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        Anatolian Current Medical Journal (ACMJ) is a refereed, open access and periodical publication. TR-Dizin ULAKBİM apply has been made and is  under the evaluation. The articles published according to the journal’s writing rules are accepted through the DergiPark system. All numbers are available at our web address and Dergipark web page ( for free. Our aim is to provide high-quality scientific articles for disease’s diagnosis and treatment having appropriate innovations internationally. It is a scientific medical journal published four times (January, April, June, October) a year. The articles coming as a refereed journal are primarily evaluated in terms of common rules conformity with the standard requirements defined by the Committee of International Medical Journal Editors / ICMJE (accessing in biomedical articles. You can access all of the articles published in our journal electronically, read and download from our web site ( Our goal is to make sure that your colleagues send the decision and publishing process of publications that we send to you in the shortest possible time. We would like to emphasize that we are always open to suggestions and constructive criticisms to raise the quality of our publication, and that we will show the necessary sensitivity to the statements in this regard.

It is a scientific, internationally refereed journal that publishes retrospective /prospective clinical and laboratory studies, interesting case presentations, invited collections, editorial letters, original images, short reports and surgical technical articles about every branch of medicine. The language of the journal is only English. Manuscripts that have been published in another journal or submitted for review or not prepared according to the rules of the journal are not accepted for evaluation. You can access all of the articles published in our journal electronically, read and download from our web site (

Yayımlanma Ayları
Ocak Nisan Temmuz Ekim

Interuniversity Board (UAK) Equivalency: 1b [Original research article published in journals scanned by international field indexes (included in indices other than the ones mentioned in 1a) - 10 POINTS].

The Directories (indexes) and Platforms we are included in are at the bottom of the page.






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Journal is indexed in;

Crossref (DOI), Google Scholar, EuroPub, Directory of Research Journal İndexing (DRJI), Worldcat (OCLC), General Impact Factor, OpenAIRE, ASOS Index, ROAD, Turkiye Citation Index, Turk Medline

Ulakbim-TR DizinIndex Copernicus, EBSCO, DOAJ is under evaluation.

Journal articles are evaluated as "Double-Blind Peer Review"


There is no charge for sending articles, submitting, evaluating and publishing.

Assoc Prof Dr  Muhammed KIZILGÜL was qualified as an Associated Editor in ACMJ on 15/02/2020,

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ercan YUVANÇ leaved, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alpaslan TANOĞLU became the Editör in Chief in ACMJ on 13/05/2020.