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Türkiye’nin Muş ve Hakkâri İllerinin Karayosunu Florasına Katkılar

Yıl 2020, , 97 - 104, 15.11.2020


Bu çalışmanın amacı; öncelikle Muş ve Hakkari illerinin karayosunu floralarına ve ayrıca Türkiye karayosunu florasına katkı sağlamaktır. Karayosunu örnekleri 2019 yılı Nisan, Temmuz ve Eylül ayları içerisinde Türkiye'nin güneydoğu bölgesindeki Hakkari ilinin Çukurca ve Derecik ilçelerinden, ayrıca Türkiye'nin doğu bölgesindeki Muş ilinin Varto ve Merkez ilçelerinden toplanmıştır. Topladığımız karayosunu örneklerinin teşhis edilmesi sonucu, Henderson’un Türkiye Kareleme Sistemi’ne göre B9 (Muş) karesi için 3 ve C15 (Hakkâri) karesi için ise 9 taksonun yeni kare kaydı olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bununla birlikte, floristik listedeki tüm taksonlar, onlarla ilgili bütün literatürlerin gözden geçirilmesi sonucu belirlenen, Türkiye dağılımları ve Avrupa için IUCN kategorileri, yaşam formları ve bazı ekolojik özelliklerine (nemlilik, ışık ve asidite) ait bilgilerle birlikte sunulmuştur.


  • Alataş M. Batan N. Hazer Y. 2014. The Moss Flora of Elazığ-Sivrice (Turkey) Province. Biological Diversity and Conservation. 7: 2, 148-153.
  • Alataş M. Batan N. 2015. The Moss Flora of Keban (Elazığ/Turkey) District. Biological Diversity and Conservation. 8: 2, 59-65.
  • Alataş M. Batan N. 2017. The bryophyte flora of Baskil district (Elazığ/Turkey). Biological Diversity and Conservation. 10: 1, 31-38.
  • Alataş M. Ursavaş S. 2019. The bryophyte flora of Palu (Elazığ /Turkey) district. Biological Diversity and Conservation. 12: 1, 81-88.
  • Brugués M. Cros R.M. Guerra J. 2007. Flora Briofitica Ibérica Volumen I, Sphagnales: Sphagnaceae, Andreaeales: Andreaeaceae, Polytrichales: Polytrichaceae, Tetraphidales: Tetraphidaceae, Buxbaumiales: Buxbaumiaceae, Diphysciales: Diphysciaceae, Uniersidad de Murcia, Sociedad Espanola de Briyologia. Murcia.
  • Casas C. Brugués M. Cros R.M. Sergio C. 2006. Handbook of mosses of the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands. Institut d'Estudis Catalans. Barcelona.
  • Cortini Pedrotti C. 2001. Flora dei muschi d’Italia, Sphagnopsida, Andreaopsida, Bryopsida (I parte). ISBN: 88-7287-250-2, Antonio Delfino Editore Medicina-Scienze. pp. 817.
  • Cortini Pedrotti C. 2006. Flora dei muschi d’Italia, Bryopsida (II parte). Roma: Antonia Delfino Editore. ISBN: 88-7287-370-3, Antonio Delfino Editore Medicina-Scienze. pp. 817-1235.
  • Crundwell A.C. Nyholm E. 1979. Some Additions to The Bryophyte Flora of Turkey I. Hepaticae. Journal of Bryology. 10: 479-789.
  • Dierβen K. 2001. Distribution, ecological amplitude and phytosociological characterization of European bryophytes Band 56. Bryophytorum Bibliotheca. Stuttgart.
  • During H.J. 1979. Life Strategies of Bryophytes: A Preliminary Rewiev. Lindbergia. 5: 2-18.
  • Erdağ A. Kürschner H. 2017. Türkiye Bitkileri Listesi (Karayosunları). Ali Nihat Gökyiğit Vakfı Bas. İstanbul.
  • Frey W. Kürschner H. 1991. Lebensstrategien von terrestrischen Bryophyten in der Judäischen Wüste. Botanica Acta. 104: 172-182.
  • Frey W. Frahm J.P. Fischer E. Lobin W. 1995. Kleine Kryptogamenflora, Band 4, Die Moos - und Farnpflanzen Europas. Gustav Fischer Verlag. Stuttgart.
  • Glime J. 2009. Bryophyte Ecology. Ebook sponsored by Michigan Technological University and The International Association of Bryologists. USA.
  • Goffinet B. Shaw A.J. 2009. Bryophyte Biology, Second Edition. Cambridge University Press, The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge.
  • Greven H.C. 2003. Grimmias of The World. Backhuys Publishers. Leiden.
  • Guerra J. Cano M.J. Cros R.M. 2006. Flora Briofitica Iberica VoIumen 3, Pottiales: Pottiaceae, Encalyptales: Encalyptaceae, Uniersidad de Murcia, Sociedad Espanola de Briyologia. Murcia.
  • Günal N. 2013. Türkiye’de İklimin Doğal Bitki Örtüsü Üzerindeki Etkileri. Acta Turcica. 1: 1-22.
  • Hazer Y. 2010. Son Literatür ve Herbaryum Verilerine Göre Türkiye Karayosunlarının Floristik Dağılımı ve Elektronik Veri Tabanının Oluşturulması. Bülent Ecevit Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Zonguldak.
  • Henderson D.M. 1961. Contribution to the Bryophyte Flora of Turkey, IV. Notes from Royal Botanic Garden Edinburg. 23: 263-278.
  • Henderson D.M. Prentice H.T. 1969. Contributions to The Bryophyte Flora of Turkey VIII. Notes From Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh. 29: 235-262.
  • Hedenäs L. 1992. Flora of Maderian Pleurocarpous Mosses (Isobryales, Hypnobryales, Hookeriales), Bryophytorum Bibliotheca, Band 44, J. Cramer. Stuttgart.
  • Heyn C.C. Herrnstadt I. 2004. The Bryophyte Flora of Israel and Adjacent Regions. The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities. Jerusalem. pp. 719.
  • Hill M.O. Preston C.D. Bosanquet S.D.S. Roy D.B. 2007. Bryoatt, Attributes of British and Irish Mosses, Liverworts and Hornworts with Information on Native Status, Size, Life Form, Life History, Geography and Habitat. NERC Copyright. Norwich.
  • Hodgetts N. Lockhart N. 2020. Checklist and country status of European bryophytes-update 2020. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No: 123. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Depatment of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht. Ireland.
  • Kürschner H. Erdağ A. 2005. Bryophytes of Turkey: An Annotated Reference List of the Species with Synonyms from the recent literature and an annotated list of Turkish bryological literature. Turkish Journal of Botany. 29: 95-154.
  • Munoz, J. (1998). A Taxonomic Revision of Grimmia Subgenus Orthogrimmia (Musci, Grimmiaceae). Annals of The Missouri Botanical Garden. 85: 3, 367-403.
  • Nyholm E. 1986. Illustrated Flora of Nordic Mosses, Fasc. 1. Fissidentaceae – Seligeriaceae, The Nordic Bryological Society. Lund.
  • Nyholm E. 1989. Illustrated Flora of Nordic Mosses, Fasc. 2. Pottiaceae – Splachnaceae – Schistostegaceae, The Nordic Bryological Society. Lund.
  • Nyholm E. 1993. Illustrated Flora of Nordic Mosses, Fasc. 3. Bryaceae – Rhodobryaceae – Mniaceae – Cinclidiaceae – Plagiomniaceae, The Nordic Bryological Society. Lund.
  • Nyholm E. 1998. Illustrated Flora of Nordic Mosses, Fasc. 4. Aulacomniaceae – Meesiaceae – Catocopiaceae – Bartramiaceae – Timmiaceae – Encalyptaceae – Grimmiaceae – Ptychomitriaceae – Hedwigiaceae – Orthotrichaceae, The Nordic Bryological Society. Lund.
  • Özenoğlu Kiremit H. Keçeli T. 2009. An annotated check-list of the Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of Turkey. Cryptogamie Bryologie. 30: 343-356.
  • Ros R.M. Mazimpaka V. Abou-Salama U. Aleffi M. Blockeel T.L. Brugués M. Cros RM. Dia MG. Dirkse GM. Draper I. ve ark. 2013. Mosses of the Mediterranean, an annotated checklist. Cryptogam Bryol. 34: 2, 99-283.
  • Smith A.J.E. 2004. The Moss Flora of Britain and Ireland. Second Edition, Cambridge University Press. Cambridge.
  • URL1. 2020. Hakkari ili iklim verileri Website: [Erişim: 02 Temmuz 2020].
  • URL2. 2020. Muş ili iklim verileri Website: [Erişim: 02 Temmuz 2020].
  • Uyar G. Çetin B. 2004. A New Check-List of The Mosses of Turkey. Journal of Bryology. 26: 203-220.
  • Uyar G. Ören M. Ezer T. Gözcü M.C. 2018. The genus Pseudephemerum and Schistidium confusum newly reported from Turkey and Soutwestern Asia. Cryptogamie Bryologie. 39: 1, 55-60.
  • Ursavaş S. Keçeli T. Uyar G. Ören M. 2020. Dicranella staphylina (Dicranaceae), a new moss record from Turkey and South West Asia. Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology, DOI: 10.1080/11263504.2020.1762778
  • Zander R.H. 1993. Genera of The Pottiaceae: Mosses of Harsh Enviroments.: Bullettin of the Buffalo Society of Naturel Sciences 32. Newyork.

Contributions to The Moss Flora of Muş and Hakkari Provinces in Turkey

Yıl 2020, , 97 - 104, 15.11.2020


Firstly, this study aims to contribute to the moss flora of Hakkari and Muş provinces and also, moss flora of Turkey. The moss samples were collected from Çukurca and Derecik districts of Hakkari province in Turkey's south-eastern region, furthermore from Varto and Central districts of Muş province in Turkey's east region in April, July and September the year of 2019. As a result of the identification of these moss specimens, 3 specific taxa have been regarded as the new records for square B9 (Muş) and 9 moss taxa for C15 (Hakkâri) according to the grid-square system of Henderson. Moreover, in the floristic list all taxa, with their Turkey distributions, which are determined by reviewing the related all literatures, and IUCN categories in European and also life forms, ecological characteristics (humidity, light, acidity) belong to these taxa have been given with the floristic list.


  • Alataş M. Batan N. Hazer Y. 2014. The Moss Flora of Elazığ-Sivrice (Turkey) Province. Biological Diversity and Conservation. 7: 2, 148-153.
  • Alataş M. Batan N. 2015. The Moss Flora of Keban (Elazığ/Turkey) District. Biological Diversity and Conservation. 8: 2, 59-65.
  • Alataş M. Batan N. 2017. The bryophyte flora of Baskil district (Elazığ/Turkey). Biological Diversity and Conservation. 10: 1, 31-38.
  • Alataş M. Ursavaş S. 2019. The bryophyte flora of Palu (Elazığ /Turkey) district. Biological Diversity and Conservation. 12: 1, 81-88.
  • Brugués M. Cros R.M. Guerra J. 2007. Flora Briofitica Ibérica Volumen I, Sphagnales: Sphagnaceae, Andreaeales: Andreaeaceae, Polytrichales: Polytrichaceae, Tetraphidales: Tetraphidaceae, Buxbaumiales: Buxbaumiaceae, Diphysciales: Diphysciaceae, Uniersidad de Murcia, Sociedad Espanola de Briyologia. Murcia.
  • Casas C. Brugués M. Cros R.M. Sergio C. 2006. Handbook of mosses of the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands. Institut d'Estudis Catalans. Barcelona.
  • Cortini Pedrotti C. 2001. Flora dei muschi d’Italia, Sphagnopsida, Andreaopsida, Bryopsida (I parte). ISBN: 88-7287-250-2, Antonio Delfino Editore Medicina-Scienze. pp. 817.
  • Cortini Pedrotti C. 2006. Flora dei muschi d’Italia, Bryopsida (II parte). Roma: Antonia Delfino Editore. ISBN: 88-7287-370-3, Antonio Delfino Editore Medicina-Scienze. pp. 817-1235.
  • Crundwell A.C. Nyholm E. 1979. Some Additions to The Bryophyte Flora of Turkey I. Hepaticae. Journal of Bryology. 10: 479-789.
  • Dierβen K. 2001. Distribution, ecological amplitude and phytosociological characterization of European bryophytes Band 56. Bryophytorum Bibliotheca. Stuttgart.
  • During H.J. 1979. Life Strategies of Bryophytes: A Preliminary Rewiev. Lindbergia. 5: 2-18.
  • Erdağ A. Kürschner H. 2017. Türkiye Bitkileri Listesi (Karayosunları). Ali Nihat Gökyiğit Vakfı Bas. İstanbul.
  • Frey W. Kürschner H. 1991. Lebensstrategien von terrestrischen Bryophyten in der Judäischen Wüste. Botanica Acta. 104: 172-182.
  • Frey W. Frahm J.P. Fischer E. Lobin W. 1995. Kleine Kryptogamenflora, Band 4, Die Moos - und Farnpflanzen Europas. Gustav Fischer Verlag. Stuttgart.
  • Glime J. 2009. Bryophyte Ecology. Ebook sponsored by Michigan Technological University and The International Association of Bryologists. USA.
  • Goffinet B. Shaw A.J. 2009. Bryophyte Biology, Second Edition. Cambridge University Press, The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge.
  • Greven H.C. 2003. Grimmias of The World. Backhuys Publishers. Leiden.
  • Guerra J. Cano M.J. Cros R.M. 2006. Flora Briofitica Iberica VoIumen 3, Pottiales: Pottiaceae, Encalyptales: Encalyptaceae, Uniersidad de Murcia, Sociedad Espanola de Briyologia. Murcia.
  • Günal N. 2013. Türkiye’de İklimin Doğal Bitki Örtüsü Üzerindeki Etkileri. Acta Turcica. 1: 1-22.
  • Hazer Y. 2010. Son Literatür ve Herbaryum Verilerine Göre Türkiye Karayosunlarının Floristik Dağılımı ve Elektronik Veri Tabanının Oluşturulması. Bülent Ecevit Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Zonguldak.
  • Henderson D.M. 1961. Contribution to the Bryophyte Flora of Turkey, IV. Notes from Royal Botanic Garden Edinburg. 23: 263-278.
  • Henderson D.M. Prentice H.T. 1969. Contributions to The Bryophyte Flora of Turkey VIII. Notes From Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh. 29: 235-262.
  • Hedenäs L. 1992. Flora of Maderian Pleurocarpous Mosses (Isobryales, Hypnobryales, Hookeriales), Bryophytorum Bibliotheca, Band 44, J. Cramer. Stuttgart.
  • Heyn C.C. Herrnstadt I. 2004. The Bryophyte Flora of Israel and Adjacent Regions. The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities. Jerusalem. pp. 719.
  • Hill M.O. Preston C.D. Bosanquet S.D.S. Roy D.B. 2007. Bryoatt, Attributes of British and Irish Mosses, Liverworts and Hornworts with Information on Native Status, Size, Life Form, Life History, Geography and Habitat. NERC Copyright. Norwich.
  • Hodgetts N. Lockhart N. 2020. Checklist and country status of European bryophytes-update 2020. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No: 123. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Depatment of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht. Ireland.
  • Kürschner H. Erdağ A. 2005. Bryophytes of Turkey: An Annotated Reference List of the Species with Synonyms from the recent literature and an annotated list of Turkish bryological literature. Turkish Journal of Botany. 29: 95-154.
  • Munoz, J. (1998). A Taxonomic Revision of Grimmia Subgenus Orthogrimmia (Musci, Grimmiaceae). Annals of The Missouri Botanical Garden. 85: 3, 367-403.
  • Nyholm E. 1986. Illustrated Flora of Nordic Mosses, Fasc. 1. Fissidentaceae – Seligeriaceae, The Nordic Bryological Society. Lund.
  • Nyholm E. 1989. Illustrated Flora of Nordic Mosses, Fasc. 2. Pottiaceae – Splachnaceae – Schistostegaceae, The Nordic Bryological Society. Lund.
  • Nyholm E. 1993. Illustrated Flora of Nordic Mosses, Fasc. 3. Bryaceae – Rhodobryaceae – Mniaceae – Cinclidiaceae – Plagiomniaceae, The Nordic Bryological Society. Lund.
  • Nyholm E. 1998. Illustrated Flora of Nordic Mosses, Fasc. 4. Aulacomniaceae – Meesiaceae – Catocopiaceae – Bartramiaceae – Timmiaceae – Encalyptaceae – Grimmiaceae – Ptychomitriaceae – Hedwigiaceae – Orthotrichaceae, The Nordic Bryological Society. Lund.
  • Özenoğlu Kiremit H. Keçeli T. 2009. An annotated check-list of the Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of Turkey. Cryptogamie Bryologie. 30: 343-356.
  • Ros R.M. Mazimpaka V. Abou-Salama U. Aleffi M. Blockeel T.L. Brugués M. Cros RM. Dia MG. Dirkse GM. Draper I. ve ark. 2013. Mosses of the Mediterranean, an annotated checklist. Cryptogam Bryol. 34: 2, 99-283.
  • Smith A.J.E. 2004. The Moss Flora of Britain and Ireland. Second Edition, Cambridge University Press. Cambridge.
  • URL1. 2020. Hakkari ili iklim verileri Website: [Erişim: 02 Temmuz 2020].
  • URL2. 2020. Muş ili iklim verileri Website: [Erişim: 02 Temmuz 2020].
  • Uyar G. Çetin B. 2004. A New Check-List of The Mosses of Turkey. Journal of Bryology. 26: 203-220.
  • Uyar G. Ören M. Ezer T. Gözcü M.C. 2018. The genus Pseudephemerum and Schistidium confusum newly reported from Turkey and Soutwestern Asia. Cryptogamie Bryologie. 39: 1, 55-60.
  • Ursavaş S. Keçeli T. Uyar G. Ören M. 2020. Dicranella staphylina (Dicranaceae), a new moss record from Turkey and South West Asia. Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology, DOI: 10.1080/11263504.2020.1762778
  • Zander R.H. 1993. Genera of The Pottiaceae: Mosses of Harsh Enviroments.: Bullettin of the Buffalo Society of Naturel Sciences 32. Newyork.
Toplam 41 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Güray Uyar 0000-0003-4038-6107

Murat Ünal 0000-0002-6224-8269

İbrahim Demir 0000-0003-1533-556X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Kasım 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 8 Ağustos 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020

Kaynak Göster

APA Uyar, G., Ünal, M., & Demir, İ. (2020). Türkiye’nin Muş ve Hakkâri İllerinin Karayosunu Florasına Katkılar. Anatolian Bryology, 6(2), 97-104.

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