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Edirne İlinde Buğday Üretiminde Enerji Kullanım Etkinliği ve Sera Gazı Emisyonunun Karşılaştırmalı Analizi

Yıl 2022, , 277 - 286, 29.12.2022


Bu çalışmada Edirne ilinde toprak analizi yaptıran ve yaptırmayan işletmelerde buğday üretiminin enerji kullanım etkinliği ve sera gazı emisyonunun belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Edirne ilinde toprak analizi için en fazla numune alımı kabul eden ve gübre tavsiyesi veren üç laboratuvarda 2015 yılında toprak analizi yaptıran 60 üretici ve aynı bölgede toprak analizi yaptırmayan 40 üretici ile anket çalışması yapılmış olup, toplamda 100 üretici ile görüşülmüştür. Toprak analizi yaptıran işletmelerde enerji kullanım etkinliği, enerji verimliliği, spesifik enerji ve net enerji sırasıyla 3,54, 0,20 kg MJ-1, 5,09 MJ kg-1 ve 60191.34 MJ, toprak analizi yaptırmayan işletmelerde ise sırasıyla 3,19, 0,17 kg MJ-1, 5,74 MJ kg-1 ve 54508.49 MJ olarak bulunmuştur. Toprak analizi yaptıran ve yaptırmayan işletmelerde buğday üretimi için kg başına sera gazı oranları sırasıyla 0,66 ve 0,72 olarak bulunmuştur. Toprak analizi yaptıran işletmelerde kimyasal gübrelerin enerji kullanımı ve toplam sera gazı emisyonlarındaki payları diğer üretici grubuna göre daha düşüktür. Yapılan analizler sonucunda, toprak analizi yaptıran işletmelerde buğday üretiminin enerji kullanımı ve sera gazı emisyonları bakımından analiz yaptırmayan işletmelere göre daha verimli olduğu belirlenmiş olup, bu sonuçlar toprak analizi yaptırmanın ve gübre miktarını toprak analiz sonuçlarına göre uygulamanın önemini ortaya çıkarmaktadır.


  • Abbas, A., M. Yang, R. Ahmad, K. Yousaf, and T. Iqbal. 2017. Energy use efficiency in wheat production: A case study of Paunjab Pakistan. Fresenius Environ Bull. 28 (11): 6773-6779.
  • Altuntaş, E., O.N. Bulut, and E. Özgöz. 2019. Energy use efficiency analysis of wheat production with different soil systems in dry agriculture. Anadolu J Agr Sci. 34 (2019): 57-64.
  • Anonymous 2022c. IBM® SPSS® Statistics 26 Algorithms. Licensed materials property of IBM corporation © copyright IBM corporation and other(s), International.
  • Anonymous. 2015. Harmonised Calculations of Biofuel Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Europe. BioGrace, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
  • Anonymous. 2021. 2020 Yılı Hububat Sektör Raporu. sektorraporlari/hububat2020.pdf (Accessed 20.05.2022).
  • Anonymous. 2022a. Bitkisel Üretim İstatistikleri. Erişim adresi: (Accessed 22.05.2022).
  • Anonymous. 2022b. Turkish Greenhouse Gas Inventory 1990-2020. sera_gazi_em-syon-raporu-20200506141834.pdf (Accessed 20.05.2022).
  • Clark, S., B. Khoshnevisan, and P. Sefeedpari. 2016. Energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions during transition to organic and reduced-input practices: Student farm case study. Ecol. Eng. 88: 186-194.
  • Erdal, G., K. Esengün, H. Erdal, and O. Gündüz. 2007. Energy use and economical analysis of sugar beet production in Tokat Province of Türkiye. Energy 32 (1): 35-41.
  • Eren, O., O. Gokdogan, and M. F. Baran. 2019. Determination of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) in the production of different plants in Türkiye. Fresenius Environ Bull. 28(2A): 1158-1166.
  • Ghorbani, R., F. Mondani, S. Amirmoradi, H. Feizi, S. Khorramdel, and M. Teimouri. 2011. A case study of energy use and economical analysis of irrigated and dry land wheat production systems. Appl. Energy 88 (1): 283-288.
  • Gökdoğan, O., and B. Sevim. 2016. Determination of energy balance of wheat production in Türkiye: A case study of Eskil District of Aksaray Province. J. Tekirdag Agric. Fac. 13 (04): 36-43.
  • Güldal, H.T. 2016. Buğday yetiştiriciliğinde toprak analizi sonucuna göre kullanılan gübrenin maliyete etkilerinin belirlenmesi: Konya İli Cihanbeyli İlçesi örneği. Yüksek lisans tezi. A. Ü. Zir. Fak. Fen Bil. Ens. Tarla Bitkileri Ana Bilim Dalı - Ankara.
  • Gültekin, R., S. Aykanat, Y. Korkmaz, and H.A. Karaağaç. 2016. Energy balance of different tillage and sowing systems in wheat production. Journal of Agricultural Machinery Science 12 (1): 59-64.
  • Hetz, E. J. 1992. Energy utilization in Chilean agriculture. Agricultural Mechanization in Asia Africa Latin America (AMA) 23 (2): 52-56.
  • Houshyar, E., H. R. Zareifard, P. Grundmann, and P. Smith. 2015. Determining efficiency of energy input for silage corn production: An econometric approach. Energy 93(2015): 2166-2174.
  • Hughes, D. J., J. S. West, S. D. Atkins, P. Gladders, M. J. Jeger, and B. D. Fitt. 2011. Effects of disease control by fungicides on greenhouse gas emissions by U.K. arable crop production. Pest Manag. Sci. 67(9): 1082-1092. Karaağaç, H. A., M. F. Baran, D. Mart, A. Bolat, and Ö. Eren. 2019. Determination of energy usage efficiency and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in chickpea production (The case of Adana Province). EJOSAT 41: 41-50.
  • Kardoni, F., M. J. Ahmadi, and M.R. Bakhshi. 2014. Energy efficiency analysis and modeling the relationship between energy inputs and wheat yield in Iran. IJAMAD 5 (4): 321-330.
  • Khan, S., M. A. Khan, and N. Latif. 2010. Energy requirements and economic analysis of wheat, rice and barley production in Australia. Soil & Environ. 29(1): 61-68. Mandal, K. G., K. P. Saha, P. K. Ghosh, K. M. Hati, and K. K. Bandyopadhyay. 2002. Bioenergy and economic analysis of soybean-based crop production systems in Central India. Biomass Bioenergy 23 (5): 337–345.
  • Maraseni, T. N., G. Cockfield, J. Maroulis, and G. Chen. 2010. An assessment of greenhouse gas emissions from the Australian vegetables industry. J. Environ. Sci. Health - B Pestic. Food Contam. Agric. Wastes. 45(6): 578-588.
  • Marin, D. J., T. Rusu, M. Mihalache, L. Ilie, E. Nistor, and C. Bolohan. 2015. Influence of soil tillage upon production and energy efficiency in wheat and maize crops. AgroLife Sci. J. 4(2): 43-47.
  • Nassir, A. J., M. N. Ramadhan, and A. A. Majeed Alwan. 2021. Energy input-output analysis in wheat, barley and oat production. Indian J. Ecol. 48(1): 304-307.
  • Nguyen, T. L. T., and J. E. Hermansen. 2012. System expansion for handling co-products in LCA of sugar cane bio-energy systems: GHG consequences of using molasses for ethanol production. Appl. Energy. 89(1): 254-261.
  • Oren, M. N., and H. H. Ozturk. 2006. An analysis of energy utilization for sustainable wheat and cotton production in Southeastern Anatolia Region of Türkiye. J. Sustain. Agric. 29(1), 119-130.
  • Oyewole, C. I. 2016. The Wheat Crop. Report Number: 01, Affiliation: Kogi State University, Anyigab.
  • Pishgar-Komleh, S. H., P. Sefeedpari, and M. Ghahderijani. 2012. Exploring energy consumption and CO2 emission of cotton production in Iran. J. Renew. Sustain. Energy 4(3): 033114-033115.
  • Rafiee, S., H. Seyed, A. Mousavi, and M. Ali. 2010. Modeling and sensitivity analysis of energy inputs for apple production in Iran. Energy. 35(8): 3301–3306.
  • Rajaniemi, M., H. Mikkola, and J. Ahokas. 2011. Greenhouse gas emissions from oats, barley, wheat and rye production. Agron. Res. Biosystem Engineering Special Issue 1: 189-195.
  • Ramah, M., and E. H. Baali. 2013. Energy balance of wheat and barley under Moroccan conditions. Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy. 3(10): 20-27.
  • Safa, M., S. S. Mohtasebi, M. Behroozi Lar, and M. Ghasemi-Varnamkhasti. 2010. Energy consumption in production of grains prevalent in Saveh, Iran. Afr. J. Agric. Res. 5(19): 2637-2646.
  • Shahin, S., A. Jafari, H. Mobli, S. Rafiee, and M. Karimi. 2008. Effect of farm size on energy ratio for wheat production: A case study from Ardabil Province of Iran. American-Eurasian J. Agric. & Environ. Sci. 3 (4): 604-608.
  • Singh, G., S. Singh, and J. Singh. 2004. Optimization of energy inputs for wheat crop in Punjab. Energy Convers. Manag. 45(3): 453-465.
  • Singh, J.M. 2002. On farm energy use pattern in different cropping systems in Haryana, India. MSc Thesis. International Institute of Management University of Flensburg. Sustainable Energy Systems and Management - Germany.
  • Soltani, A., M. H. Rajabi, E. Zeinali, and E. Soltani. 2013. Energy inputs and greenhouse gases emissions in wheat production in Gorgan, Iran. Energy. 50 (1): 54-61.
  • Syp, A., A. Faber, M. Borzecka-Walker, and D. Osuch. 2015. Assessment of greenhouse gas emissions in winter wheat farms using data envelopment analysis approach. Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 24 (5): 2197-2203.
  • Tipi, T., B. Çetin, and A. Vardar. 2009. An analysis of energy use and input costs for wheat production in Türkiye. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment. 7(2): 352-356.
  • Unakıtan, G., and B. Aydın. 2018. Comparison of energy use efficiency and economic analysis of wheat and sunflower production in Türkiye: A case study in Thrace Region. Energy. 149 (2018): 279-285.
  • Yaldız, O, H. H. Öztürk, Y. Zeren ve A. Başçetinçelik. 1990. Türkiye tarla bitkileri üretiminde enerji kullanımı. Ak. Ü. Zir. Fak. Derg. 3 (1-2): 51- 62.
  • Yıldız, T. 2016. An input-output energy analysis of wheat production in Çarşamba District of Samsun Province. Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Gaziosmanpasa University, 33 (3): 10-20.
  • Yılmaz, İ., A. Özalp, and F. Aydoğmuş. 2010. Determination of the energy efficiency in dwarf apple production in Antalya Province: A case study for Elmali. Mediterr Agric Sci. 23 (2): 93-97.
  • Ziaei, S. M., S. M. Mazloumzadeh, and M. Jabbary. 2015. A comparison of energy use and productivity of wheat and barley (case study). J. Saudi Soc. Agric. Sci. 14 (1): 19-25.

Comparative Analysis of Energy Use Efficiency and Greenhouse Gas Emission of Wheat Farming in Edirne Province of Türkiye

Yıl 2022, , 277 - 286, 29.12.2022


This study aimed to determine the energy use efficiency and greenhouse gas emission of wheat production in enterprises that had soil analysis or not. A survey was conducted with 60 producers who had soil analysis in three laboratories in Edirne province, which accepted the most sampling for soil analysis and gave fertilizer recommendations in 2015 and 40 producers who did not have soil analysis in the same region. Thus, a total of 100 producers were interviewed. Energy use efficiency, energy productivity, specific energy and net energy were 3.54, 0.20 kg MJ-1, 5.09 MJ kg-1 and 60191.34 MJ in the enterprises that had soil analysis, respectively. On the other hand, these values were 3.19, 0.17 kg MJ-1, 5.74 MJ kg-1, and 54508.49 MJ in the enterprises that did not have soil analysis. Greenhouse gas (GHG) ratios per kg were found as 0.66 and 0.72 for the wheat production in the enterprises that had and did not have soil analysis, respectively. In the enterprises that had soil analysis, the shares of the chemical fertilizers in energy use and total GHG emissions were lower than the other producer group. As a result of the analysis, it was determined that wheat production in the enterprises that had soil analysis was more efficient in terms of energy use and greenhouse gas emissions compared to enterprises that did not have analysis and these results revealed the importance of having soil analysis and applying fertilizer amounts according to soil analysis results.


  • Abbas, A., M. Yang, R. Ahmad, K. Yousaf, and T. Iqbal. 2017. Energy use efficiency in wheat production: A case study of Paunjab Pakistan. Fresenius Environ Bull. 28 (11): 6773-6779.
  • Altuntaş, E., O.N. Bulut, and E. Özgöz. 2019. Energy use efficiency analysis of wheat production with different soil systems in dry agriculture. Anadolu J Agr Sci. 34 (2019): 57-64.
  • Anonymous 2022c. IBM® SPSS® Statistics 26 Algorithms. Licensed materials property of IBM corporation © copyright IBM corporation and other(s), International.
  • Anonymous. 2015. Harmonised Calculations of Biofuel Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Europe. BioGrace, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
  • Anonymous. 2021. 2020 Yılı Hububat Sektör Raporu. sektorraporlari/hububat2020.pdf (Accessed 20.05.2022).
  • Anonymous. 2022a. Bitkisel Üretim İstatistikleri. Erişim adresi: (Accessed 22.05.2022).
  • Anonymous. 2022b. Turkish Greenhouse Gas Inventory 1990-2020. sera_gazi_em-syon-raporu-20200506141834.pdf (Accessed 20.05.2022).
  • Clark, S., B. Khoshnevisan, and P. Sefeedpari. 2016. Energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions during transition to organic and reduced-input practices: Student farm case study. Ecol. Eng. 88: 186-194.
  • Erdal, G., K. Esengün, H. Erdal, and O. Gündüz. 2007. Energy use and economical analysis of sugar beet production in Tokat Province of Türkiye. Energy 32 (1): 35-41.
  • Eren, O., O. Gokdogan, and M. F. Baran. 2019. Determination of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) in the production of different plants in Türkiye. Fresenius Environ Bull. 28(2A): 1158-1166.
  • Ghorbani, R., F. Mondani, S. Amirmoradi, H. Feizi, S. Khorramdel, and M. Teimouri. 2011. A case study of energy use and economical analysis of irrigated and dry land wheat production systems. Appl. Energy 88 (1): 283-288.
  • Gökdoğan, O., and B. Sevim. 2016. Determination of energy balance of wheat production in Türkiye: A case study of Eskil District of Aksaray Province. J. Tekirdag Agric. Fac. 13 (04): 36-43.
  • Güldal, H.T. 2016. Buğday yetiştiriciliğinde toprak analizi sonucuna göre kullanılan gübrenin maliyete etkilerinin belirlenmesi: Konya İli Cihanbeyli İlçesi örneği. Yüksek lisans tezi. A. Ü. Zir. Fak. Fen Bil. Ens. Tarla Bitkileri Ana Bilim Dalı - Ankara.
  • Gültekin, R., S. Aykanat, Y. Korkmaz, and H.A. Karaağaç. 2016. Energy balance of different tillage and sowing systems in wheat production. Journal of Agricultural Machinery Science 12 (1): 59-64.
  • Hetz, E. J. 1992. Energy utilization in Chilean agriculture. Agricultural Mechanization in Asia Africa Latin America (AMA) 23 (2): 52-56.
  • Houshyar, E., H. R. Zareifard, P. Grundmann, and P. Smith. 2015. Determining efficiency of energy input for silage corn production: An econometric approach. Energy 93(2015): 2166-2174.
  • Hughes, D. J., J. S. West, S. D. Atkins, P. Gladders, M. J. Jeger, and B. D. Fitt. 2011. Effects of disease control by fungicides on greenhouse gas emissions by U.K. arable crop production. Pest Manag. Sci. 67(9): 1082-1092. Karaağaç, H. A., M. F. Baran, D. Mart, A. Bolat, and Ö. Eren. 2019. Determination of energy usage efficiency and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in chickpea production (The case of Adana Province). EJOSAT 41: 41-50.
  • Kardoni, F., M. J. Ahmadi, and M.R. Bakhshi. 2014. Energy efficiency analysis and modeling the relationship between energy inputs and wheat yield in Iran. IJAMAD 5 (4): 321-330.
  • Khan, S., M. A. Khan, and N. Latif. 2010. Energy requirements and economic analysis of wheat, rice and barley production in Australia. Soil & Environ. 29(1): 61-68. Mandal, K. G., K. P. Saha, P. K. Ghosh, K. M. Hati, and K. K. Bandyopadhyay. 2002. Bioenergy and economic analysis of soybean-based crop production systems in Central India. Biomass Bioenergy 23 (5): 337–345.
  • Maraseni, T. N., G. Cockfield, J. Maroulis, and G. Chen. 2010. An assessment of greenhouse gas emissions from the Australian vegetables industry. J. Environ. Sci. Health - B Pestic. Food Contam. Agric. Wastes. 45(6): 578-588.
  • Marin, D. J., T. Rusu, M. Mihalache, L. Ilie, E. Nistor, and C. Bolohan. 2015. Influence of soil tillage upon production and energy efficiency in wheat and maize crops. AgroLife Sci. J. 4(2): 43-47.
  • Nassir, A. J., M. N. Ramadhan, and A. A. Majeed Alwan. 2021. Energy input-output analysis in wheat, barley and oat production. Indian J. Ecol. 48(1): 304-307.
  • Nguyen, T. L. T., and J. E. Hermansen. 2012. System expansion for handling co-products in LCA of sugar cane bio-energy systems: GHG consequences of using molasses for ethanol production. Appl. Energy. 89(1): 254-261.
  • Oren, M. N., and H. H. Ozturk. 2006. An analysis of energy utilization for sustainable wheat and cotton production in Southeastern Anatolia Region of Türkiye. J. Sustain. Agric. 29(1), 119-130.
  • Oyewole, C. I. 2016. The Wheat Crop. Report Number: 01, Affiliation: Kogi State University, Anyigab.
  • Pishgar-Komleh, S. H., P. Sefeedpari, and M. Ghahderijani. 2012. Exploring energy consumption and CO2 emission of cotton production in Iran. J. Renew. Sustain. Energy 4(3): 033114-033115.
  • Rafiee, S., H. Seyed, A. Mousavi, and M. Ali. 2010. Modeling and sensitivity analysis of energy inputs for apple production in Iran. Energy. 35(8): 3301–3306.
  • Rajaniemi, M., H. Mikkola, and J. Ahokas. 2011. Greenhouse gas emissions from oats, barley, wheat and rye production. Agron. Res. Biosystem Engineering Special Issue 1: 189-195.
  • Ramah, M., and E. H. Baali. 2013. Energy balance of wheat and barley under Moroccan conditions. Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy. 3(10): 20-27.
  • Safa, M., S. S. Mohtasebi, M. Behroozi Lar, and M. Ghasemi-Varnamkhasti. 2010. Energy consumption in production of grains prevalent in Saveh, Iran. Afr. J. Agric. Res. 5(19): 2637-2646.
  • Shahin, S., A. Jafari, H. Mobli, S. Rafiee, and M. Karimi. 2008. Effect of farm size on energy ratio for wheat production: A case study from Ardabil Province of Iran. American-Eurasian J. Agric. & Environ. Sci. 3 (4): 604-608.
  • Singh, G., S. Singh, and J. Singh. 2004. Optimization of energy inputs for wheat crop in Punjab. Energy Convers. Manag. 45(3): 453-465.
  • Singh, J.M. 2002. On farm energy use pattern in different cropping systems in Haryana, India. MSc Thesis. International Institute of Management University of Flensburg. Sustainable Energy Systems and Management - Germany.
  • Soltani, A., M. H. Rajabi, E. Zeinali, and E. Soltani. 2013. Energy inputs and greenhouse gases emissions in wheat production in Gorgan, Iran. Energy. 50 (1): 54-61.
  • Syp, A., A. Faber, M. Borzecka-Walker, and D. Osuch. 2015. Assessment of greenhouse gas emissions in winter wheat farms using data envelopment analysis approach. Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 24 (5): 2197-2203.
  • Tipi, T., B. Çetin, and A. Vardar. 2009. An analysis of energy use and input costs for wheat production in Türkiye. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment. 7(2): 352-356.
  • Unakıtan, G., and B. Aydın. 2018. Comparison of energy use efficiency and economic analysis of wheat and sunflower production in Türkiye: A case study in Thrace Region. Energy. 149 (2018): 279-285.
  • Yaldız, O, H. H. Öztürk, Y. Zeren ve A. Başçetinçelik. 1990. Türkiye tarla bitkileri üretiminde enerji kullanımı. Ak. Ü. Zir. Fak. Derg. 3 (1-2): 51- 62.
  • Yıldız, T. 2016. An input-output energy analysis of wheat production in Çarşamba District of Samsun Province. Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Gaziosmanpasa University, 33 (3): 10-20.
  • Yılmaz, İ., A. Özalp, and F. Aydoğmuş. 2010. Determination of the energy efficiency in dwarf apple production in Antalya Province: A case study for Elmali. Mediterr Agric Sci. 23 (2): 93-97.
  • Ziaei, S. M., S. M. Mazloumzadeh, and M. Jabbary. 2015. A comparison of energy use and productivity of wheat and barley (case study). J. Saudi Soc. Agric. Sci. 14 (1): 19-25.
Toplam 41 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Ziraat Mühendisliği (Diğer)
Bölüm Makaleler

Başak Aydın Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-5047-7654

Erol Özkan Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-3130-6216

Mehmet Ali Gürbüz Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-4344-992X

İlker Kurşun Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-9556-8245

İhsan Engin Kayhan Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-7513-4087

Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Aralık 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 2 Haziran 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Aydın, B., Özkan, E., Gürbüz, M. A., Kurşun, İ., vd. (2022). Comparative Analysis of Energy Use Efficiency and Greenhouse Gas Emission of Wheat Farming in Edirne Province of Türkiye. ANADOLU Ege Tarımsal Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, 32(2), 277-286.
AMA Aydın B, Özkan E, Gürbüz MA, Kurşun İ, Kayhan İE. Comparative Analysis of Energy Use Efficiency and Greenhouse Gas Emission of Wheat Farming in Edirne Province of Türkiye. ANADOLU. Aralık 2022;32(2):277-286. doi:10.18615/anadolu.1225576
Chicago Aydın, Başak, Erol Özkan, Mehmet Ali Gürbüz, İlker Kurşun, ve İhsan Engin Kayhan. “Comparative Analysis of Energy Use Efficiency and Greenhouse Gas Emission of Wheat Farming in Edirne Province of Türkiye”. ANADOLU Ege Tarımsal Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi 32, sy. 2 (Aralık 2022): 277-86.
EndNote Aydın B, Özkan E, Gürbüz MA, Kurşun İ, Kayhan İE (01 Aralık 2022) Comparative Analysis of Energy Use Efficiency and Greenhouse Gas Emission of Wheat Farming in Edirne Province of Türkiye. ANADOLU Ege Tarımsal Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi 32 2 277–286.
IEEE B. Aydın, E. Özkan, M. A. Gürbüz, İ. Kurşun, ve İ. E. Kayhan, “Comparative Analysis of Energy Use Efficiency and Greenhouse Gas Emission of Wheat Farming in Edirne Province of Türkiye”, ANADOLU, c. 32, sy. 2, ss. 277–286, 2022, doi: 10.18615/anadolu.1225576.
ISNAD Aydın, Başak vd. “Comparative Analysis of Energy Use Efficiency and Greenhouse Gas Emission of Wheat Farming in Edirne Province of Türkiye”. ANADOLU Ege Tarımsal Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi 32/2 (Aralık 2022), 277-286.
JAMA Aydın B, Özkan E, Gürbüz MA, Kurşun İ, Kayhan İE. Comparative Analysis of Energy Use Efficiency and Greenhouse Gas Emission of Wheat Farming in Edirne Province of Türkiye. ANADOLU. 2022;32:277–286.
MLA Aydın, Başak vd. “Comparative Analysis of Energy Use Efficiency and Greenhouse Gas Emission of Wheat Farming in Edirne Province of Türkiye”. ANADOLU Ege Tarımsal Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, c. 32, sy. 2, 2022, ss. 277-86, doi:10.18615/anadolu.1225576.
Vancouver Aydın B, Özkan E, Gürbüz MA, Kurşun İ, Kayhan İE. Comparative Analysis of Energy Use Efficiency and Greenhouse Gas Emission of Wheat Farming in Edirne Province of Türkiye. ANADOLU. 2022;32(2):277-86.
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