A total of 1230 specimens of bluefish Pomatomus saltatrix (Linnaeus. 1766) were
collected by purse seine fishing from January to December 2014 in South Marmara Sea of Turkey.
Fish size in total length ranged from 12.3 cm (minimum) in January to 43.7 cm (maximum) in
May. Mean of total length 20.57±0.17 cm and mean of weight 94.74±0.41 g was calculated as.
The length-weight relationships were determined for males, females, unsexed and combined sexes
as W=0.102L2.9763
, W=0.0105L2.9638
, W=0.0152L2.8348
, W=0.0107L2.9574 respectively. All fishes
have been found to be isometric (b=3) growth (t test. p>0.05). The results indicated further that the
length-length relationships were highly correlated (r²>0.990, p<0.001).
Ak, O., Kutlu, S., Aydın, İ., 2009. Length-Weight Relationship for 16 Fish Species From the Eastern Black
Sea. Türkiye. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 9:125-126.
Anonymous., 2009. Fishery Statistics, State Institute of Statistics. Prime Ministiry Republic of Turkey.
Avşar, D., 1998. Fisheries biology and population dynamics. University of Cukurova. Faculty of Fisheries.
Adana, 303 s.
Bagenal, T., B., and Tesch, F., W., 1978. Age and growth. In: Bagenal T (ed). Methods for assessment of fish
production in fresh waters. 3 rd edn. IBP Handbook No. 3. Blackwell Science Publication. Oxford.
Barger, L., E., 1990. Age and growth of bluefish Pomatomus saltatrix from the Northern Gulf of Mexico and
U.S. South Atlantic Coast. Fish. Bul. 88 (4): 805-809.
Bernardes, R., A., and Rossi-Wongtschowski, C.,L.,D.,B., 2000. Length-Weight Relationship of Small
Pelagic Fish Species of the Southeast and South Brezilian Exclusive economic Zone. Naga. The
ICLARM Quartely vol.23. no.4 October-December.
Bilecenoğlu, M., Taskavak, E., Mater, S., and Kaya, M., 2000. Checklist of the marine fishes of Turkey.
Zootaxa, 113:1-194.
Bok, T., D., Göktürk, D., Kahraman, A., E., Alicli, T., Z., Acun. T., et al., 2011. Length-weight relationships
of 34 fish species from the Sea of Marmara, Turkey. Journal of Animal and veterinary Advances.
10 (23). 3037-3042.
Ceyhan, T., 2005. Bluefish in the North Aegean and Marmara region (Pomatomus saltatrix L. 1766) Some
Characteristics of Population Studies, (Ph.D.) Ege University, Institute of Science and Technology.
Erkoyuncu, İ., 1995. Fishery biology and population dynamics. University of Ondokuz Mayıs, Faculty of
Fisheries. Sinop. 256 s.
Erkoyuncu, İ., Erdem, M., Samsun, O., Özdamar, E., and Kaya, Y., 1994. A research on the determination of
meat yields. chemical composition and weight-length relationship of some fish species caught in the
Black Sea. İstanbul University Journal of Aquatic Products, 8 (1-2): 181-191.
Froese, R., and Pauly, D., 2010. Fishbase World Wide Web Electronic Publication.
Gonçalves, J., M., S., Bentes, L., Lino, P., G., Ribeiro, J., Canario, A.,V.,M., and Erzini, K., 1996. Weightlength
relationships for selected fish species of the small-scale demersal fisheries of the south and
south-west coast of Portugal, Fish. Res., 30: 253-256.
Haimovici, M., and Velasco. G., 2000. Length-weight relationship of marine fishes Southern Brazil. Naga.
ICLARM Q. 23(1):19-23.
Hossaın, M., Y., Ahmed, Z., F., Leunda, P., M., Toksanul, İslam, A., K., M., Jasmine, S., Oscoz, J., Miranda,
R., Ohtomi, J., 2006. Length –weight and length-length relationships of some small indigenous fish
species from the Mathabhanga River, South-Western Bangladesh. Journal of Applied Ichthyology.
22: 301-303.
Kara, A., and Bayhan, B., 2008, Length-weight and length-length relationships of the bogue Boops boops
(Linnaeus. 1758) in İzmir Bay (Aegean Sea of Turkey). Belg. J. Zool., 138 (2): 154-157.
Kalaycı, F., Samsun, N., Bilgin, S., and Samsun, O., 2007. “Length-Weight Relationship of 10 Fish Species
Caught by Bottom Trawl from the Middle Black Sea. Turkey”. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and
Aquatic Sciences. 7:33-36.
Kasapoğlu, N., Düzgüneş, E., 2013. Length-weight relationships of marine species caught by five gears from
the Black Sea. Mediterranean Marine Science, 15 (1), 95-100.
Keskin, C., 2007. Temporal variation of fish assemblages in different shallow-water habitats in Erdek Bay,
Sea of Marmara. Turkey. J. Black/Mediterr. Environ., 13: 215-234.
Morato, T., Afonso, P., Loirinho, P., Bareiros, J., P., Santos, R., S., and Nash, R., D., M., 2001. Lengthweight
relationships for 21 costal fish species of the Azores. North-eastern Atlantic. Fisheries
Research. 50:297-302.
Nikolsky, G., W., 1963. The ecology fishes. Academic Press, London and New York. 352 s.
Özdemir, S., Erdem, Y., Özdemir Birinci, Z., Erdem, E., 2009. Karadenizde dip trolü ile Ekim ve Kasim
aylarinda avlanan lüfer (Pomatomus saltatrix, L.) baliğinin av verimi ve boy kompozisyonun
karşilaştirilmasi Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 25 (1-2), 400 – 408.
Pauly, D., 1993. Fishbyte section editorial. Naga. the ICLARM Quarterly. 16:26.
Petrakis, G., Stergiou, K., I., 1995. Weight–length relationships for 33 fish species in Greek waters. Fish. Res.
21. 465–469.
Ricker, W., E., 1968. Methods for Assessment of Fish Production in Freshwaters. Blackwell Scientific
Publications. Oxford. 313 s.
Ricker, W., E., 1979. Growth rates and Models. In: HOAR WS. RANDAL DJ and BRETT JR (eds). Physiology Vol. VIII. Bioenergetics and Growth. Academic Press. 677-743.
Sokal, R., R., and Rholf, F., J., 1987. Introduction to Biostatistics. Freeman and Co.. New York 365 s.
Tesch, W., 1971. Growth rates and Models. In: Ricker WE (ed). Methods for assessment of fish production in
fresh waters. 2nd edn. İnternational Biological Programme. Oxford and Edinburg. 97-130.
Tuncer, S., Cihangir, H., A., and Bilecenoğlu, M., 2008. First record of the Lessepsian migrant Lagocephalus
spadiceus (Tetraodontidae) in the Sea of Marmara. Cybium. 32: 347-348.
Wootton, J., T., 1992. Indirect effect. prey susceptibility and habitat selection: impacts of birds on limpets and
algea. Ecology. 73 (3):981-991.
Lüfer Balığı Pomatomus saltatrix (Linnaeus. 1766)’nın Güney Marmara Populasyonuna Ait Örneklerin Boy-Ağırlık ve Boy-Boy İlişkileri
Araştırma. 2014 yılında. Ocak-Aralık arasında yürütülmüş olup bu kapsamda toplam 1230 örnek incelenmiştir. Örnekleme gırgır balıkçılığından temin edilmiştir. İncelenen örneklerin ortalama 20.5±0.17 cm total boyunda. 94.6±0.41 g ağırlığında oldukları belirlenmiştir. Güney Marmara’da yürütülen çalışmada incelenen örneklerin izometrik (b=3) büyüme gösterdikleri tespit edilmiş olup (t testi; p˃0.05), boy-ağırlık ilişkisi parametreleri dişiler için W=0.0105L2.9638 . erkekler için W=0.102L2.9763 . eşeyi belirlenememiş bireyler için W=0.0105L2.9638 ve toplamda ise W=0.0107L2.9574 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Ayrıca boy-boy ilişkisi değerlerinin birbirleriyle son derece ilişkili olduğu tespit edilmiştir (r²>0.990, p<0.001)
Ak, O., Kutlu, S., Aydın, İ., 2009. Length-Weight Relationship for 16 Fish Species From the Eastern Black
Sea. Türkiye. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 9:125-126.
Anonymous., 2009. Fishery Statistics, State Institute of Statistics. Prime Ministiry Republic of Turkey.
Avşar, D., 1998. Fisheries biology and population dynamics. University of Cukurova. Faculty of Fisheries.
Adana, 303 s.
Bagenal, T., B., and Tesch, F., W., 1978. Age and growth. In: Bagenal T (ed). Methods for assessment of fish
production in fresh waters. 3 rd edn. IBP Handbook No. 3. Blackwell Science Publication. Oxford.
Barger, L., E., 1990. Age and growth of bluefish Pomatomus saltatrix from the Northern Gulf of Mexico and
U.S. South Atlantic Coast. Fish. Bul. 88 (4): 805-809.
Bernardes, R., A., and Rossi-Wongtschowski, C.,L.,D.,B., 2000. Length-Weight Relationship of Small
Pelagic Fish Species of the Southeast and South Brezilian Exclusive economic Zone. Naga. The
ICLARM Quartely vol.23. no.4 October-December.
Bilecenoğlu, M., Taskavak, E., Mater, S., and Kaya, M., 2000. Checklist of the marine fishes of Turkey.
Zootaxa, 113:1-194.
Bok, T., D., Göktürk, D., Kahraman, A., E., Alicli, T., Z., Acun. T., et al., 2011. Length-weight relationships
of 34 fish species from the Sea of Marmara, Turkey. Journal of Animal and veterinary Advances.
10 (23). 3037-3042.
Ceyhan, T., 2005. Bluefish in the North Aegean and Marmara region (Pomatomus saltatrix L. 1766) Some
Characteristics of Population Studies, (Ph.D.) Ege University, Institute of Science and Technology.
Erkoyuncu, İ., 1995. Fishery biology and population dynamics. University of Ondokuz Mayıs, Faculty of
Fisheries. Sinop. 256 s.
Erkoyuncu, İ., Erdem, M., Samsun, O., Özdamar, E., and Kaya, Y., 1994. A research on the determination of
meat yields. chemical composition and weight-length relationship of some fish species caught in the
Black Sea. İstanbul University Journal of Aquatic Products, 8 (1-2): 181-191.
Froese, R., and Pauly, D., 2010. Fishbase World Wide Web Electronic Publication.
Gonçalves, J., M., S., Bentes, L., Lino, P., G., Ribeiro, J., Canario, A.,V.,M., and Erzini, K., 1996. Weightlength
relationships for selected fish species of the small-scale demersal fisheries of the south and
south-west coast of Portugal, Fish. Res., 30: 253-256.
Haimovici, M., and Velasco. G., 2000. Length-weight relationship of marine fishes Southern Brazil. Naga.
ICLARM Q. 23(1):19-23.
Hossaın, M., Y., Ahmed, Z., F., Leunda, P., M., Toksanul, İslam, A., K., M., Jasmine, S., Oscoz, J., Miranda,
R., Ohtomi, J., 2006. Length –weight and length-length relationships of some small indigenous fish
species from the Mathabhanga River, South-Western Bangladesh. Journal of Applied Ichthyology.
22: 301-303.
Kara, A., and Bayhan, B., 2008, Length-weight and length-length relationships of the bogue Boops boops
(Linnaeus. 1758) in İzmir Bay (Aegean Sea of Turkey). Belg. J. Zool., 138 (2): 154-157.
Kalaycı, F., Samsun, N., Bilgin, S., and Samsun, O., 2007. “Length-Weight Relationship of 10 Fish Species
Caught by Bottom Trawl from the Middle Black Sea. Turkey”. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and
Aquatic Sciences. 7:33-36.
Kasapoğlu, N., Düzgüneş, E., 2013. Length-weight relationships of marine species caught by five gears from
the Black Sea. Mediterranean Marine Science, 15 (1), 95-100.
Keskin, C., 2007. Temporal variation of fish assemblages in different shallow-water habitats in Erdek Bay,
Sea of Marmara. Turkey. J. Black/Mediterr. Environ., 13: 215-234.
Morato, T., Afonso, P., Loirinho, P., Bareiros, J., P., Santos, R., S., and Nash, R., D., M., 2001. Lengthweight
relationships for 21 costal fish species of the Azores. North-eastern Atlantic. Fisheries
Research. 50:297-302.
Nikolsky, G., W., 1963. The ecology fishes. Academic Press, London and New York. 352 s.
Özdemir, S., Erdem, Y., Özdemir Birinci, Z., Erdem, E., 2009. Karadenizde dip trolü ile Ekim ve Kasim
aylarinda avlanan lüfer (Pomatomus saltatrix, L.) baliğinin av verimi ve boy kompozisyonun
karşilaştirilmasi Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 25 (1-2), 400 – 408.
Pauly, D., 1993. Fishbyte section editorial. Naga. the ICLARM Quarterly. 16:26.
Petrakis, G., Stergiou, K., I., 1995. Weight–length relationships for 33 fish species in Greek waters. Fish. Res.
21. 465–469.
Ricker, W., E., 1968. Methods for Assessment of Fish Production in Freshwaters. Blackwell Scientific
Publications. Oxford. 313 s.
Ricker, W., E., 1979. Growth rates and Models. In: HOAR WS. RANDAL DJ and BRETT JR (eds). Physiology Vol. VIII. Bioenergetics and Growth. Academic Press. 677-743.
Sokal, R., R., and Rholf, F., J., 1987. Introduction to Biostatistics. Freeman and Co.. New York 365 s.
Tesch, W., 1971. Growth rates and Models. In: Ricker WE (ed). Methods for assessment of fish production in
fresh waters. 2nd edn. İnternational Biological Programme. Oxford and Edinburg. 97-130.
Tuncer, S., Cihangir, H., A., and Bilecenoğlu, M., 2008. First record of the Lessepsian migrant Lagocephalus
spadiceus (Tetraodontidae) in the Sea of Marmara. Cybium. 32: 347-348.
Wootton, J., T., 1992. Indirect effect. prey susceptibility and habitat selection: impacts of birds on limpets and
algea. Ecology. 73 (3):981-991.
Bal, H., Yanık, T., & Türker, D. (2016). Lüfer Balığı Pomatomus saltatrix (Linnaeus. 1766)’nın Güney Marmara Populasyonuna Ait Örneklerin Boy-Ağırlık ve Boy-Boy İlişkileri. Alinteri Journal of Agriculture Science, 29(2), 26-33.
Bal H, Yanık T, Türker D. Lüfer Balığı Pomatomus saltatrix (Linnaeus. 1766)’nın Güney Marmara Populasyonuna Ait Örneklerin Boy-Ağırlık ve Boy-Boy İlişkileri. Alinteri Journal of Agriculture Science. Ocak 2016;29(2):26-33.
Bal, Habib, Telat Yanık, ve Dilek Türker. “Lüfer Balığı Pomatomus Saltatrix (Linnaeus. 1766)’nın Güney Marmara Populasyonuna Ait Örneklerin Boy-Ağırlık Ve Boy-Boy İlişkileri”. Alinteri Journal of Agriculture Science 29, sy. 2 (Ocak 2016): 26-33.
Bal H, Yanık T, Türker D (01 Ocak 2016) Lüfer Balığı Pomatomus saltatrix (Linnaeus. 1766)’nın Güney Marmara Populasyonuna Ait Örneklerin Boy-Ağırlık ve Boy-Boy İlişkileri. Alinteri Journal of Agriculture Science 29 2 26–33.
H. Bal, T. Yanık, ve D. Türker, “Lüfer Balığı Pomatomus saltatrix (Linnaeus. 1766)’nın Güney Marmara Populasyonuna Ait Örneklerin Boy-Ağırlık ve Boy-Boy İlişkileri”, Alinteri Journal of Agriculture Science, c. 29, sy. 2, ss. 26–33, 2016.
Bal, Habib vd. “Lüfer Balığı Pomatomus Saltatrix (Linnaeus. 1766)’nın Güney Marmara Populasyonuna Ait Örneklerin Boy-Ağırlık Ve Boy-Boy İlişkileri”. Alinteri Journal of Agriculture Science 29/2 (Ocak 2016), 26-33.
Bal H, Yanık T, Türker D. Lüfer Balığı Pomatomus saltatrix (Linnaeus. 1766)’nın Güney Marmara Populasyonuna Ait Örneklerin Boy-Ağırlık ve Boy-Boy İlişkileri. Alinteri Journal of Agriculture Science. 2016;29:26–33.
Bal, Habib vd. “Lüfer Balığı Pomatomus Saltatrix (Linnaeus. 1766)’nın Güney Marmara Populasyonuna Ait Örneklerin Boy-Ağırlık Ve Boy-Boy İlişkileri”. Alinteri Journal of Agriculture Science, c. 29, sy. 2, 2016, ss. 26-33.
Bal H, Yanık T, Türker D. Lüfer Balığı Pomatomus saltatrix (Linnaeus. 1766)’nın Güney Marmara Populasyonuna Ait Örneklerin Boy-Ağırlık ve Boy-Boy İlişkileri. Alinteri Journal of Agriculture Science. 2016;29(2):26-33.