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Harmankaya'yı Yeniden Keşfetmek: Zonguldak, Türkiye'de Briyofit Biyoçeşitliliği İçin Kritik Bir Habitat

Yıl 2024, , 158 - 168, 05.12.2024


Bu çalışma briyofitler, özellikle boynuzotları için kritik bir öneme sahip olan Zonguldak Harmankaya Şelaleleri Tabiat Parkı’nın briyofit biyoçeşitliliğini incelemektedir. 2023-2024 yılları arasında yürütülen arazi çalışmalarında su ile ilişkileri açısından üç çevresel zonda değerlendirilen substratlardaki briyofit örnekleri toplanmıştır. Alandan 3 boynuzotu, 39 ciğerotu ve 122 karayosunu olmak üzere toplam 164 briyofit taksonu tanımlanmış olup, Zonguldak briyoflorası için 32 yeni taksonun kaydı verilmiştir. Shannon çeşitlilik indeksi kullanılarak alanın briyoçeşitliliği değerlendirilmiş ve sucul, yarı sucul ve karasal taksonların bir karışımı ile karakterize edilen Bölge II'nin en yüksek çeşitliliğe sahip olduğu ortaya çıkarılmıştır. Çalışma, rekreasyonel faaliyetlerden kaynaklanan artan antropojenik baskılar nedeniyle Harmankaya Şelaleleri için koruma stratejilerinin geliştirilmesine duyulan ihtiyacı vurgulayarak, alanın koruma statüsünün yeniden değerlendirilmesinin önemini vurgulamaktadır.

Proje Numarası



  • Alataş M. Batan N. 2014. Epiphytic bryophytes and vegetation of the Platanus orientalis trees in Zonguldak. Ekoloji. 23:91, 52-63.
  • Alataş M. Ezer T. Batan N. 2019. Epiphytic bryophyte vegetation of Beldibi and Babadağ forests (Zonguldak, Turkey). Eurasian Journal of Forest Science. 7:4, 205-219.
  • Alataş M. Kara R. Ezer, T. Uyar G. Batan N. 2015. The epiphytic bryophyte flora and vegetation of Zonguldak Province, Turkey. Pakistan Journal of Botany. 47:4, 1439-1449.
  • Alataş M. Ören M. Uyar G. 2011. The bryophyte flora in campus center of Zonguldak Karaelmas University. Journal of Bartin Faculty of Forestry. 13:20, 38-51.
  • Ament J. Cumming G. S. 2016. Scale dependency in effectiveness, isolation, and social-ecological spillover of protected areas. Conservation Biology. 30:4, 846-855.
  • Atmiş E. 2018. A critical review of the (potentially) negative impacts of current protected area policies on the nature conservation of forests in Turkey. Land Use Policy. 70, 675-684.
  • Atmiş E. Günşen H.B. Yıldız D. 2020. Tabiat parklarının korunan alan statülerinin değerlendirilmesi: Batı Karadeniz örneği. Turkish Journal of Forestry. 21:2, 148-158.
  • Atmiş E. Artar M. 2013. Türkiye’de Korumadan Kullanmaya Yönelen Doğa Koruma Politikalarının Değerlendirilmesi. 2023’e Doğru 2. Doğa ve Ormancılık Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabı. Artar M. Editör. Orman Mühendisleri Odası. Ankara.
  • Borelli T. Güzelsoy N.A. Hunter D. Tan A. Karabak S. Uçurum H.Ö. Yetim H. Gebhardt W. Taşcı R. 2022. Assessment of the nutritional value of selected wild food plants in Türkiye and their promotion for improved nutrition. Sustainability. 14:17, 11015.
  • Chape S. Harrison J. Spalding M. Lysenko I. 2005. Measuring the extent and effectiveness of protected areas as an indicator for meeting global biodiversity targets. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 360: 1454, 443-455.
  • Dierßen K. 2001. Distribution, Ecological Amplitude and Phytosociological Characterisation of European Bryophytes. J. Cramer Publishing Company. Stuttgart.
  • Dinerstein E. Joshi A. Vynne C. Lee A.T.L. Pharand-Deschênes F. França M.G.C. Fernando S.A. Birch T. Burkart K. Holland R.A. et al. 2020. A “global safety net” to reverse biodiversity loss and stabilize earth’s climate. Science Advances. 6:36.
  • Dinerstein E. Vynne C. Sala E. Joshi A. Fernando S.A. Lovejoy T.E. Mayorga J. Olson D. Asner G.P. Baillie J.E.M. et al. 2019. A global deal for nature: Guiding principles, milestones, and targets. Science Advances. 5:4.
  • Erata H. Batan N. Abay G. Özdemir T. 2021. Anzer Vadisi ve Çevresinin Briyofit Florası (İkizdere, Rize). Anatolian Bryology. 7:2, 131-145.
  • Finkelstein S.A. Doherty C. Loder A.L. 2023. Safety net Ontario: Ontario’s outsized role in the “global safety net” for climate and biodiversity. Facets. 8, 1-17.
  • Frey W. Frahm J. P. Fischer E. Lobin W. 2006. The liverworts, mosses and ferns of Europe. Harley Books. Devon.
  • Gaston K. Jackson S. Cantú‐Salazar L. Cruz-Piñón G. 2008. The ecological performance of protected areas. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics. 39:1, 93-113.
  • Hodgetts N.G. Söderström L. Blockeel T.L. Caspari S. Ignatov M.S. Konstantinova N.A. Lockhart N. Papp B. Schröck C. Sim-Sim M. et al. 2020. An annotated checklist of bryophytes of Europe, Macaronesia and Cyprus. Journal of Bryology. 42:1, 1-116.
  • Küçükali S. Çokgör S. Kartal B. 2006. Temporal variation of dissolved oxygen in a mountain stream plunge pool: An example from northern Turkey. In Proceedings of the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2006. American Society of Civil Engineers.
  • Kürschner H. Erdağ A. 2021. Bryophyte locality data from the Near and Middle East 1775-2019. Hiperyayın. İstanbul.
  • Lara F. Garilleti R. Medina R. Mazimpaka V. 2009. A new key to the Orthotrichum Hedw. in Europe and the Mediterranean Region. Cryptogamie Bryologie. 30:1, 129-142.
  • Oksanen J. Blanchet F.G. Friendly M. Kindt R. Legendre P. McGlinn D. Minchin P.R. O'Hara R.B. Simpson G.L. Solymos P. at al. 2022. vegan: Community Ecology Package. R package version 2.6-4.
  • Orgaz J.D. Cano M.J. Guerra J. 2013. Taxonomic revision of Brachytheciastrum (Brachytheciaceae, Bryophyta) from the Mediterranean region. Systematic Botany. 38:2, 283-294.
  • Orgaz J.D. Cano M.J. Guerra J. 2012. A taxonomic study of genus Brachythecium Schimp. (Brachytheciaceae, Bryophyta) in the Mediterranean region. Nova Hedwigia. 95:3, 295-318.
  • Ören M. Bozkaya S. Özçelik A.D. Hazer Y. Uyar G. 2015. Zonguldak ili briyofit florasına katkılar. Anatolian Bryology. 1:1, 34-41.
  • Ören M. Uyar G. Bozkaya S. Özçelik A.D. Hazer Y. 2016. II. Bölüm: Briyofitler. Zonguldak Ekosistemi. Büyükgüzel K. Kaplan A. Alan Ş. Editors. Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit Üniversitesi Yayınları. Zongudak. pp. 17-46.
  • Paton J. 1999. The liverworts flora of the British Isles. Harley Books. Devon.
  • R Core Team 2024. R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. Version 4.4.1, "Race for Your Life". Available at:
  • Sarıoğlu S. Işın Z. Ursavaş S. Keçeli T. 2017. Türkiye’deki Milli Parkların Briyofit Zenginliği Açısından İrdelenmesi. Anatolian Bryology, 3:2, 103-115.
  • Shannon C.E. 1948. A mathematical theory of communication. Bell System Technical Journal. 27:3, 379-423.
  • Smith A.J.E. 1996. The liverworts of Britain and Ireland. Cambridge University Press. London.
  • Smith A.J.E. 2004. The moss flora of Britain and Ireland. Cambridge University Press. London.
  • Soulé M.E. 1985. What is Conservation Biology? A new synthetic discipline addresses the dynamics and problems of perturbed species, communities, and ecosystems. BioScience. 35:11, 727–734.
  • Unan, A.D. Potemkin, A. Ursavaş, S. Çalışkan, S. Ören M. 2021. New records of two Scapania species (Scapaniaceae, Marchantiophyta) from north of Turkey. Plant Biosystems, 155:4, 679-684.
  • URL 1. Protected Planet. Website: [Retrieved: 5 July 2024].
  • URL 2. Tabiat Koruma Durum Raporu. Website: [Retrieved: 5 July 2024].
  • URL 3. Convention on Biological Diversity. Target 11 - Technical rationale extended (provided in document COP/10/INF/12/Rev.1). Website: [Retrieved: 5 July 2024].
  • URL 4. Milli Parklar Kanunu No. 2873. Website: [Retrieved: 5 July 2024].
  • URL 5. Zonguldak Harmankaya Şelaleleri Tabiat Anıtı. Website: [Retrieved: 5 July 2024].
  • URL 6. Climate: Kardeşler. Website: [Retrieved 5 July 2024].
  • URL 7. Herbarium S catalogue. Website:
  • Ursavaş S. Keçeli T. Uyar G. Ören M. 2021. Dicranella staphylina (Dicranaceae), a new moss record from Turkey and Southwest Asia. Plant Biosystems. 155:3, 48-486.
  • Uyar G. Çetin B. 2006. Contribution to the Moss Flora of Turkey: Western Black Sea Region (Bolu, Kastamonu, Karabük, Bartin and Zonguldak). International Journal of Botany. 2: 229-241.
  • Uyar G. Ören M. Alataş M. 2022. Işık Dağı (Ankara-Çankırı) Briyofit Florası. Anatolian Bryology. 8:1, 11-29.
  • Wickham H François R Henry L Müller K 2023. dplyr: A Grammar of Data Manipulation. R package version 1.1.3.

Rediscovering Harmankaya: A Critical Habitat for Bryophyte Biodiversity in Zonguldak, Türkiye

Yıl 2024, , 158 - 168, 05.12.2024


This study investigates the bryophyte biodiversity of Harmankaya Waterfalls Nature Park in Zonguldak, Türkiye, an area with critical biological significance for hornworts and other bryophyte species. Fieldwork conducted in 2023-2024 documented bryophyte diversity across three environmental zones based on substrate-water interaction levels. A total of 164 bryophyte taxa were identified, including 3 hornwort, 39 liverwort, and 122 moss taxa, with 32 new records for the Zonguldak bryoflora. Bryodiversity was assessed using the Shannon diversity index, revealing that Zone II, characterized by a mix of aquatic, semi-aquatic, and terrestrial taxa, exhibited the highest diversity. This study highlights the need for enhanced conservation strategies for Harmankaya due to increasing anthropogenic pressures from recreational activities, underscoring the importance of reevaluating its protected status.

Destekleyen Kurum


Proje Numarası



This research was funded by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TÜBİTAK) under project number 1919B012112480, as part of the 2209-A: Research Project Support Program for Undergraduate Students.


  • Alataş M. Batan N. 2014. Epiphytic bryophytes and vegetation of the Platanus orientalis trees in Zonguldak. Ekoloji. 23:91, 52-63.
  • Alataş M. Ezer T. Batan N. 2019. Epiphytic bryophyte vegetation of Beldibi and Babadağ forests (Zonguldak, Turkey). Eurasian Journal of Forest Science. 7:4, 205-219.
  • Alataş M. Kara R. Ezer, T. Uyar G. Batan N. 2015. The epiphytic bryophyte flora and vegetation of Zonguldak Province, Turkey. Pakistan Journal of Botany. 47:4, 1439-1449.
  • Alataş M. Ören M. Uyar G. 2011. The bryophyte flora in campus center of Zonguldak Karaelmas University. Journal of Bartin Faculty of Forestry. 13:20, 38-51.
  • Ament J. Cumming G. S. 2016. Scale dependency in effectiveness, isolation, and social-ecological spillover of protected areas. Conservation Biology. 30:4, 846-855.
  • Atmiş E. 2018. A critical review of the (potentially) negative impacts of current protected area policies on the nature conservation of forests in Turkey. Land Use Policy. 70, 675-684.
  • Atmiş E. Günşen H.B. Yıldız D. 2020. Tabiat parklarının korunan alan statülerinin değerlendirilmesi: Batı Karadeniz örneği. Turkish Journal of Forestry. 21:2, 148-158.
  • Atmiş E. Artar M. 2013. Türkiye’de Korumadan Kullanmaya Yönelen Doğa Koruma Politikalarının Değerlendirilmesi. 2023’e Doğru 2. Doğa ve Ormancılık Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabı. Artar M. Editör. Orman Mühendisleri Odası. Ankara.
  • Borelli T. Güzelsoy N.A. Hunter D. Tan A. Karabak S. Uçurum H.Ö. Yetim H. Gebhardt W. Taşcı R. 2022. Assessment of the nutritional value of selected wild food plants in Türkiye and their promotion for improved nutrition. Sustainability. 14:17, 11015.
  • Chape S. Harrison J. Spalding M. Lysenko I. 2005. Measuring the extent and effectiveness of protected areas as an indicator for meeting global biodiversity targets. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 360: 1454, 443-455.
  • Dierßen K. 2001. Distribution, Ecological Amplitude and Phytosociological Characterisation of European Bryophytes. J. Cramer Publishing Company. Stuttgart.
  • Dinerstein E. Joshi A. Vynne C. Lee A.T.L. Pharand-Deschênes F. França M.G.C. Fernando S.A. Birch T. Burkart K. Holland R.A. et al. 2020. A “global safety net” to reverse biodiversity loss and stabilize earth’s climate. Science Advances. 6:36.
  • Dinerstein E. Vynne C. Sala E. Joshi A. Fernando S.A. Lovejoy T.E. Mayorga J. Olson D. Asner G.P. Baillie J.E.M. et al. 2019. A global deal for nature: Guiding principles, milestones, and targets. Science Advances. 5:4.
  • Erata H. Batan N. Abay G. Özdemir T. 2021. Anzer Vadisi ve Çevresinin Briyofit Florası (İkizdere, Rize). Anatolian Bryology. 7:2, 131-145.
  • Finkelstein S.A. Doherty C. Loder A.L. 2023. Safety net Ontario: Ontario’s outsized role in the “global safety net” for climate and biodiversity. Facets. 8, 1-17.
  • Frey W. Frahm J. P. Fischer E. Lobin W. 2006. The liverworts, mosses and ferns of Europe. Harley Books. Devon.
  • Gaston K. Jackson S. Cantú‐Salazar L. Cruz-Piñón G. 2008. The ecological performance of protected areas. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics. 39:1, 93-113.
  • Hodgetts N.G. Söderström L. Blockeel T.L. Caspari S. Ignatov M.S. Konstantinova N.A. Lockhart N. Papp B. Schröck C. Sim-Sim M. et al. 2020. An annotated checklist of bryophytes of Europe, Macaronesia and Cyprus. Journal of Bryology. 42:1, 1-116.
  • Küçükali S. Çokgör S. Kartal B. 2006. Temporal variation of dissolved oxygen in a mountain stream plunge pool: An example from northern Turkey. In Proceedings of the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2006. American Society of Civil Engineers.
  • Kürschner H. Erdağ A. 2021. Bryophyte locality data from the Near and Middle East 1775-2019. Hiperyayın. İstanbul.
  • Lara F. Garilleti R. Medina R. Mazimpaka V. 2009. A new key to the Orthotrichum Hedw. in Europe and the Mediterranean Region. Cryptogamie Bryologie. 30:1, 129-142.
  • Oksanen J. Blanchet F.G. Friendly M. Kindt R. Legendre P. McGlinn D. Minchin P.R. O'Hara R.B. Simpson G.L. Solymos P. at al. 2022. vegan: Community Ecology Package. R package version 2.6-4.
  • Orgaz J.D. Cano M.J. Guerra J. 2013. Taxonomic revision of Brachytheciastrum (Brachytheciaceae, Bryophyta) from the Mediterranean region. Systematic Botany. 38:2, 283-294.
  • Orgaz J.D. Cano M.J. Guerra J. 2012. A taxonomic study of genus Brachythecium Schimp. (Brachytheciaceae, Bryophyta) in the Mediterranean region. Nova Hedwigia. 95:3, 295-318.
  • Ören M. Bozkaya S. Özçelik A.D. Hazer Y. Uyar G. 2015. Zonguldak ili briyofit florasına katkılar. Anatolian Bryology. 1:1, 34-41.
  • Ören M. Uyar G. Bozkaya S. Özçelik A.D. Hazer Y. 2016. II. Bölüm: Briyofitler. Zonguldak Ekosistemi. Büyükgüzel K. Kaplan A. Alan Ş. Editors. Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit Üniversitesi Yayınları. Zongudak. pp. 17-46.
  • Paton J. 1999. The liverworts flora of the British Isles. Harley Books. Devon.
  • R Core Team 2024. R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. Version 4.4.1, "Race for Your Life". Available at:
  • Sarıoğlu S. Işın Z. Ursavaş S. Keçeli T. 2017. Türkiye’deki Milli Parkların Briyofit Zenginliği Açısından İrdelenmesi. Anatolian Bryology, 3:2, 103-115.
  • Shannon C.E. 1948. A mathematical theory of communication. Bell System Technical Journal. 27:3, 379-423.
  • Smith A.J.E. 1996. The liverworts of Britain and Ireland. Cambridge University Press. London.
  • Smith A.J.E. 2004. The moss flora of Britain and Ireland. Cambridge University Press. London.
  • Soulé M.E. 1985. What is Conservation Biology? A new synthetic discipline addresses the dynamics and problems of perturbed species, communities, and ecosystems. BioScience. 35:11, 727–734.
  • Unan, A.D. Potemkin, A. Ursavaş, S. Çalışkan, S. Ören M. 2021. New records of two Scapania species (Scapaniaceae, Marchantiophyta) from north of Turkey. Plant Biosystems, 155:4, 679-684.
  • URL 1. Protected Planet. Website: [Retrieved: 5 July 2024].
  • URL 2. Tabiat Koruma Durum Raporu. Website: [Retrieved: 5 July 2024].
  • URL 3. Convention on Biological Diversity. Target 11 - Technical rationale extended (provided in document COP/10/INF/12/Rev.1). Website: [Retrieved: 5 July 2024].
  • URL 4. Milli Parklar Kanunu No. 2873. Website: [Retrieved: 5 July 2024].
  • URL 5. Zonguldak Harmankaya Şelaleleri Tabiat Anıtı. Website: [Retrieved: 5 July 2024].
  • URL 6. Climate: Kardeşler. Website: [Retrieved 5 July 2024].
  • URL 7. Herbarium S catalogue. Website:
  • Ursavaş S. Keçeli T. Uyar G. Ören M. 2021. Dicranella staphylina (Dicranaceae), a new moss record from Turkey and Southwest Asia. Plant Biosystems. 155:3, 48-486.
  • Uyar G. Çetin B. 2006. Contribution to the Moss Flora of Turkey: Western Black Sea Region (Bolu, Kastamonu, Karabük, Bartin and Zonguldak). International Journal of Botany. 2: 229-241.
  • Uyar G. Ören M. Alataş M. 2022. Işık Dağı (Ankara-Çankırı) Briyofit Florası. Anatolian Bryology. 8:1, 11-29.
  • Wickham H François R Henry L Müller K 2023. dplyr: A Grammar of Data Manipulation. R package version 1.1.3.
Toplam 45 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Bitki Bilimi (Diğer)
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Ayşe Dilek Unan 0000-0003-4812-7871

Selin Bay 0009-0005-5008-0429

Nisanur Türe 0009-0005-8349-7626

Muhammet Ören 0000-0003-1839-3087

Proje Numarası 1919B012112480
Yayımlanma Tarihi 5 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 29 Ekim 2024
Kabul Tarihi 25 Kasım 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Unan, A. D., Bay, S., Türe, N., Ören, M. (2024). Rediscovering Harmankaya: A Critical Habitat for Bryophyte Biodiversity in Zonguldak, Türkiye. Anatolian Bryology, 10(2), 158-168.

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