Performance of Dairy Heifer Calves. Master of Science, Ohio State University, Animal Sciences.
  • Svensson C, Hultgren J, Oltenacu PA. 2006. Morbidity in 3-7 mont hold dairy calves in South western Sweden and risk factors for diarrhoea and respiratory disease. Prev Vet Med 74(2-3): 1627
  • Svensson C, Lundborg K, Emanuelson U, Olsson S., O. 2003. Morbidity in Swedish dairy calves from birth to 90 days of age and individual calf level risk factors for infectious diseases. Prev Vet Med 58: 179–97.
  • T. M. Hill , H. G. Bateman II , J. M. Aldrich , and R. L. Schlotterbeck. 2011. Comparisons of housing, bedding, and cooling options for dairy calves. J. DairySci. 94 :2138–2146.
  • Terosky T. L., Wilson, L. L., Stull, C. L. andStrinclin, W. R., 1997. Effects of individual housing design and size on special-fed Holstein veal calf growth performance, hematology, and carcass characteristics. Journal of Animal Science 1997 75:1697-1703.
  • Tüzemen, N., Aydın, R., Akbulut, Ö., Yanar, M., 1991. Erken Sütten Kesilen Esmer, Siyah Alaca ve Sarı Alaca Buzağıların Yemden Yararlanma ve Büyüme Özelliklerinin Karşılaştırması. DogaTr. J. of Vctcrinary and Aniınal Sciences, 16, 65-75
  • Tüzemen, N., Yanar, M., 2012. Buzağı Yetiştirme Teknikleri. Atatürk Üni. Ziraat Fakültesi Ders Yayınları No:232.
  • Ünal, N., Ertuğrul, O., Alpan, O., 2001. Growth and Survival of Simmental Calves Reared Outdoors in Individual Hutches. Turk J Vet Anim Sci. 25 (2001) 789-795
  • Van Horn, H. H., M. B. Olayiwole, C. J. Wilcox, B. Harris, and J. M. Wing. 1976. Effects of Housing, Milk feding management, and ration formulation on calf growth and feed intake. J. Dairy Sci. 59:924–929.
  • Waltner-Toews, D., S.W. Martin, and A.H. Meek. 1986. “Dairy calf management, morbidity and mortality in Ontario Holstein herds. IV association of management with mortality.” Preventive Veterinary Medicine 4: 159-171.
  • Warnick, V.D. Arave, C.W. Mickelsen, C.H. 1977. Effects of Group, Individual, and Isolated Rearing of Calves on Weight Gain and Behavior. Journal of Dairy Science , 6:947-953.
  • Willett, L. B., J. L. Albright, M. D. Cunningham, and C. N. Hinlde. 1968. Evaluation of three housing systems for raising dairy calves. J. Dairy Sci. 51:971.
  • Xiccato, G., Angela Trocino, Queaque, P. I., Sartori, A., Carazzolo, A., 2002 Rearing veal calves with respectto animal welfare: Effects of group housing and solid feed supplementation on growth performance and meat quality. Livestock Production ScienceVolume 75, Issue3 , Pages 269-280, Yanar, M., Tüzemen, N., Yüksel, S., Turgut, L., 1999. Bireysel ve grup yetiştirme sistemlerinin esmer buzağıların büyüme ve gelişme özelliklerine etkileri. Uluslararası Hayvancılık 99 Kongresi İzmir.
  • Young, H. G., M. A. Heilickson, J. L. Reeves, and M. J. Owens. 1972. A time lapse photography study of free stall housing for dairy calves. Trans. ofthe Amer. See. Agr. Eng. 15:751.

Buzağı Yetiştiriciliğinde Buzağı Barınaklarının Önemi

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 24 Sayı: 1, 46 - 52, 28.07.2013


Buzağı yetiştiriciliğinde bakım, besleme, çevre şartları, sağlık hizmetleri, barınak ve
hijyen gibi konular oldukça önemli faktörler arasındadır. Buzağıların sağlıklı büyümesini
ve gelişmesini sağlamak için bulundukları ortam önemlidir. Buzağı barınaklarında olması
gereken en önemli şartlar; kuru bir zemin, cereyansız havalandırma, yem ve suya rahat
erişim, kolay temizleme imkanının olması, hijyenik ortam, hareket serbestliği, stressiz ortamın
teminidir. Son yıllarda birçok firma ahşap, plastik ve metal başta olmak üzere değişik
malzemelerden farklı tip ve ölçülerde farklı havalandırma sistemlerine sahip barınaklar
yapmaktadır. Bu çalışma ile buzağılarda mortalite ve morbidite kayıplarını azaltmak ve
buzağılardan optimum gelişme sağlamak amacıyla buzağı barınak arasındaki ilişkiyi inceleyen
çalışmaları derlemek amaçlanmıştır.


  • A.S. Macaulay, G.L. Hahn, D.H. Clark, D.V. Sisson, 1995. Comparison of Calf Housing Type sand Tympanic Temperature Rhythms in Holstein Calves Journal of Dairy Science Volume 78, Issue4 , Pages 856-862.
  • Ağaoğlu, Ö. K., Ağaoğlu, A. R., 2012. Süt Sığırı Yetiştiriciliğinde Doğum Localarının Önemi. Erciyes ÜnivVet Fak Derg 9(1) 43-50.
  • Alexander, G. L 1954. Rearing dairy calves. Aust. Vet. J. 30:68.
  • Andrighetto, I.,Gottardo, F., Andreoli, D., Cozzi, G., 1999. Effect of type of housing on veal calf growth performance, behaviour and meat quality. Livestock Production Science 57 (1999) 137– 145
  • Appleman, R. D,,and F. G. Owen. 1973. Managing the young dairy ealf. Page 306 in Prec. Nat. Dairy Housing Conf. Spee. Pub. 01-73. Amer. See. ofAgr. Eng., St. Joseph, Michigan.
  • Appleman, R. D. and Owen, F. G.,1974. Breeding, Housing and Feeding Management. Journal of Dairy Science, Vol, 58, No 3.
  • Bascom S. S. Jersey calf management, mortality, and body composition. Thesis (Doctor of Philosophy) 2002. Faculty of Virginia Polytechnic State Institute, Blacksburg, VA, U.S.A.
  • Bokkers E., A., M., Koene P. Activity, 2001. Oral Behaviour and Slaughter Data as Welfare İndicators in Veal Calves: A Comparison of Three HousingSystems. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 75:1–15 Bokkers, E.A.M. and Koene, P., 2001. Activity, oral behaviourandslaugh ter data as welfare indicators in vealcalves: a comparison of three housing sytems. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 75 1Croney, C., J. Gordon, K. Higgs, J. Krahn, A. Sandeen, and M. Wustenberg. 2009. Animal care and welfare.
  • Curtis CR, Scarlett JM, Erb HN, White ME. 1988. Path model for individual-calf risk factors for calf hood morbidity and mortality in New York Holstein herds. Prev Vet Med, 6: 43–62.
  • Dale A. Moore, Katy Heaton, Sandra Poisson, and William M. Sischo. 2007. Dairy Calf Housing and Environment: The Science Behind Housing and On-Farm Assessments. National Integrated Food Safety Initiative 2007-01877.
  • Davis, C.L. and Drackley, J.K. 1998. Housing forthe young calf. In the development, nutrition, and management of the young calf. Ames: Iowa University Press.
  • Davis, L. R.,Autrey, M., Herlıch, H., Hawkins, G. E., 1954. Out door ındıvidual portable pens compared with conventional housing for raising dairy calves. Journal of Dairy Science, Volume 37, Issue 5, May 1954 , Pages 562-570.
  • Erb, R. E.,Gilden, R. O., Goodwin, M. M., Millard, J. B., and Murdock, F. R. 1951. Open Shed Versus Conventional Housing for Dairy Calves. Washington Agr. Exp. Sta.,Tech. Bull. 3.
  • Giddes, H. J. 1950. Animal husbandry aspects of calf rearing. Aust. Vet. J. 26:233.
  • Graves, R E., R. Engle, and J.T. Tyson. 2006. “Design information for housing special dairy cows.” Paper No. 064034 presented at theAmerican Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) Meeting, July 9-12.
  • Harrison, R. 1966. Animal machines: the new factory farming industry. New York: Ballantine Books. Hartman DA, Everett RW, Slack ST, Warner RG. 1974 Calf mortality. J Dairy Res 57: 576 -8.
  • Heinrichs, A. J., R. E. Graves, and N. E. Kiernan. 1987. Survey of calf and heifer housing on Pennsylvania dairy farms. J. DairySci. 70:1952–1957.
  • James, R. E., M. L. Mc Gilliard, and D. A. Hartman. 1984. Calf mortality in Virginia dairy herd improvement herds. J. DairySci. 67:908–911.
  • Jorgensen, L. J., N. A. Jorgensen, D. J. Schingoethe, and M. J. Owens. 1970. Indoor versus outdoor calf rearing at three weaning ages. J. DairySci. 53:813–816.
  • Jorgenson, L. J.;Jorgensen, N. A.; Schıngoethe, D. J.; Owens, M. J. 1969.Indoor versus outdoor calf rearing at three weaning ages. Journal of Dairy Science 1970 Vol. 53 pp. 813-816
  • Kammel, D.W. and R.E. Graves. 2007. “Planning and design considerations for transition and special needs cow housing.” In The Proceedings of the Sixth International Dairy Housing Conference. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) St. Joseph, MI.
  • Kelley, K. W. 1980. Stress and immune function: A bibliographic review. Ann. Rech. Vet. 11:445.
  • Le Neindre, P. 1993. “Evaluating housing systems for veal calves.” Journal of Animal Science 71: 1345-5
  • Martin, S. W., C. W. Schwabe, and C. E. Franti. 1975. Dairy calf mortality rate: Influence of management and housing factors on calf mortality rate in Tulare County, California. Am. J. Vet. Res. 36:1111–1114.
  • McKnight, D. R. 1978. Performance of new born dairy calves in hutch housing. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 58:518–520.
  • Moore, M. and E.M. Gildow. 1953. Developing a profitable dairy herd. Chicago: Windsor Press.
  • Murley, W. R. And Culvahouse, E . W. 1958. Open shedandportable pens versus conventional housing for young daıry calves. Journal of Dairy Science, Volume 41, Issue 7, July1958 , Pages 977-98
  • Otterby, D.E. and L.G. Linn. 1981. “Advances in nutrition and management of calves and heifers.” Journal of Dairy Science 64: 1365-1377.
  • Porter, G.H., L.S Mix, and W.D. Lashbrook. 1961. Profitable dairy management. New York: The Beacon Milling Co.
  • Razzaque, M. A. Abbas, S. Al-mutawa T. And Bedaır. M. 2009. Performance of pre-weaned female calves confıned ıgn housıng and open envıronment hutchesın kuwaıt. Pakistan Vet. J., 29(1): 1
  • S.M. Neal, J.A. Pempek, M.L. Eastridge, N.A. Botheras, C.C. Croney, and W.S. 2011 Bowen Effects of Alternative Housing and Feeding Systems on the Behavior and Performance of Dairy Heifer Calves. Master of Science, Ohio State University, Animal Sciences.
  • Svensson C, Hultgren J, Oltenacu PA. 2006. Morbidity in 3-7 mont hold dairy calves in South western Sweden and risk factors for diarrhoea and respiratory disease. Prev Vet Med 74(2-3): 1627
  • Svensson C, Lundborg K, Emanuelson U, Olsson S., O. 2003. Morbidity in Swedish dairy calves from birth to 90 days of age and individual calf level risk factors for infectious diseases. Prev Vet Med 58: 179–97.
  • T. M. Hill , H. G. Bateman II , J. M. Aldrich , and R. L. Schlotterbeck. 2011. Comparisons of housing, bedding, and cooling options for dairy calves. J. DairySci. 94 :2138–2146.
  • Terosky T. L., Wilson, L. L., Stull, C. L. andStrinclin, W. R., 1997. Effects of individual housing design and size on special-fed Holstein veal calf growth performance, hematology, and carcass characteristics. Journal of Animal Science 1997 75:1697-1703.
  • Tüzemen, N., Aydın, R., Akbulut, Ö., Yanar, M., 1991. Erken Sütten Kesilen Esmer, Siyah Alaca ve Sarı Alaca Buzağıların Yemden Yararlanma ve Büyüme Özelliklerinin Karşılaştırması. DogaTr. J. of Vctcrinary and Aniınal Sciences, 16, 65-75
  • Tüzemen, N., Yanar, M., 2012. Buzağı Yetiştirme Teknikleri. Atatürk Üni. Ziraat Fakültesi Ders Yayınları No:232.
  • Ünal, N., Ertuğrul, O., Alpan, O., 2001. Growth and Survival of Simmental Calves Reared Outdoors in Individual Hutches. Turk J Vet Anim Sci. 25 (2001) 789-795
  • Van Horn, H. H., M. B. Olayiwole, C. J. Wilcox, B. Harris, and J. M. Wing. 1976. Effects of Housing, Milk feding management, and ration formulation on calf growth and feed intake. J. Dairy Sci. 59:924–929.
  • Waltner-Toews, D., S.W. Martin, and A.H. Meek. 1986. “Dairy calf management, morbidity and mortality in Ontario Holstein herds. IV association of management with mortality.” Preventive Veterinary Medicine 4: 159-171.
  • Warnick, V.D. Arave, C.W. Mickelsen, C.H. 1977. Effects of Group, Individual, and Isolated Rearing of Calves on Weight Gain and Behavior. Journal of Dairy Science , 6:947-953.
  • Willett, L. B., J. L. Albright, M. D. Cunningham, and C. N. Hinlde. 1968. Evaluation of three housing systems for raising dairy calves. J. Dairy Sci. 51:971.
  • Xiccato, G., Angela Trocino, Queaque, P. I., Sartori, A., Carazzolo, A., 2002 Rearing veal calves with respectto animal welfare: Effects of group housing and solid feed supplementation on growth performance and meat quality. Livestock Production ScienceVolume 75, Issue3 , Pages 269-280, Yanar, M., Tüzemen, N., Yüksel, S., Turgut, L., 1999. Bireysel ve grup yetiştirme sistemlerinin esmer buzağıların büyüme ve gelişme özelliklerine etkileri. Uluslararası Hayvancılık 99 Kongresi İzmir.
  • Young, H. G., M. A. Heilickson, J. L. Reeves, and M. J. Owens. 1972. A time lapse photography study of free stall housing for dairy calves. Trans. ofthe Amer. See. Agr. Eng. 15:751.
Toplam 44 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Rıdvan Koçyiğit Bu kişi benim

Naci Tüzemen Bu kişi benim

Selçuk Özyürek Bu kişi benim

Rıdvan Koçyiğit Bu kişi benim

Naci Tüzemen Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Temmuz 2013
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2013 Cilt: 24 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Koçyiğit, R., Tüzemen, N., Özyürek, S., Koçyiğit, R., vd. (2013). -. Alinteri Journal of Agriculture Science, 24(1), 46-52.
AMA Koçyiğit R, Tüzemen N, Özyürek S, Koçyiğit R, Tüzemen N. -. Alinteri Journal of Agriculture Science. Temmuz 2013;24(1):46-52.
Chicago Koçyiğit, Rıdvan, Naci Tüzemen, Selçuk Özyürek, Rıdvan Koçyiğit, ve Naci Tüzemen. “-”. Alinteri Journal of Agriculture Science 24, sy. 1 (Temmuz 2013): 46-52.
EndNote Koçyiğit R, Tüzemen N, Özyürek S, Koçyiğit R, Tüzemen N (01 Temmuz 2013) -. Alinteri Journal of Agriculture Science 24 1 46–52.
IEEE R. Koçyiğit, N. Tüzemen, S. Özyürek, R. Koçyiğit, ve N. Tüzemen, “-”, Alinteri Journal of Agriculture Science, c. 24, sy. 1, ss. 46–52, 2013.
ISNAD Koçyiğit, Rıdvan vd. “-”. Alinteri Journal of Agriculture Science 24/1 (Temmuz 2013), 46-52.
JAMA Koçyiğit R, Tüzemen N, Özyürek S, Koçyiğit R, Tüzemen N. -. Alinteri Journal of Agriculture Science. 2013;24:46–52.
MLA Koçyiğit, Rıdvan vd. “-”. Alinteri Journal of Agriculture Science, c. 24, sy. 1, 2013, ss. 46-52.
Vancouver Koçyiğit R, Tüzemen N, Özyürek S, Koçyiğit R, Tüzemen N. -. Alinteri Journal of Agriculture Science. 2013;24(1):46-52.