Interuniversity Board (UAK) Equivalency: 1b [Original research article published in journals scanned by international field indexes (included in indices other than the ones mentioned in 1a) - 10 POINTS].
The Directories (indexes) and Platforms we are included in are at the bottom of the page.
Journal is indexed in;
Crossref (DOI), Google Scholar, EuroPub, Directory of Research Journal İndexing (DRJI), Worldcat (OCLC), General Impact Factor, OpenAIRE, ASOS Index, ROAD, Turkiye Citation Index, Turk Medline.
Ulakbim-TR Dizin, Index Copernicus, EBSCO, DOAJ is under evaluation.
Journal articles are evaluated as "Double-Blind Peer Review"
There is no charge for sending articles, submitting, evaluating and publishing.
Assoc Prof Dr Muhammed KIZILGÜL was qualified as an Associated Editor in ACMJ on 15/02/2020,
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ercan YUVANÇ leaved, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alpaslan TANOĞLU became the Editör in Chief in ACMJ on 13/05/2020.