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Akrokarp ve Pleurokarp İki Karayosunun (Bryophyta) Karşılaştırmalı Spor Morfolojilerinin İncelenmesi

Yıl 2024, , 110 - 119, 05.12.2024


Bryobiotina alt alemindeki Bryophyta üyeleri çok çeşitli habitatlarda dağılım gösterir. Karayosunları morfolojik olarak iki büyük gruba ayrılır: akrokarp ve pleurokarp. Akrokarpik türler kurak karaktere sahipken, pleurokarpik türler daha nemli bölgelerde yayılış gösterir. Bu çalışmada pleurokarp Brachythecium salebrosum (Hoffm. ex F. Weber & D. Mohr) Schimp. ve akrokarp Crossidium squamiferum var. pottioideum (De Not.) Mönk. sporları karşılaştırmalı olarak incelenmiştir. Spor preparatları hem Erdtman (asetoliz) hem de Wodehouse yöntemleri kullanılarak hazırlanmış ve ışık mikroskobu (IM) altında incelenmiştir. Analizler sonucunda, C. squamiferum var. pottioideum sporlarının her iki yöntemde de oblat olduğu, B. salebrosum sporlarının ise asetoliz yönteminde suboblat, Wodehouse yönteminde ise oblat olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Her iki taksonun sporları da küçük sporlar olarak sınıflandırılır. Ayrıca, her iki taksonun sporlarında ekvatoral eksen polar eksenden daha uzundur ve sporların intin tabakasının kalınlıkları 0,50 µm (B. salebrosum) ve 0,53 µm (C. squamiferum var. pottioideum) ile neredeyse aynıdır. Buna ek olarak, B. salebrosum sporlarının sklerin kalınlığı her iki yöntemde de yaklaşık 0,70 µm iken, C. squamiferum var. pottioideum'un asetolize sporlarında 0,56 µm ve Wodehouse yöntemi uygulanmış sporlarda ise 0,78 µm'dir. Her iki takson da monolet ve trilet sporlara sahiptir. Diğer yandan, SEM incelemeleri B. salebrosum'un gemmat ornamentasyona sahip olduğunu, C. squamiferum var. pottioideum'un ise verrukat ornamentasyona sahip olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Çalışmalar sonucunda elde edilen bulgular, farklı morfolojik gruplarda yer alan taksonların sporları arasındaki farklılıkların ortaya konmasına yardımcı olmuş ve ekolojik değerlendirmelerinde farklı bir bakış açısı getirmiştir.

Proje Numarası



  • Aslan Z. Çulha H. Ezer T. Doğan C. 2022. Spore Morphologies of Some Acrocarpous Mosses (Bryophyta): Taxonomical and Ecological Significance. Anatolian Bryology. 8:2, 106-113.
  • Aşçı B. Çeter T. Pınar N. Çölgeçen H. Çetin B. 2010. Spore morphology of some Turkish Tortula and Syntrichia species (Pottiaceae Schimp., Bryophyta). The Herb Journal of Systematic Botany. 17:2, 165-180.
  • Aylor D.E. 2002. Settling speed of corn (Zea mays) pollen. Journal of Aerosol Science. 33: 1601-607.
  • Baros A. Járai-Komlódi M. Nilsson Z. 1993. An Atlas of Recent European Bryophyte Spores. Scientia Publishing, Budapest.
  • Blackmore S. Barnes S. 1991. Pollen and Spores. Patterns of Diversification. The Systematics Association. Special Vol. No. 44. Clarendon Press, Oxford.
  • Boros A. Járai-Komlódi M. 1975. An atlas of recent European bryophyte spores. Akademiai Kiado, Budapest.
  • Brown R.C. Lemmon B.E. Shimamura M. Villarreal J.C. Renzaglia K.S. 2015. Spores of relictual bryophytes: diverse adaptations to life on land. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 216: 1-17.
  • Brubaker L. B. Anderson P. M. Murray B. M. Koon D. 1998. A palynological investigation of true-moss (Bryidae) spores: Morphology and occurrence in modern and late Quaternary lake sediments of Alaska. Canadian Journal of Botany. 76:12, 2145-2157.
  • Carrión J.S. Cano M.J. Guerra J. 1995. Spore morphology in the moss genus Pterygoneurum Jur. (Pottiaceae). Nova Hedwigia. 61:3-4, 481-496.
  • Carrión J.S. Ros R.M. Guerra J. 1993. Spore morphology in Pottia starckeana (Hedw.) C. Müll. (Pottiaceae, Musci) and its closest species. Nova Hedwigia. 56:1-2, 89-112.
  • Costa Silva-e-Costa J. Luizi-Ponzo A.P. 2019. Spores of Plagiochila (Dumort.) Dumort.: the taxonomic relevance of morphology and ultrastructure. Acta Botanica Brasilica. 33:1, 1-14.
  • Çeter T. Gözcü M.C. Uyar G. 2018. Spore morphology of some Bartramiaceae species (Bryophyta) in Turkey. Communications Faculty of Sciences University of Ankara Series C Biology. 27:2, 253-262.
  • Erdtman G. 1960. The Acetolysis Method, A Revised Description, Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift. 39: 561-564.
  • Erdtman G. 1969. Handbook of Palynology: An Introduction to the Study of Pollen Grains and Spores. Hafner Publishing Co. New York.
  • Estébanez B. Yamaguchi T. Deguchi H. 2006. Ultrastructure of the spore in four Japanese species of Ptychomitrium Fürnr. (Musci). Grana. 45:1, 61-70.
  • Faegri K. Iversen J. 1975. Textbook of modern pollen analysis. Hafner Press. Munksgaard. Copenhagen. Glime J.M. 2017. Bryophyte Ecology; Michigan Technological University: Houghton. Michigan. USA.
  • Gonçalves-Esteves V. Mezzonato-Pires A.C. Marinho E.B. de Souza R.M.B.S. Esteves R.L. Cartaxo-Pinto S. Mendonça C.B.F. 2022. The importance of palynology to taxonomy. In Aspects of Brazilian floristic diversity: From botany to traditional communities (pp. 119-134). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
  • Gözcü M.C. Çeter T. Uyar G. 2018a. Spore morphology of some Turkish moss species. Communications Faculty of Sciences University of Ankara Series C Biology. 27:2, 204-214.
  • Gözcü M.C. Uyar G. Çeter T. 2018b. Spore morphology of some Weissia species (Pottiaceae) from Turkey. Communications Faculty of Sciences University of Ankara Series C Biology. 27:2, 185-194.
  • Hall J.A. Walter G.H. 2011. Does pollen aerodynamics correlate with pollination vector? Pollen settling velocity as a test for wind versus insect pollination among cycads (Gymnospermae: Cycadaceae: Zamiaceae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 104:1, 75-92.
  • Hussein T. Norros V. Hakala J. Petäjä T. Aalto P.P. Rannik Ü. Vesala T. Ovaskainen O. 2013. Species traits and inertial deposition of fungal spores. Journal of Aerosol Science. 61: 81-98.
  • Johansson V. Lönnell N. Sundberg S. Hylander K. 2014. Release thresholds for moss spores: the importance of turbulence and sporophyte length. Journal of Ecology. 102:3, 721-729.
  • Khoshravesh R. Kazempour Osaloo S.H. 2007. Spore Morphology of Certain Mosses of Northern Tehran-Iran: Taxonomical and Ecological Implications. The Iranian Journal of Botany. 13:2, 150-159.
  • Luizi-Ponzo A.P. Barth O.M. 1999. Spore morphology of some Dicranaceae species (Bryophyta) from Brazil. Grana. 38:1, 42-49.
  • Luizi-Ponzo A.P. Melhem T.S.A. 2006. Spore morphology and ultrastructure of the tropical moss Helicophyllum torquatum (Hook.) Brid. (Helicophyllaceae) in relation to systematics and evolution. Cryptogamie Bryologie. 27:4, 413-420.
  • Luizi-Ponzo A.P. Silva-e-Costa J.D.C. 2019. Complex sporoderm structure in bryophyte spores: a palynological study of Erpodiaceae Broth. Acta Botanica Brasilica. 33:1, 141-148.
  • McClymont J.W. 1955. Spores of the Musci: their structure and significance in systematic research. University of Michigan.
  • Medina N. Estebanez B. Lara F. Mazimpaka V. 2009. On the presence of dimorphic spores in Orthotrichum affine (Bryopsida, Orthotrichaceae). Journal of Bryology. 31: 127-129.
  • Mogensen G.S. 1981. The biological significance of morphological characters in bryophytes: the spore. The Bryologist. 187-207.
  • Passarella M.D.A. Luizi-Ponzo A.P. 2019. Palynology of Amphidium Schimp. (Amphidiaceae M. Stech): can spore morphology circumscribe the genus? Acta Botanica Brasilica. 33: 135-140.
  • Piñeiro M. R. 2017. Esporas de Funaria hygrometrica and Entosthodon laxus (Funariaceae, Bryophyta) para la región de Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. Boletín de la Sociedad Argentina de Botánica. 52:1, 39-44.
  • Potoğlu Erkara İ. 2017. Spore morphology, taxonomical and ecological importance of some Encalyptaceae Schimp. Species (Bryophyta) from Turkey. Bangladesh Journal of Botany. 46:1, 139-145.
  • Potoglu Erkara I. Savaroglu F. 2007. Spore morphology of some Brachytheciaceae Schimp. species (Bryophyta) from Turkey. Nordic Journal of Botany. 25:3‐4, 194-198.
  • Potoğlu Erkara I. Birgi F. Koyuncu O. 2018. Spore Morphology, Taxonomical and Ecological Importance of Bryophyta From Turkey. Communications Faculty of Sciences University of Ankara Series C Biology. 27:2, 215-223.
  • Punt W. Hoen P.P. Blackmore S. Nilsson S. Le Thomas A. 2007. Glossary of Pollen and Spore Terminology. Review of Palaebotany and Palynology. 143: 1-81.
  • Savaroglu F. Potoglu Erkara I. 2008. Observations of spore morphology of some Pottiaceae Schimp. species (Bryophyta) in Turkey. Plant Systematics and Evolution. 271: 93-99.
  • Savaroğlu F. Potoğlu Erkara I. Baycu C. Alkan M. 2007. Spore morphology of some Bryaceae Schwägr. species (Bryophyta) from Turkey. International Journal of Natural and Engineering Sciences. 1:2, 49-54.
  • Schuette S. Renzaglia K.S. 2010. Development of multicellular spores in the hornwort genus Dendroceros (Dendrocerotaceae, Anthocerotophyta) and the occurrence of endospory in Bryophytes. Nova Hedwigia. 91:3-4, 301-316.
  • Shumilovskikh L. O'Keefe J.M. Marret F. 2021. An overview of the taxonomic groups of non-pollen palynomorphs. Geological Society, London, Special Publications. 511:1, 13-61.
  • Silva-e-Costa J.D.C. Luizi-Ponzo A.P. 2019. Spores of Plagiochila (Dumort.) Dumort.: the taxonomic relevance of morphology and ultrastructure. Acta Botanica Brasilica. 33, 391-404.
  • Simpson M.G. 2019. Plant systematics. Academic press. pp. 68.
  • Sokal R.P. Rholf J.F. 1969. The Principles And Practice Of Statistics in Biological Research. W.H. Freeman and Company. San Francisco.
  • URL1. World Flora Online (WFO) Plant List. 2024. Website: [Access date: 15 September 2024].
  • Walsh S.K. Wolkis D. Maunder M. 2024. Plant conservation. Samuel, M.S. (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Biodiversity. Elsevier. Oxford. 690-706.
  • Wodehouse R. 1935. Pollen grains. Mc. Grew Hill, New York.
  • Zanatta F. Patiño J. Lebeau F. Massinon M. Hylander K. de Haan M. Ballings P. Degreef J. Vanderpoorten A. 2016. Measuring spore settling velocity for an improved assessment of dispersal rates in mosses. Annals of Botany. 118:2, 197-206.

The Investigation of Comparative Spore Morphologies of Acrocarpous and Pleurocarpous Two Mosses (Bryophyta)

Yıl 2024, , 110 - 119, 05.12.2024


Bryophyta members in the subkingdom Bryobiotina are distributed in a wide variety of habitats. Mosses are morphologically divided into two large groups: acrocarpous and pleurocarpous. Acrocarpic species have arid character and pleurocarpic species are distributed in more moist regions. The spores of the pleurocarpous Brachythecium salebrosum (Hoffm. ex F. Weber & D. Mohr) Schimp. and the acrocarpous Crossidium squamiferum var. pottioideum (De Not.) Mönk. were examined in comparison in this study. Spore slides were prepared using both Erdtman (acetolysis) and Wodehouse methods and examined under a light microscope (LM). As a result of the analyses, it was found that the spores of C. squamiferum var. pottioideum were oblate in both methods, while the spores of B. salebrosum were suboblate in the acetolysis method and oblate in the Wodehouse method. Spores of both taxa are classified as small spores. Furthermore, the equatorial axis is longer than the polar axis in the spores of both taxa and the thicknesses of the intine layer of the spores are almost identical at 0.50 µm (B. salebrosum) and 0.53 µm (C. squamiferum var. pottioideum). In addition, the thickness of the sclerine of B. salebrosum spores was about 0.70 µm in both methods, while it was 0.56 µm in acetolysed spores of C. squamiferum var. pottioideum and 0.78 µm in Wodehouse treated spores. Both taxa have monolete and trilete spores. On the other hand, SEM examinations revealed that B. salebrosum has gemmate ornamentation, while C. squamiferum var. pottioideum has verrucate ornamentation. The findings obtained as a result of the studies helped to reveal the differences between the spores of taxa in different morphological groups and brought a different perspective in their ecological evaluation.

Destekleyen Kurum

Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK)

Proje Numarası



This study was financially supported by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) within the scope of 2209-A - Research Project Support Programme for Undergraduate Students (Application Number: 1919B012223572).


  • Aslan Z. Çulha H. Ezer T. Doğan C. 2022. Spore Morphologies of Some Acrocarpous Mosses (Bryophyta): Taxonomical and Ecological Significance. Anatolian Bryology. 8:2, 106-113.
  • Aşçı B. Çeter T. Pınar N. Çölgeçen H. Çetin B. 2010. Spore morphology of some Turkish Tortula and Syntrichia species (Pottiaceae Schimp., Bryophyta). The Herb Journal of Systematic Botany. 17:2, 165-180.
  • Aylor D.E. 2002. Settling speed of corn (Zea mays) pollen. Journal of Aerosol Science. 33: 1601-607.
  • Baros A. Járai-Komlódi M. Nilsson Z. 1993. An Atlas of Recent European Bryophyte Spores. Scientia Publishing, Budapest.
  • Blackmore S. Barnes S. 1991. Pollen and Spores. Patterns of Diversification. The Systematics Association. Special Vol. No. 44. Clarendon Press, Oxford.
  • Boros A. Járai-Komlódi M. 1975. An atlas of recent European bryophyte spores. Akademiai Kiado, Budapest.
  • Brown R.C. Lemmon B.E. Shimamura M. Villarreal J.C. Renzaglia K.S. 2015. Spores of relictual bryophytes: diverse adaptations to life on land. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 216: 1-17.
  • Brubaker L. B. Anderson P. M. Murray B. M. Koon D. 1998. A palynological investigation of true-moss (Bryidae) spores: Morphology and occurrence in modern and late Quaternary lake sediments of Alaska. Canadian Journal of Botany. 76:12, 2145-2157.
  • Carrión J.S. Cano M.J. Guerra J. 1995. Spore morphology in the moss genus Pterygoneurum Jur. (Pottiaceae). Nova Hedwigia. 61:3-4, 481-496.
  • Carrión J.S. Ros R.M. Guerra J. 1993. Spore morphology in Pottia starckeana (Hedw.) C. Müll. (Pottiaceae, Musci) and its closest species. Nova Hedwigia. 56:1-2, 89-112.
  • Costa Silva-e-Costa J. Luizi-Ponzo A.P. 2019. Spores of Plagiochila (Dumort.) Dumort.: the taxonomic relevance of morphology and ultrastructure. Acta Botanica Brasilica. 33:1, 1-14.
  • Çeter T. Gözcü M.C. Uyar G. 2018. Spore morphology of some Bartramiaceae species (Bryophyta) in Turkey. Communications Faculty of Sciences University of Ankara Series C Biology. 27:2, 253-262.
  • Erdtman G. 1960. The Acetolysis Method, A Revised Description, Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift. 39: 561-564.
  • Erdtman G. 1969. Handbook of Palynology: An Introduction to the Study of Pollen Grains and Spores. Hafner Publishing Co. New York.
  • Estébanez B. Yamaguchi T. Deguchi H. 2006. Ultrastructure of the spore in four Japanese species of Ptychomitrium Fürnr. (Musci). Grana. 45:1, 61-70.
  • Faegri K. Iversen J. 1975. Textbook of modern pollen analysis. Hafner Press. Munksgaard. Copenhagen. Glime J.M. 2017. Bryophyte Ecology; Michigan Technological University: Houghton. Michigan. USA.
  • Gonçalves-Esteves V. Mezzonato-Pires A.C. Marinho E.B. de Souza R.M.B.S. Esteves R.L. Cartaxo-Pinto S. Mendonça C.B.F. 2022. The importance of palynology to taxonomy. In Aspects of Brazilian floristic diversity: From botany to traditional communities (pp. 119-134). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
  • Gözcü M.C. Çeter T. Uyar G. 2018a. Spore morphology of some Turkish moss species. Communications Faculty of Sciences University of Ankara Series C Biology. 27:2, 204-214.
  • Gözcü M.C. Uyar G. Çeter T. 2018b. Spore morphology of some Weissia species (Pottiaceae) from Turkey. Communications Faculty of Sciences University of Ankara Series C Biology. 27:2, 185-194.
  • Hall J.A. Walter G.H. 2011. Does pollen aerodynamics correlate with pollination vector? Pollen settling velocity as a test for wind versus insect pollination among cycads (Gymnospermae: Cycadaceae: Zamiaceae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 104:1, 75-92.
  • Hussein T. Norros V. Hakala J. Petäjä T. Aalto P.P. Rannik Ü. Vesala T. Ovaskainen O. 2013. Species traits and inertial deposition of fungal spores. Journal of Aerosol Science. 61: 81-98.
  • Johansson V. Lönnell N. Sundberg S. Hylander K. 2014. Release thresholds for moss spores: the importance of turbulence and sporophyte length. Journal of Ecology. 102:3, 721-729.
  • Khoshravesh R. Kazempour Osaloo S.H. 2007. Spore Morphology of Certain Mosses of Northern Tehran-Iran: Taxonomical and Ecological Implications. The Iranian Journal of Botany. 13:2, 150-159.
  • Luizi-Ponzo A.P. Barth O.M. 1999. Spore morphology of some Dicranaceae species (Bryophyta) from Brazil. Grana. 38:1, 42-49.
  • Luizi-Ponzo A.P. Melhem T.S.A. 2006. Spore morphology and ultrastructure of the tropical moss Helicophyllum torquatum (Hook.) Brid. (Helicophyllaceae) in relation to systematics and evolution. Cryptogamie Bryologie. 27:4, 413-420.
  • Luizi-Ponzo A.P. Silva-e-Costa J.D.C. 2019. Complex sporoderm structure in bryophyte spores: a palynological study of Erpodiaceae Broth. Acta Botanica Brasilica. 33:1, 141-148.
  • McClymont J.W. 1955. Spores of the Musci: their structure and significance in systematic research. University of Michigan.
  • Medina N. Estebanez B. Lara F. Mazimpaka V. 2009. On the presence of dimorphic spores in Orthotrichum affine (Bryopsida, Orthotrichaceae). Journal of Bryology. 31: 127-129.
  • Mogensen G.S. 1981. The biological significance of morphological characters in bryophytes: the spore. The Bryologist. 187-207.
  • Passarella M.D.A. Luizi-Ponzo A.P. 2019. Palynology of Amphidium Schimp. (Amphidiaceae M. Stech): can spore morphology circumscribe the genus? Acta Botanica Brasilica. 33: 135-140.
  • Piñeiro M. R. 2017. Esporas de Funaria hygrometrica and Entosthodon laxus (Funariaceae, Bryophyta) para la región de Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. Boletín de la Sociedad Argentina de Botánica. 52:1, 39-44.
  • Potoğlu Erkara İ. 2017. Spore morphology, taxonomical and ecological importance of some Encalyptaceae Schimp. Species (Bryophyta) from Turkey. Bangladesh Journal of Botany. 46:1, 139-145.
  • Potoglu Erkara I. Savaroglu F. 2007. Spore morphology of some Brachytheciaceae Schimp. species (Bryophyta) from Turkey. Nordic Journal of Botany. 25:3‐4, 194-198.
  • Potoğlu Erkara I. Birgi F. Koyuncu O. 2018. Spore Morphology, Taxonomical and Ecological Importance of Bryophyta From Turkey. Communications Faculty of Sciences University of Ankara Series C Biology. 27:2, 215-223.
  • Punt W. Hoen P.P. Blackmore S. Nilsson S. Le Thomas A. 2007. Glossary of Pollen and Spore Terminology. Review of Palaebotany and Palynology. 143: 1-81.
  • Savaroglu F. Potoglu Erkara I. 2008. Observations of spore morphology of some Pottiaceae Schimp. species (Bryophyta) in Turkey. Plant Systematics and Evolution. 271: 93-99.
  • Savaroğlu F. Potoğlu Erkara I. Baycu C. Alkan M. 2007. Spore morphology of some Bryaceae Schwägr. species (Bryophyta) from Turkey. International Journal of Natural and Engineering Sciences. 1:2, 49-54.
  • Schuette S. Renzaglia K.S. 2010. Development of multicellular spores in the hornwort genus Dendroceros (Dendrocerotaceae, Anthocerotophyta) and the occurrence of endospory in Bryophytes. Nova Hedwigia. 91:3-4, 301-316.
  • Shumilovskikh L. O'Keefe J.M. Marret F. 2021. An overview of the taxonomic groups of non-pollen palynomorphs. Geological Society, London, Special Publications. 511:1, 13-61.
  • Silva-e-Costa J.D.C. Luizi-Ponzo A.P. 2019. Spores of Plagiochila (Dumort.) Dumort.: the taxonomic relevance of morphology and ultrastructure. Acta Botanica Brasilica. 33, 391-404.
  • Simpson M.G. 2019. Plant systematics. Academic press. pp. 68.
  • Sokal R.P. Rholf J.F. 1969. The Principles And Practice Of Statistics in Biological Research. W.H. Freeman and Company. San Francisco.
  • URL1. World Flora Online (WFO) Plant List. 2024. Website: [Access date: 15 September 2024].
  • Walsh S.K. Wolkis D. Maunder M. 2024. Plant conservation. Samuel, M.S. (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Biodiversity. Elsevier. Oxford. 690-706.
  • Wodehouse R. 1935. Pollen grains. Mc. Grew Hill, New York.
  • Zanatta F. Patiño J. Lebeau F. Massinon M. Hylander K. de Haan M. Ballings P. Degreef J. Vanderpoorten A. 2016. Measuring spore settling velocity for an improved assessment of dispersal rates in mosses. Annals of Botany. 118:2, 197-206.
Toplam 46 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Bitki Bilimi (Diğer)
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Züleyha Aslan Ergenekon 0000-0002-5078-2317

Elif Ay 0009-0007-7555-6846

Tülay Ezer 0000-0002-6485-5505

Proje Numarası 1919B012223572
Yayımlanma Tarihi 5 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 14 Ekim 2024
Kabul Tarihi 1 Kasım 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Aslan Ergenekon, Z., Ay, E., & Ezer, T. (2024). The Investigation of Comparative Spore Morphologies of Acrocarpous and Pleurocarpous Two Mosses (Bryophyta). Anatolian Bryology, 10(2), 110-119.

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