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Brophyte Flora of Upper Gerede Valley (Bolu-Turkey)

Yıl 2015, , 1 - 9, 15.11.2015


In this study, the bryophyte flora of Upper Gerede Valley (Bolu-Turkey) was investigated. The field trips were conducted between 2011 and 2012, specimens collected from 23 sites. As a result, 89 taxa belong to 28 families were determined. Among them, Campylium stellatum (Hedw.) Lange & C. E. O. Jensen and Hedwigia ciliata (Hedw.) P. Beauv. var. leucophaea Bruch & Schimp. are new records for A2 square according to Henderson’s grid system. Also, 17 taxa are new to bryodiversity of Bolu province.


  • Akman Y. 2011. İklim ve Biyoiklim (Biyoiklim metodları ve Türkiye İklimleri). Palme Yayıncılık. Ankara.
  • Alataş M. Uyar G. 2015. The Bryophyte flora of Abant Mountains (Bolu/Turkey). Biological Diversity and Conservation. 8(1): 35-43.
  • Brugués M. Cros R.M. Guerra J. 2007. Flora Briofitica lbe'rica, Volume ]. Uniersidad de Murcia, Murcia.
  • Bulut Z. Yılmaz H. 2010. The Current Situation of Threatened Endemic Flora In Turkey: Kemaliye (Erzincan) Case. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 42(2): 71 1—719.
  • Cangül C. Ezer T. 2010. The Bryophyte Flora of Kaplandede Mountain (Düzce, Turkey). Folia Cryptogamica Estonica. 4723-12.
  • Casas C. Brugue's M. Cros M.R. Sérgio C. Infante M. 2009. Handbook of Liverworts and Hornworts of the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands. Institut D’estudis Catalans, Barcelona.
  • Cortini Pedrotti C. 2001. Flora dei muschi d’Italia, Sphagnopsida, Andreaopsida, Bryopsida (1 parte). The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Jerusalem.
  • Cortini Pedrotti C. 2006. Flora dei muschi d’Italia, Bryopsida (11 parte). Antonia DelŞno Editore Medicina— Scienze, Roma.
  • Anatolian Bryology 2015. 1(1): 1-9 ----------- -- 9
  • Çetin B. Yurdakulol E. 1985. Gerede-Aktaş (Bolu) ormanlarının karayosunları (Musci) florası. Doğa Bilim Dergisi 9(1): 29—38.
  • Çetin B. Yurdakulol E. 1986. Bolu çevresi (Gerede-Aktaş Ormanı Yedigöller Milli Parkı) ciğerotları (Hepaticae). Doğa Türk Biyoloji Dergisi. lO(l): 53-56.
  • Çetin B. Yurdakulol E. 1988. Yedigöller milli parkının karayosunları florası. Doğa Türk Botanik Dergisi. 12: 128—146.
  • Frey W. Frahm J.P. Fischer E. Lobin W. 1995. Kleine Kryptogamenflora, Band 4, Die Moos — und Farnpflanzen Europas. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart.
  • Goffınet B. Shaw, A.]. 2009. Bryophyte Biology (Second Edition). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • Greven H.C. 1995. Grimmia Hedw. (Grimmiaceae, Musci) in Europe. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden.
  • Greven H.C. 2003. Grimmias ofthe World. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden.
  • Guerra J. Cano M.]. Cros R.M. 2006. Flora Briofıtica Iberica. Volume 3. Uniersidad de Murcia, Murcia.
  • Henderson D. M. 1961. Contribution to the Bryophyte Flora of Turkey: IV. Notes from Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh. 23, 263-278.
  • Heyn C.C. Herrnstadt I. 2004. The Bryophyte Flora of Israel and Adjacent Regions. The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Jerusalem.
  • Kürschner H. Erdağ A. 2005 Bryophytes of Turkey: An Annotated Reference List of the Species with Synonyms from the Recent Literature and an Annotated List of Turkish Bryological Literature. Turkish Journal of Botany. 29: 95-154.
  • Kürschner H. Frey W. 2011. Liverworts, mosses and hornworts of Southwest Asia. (Marchantiophyta, Bryophyta, Anthocerotophyta). Nova Hedwigia. 139: 1—240.
  • Ören M. Uyar G. Keçeli T. 2012. The bryophyte flora of the western part of the Küre Mountains (Bartın, Kastamonu), Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany. 36: 53 8-557.
  • Özenoğlu Kiremit H. Keçeli T. 2009. An Annotated Check-list of the Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of Turkey. Cryptogamie Bryologie. 30 (3): 343-356.
  • Özhatay N. Byfıeld A. Atay S. 2005. Türkiye’nin 122 Önemli Bitki Alanı. WWF Turkey. İstanbul.
  • Paton J. 1999. The Liverworts Flora ofthe British Isles. Harley Books, Essex.
  • Ros R. M. Mazimpaka V. Abou-Salama U. Aleffı M. Blockeel T.L. Brugue's M. Cano M.]. Cros R.M. Dia M.G. Dirkse G.M. et al. 2007. Hepatics and Anthocerotes of the Mediterranean, an annotated checklist. Cryptogamie Bryologie. 28(4): 351-437.
  • Ros R. M. Mazimpaka V. Abou-Salama U. Aleffı M. Blockeel T.L. Brugués M. Cano M.]. Cros R.M. Dia M.G. Dirkse G.M. et al. 2013. Mosses of the Mediterranean, an annotated checklist. Cryptogamie Bryologie. 34 (2): 99-283.
  • Smith A.] .E. 1996. The Liverworts of Britain and Ireland. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • Smith A.] .E. 2004. The Moss Flora of Britain and Ireland (Second Edition). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • Şimşek Ö. 2012. Liverwort (Hepaticae) Flora of Bolu Mountains, Phd thesis, Ankara University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, p. 154.
  • Uyar G. 2003. The Moss Flora of Düzce - Akçakoca Mountains. OT Sistematik Botanik Dergisi. 10:77- 95.
  • Uyar G. Çetin B. 2004. A New Check-List ofthe Mosses ofTurkey. Journal of Bryology. 26: 203- 220.
  • Zander R.H. 1993. Genera of the Pottiaceae: Mosses of Harsh Enviroments. Bulletin of the Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences. Buffalo.
Yıl 2015, , 1 - 9, 15.11.2015


Bu çalışmada Yukarı Gerede Vadisi’nin (Bolu-Türkiye) briyoŞt florası araştırılmıştır. 2011-2012 yıllarında gerçekleştirilen arazi çalışmalarında 23 lokaliteden örnekler toplanmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda 28 familyaya ait 89 takson tespit edilmiştir. Bunlar arasından Campylium stellatum (Hedw.) Lange & C. E. 0. Jensen ve Hedwigia ciliata (Hedw.) P. Beauv. var. leucophaea Bruch & Schimp. Henderson kareleme sistemi için yeni kayıttır. Ayrıca, 17 takson Bolu ili briyoŞt biyoçeşitliliği için yenidir


  • Akman Y. 2011. İklim ve Biyoiklim (Biyoiklim metodları ve Türkiye İklimleri). Palme Yayıncılık. Ankara.
  • Alataş M. Uyar G. 2015. The Bryophyte flora of Abant Mountains (Bolu/Turkey). Biological Diversity and Conservation. 8(1): 35-43.
  • Brugués M. Cros R.M. Guerra J. 2007. Flora Briofitica lbe'rica, Volume ]. Uniersidad de Murcia, Murcia.
  • Bulut Z. Yılmaz H. 2010. The Current Situation of Threatened Endemic Flora In Turkey: Kemaliye (Erzincan) Case. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 42(2): 71 1—719.
  • Cangül C. Ezer T. 2010. The Bryophyte Flora of Kaplandede Mountain (Düzce, Turkey). Folia Cryptogamica Estonica. 4723-12.
  • Casas C. Brugue's M. Cros M.R. Sérgio C. Infante M. 2009. Handbook of Liverworts and Hornworts of the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands. Institut D’estudis Catalans, Barcelona.
  • Cortini Pedrotti C. 2001. Flora dei muschi d’Italia, Sphagnopsida, Andreaopsida, Bryopsida (1 parte). The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Jerusalem.
  • Cortini Pedrotti C. 2006. Flora dei muschi d’Italia, Bryopsida (11 parte). Antonia DelŞno Editore Medicina— Scienze, Roma.
  • Anatolian Bryology 2015. 1(1): 1-9 ----------- -- 9
  • Çetin B. Yurdakulol E. 1985. Gerede-Aktaş (Bolu) ormanlarının karayosunları (Musci) florası. Doğa Bilim Dergisi 9(1): 29—38.
  • Çetin B. Yurdakulol E. 1986. Bolu çevresi (Gerede-Aktaş Ormanı Yedigöller Milli Parkı) ciğerotları (Hepaticae). Doğa Türk Biyoloji Dergisi. lO(l): 53-56.
  • Çetin B. Yurdakulol E. 1988. Yedigöller milli parkının karayosunları florası. Doğa Türk Botanik Dergisi. 12: 128—146.
  • Frey W. Frahm J.P. Fischer E. Lobin W. 1995. Kleine Kryptogamenflora, Band 4, Die Moos — und Farnpflanzen Europas. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart.
  • Goffınet B. Shaw, A.]. 2009. Bryophyte Biology (Second Edition). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • Greven H.C. 1995. Grimmia Hedw. (Grimmiaceae, Musci) in Europe. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden.
  • Greven H.C. 2003. Grimmias ofthe World. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden.
  • Guerra J. Cano M.]. Cros R.M. 2006. Flora Briofıtica Iberica. Volume 3. Uniersidad de Murcia, Murcia.
  • Henderson D. M. 1961. Contribution to the Bryophyte Flora of Turkey: IV. Notes from Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh. 23, 263-278.
  • Heyn C.C. Herrnstadt I. 2004. The Bryophyte Flora of Israel and Adjacent Regions. The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Jerusalem.
  • Kürschner H. Erdağ A. 2005 Bryophytes of Turkey: An Annotated Reference List of the Species with Synonyms from the Recent Literature and an Annotated List of Turkish Bryological Literature. Turkish Journal of Botany. 29: 95-154.
  • Kürschner H. Frey W. 2011. Liverworts, mosses and hornworts of Southwest Asia. (Marchantiophyta, Bryophyta, Anthocerotophyta). Nova Hedwigia. 139: 1—240.
  • Ören M. Uyar G. Keçeli T. 2012. The bryophyte flora of the western part of the Küre Mountains (Bartın, Kastamonu), Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany. 36: 53 8-557.
  • Özenoğlu Kiremit H. Keçeli T. 2009. An Annotated Check-list of the Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of Turkey. Cryptogamie Bryologie. 30 (3): 343-356.
  • Özhatay N. Byfıeld A. Atay S. 2005. Türkiye’nin 122 Önemli Bitki Alanı. WWF Turkey. İstanbul.
  • Paton J. 1999. The Liverworts Flora ofthe British Isles. Harley Books, Essex.
  • Ros R. M. Mazimpaka V. Abou-Salama U. Aleffı M. Blockeel T.L. Brugue's M. Cano M.]. Cros R.M. Dia M.G. Dirkse G.M. et al. 2007. Hepatics and Anthocerotes of the Mediterranean, an annotated checklist. Cryptogamie Bryologie. 28(4): 351-437.
  • Ros R. M. Mazimpaka V. Abou-Salama U. Aleffı M. Blockeel T.L. Brugués M. Cano M.]. Cros R.M. Dia M.G. Dirkse G.M. et al. 2013. Mosses of the Mediterranean, an annotated checklist. Cryptogamie Bryologie. 34 (2): 99-283.
  • Smith A.] .E. 1996. The Liverworts of Britain and Ireland. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • Smith A.] .E. 2004. The Moss Flora of Britain and Ireland (Second Edition). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • Şimşek Ö. 2012. Liverwort (Hepaticae) Flora of Bolu Mountains, Phd thesis, Ankara University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, p. 154.
  • Uyar G. 2003. The Moss Flora of Düzce - Akçakoca Mountains. OT Sistematik Botanik Dergisi. 10:77- 95.
  • Uyar G. Çetin B. 2004. A New Check-List ofthe Mosses ofTurkey. Journal of Bryology. 26: 203- 220.
  • Zander R.H. 1993. Genera of the Pottiaceae: Mosses of Harsh Enviroments. Bulletin of the Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences. Buffalo.
Toplam 33 adet kaynakça vardır.


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PELİN Karaburun Bu kişi benim


AYŞE Özçelik Bu kişi benim


Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Kasım 2015
Gönderilme Tarihi 23 Ocak 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2015

Kaynak Göster

APA Karaburun, P., Uyar, G., Özçelik, A., Ören, M. (2015). Brophyte Flora of Upper Gerede Valley (Bolu-Turkey). Anatolian Bryology, 1(1), 1-9.

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