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Bibliometric Analysis for Researches On Emergency Care: 30-Year Thematic Development Mapping with SciMAT

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 4, 117 - 124, 31.12.2020


Aim: This study aims to reveal the change in trends of the themes discussed in the scientific studies conducted in the field of Emergency Medicine by years.

Material and Methods: In this study, 2112 articles published in the Web of Science Core Collection database covering the last 30 years (1990-2019) and containing the term "emergency care" in the title tab in the Web of Science Core Collection database, which is the most accepted in the academic world, were examined using bibliometric scientific mapping method. In these analyses conducted with SciMAT software, which is one of modern science mapping techniques, articles were evaluated in the periods of 1990-1999, 2000-2009 and 2010-2019 years. The findings were examined with the number of articles, total citations, strategic diagrams, cluster networks, thematic development maps and comparative analyzes.

Results: It was observed that the studies carried out in the field of emergency medicine since 1990 have increased in quantity over time, the thematic change is significant in terms of periods and new themes have been evaluated in studies while some themes have declined over time. In emergency medicine, “medicine”, “departments” and “emergency medicine” in 1990-1999, “management”, “satisfaction” and “diabetic ketoacidosis” in 2000-2009 and “practitioner”, “risk” and “geriatrics” in 2010-2019 were found as motor themes.

Conclusion: When the cluster networks and thematic development maps on emergency care are examined, it can be said that the general subject fields and definitions have evolved towards more specific and specific subject fields over the years.


  • Qiang, Li., Jiang Y, Zhang M. National representation in the emergency medicine literature: a bibliometric analysis of highly cited journals. Am J Emerg Med. 2012; 30: 1530–4.
  • Aghababian RV, Barsan WG, Bickell WH, et al.Research directions in emergency medicine. Am J Emerg Med. 1996; 14: 681–3.
  • Henderson SO, Bretsky P. (2003). Predictors of academic productivity in emergency medicine. Acad Emerg Med. 2003; 10:1009–11.
  • Cobo, M. J., López-Herrera, A. G., Herrera-Viedma, E., & Herrera, F. An approach for detecting, quantifying, and visualizing the evolution of a research field: A practical application to the fuzzy sets theory field. Journal of informetrics, 2011; 5(1): 146-166.
  • Cobo, M. J., López‐Herrera, A. G., Herrera‐Viedma, E., & Herrera, F. SciMAT: A new science mapping analysis software tool. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. 2012; 63(8): 1609-1630.
  • Morris, S., & Van Der Veer Martens, B. (2008). Mapping research special-ties. Annual Review of Information Science and Technology. 2008; 42(1): 213–295.
  • Noyons, E.C.M., Moed, H.F., & van Raan, A.F.J. Integratingresearch performance analysis and science mapping. Scientometrics. 1999; 46(3): 591–604.
  • Börner, K., Chen, C., & Boyack, K. Visualizing knowledgedomains. Annual Review of Information Science and Technology. 2003; 37: 179–255.
  • Cobo, M.J., López-Herrera, A.G., Herrera, F., & Herrera-Viedma, E. A note on the ITS topic evolution in the period 2000–2009 atT-ITS. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 2012; 13(1): 413–420.
  • Alonso, S., Cabrerizo, F., Herrera-Viedma, et al. h-index: A review focused in its variants, computation and standardiza-tion for different scientific fields. Journal of Informetrics. 2009; 3(4): 273–289.
  • Hirsch, J. An index to quantify an individual’s scientific researchoutput. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 2005; 102: 6569–16572.
  • Egghe, L. Theory and practise of the g-index. Scientometrics. 2006; 69 (1): 131–152.
  • Alonso, S., Cabrerizo, F., Herrera-Viedma, E.,et al. hg-index: A new index to characterize the scientific output of researchersbased on the h- and g-indices. Scientometrics, 2010; 82(2): 391–400.
  • Cabrerizo, F.J., Alonso, S., Herrera-Viedma, E., et al. q2-index: Quantitative and qualitative evaluation based on the numberand impact of papers in the Hirsch core. Journal of Informetrics. 2010; 4(1): 23–28.
  • Callon, M., Courtial, J. & Laville, F. Co-word analysis as a tool for describing the network of interactions between basic and technological research-The case of polymer chemistry. Scientometrics. 1991; 22(1): 155-205.
  • Martínez, M. A., Cobo, M. J., Herrera, M., et al. Analyzing the scientific evolution of social work using science mapping. Research on Social Work Practice, 2015; 25(2): 257-277.
  • Hyland, K. Academic publishing and the myth of linguistic injustice. Journal of Second Language Writing, 31, 58-69. 18.
  • Tabak, A., Barbak, A., & Öztürk, T. Kamu Politikası Disiplininin Kavramsal Gelişimini Bibliyometri Kullanarak Anlamak Mümkün mü?: 1980-2014 Döneminin Bilimsel Haritalama Analizi. LAÜ Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 2016; 7(2): 117-143.
  • Chen, C. Science mapping: a systematic review of the literature. Journal of Data and Information Science, 2017; 2(2): 1-40.
  • Friedman, L. M., Furberg, C., DeMets, D. L.,et al. Fundamentals of clinical trials (Vol. 4). 2010. New York: springer.
  • Safar, P. On the history of modern resuscitation. Critical care medicine. 1996; 24(2): 3S-11S.
  • Kaba, H., Elçioğlu, Ö. Acil Sağlık Hizmetlerinin Tarihsel Gelişimi Sürecinde İlk ve Acil Yardım Teknikerliği ve Acil Tıp Teknisyenliği Mesleklerinin Ortaya Çıkışı ve Gelişimi. Türkiye Klinikleri Tıp Etiği-Hukuku-Tarihi Dergisi. 2013; 21(3): 127-135.
  • Loiselle, J. M. (2003). The adolescent trauma patient. Clinical Pediatric Emergency Medicine. 2003; 4(1): 4-11.
  • World Health Organization. Burn-out an “occupational phenomenon”: International Classification of Diseases. 2019. World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Arora, M., Asha, S., Chinnappa, J., et al. Burnout in emergency medicine physicians. Emergency Medicine Australasia. 2013; 25(6): 491-495.

Acil Bakım Konulu Araştırmalar İçin Bibliyometrik Analiz: SciMAT İle 30 Yıllık Tematik Gelişim Haritalaması

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 4, 117 - 124, 31.12.2020


Amaç: Acil Tıp alanında yapılan bilimsel çalışmalarda ele alınan temaların yıllara göre değişim eğilimlerini ortaya koymaktır.

Gereç ve Yöntemler: Bu çalışmada akademik dünyada en fazla kabul gören Web of Science Core Collection veri tabanında son 30 yılı kapsayacak şekilde (1990-2019) yayımlanan ve başlık sekmesinde “emergency care” terimini içeren 2112 makale bibliyometrik bilimsel haritalama yöntemi kullanılarak incelemiştir. Modern bilim haritalama tekniklerinden SciMAT yazılımı ile yapılan analizlerde makaleler 1990-1999, 2000-2009 ve 2010-2019 dönemleri halinde ele alınmıştır. Bulgular makale sayısı, toplam atıf sayısı, stratejik diyagramlar, küme ağları, tematik gelişim haritaları ve karşılaştırmalı analizler ile incelenmiştir.

Bulgular: Acil Tıp alanında 1990 yılından itibaren gerçekleştirilen çalışmaların zaman içerisinde nicelik olarak artış gösterdiği, dönemler bazında ele alındığında tematik değişimin belirgin olduğu, zaman içerisinde bazı temalar gerileme gösterirken yeni temalarında araştırmalarda ele alındığı görülmüştür. Acil Tıp alanında 1990-1999 döneminde “medicine”, “departments” ve “emergency medicine”, 2000-2009 döneminde “management”, “satisfaction” ve “diabetic ketoacidosis”, 2010-2019 döneminde “practitioner”, “risk” ve “geriatrics” temalarının motor temalar olduğu belirlenmiştir. Temalara ait h-index ve toplam atıf sayıları gibi veriler tablolarda sunulmuştur.

Sonuç: Acil bakım konusundaki otuz yıllık yayın küme ağları ve tematik gelişim haritaları incelendiğinde genel konu alanları ve tanımlamalarının, yıllar geçtikçe daha spesifik ve özel konu alanlarına doğru evrildiği söylenebilir.


  • Qiang, Li., Jiang Y, Zhang M. National representation in the emergency medicine literature: a bibliometric analysis of highly cited journals. Am J Emerg Med. 2012; 30: 1530–4.
  • Aghababian RV, Barsan WG, Bickell WH, et al.Research directions in emergency medicine. Am J Emerg Med. 1996; 14: 681–3.
  • Henderson SO, Bretsky P. (2003). Predictors of academic productivity in emergency medicine. Acad Emerg Med. 2003; 10:1009–11.
  • Cobo, M. J., López-Herrera, A. G., Herrera-Viedma, E., & Herrera, F. An approach for detecting, quantifying, and visualizing the evolution of a research field: A practical application to the fuzzy sets theory field. Journal of informetrics, 2011; 5(1): 146-166.
  • Cobo, M. J., López‐Herrera, A. G., Herrera‐Viedma, E., & Herrera, F. SciMAT: A new science mapping analysis software tool. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. 2012; 63(8): 1609-1630.
  • Morris, S., & Van Der Veer Martens, B. (2008). Mapping research special-ties. Annual Review of Information Science and Technology. 2008; 42(1): 213–295.
  • Noyons, E.C.M., Moed, H.F., & van Raan, A.F.J. Integratingresearch performance analysis and science mapping. Scientometrics. 1999; 46(3): 591–604.
  • Börner, K., Chen, C., & Boyack, K. Visualizing knowledgedomains. Annual Review of Information Science and Technology. 2003; 37: 179–255.
  • Cobo, M.J., López-Herrera, A.G., Herrera, F., & Herrera-Viedma, E. A note on the ITS topic evolution in the period 2000–2009 atT-ITS. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 2012; 13(1): 413–420.
  • Alonso, S., Cabrerizo, F., Herrera-Viedma, et al. h-index: A review focused in its variants, computation and standardiza-tion for different scientific fields. Journal of Informetrics. 2009; 3(4): 273–289.
  • Hirsch, J. An index to quantify an individual’s scientific researchoutput. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 2005; 102: 6569–16572.
  • Egghe, L. Theory and practise of the g-index. Scientometrics. 2006; 69 (1): 131–152.
  • Alonso, S., Cabrerizo, F., Herrera-Viedma, E.,et al. hg-index: A new index to characterize the scientific output of researchersbased on the h- and g-indices. Scientometrics, 2010; 82(2): 391–400.
  • Cabrerizo, F.J., Alonso, S., Herrera-Viedma, E., et al. q2-index: Quantitative and qualitative evaluation based on the numberand impact of papers in the Hirsch core. Journal of Informetrics. 2010; 4(1): 23–28.
  • Callon, M., Courtial, J. & Laville, F. Co-word analysis as a tool for describing the network of interactions between basic and technological research-The case of polymer chemistry. Scientometrics. 1991; 22(1): 155-205.
  • Martínez, M. A., Cobo, M. J., Herrera, M., et al. Analyzing the scientific evolution of social work using science mapping. Research on Social Work Practice, 2015; 25(2): 257-277.
  • Hyland, K. Academic publishing and the myth of linguistic injustice. Journal of Second Language Writing, 31, 58-69. 18.
  • Tabak, A., Barbak, A., & Öztürk, T. Kamu Politikası Disiplininin Kavramsal Gelişimini Bibliyometri Kullanarak Anlamak Mümkün mü?: 1980-2014 Döneminin Bilimsel Haritalama Analizi. LAÜ Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 2016; 7(2): 117-143.
  • Chen, C. Science mapping: a systematic review of the literature. Journal of Data and Information Science, 2017; 2(2): 1-40.
  • Friedman, L. M., Furberg, C., DeMets, D. L.,et al. Fundamentals of clinical trials (Vol. 4). 2010. New York: springer.
  • Safar, P. On the history of modern resuscitation. Critical care medicine. 1996; 24(2): 3S-11S.
  • Kaba, H., Elçioğlu, Ö. Acil Sağlık Hizmetlerinin Tarihsel Gelişimi Sürecinde İlk ve Acil Yardım Teknikerliği ve Acil Tıp Teknisyenliği Mesleklerinin Ortaya Çıkışı ve Gelişimi. Türkiye Klinikleri Tıp Etiği-Hukuku-Tarihi Dergisi. 2013; 21(3): 127-135.
  • Loiselle, J. M. (2003). The adolescent trauma patient. Clinical Pediatric Emergency Medicine. 2003; 4(1): 4-11.
  • World Health Organization. Burn-out an “occupational phenomenon”: International Classification of Diseases. 2019. World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Arora, M., Asha, S., Chinnappa, J., et al. Burnout in emergency medicine physicians. Emergency Medicine Australasia. 2013; 25(6): 491-495.
Toplam 25 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Klinik Tıp Bilimleri
Bölüm Orijinal Çalışma

Ayhan Tabur 0000-0002-4743-766X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

AMA Tabur A. Bibliometric Analysis for Researches On Emergency Care: 30-Year Thematic Development Mapping with SciMAT. Anatolian J Emerg Med. Aralık 2020;3(4):117-124.