Araştırma Makalesi
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Regression Tree Approach for Assessing the Effects of Non-Genetic Factors on Birth Weight of Hemşin Lamb

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 33 Sayı: 1, 65 - 73, 30.06.2018


This study examined effects of birth year,
herd type, age of dam, lamb sex, birth type and lamb color on birth weight in
Hemsin lambs using the regression tree method. The study used the data obtained
from 9113 Hemsin lambs born between 2007-2010. The average birth weight of
Hemsin lambs was found to be 3.55 kg and the standard deviation was 0.727 kg.
Significant differences were found in birth weights of Hemsin lambs according
to birth year (P<0.001), birth type (P<0.001) and lamb sec (P<0.01),
whereas no statistically significant difference was found according to herd
type, age of dam and lamb color (P>0.05). According to the regression tree
diagram, the most important factors affecting birth weight of Hemsin lambs were
birth year, birth type, sex, herd type and age of dam. The absence of lamb
color in the regression tree diagram indicates its insignificant effect on
birth weight. The low risk value (0.456) and high R-Squared value (0.862) of
the regression tree model shows that the model is sufficient to explain birth
weight. Variables of birth year, birth type, sex, herd type and age of dam
explained 86.2% of the variation in birth weight.  


  • Babar, M.E., Ahmad, Z., Nadeem A. and Yaqoob, M., 2004. Envıronmental factors affectıng bırth weıght ın Lohı Sheep. Pakistan Vet. J., 24 (1): 5-8.
  • Cak, B., S. Keskin and O. Yılmaz, 2013. Regression tree analysis for setermining of affecting factors to lactation milk yield in Brown Swiss cattle. Asian J. Anim. Vet. Adv., 8, 677-682.
  • Cam, M.A., Olfaz, M., Soydan, M. and E. 2010. Body measurements Reflect Body Weights and Carcass Yields in Karakaya Sheep. Asian J. Anim. Vet. Adv., 5 (2): 120-127.
  • Combellas, J.D., Martinez N. and Gonzalez, E., 1980. A study of some factors affecting birth and weaning weights of lambs. Trop. Anim. Prod., 5(3): 261-265.
  • Çankaya, S., and Abaci, S.H., 2012. Path analysis for determination of relationships between some body measurements and live weight of German Fawn x Hair Crossbred kids. Kafkas Univ. Vet. Fak. Derg., 18(5): 769-773.
  • De’ath, G. and K.E. Fabricius, 2000. Classification and regression trees: A powerful yet simple technique for ecological data analysis. Ecology, 81(11): 3178-3192.
  • Eyduran, E., Karakus, K., Keskin S. and Cengiz, F., 2008. Determination of factors influencing birth weight using regression tree (RT) method. J. Appl. Anim. Res., 34(2): 109-112.
  • Esenbuga N. and Dayıoglu, H., 2002. The effects of some environmental factors on the growth and development of İvesi ve Morkaraman lambs. Turk J Vet. Anim. Sci., 26:145_150.
  • Gökçe, E., Kırmızıgül, A.H., Atakişi, O. and Erdoğan, H.M., 2013. Risk Factors Associated with Passive Immunity, Health, Birth Weight and Growth Performance in Lambs: III- The relationship among passive ımmunity, birth weight, gender, birth type, parity, dam’s health, and lambing season. Kafkas Univ. Vet. Fak. Derg., 19(5): 741-747.
  • Grochowska, E., Piwczyński, D., Portolano B. and Mroczkowski, S., 2014. Analysis of the influence of the PrP genotype on the litter size in Polish sheep using classification trees and logistic regression. Livest. Sci., 159: 11–17.
  • Hussain, A., Babar, M.E., Ali, S. and Hasan, Z.U., 2000. Effect of Body Weight of Ewes on Birth Weight of Lambs In Rambouillet Breed of Sheep. Pakistan J. Biol. Sci., 3(1): 179-180.
  • Iqbal, Z.M., Javed, K., Abdullah, M., Ahmad, N., Ali, A., Khalique, A., Aslam N. and Younas, U., 2014. Estimation of body weight from different morphometric measurements in Kajli Lambs. J. Ani. Plant Sci., 24(3): 700-703.
  • Jawasreh, K.I.Z., Awawdeh, F.T., Al-Khasawneh, A.Z., Shdaifat, B., Al-Shboul H. And Al-Hamed, B., 2009. The Effect of Some Placental Factors in Birth Weight of Awassi Lambs. Research J. Ani. Vet. Sci., 4: 5-8.
  • Khan, A, M. Sultan, A., Jalvi, M. A. and Hussain, I., 2006. Risk factors of lamb mortality in Pakistan. J. Anim. Res., 55: 301-311.
  • Khan, M. A., Tariq, M. M., Eyduran, E., Tatliyer, A., Rafeeq, M., Abbas, F., Rashid, N., Awan M. A. and Javed, K., 2014. Estımatıng Body Weıght From Several Body Measurements In Harnaı Sheep wıthout Multıcollınearıty Problem. J. Anim. Plant Sci., 24: 120-126.
  • Kopuzlu, S., Sezgin, E., Yuksel, S., Ozluturk, A., Biberoglu, O. Esenbuga, N., Bilgin, O. C., Bayram M. and Keskin, M., 2014.. Phenotypic and genetic parameters for growth characteristics of Morkaraman sheep. J. App. Anim. Res., 42(1): 97-102
  • Larsen, D.R. and P.L. Speckman, 2004. Multivariate Regression Trees for Analysis of Abundance Data. Biometrics, 60: 543-549.
  • Mandal A., Prasad, H., Kumar, A., Roy R. and Sharma, N., 2007. Factors associated with lamb mortalities in Muzaffarnagari sheep. Small Rumin. Res., 71: 273-279.
  • Mohammad M.T, Rafeeq, M., Bajwa, M. A., Awan, M. A., Abbas, F., Waheed, A., Bukhari F. A. and P. Akhtar, 2012. Prediction Of Body Weıght From Body Measurements Usıng Regressıon Tree (Rt) Method For Indıgenous Sheep Breeds In Balochıstan, Pakıstan. J. Anim. Plant Sci., 22(1): 20-24.
  • Moisen, G. G., 2008. Classification and Regression Trees. Encyclopedia of Ecology, volume 1. Oxford, U.K.: Elsevier. p. 582-588.
  • Morris, C. A., Hickey S. M. and Clarke, J. N., 2000. Genetic and environmental factors affecting lamb survival at birth and through to weaning. N. Z. J. Agric. Res., 43: 515-524.
  • Oldham, C.M., Thompson, A.N., Ferguson, M.B., Gordon, D.J., Kearney G.A. and Paganoni, G.A., 2011. The birthweight and survival of Merino lambs can be predicted from the profile of liveweight change of their mothers during pregnancy. Animal Prod. Sci., 51:, 776–783.
  • Önder, H. and Abaci, S.H., 2015. Path Analysis for Body measurements on Body Weight of Saanen Kids. Kafkas Univ. Vet. Fak. Derg., 21(1): 351-354.
  • Piwczynski, D., Sitkowska B. and Wisniewska, E., 2012. Application of classification trees and lojistic regression to determine factors responsible for lamb mortality. Small Rumin. Res. 103: 225-231.
  • Piwczynski, D., 2009. Using classification trees in statistical analysis of discert sheep reproduction traits. J Central Eurupean Agri 10, 303-310.
  • Questier, F., R. Put, D. Coomans, B. Walczak and Y. Vander Heyden, 2004. The use of CART and multivariate regression trees for supervised and unsupervised feature selection. Chemometrics and Intelligent Lab. Syst., 76: 45-54.
  • Sawalha, R. M., Conington, J., Brotherstone S. and Villanueva, B., 2007. Analysis of lamb survival of Scottish Blackface sheep. Animal, 1: 151-157.
  • Sezgin, E., Kopuzlu, S., Yuksel, S., Esenbuga N. and Bilgin, Ö.C., 2012. Determination of growth traits and heritabilities of growth characteristics of Hemsin sheep reared in Artvin. Kafkas Univ. Vet. Fak. Derg., 18: 899-905.
  • SPSS. 2014. SPSS for Windows Release 17.0. SPSS Inc.
  • Susic, V., Pavic, V., Mioc, B., Stokovic I. and Kabalin, A. E., 2005. Seasonal variations in lamb birth weight and mortality. J. Veterinarski Arhiv, 75: 375-381.
  • Tariq, M.M., Eyduran, E., Bajwa, M.A., Waheed, A., Iqbal, F. and Javed, Y. 2012. Prediction of body weight from testicular and morpholojgical characteristic in ındigenous Mengali Sheep of Pakistan using factor analysis scores in multiple linear regression analysis. Int. J. Agri. Biol., 14(4): 590-594.
  • Timofeev, R., 2004. Clasification and Regression Trees (CART) Theory and Applications. (Master Thesis), Center of Applied Statistics and Economics, Humboldt University, Berlin.
  • Topal, M., Aksakal, V., Bayram B. and Yağanoğlu, A. M., 2010. An analysis of factors affecting birth weight and actual milk yield in Swedissh Red cattle using regression tree analysis. J. Anim. Plant Sci. 20: 63-69:
  • Topal, M., Emsen, E., Yağanoğlu, A. M. 2017. CHAİD and Logistic Regression Approaches for Assessing the Effects of Non-Genetic Factors on Lamb Mortality. The Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, 27(1): 2017, Page:40-47.
  • Vatankhah, M. and Talebi, M. A., 2009. Genetic and non-genetic factors affecting mortality in Lori-Bakhtiari Lambs. Asian Australes. J. Anim. Sci. 22: 459-464.
  • Yakubu, A., 2012. Application of regression tree methodolojy in predicting the body weight of Uda sheep. Anim. Sci. Biotech. 45: 484-490. Yaqoob, M., Merrell B.G. and Sultan, J.I., 2004. Comparıson of three termınal sıre breeds for bırth weıght Of lambs kept under upland grassland condıtıons ın the Northeast of england. Pakistan Vet. J., 24(4): 196-198.
  • Yohannes, Y. and J. Hoddinott, 1999. Classification and Regression Tress: An Introduction. International Food Policy research Institute, Washington, D.C. 20006 U.S.A.
  • Younas, U., Abdullah, M., Bhatti, J.A. Pasha, T.N., Ahmad, N., Nasir M. and Hussain, A., 2013. Inter-relationship of body weight with linear body measurements in Hassardale Sheep at different stages of life. J. Anim. Plant Sci., 23(1): 40-44.
  • Zheng, H., L. Chen, X. Han, X. Zhao and Y. Ma, 2009. Classification and regression tree (CART) for analysis of soybean yield variability among fields in Northeast China: The importance of phosphorus application rates under drought conditions. Agri. Ecosystems and Environment, 132: 98-105.
Yıl 2018, Cilt: 33 Sayı: 1, 65 - 73, 30.06.2018


Hemşin Kuzularının Doğum Ağırlığına Genetik Olmayan Faktörlerin Etkilerinin Belirlenmesinde Regresyon Ağacı Yaklaşımı

çalışmada, Hemşin kuzularında doğum ağırlığına yıl, sürü tipi, anayaşı, kuzu cinsiyeti,
doğum tipi ve kuzu renginin etkileri regression tree analiz yöntemi ile incelenmiştir.
2007-2010 yılları arasında
doğan 9113 baş Hemşin kuzusuna ait veriler kullanılmıştır. Hemşin kuzularının
doğum ağırlığı ortalaması 3.55 ve standart sapması 0.727 kg bulunmuştur. Hemşin
kuzularının doğum ağırlığında yıllar (P<0.001), doğum tipleri (P<0.001)
ve cinsiyetler (P<0.01) arasında önemli farklılıklar bulunurken sürü
tipleri, ana yaşları ve kuzu renklerinde istatistiksel olarak farklılık
bulunamamıştır (P>0.05).
Regression tree diagramına göre Hemşin kuzularının doğum ağırlığına etkide
bulunan en önemli değişkenler sırasıyla yıl, doğum tipi, cinsiyet, sürü tipi ve
anayaşıdır. Kuzu renginin regression tree diagramında olmaması doğum ağırlığı üzerinde
önemli bir etkide bulunmadığını göstermektedir.
Regression tree modelinin risk (0,456) değerinin
düşük ve R-Squared (0,862) değerinin yüksek olması uydurulan modelin doğum ağırlığını
açıklamada yeterli olduğunu göstermektedir. Doğum ağırlığındaki varyasyonun
86,2%’nin doğum yılı, doğum tipi, cinsiyet, sürü tipi ve anayaşı değişkenleri tarafından
açıklandığı ifade edilir.  


  • Babar, M.E., Ahmad, Z., Nadeem A. and Yaqoob, M., 2004. Envıronmental factors affectıng bırth weıght ın Lohı Sheep. Pakistan Vet. J., 24 (1): 5-8.
  • Cak, B., S. Keskin and O. Yılmaz, 2013. Regression tree analysis for setermining of affecting factors to lactation milk yield in Brown Swiss cattle. Asian J. Anim. Vet. Adv., 8, 677-682.
  • Cam, M.A., Olfaz, M., Soydan, M. and E. 2010. Body measurements Reflect Body Weights and Carcass Yields in Karakaya Sheep. Asian J. Anim. Vet. Adv., 5 (2): 120-127.
  • Combellas, J.D., Martinez N. and Gonzalez, E., 1980. A study of some factors affecting birth and weaning weights of lambs. Trop. Anim. Prod., 5(3): 261-265.
  • Çankaya, S., and Abaci, S.H., 2012. Path analysis for determination of relationships between some body measurements and live weight of German Fawn x Hair Crossbred kids. Kafkas Univ. Vet. Fak. Derg., 18(5): 769-773.
  • De’ath, G. and K.E. Fabricius, 2000. Classification and regression trees: A powerful yet simple technique for ecological data analysis. Ecology, 81(11): 3178-3192.
  • Eyduran, E., Karakus, K., Keskin S. and Cengiz, F., 2008. Determination of factors influencing birth weight using regression tree (RT) method. J. Appl. Anim. Res., 34(2): 109-112.
  • Esenbuga N. and Dayıoglu, H., 2002. The effects of some environmental factors on the growth and development of İvesi ve Morkaraman lambs. Turk J Vet. Anim. Sci., 26:145_150.
  • Gökçe, E., Kırmızıgül, A.H., Atakişi, O. and Erdoğan, H.M., 2013. Risk Factors Associated with Passive Immunity, Health, Birth Weight and Growth Performance in Lambs: III- The relationship among passive ımmunity, birth weight, gender, birth type, parity, dam’s health, and lambing season. Kafkas Univ. Vet. Fak. Derg., 19(5): 741-747.
  • Grochowska, E., Piwczyński, D., Portolano B. and Mroczkowski, S., 2014. Analysis of the influence of the PrP genotype on the litter size in Polish sheep using classification trees and logistic regression. Livest. Sci., 159: 11–17.
  • Hussain, A., Babar, M.E., Ali, S. and Hasan, Z.U., 2000. Effect of Body Weight of Ewes on Birth Weight of Lambs In Rambouillet Breed of Sheep. Pakistan J. Biol. Sci., 3(1): 179-180.
  • Iqbal, Z.M., Javed, K., Abdullah, M., Ahmad, N., Ali, A., Khalique, A., Aslam N. and Younas, U., 2014. Estimation of body weight from different morphometric measurements in Kajli Lambs. J. Ani. Plant Sci., 24(3): 700-703.
  • Jawasreh, K.I.Z., Awawdeh, F.T., Al-Khasawneh, A.Z., Shdaifat, B., Al-Shboul H. And Al-Hamed, B., 2009. The Effect of Some Placental Factors in Birth Weight of Awassi Lambs. Research J. Ani. Vet. Sci., 4: 5-8.
  • Khan, A, M. Sultan, A., Jalvi, M. A. and Hussain, I., 2006. Risk factors of lamb mortality in Pakistan. J. Anim. Res., 55: 301-311.
  • Khan, M. A., Tariq, M. M., Eyduran, E., Tatliyer, A., Rafeeq, M., Abbas, F., Rashid, N., Awan M. A. and Javed, K., 2014. Estımatıng Body Weıght From Several Body Measurements In Harnaı Sheep wıthout Multıcollınearıty Problem. J. Anim. Plant Sci., 24: 120-126.
  • Kopuzlu, S., Sezgin, E., Yuksel, S., Ozluturk, A., Biberoglu, O. Esenbuga, N., Bilgin, O. C., Bayram M. and Keskin, M., 2014.. Phenotypic and genetic parameters for growth characteristics of Morkaraman sheep. J. App. Anim. Res., 42(1): 97-102
  • Larsen, D.R. and P.L. Speckman, 2004. Multivariate Regression Trees for Analysis of Abundance Data. Biometrics, 60: 543-549.
  • Mandal A., Prasad, H., Kumar, A., Roy R. and Sharma, N., 2007. Factors associated with lamb mortalities in Muzaffarnagari sheep. Small Rumin. Res., 71: 273-279.
  • Mohammad M.T, Rafeeq, M., Bajwa, M. A., Awan, M. A., Abbas, F., Waheed, A., Bukhari F. A. and P. Akhtar, 2012. Prediction Of Body Weıght From Body Measurements Usıng Regressıon Tree (Rt) Method For Indıgenous Sheep Breeds In Balochıstan, Pakıstan. J. Anim. Plant Sci., 22(1): 20-24.
  • Moisen, G. G., 2008. Classification and Regression Trees. Encyclopedia of Ecology, volume 1. Oxford, U.K.: Elsevier. p. 582-588.
  • Morris, C. A., Hickey S. M. and Clarke, J. N., 2000. Genetic and environmental factors affecting lamb survival at birth and through to weaning. N. Z. J. Agric. Res., 43: 515-524.
  • Oldham, C.M., Thompson, A.N., Ferguson, M.B., Gordon, D.J., Kearney G.A. and Paganoni, G.A., 2011. The birthweight and survival of Merino lambs can be predicted from the profile of liveweight change of their mothers during pregnancy. Animal Prod. Sci., 51:, 776–783.
  • Önder, H. and Abaci, S.H., 2015. Path Analysis for Body measurements on Body Weight of Saanen Kids. Kafkas Univ. Vet. Fak. Derg., 21(1): 351-354.
  • Piwczynski, D., Sitkowska B. and Wisniewska, E., 2012. Application of classification trees and lojistic regression to determine factors responsible for lamb mortality. Small Rumin. Res. 103: 225-231.
  • Piwczynski, D., 2009. Using classification trees in statistical analysis of discert sheep reproduction traits. J Central Eurupean Agri 10, 303-310.
  • Questier, F., R. Put, D. Coomans, B. Walczak and Y. Vander Heyden, 2004. The use of CART and multivariate regression trees for supervised and unsupervised feature selection. Chemometrics and Intelligent Lab. Syst., 76: 45-54.
  • Sawalha, R. M., Conington, J., Brotherstone S. and Villanueva, B., 2007. Analysis of lamb survival of Scottish Blackface sheep. Animal, 1: 151-157.
  • Sezgin, E., Kopuzlu, S., Yuksel, S., Esenbuga N. and Bilgin, Ö.C., 2012. Determination of growth traits and heritabilities of growth characteristics of Hemsin sheep reared in Artvin. Kafkas Univ. Vet. Fak. Derg., 18: 899-905.
  • SPSS. 2014. SPSS for Windows Release 17.0. SPSS Inc.
  • Susic, V., Pavic, V., Mioc, B., Stokovic I. and Kabalin, A. E., 2005. Seasonal variations in lamb birth weight and mortality. J. Veterinarski Arhiv, 75: 375-381.
  • Tariq, M.M., Eyduran, E., Bajwa, M.A., Waheed, A., Iqbal, F. and Javed, Y. 2012. Prediction of body weight from testicular and morpholojgical characteristic in ındigenous Mengali Sheep of Pakistan using factor analysis scores in multiple linear regression analysis. Int. J. Agri. Biol., 14(4): 590-594.
  • Timofeev, R., 2004. Clasification and Regression Trees (CART) Theory and Applications. (Master Thesis), Center of Applied Statistics and Economics, Humboldt University, Berlin.
  • Topal, M., Aksakal, V., Bayram B. and Yağanoğlu, A. M., 2010. An analysis of factors affecting birth weight and actual milk yield in Swedissh Red cattle using regression tree analysis. J. Anim. Plant Sci. 20: 63-69:
  • Topal, M., Emsen, E., Yağanoğlu, A. M. 2017. CHAİD and Logistic Regression Approaches for Assessing the Effects of Non-Genetic Factors on Lamb Mortality. The Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, 27(1): 2017, Page:40-47.
  • Vatankhah, M. and Talebi, M. A., 2009. Genetic and non-genetic factors affecting mortality in Lori-Bakhtiari Lambs. Asian Australes. J. Anim. Sci. 22: 459-464.
  • Yakubu, A., 2012. Application of regression tree methodolojy in predicting the body weight of Uda sheep. Anim. Sci. Biotech. 45: 484-490. Yaqoob, M., Merrell B.G. and Sultan, J.I., 2004. Comparıson of three termınal sıre breeds for bırth weıght Of lambs kept under upland grassland condıtıons ın the Northeast of england. Pakistan Vet. J., 24(4): 196-198.
  • Yohannes, Y. and J. Hoddinott, 1999. Classification and Regression Tress: An Introduction. International Food Policy research Institute, Washington, D.C. 20006 U.S.A.
  • Younas, U., Abdullah, M., Bhatti, J.A. Pasha, T.N., Ahmad, N., Nasir M. and Hussain, A., 2013. Inter-relationship of body weight with linear body measurements in Hassardale Sheep at different stages of life. J. Anim. Plant Sci., 23(1): 40-44.
  • Zheng, H., L. Chen, X. Han, X. Zhao and Y. Ma, 2009. Classification and regression tree (CART) for analysis of soybean yield variability among fields in Northeast China: The importance of phosphorus application rates under drought conditions. Agri. Ecosystems and Environment, 132: 98-105.
Toplam 39 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Burcuhan Balta

Mehmet Topal

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2018
Kabul Tarihi 12 Ocak 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 33 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Balta, B., & Topal, M. (2018). Regression Tree Approach for Assessing the Effects of Non-Genetic Factors on Birth Weight of Hemşin Lamb. Alinteri Journal of Agriculture Science, 33(1), 65-73.
AMA Balta B, Topal M. Regression Tree Approach for Assessing the Effects of Non-Genetic Factors on Birth Weight of Hemşin Lamb. Alinteri Journal of Agriculture Science. Haziran 2018;33(1):65-73. doi:10.28955/alinterizbd.372671
Chicago Balta, Burcuhan, ve Mehmet Topal. “Regression Tree Approach for Assessing the Effects of Non-Genetic Factors on Birth Weight of Hemşin Lamb”. Alinteri Journal of Agriculture Science 33, sy. 1 (Haziran 2018): 65-73.
EndNote Balta B, Topal M (01 Haziran 2018) Regression Tree Approach for Assessing the Effects of Non-Genetic Factors on Birth Weight of Hemşin Lamb. Alinteri Journal of Agriculture Science 33 1 65–73.
IEEE B. Balta ve M. Topal, “Regression Tree Approach for Assessing the Effects of Non-Genetic Factors on Birth Weight of Hemşin Lamb”, Alinteri Journal of Agriculture Science, c. 33, sy. 1, ss. 65–73, 2018, doi: 10.28955/alinterizbd.372671.
ISNAD Balta, Burcuhan - Topal, Mehmet. “Regression Tree Approach for Assessing the Effects of Non-Genetic Factors on Birth Weight of Hemşin Lamb”. Alinteri Journal of Agriculture Science 33/1 (Haziran 2018), 65-73.
JAMA Balta B, Topal M. Regression Tree Approach for Assessing the Effects of Non-Genetic Factors on Birth Weight of Hemşin Lamb. Alinteri Journal of Agriculture Science. 2018;33:65–73.
MLA Balta, Burcuhan ve Mehmet Topal. “Regression Tree Approach for Assessing the Effects of Non-Genetic Factors on Birth Weight of Hemşin Lamb”. Alinteri Journal of Agriculture Science, c. 33, sy. 1, 2018, ss. 65-73, doi:10.28955/alinterizbd.372671.
Vancouver Balta B, Topal M. Regression Tree Approach for Assessing the Effects of Non-Genetic Factors on Birth Weight of Hemşin Lamb. Alinteri Journal of Agriculture Science. 2018;33(1):65-73.